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Healer Companions Problem, not about the nerf


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So, with the current state of the game, I noticed I had way more trouble with some companions in healer stance than others, even when they were at same influence rank.


The problem isn't the companion heals but their basic damage attack. Thoses companions have a melee basic attack even in healer mode which means they keep hugging mobs. As they are close to the mobs I'm fighting, they keep getting unwanted damage from AOE, then they start to heal themselves instead of me, making things harder than it should.


So once again, I can't play with some companions I want to play with because the combat mechanics make them worse than some others.


The solution is simple, when you choose to put a companion in healer mode, switch their basic attack to an appropriate ranged attack then revert to melee basic attack if put in DPS/tank mode.

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sorry to bump this, just would like some opinions and the *****torm made this disappear too quickly.


I've also noticed on a few occasions my companion stop healing entirely to jump over to another nearby group and attack them, usually resulting in us both dying horribly because i couldn't handle the swarm I had intended to fight with a companion plus the one they stirred up then died on alone and they couldn't handle the one they stirred up by themselves.

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From a leveling and planetary Heroic point of view, I've had far greater post-patch success with tank companions than healer ones. They tank, you nuke, heal up, and move on to the next pack. This is even better if your class has strong, spammable AoE.
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