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Ilum daily "Defend the Shipment" bugged?


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afaik, you're never able to defend a crate you've already defended. it always has to be 2 different crates.


although you point out something interesting perhaps what bugs them is that people do one and then don't finish the quest, eventually there are none left that aren't in use...


That explains why the only working crate wouldn't respawn for me. I thought I was being helpful by inviting another player to wait for it with me but just made it so he would never get it at all.


Then again if you cannot defend the same crate twice it wouldn't have mattered if he had gotten it by himself.

Edited by grania
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This quest is still bugged. Just tried it a few minutes ago.


How about disabling the quest from the quest giver until this bug is resolved so we don't keep going up there and wasting our time attempting it eh?


Also, how hard is it to code an item to respawn every few minutes to clear this up? I thought that was the big selling feature of the "hero engine" in that things like this could be coded quickly and debugged easily.

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/Rant ON


This mission is INCOMPLETEABLE a lot of the time when this happens.


I can't believe they let some of the bugs I've seen get through release, to begin with. But to be 2 months out and STILL have GAME BREAKING issues like this NOT fixed is ridiculous.



  • Hardmode Flashpoint bosses STILL occasionally bug in combat, making the instance impossible. (HK-47 & Jindo Anyone?)
  • Half the damn bonus series missions are STILL clogging up my mission log, nearly a month after you said in your own patch notes that it was fixed.



...and these are just a couple of the ones I've noticed.


I understand the desire to put off bugs that require investigation. Hell, I've got a honey-do list on my fridge that I might forget some items on it for a day or two, but if I forget to do something important off the list, like feed the dog for 2 months, he's gonna be dead.


Is it obliviousness, laziness, incompetence? I can't see myself continuing to pay a subscription to a game when I can't trust the company to be capable of supporting it.


And it's not just about the frustration. If this is how you handle bugs, how can I know you're able to keep my personal and credit card info secure?

Edited by habbathejutt
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Why not just replace the mechanism for triggering the assault? A mission inventory item wouldn't suffer the same propensity to being locked out.


Yes the workaround is to not do the quest.
You could try to do it as soon as the servers come back up from maintenance. Edited by Ansultares
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From what I read last time "game breaking bugs" and bugs that "prevent you from continue your progress in the game" had HIGHEST PRIORITY.


Now many ppl have had problems completing dailies on ilum for months, myself included.

If this is no game breaking **** I don't know what is.



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To everyone that thinks it has to do with failing to defend the boxes it doesn't. I can verify that it will bug out if you do this quest with 3 people. 2 will get credit and the third person will appear to have it completed. If they look in their log it will says 2/2 but it will be greyed out and cannot be turned in. In addition to this even if they abandon the quest and get it again it still won't give them credit. On top of all that it will tell anyone else trying to use it that it's already in use. I can verify this happens with 3. It may happen with 4 also I don't know as I've never tried it. So if you want to stop people from breaking it try and get people to do the quest with no more than 2 people. I have also read that if you have an ilum2 and switch to it the boxes there will work since it's a freshly created instance.
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On another note, "Sabotage" is broken in a similar way. There's three pieces of mining equipment, one near the tunnel to the PvP area, one in the edge of some ruin walls, one near the Adegan Crystal spawn. The second one is broken halfway through every single week, the other two sometimes, too. For two days now only the one near the tunnel was doable on my server (Cassus Fett). We even had a week when all three of them were eventually bugged for the second half of the week.


Fix these dailies, or at least admit that they are broken, Bioware!

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