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The Fallen Empire - Romances


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I do agree, and if they did do it that way, I'm all for it :p People can always reroll, at worst it really just costs you new augments slotting :p


At the same time, I can see why people would like more warnings from the devs so they can plan. We have no info. What if the return of some LIs is the crappy KOTOR fashion recruitment and you never hear them again :p


I also think that the AI NPCs should be able to reply to an PCers comments and respond to them. There ought to be an AI NPC Whisper you could talk to them on. For instance I loved Ashara Zarvos, but yesssss I flirted with Lana, however I would have even married Lord Zash but she was so nutty that I trapped her in the Ratakan Soul Box freeing Khem Val. I wanted Lana and Shan to be together now they are in hiding from Revanites so they are now joined together but me and Ashara are happy but I would still like to talk to her to find out some extra replies her AI could make.

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Either that or most everyone will end up with a permanent long distance relationship with their spouse.


EDIT: Or they will return and stay even quieter than they were during Shadows of Revan.


Eh Gads! I played the 3 chapters of that Shadows Of Revan and the Legacy Of Revan and there is some NPC nutjob running around now about 50yrs Before The Battle Of Yavin with an Ratakan Cyborg Leader Chip in his brain!

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So basically what you're saying is everybody's marriage breaks up. Yay?


I really hope the devs aren't this crass.


Life happens as the game changes with new storylines and new options. I wish the Devs would make bettler storylines for the Adult Players and make that portion of the game so that the Adult Players get more realistic Romances with their characters and their companions being in their underwear atleast in a bedroom scene, rather than the companion just putting on gauntlets again. it would get romantic juices flowing and that the Companions can be asked AI Questions by the PC Player character and they could respond more often to the PC Player feedback realistically.

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So basically what you're saying is everybody's marriage breaks up. Yay?


I really hope the devs aren't this crass.

I very much doubt this would be the case for the majority of the relationships in the game. Kaliyo is... well, let's be honest, she's always been crazy. I'm not surprised she went off with a bunch of different guys and was angry at the Agent. She's not what I would call "stable". But then there are other romances who I honestly cannot see wanting the relationship to end.


If you want to look at it legally, all of the marriages are probably defunct by law- when someone goes missing IRL, and it's most likely they're dead, the courts will wait a certain amount of time before declaring them legally dead, at which point their spouse, if they have one, will then be legally considered a widow/widower. But continuing the relationships in game will probably be like continuing right where they left off- happily married.


And look at it from a dev's perspective. They know very, very well how much we love our LI's. For them to take them all from us without any chance of getting them back would be like inviting the Ghost of ME3 to haunt their studios and create destruction and mayhem down on us. If we do loose our spouses, chances are we will know very well that it could happen beforehand. Like choosing between saving a fleet, or saving a ship with our spouse on it. Although I can't see them doing that either, honestly.

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Always thought the romance option that never moved on was stupid. After five years, you'd think they would of moved on, and found someone else. Not because they didn't love you, but because they wanted to let you RIP, and move on with their life( think cast away movie with Tom Hanks). I think that would be more impactful. the feelings for your previous romance is still strong, because to you it's only been a short time, while the love of your life mourned you, and eventually moved on with his/her life, and you have no choice but to carry on...beautiful storytelling there. The way these romances are now, is a bit kiddish. Edited by cool-dude
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Nope, you can still romance your old companion when you get her back but you will have to end your relationship with Lana. A pop up will come up like it did with Lana that will say If you get back in a relationship with your old companion you will be forced to end your relationship with Lana.
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I may dump Theron for Doc, just to see what happens. Plus I am not sure how mama Satele would feel about the Jedi Battlemaster boinking her baby boy.


Cheated on Aric with my Zabrak trooper, never thought the romance fit, but it was early in the game, so why not. Have a cathar trooper that just wants aric back. I wonder if the cheating will effect the Aric recruitment for my Zabrak?


Would never cheat on Akaavi, she would likely dismember me. Stayed true to all the other original love interests, it will be nice to see the reunions.


The only thing I do wish is that the love interest has some interaction between chapters. Maybe a letter on Valentines day, or birthday (game subscription date). Just anything except this long silence for years. Doesn't have to be expensive cut scenes, just a letter or a phrase now and then would be nice.

Edited by MishaCantu
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On my female Jedi Knight, I've been avoiding all the new romances... though I did flirt with Lana a little to try to reduce the tension. In my headcanon, my Knight has been in a lesbian relationship with Kira since Alderaan, regardless of what the game says. I will be squee-ing for months if I get to make it "official" when Kira gets back.


My Agent is already polygamous - Vector (mmmmm, Vector), and the Voss guy, and now romancing Lana in KotFE.


My Warrior already cheated on Quinn by sleeping with Pierce after Quinn betrayed her. Haven't decided yet if I want her to go for Pierce again, or to pick Theron or Lana when I get her into KotFE.


Hunter is staying loyal to Mako, no matter what.


Consular... staying loyal to her Mamo-chan, I mean Felix Irreso. (Though my start at 60 Visas clone is free to go with one of the new KotFE romances).


Trooper is sticking with Jorgan.


Inquisitor... romanced Andronikas but not all that convinced that I want her to stay with him. Might go for Lana. Sith Ladies unite!

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So far in KOTFE only one of my toons has officially cheated on their original LI with a new KOTFE romance and that's my DS JC with Lana cheating on Nadia, some of my other toons took some flirts in SOR but decided against officially cheating once KOTFE came around they'll stick with their original romances. I currently have in KOTFE two toons (JC and SI) romancing Theron, 2 toons romancing Lana (IA and SI) and 1 romancing Koth (smuggler) whom this is their only romance. I also have a few toons who have not romanced anyone, they're holding out for some more romance options later on :D Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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My Warrior already cheated on Quinn by sleeping with Pierce after Quinn betrayed her. Haven't decided yet if I want her to go for Pierce again, or to pick Theron or Lana when I get her into KotFE.

Wait, you can pick up Pierce's friends-with-benefits thing again after you re-recruit him?! I always thought it was just the two of you playing around for fun and it wasn't anything serious! I'd love to find out if you can actually keep going with him!

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Wait, you can pick up Pierce's friends-with-benefits thing again after you re-recruit him?! I always thought it was just the two of you playing around for fun and it wasn't anything serious! I'd love to find out if you can actually keep going with him!


My Warrior isn't in KotFE yet so I have no idea. Part of me thinks you should be able to, and I would do it if allowed.

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I really hope you'll be able to same-sex flirt with the LI characters from your own class. The fact F!Agents apparently can't with Kaliyo is disconcerting, given people have been requesting same-sex romance with class LIs for years. Though I'll begrudgingly accept the concession that non-Agents of both sexes can. Guess we'll see what happens with Aric Jorgan and M!Troopers in the next chapter.




  • Smuggler is with Theron currently (though he kinda fooled around a little with Koth), but if given the choice to flirt with Corso when the time comes, I'm definitely taking it.
  • Trooper, despite being a tease, is staying loyal to Jorgan.
  • Knight is not romanced with anyone (she's good friends with Koth, but so far as I know/care, Doc doesn't exist in her story, haha)
  • Warrior might've flirted with Lana during SOR, but he too is staying single.
  • F!Inquisitor is bisexual. Right now, she's with Lana in SOR (I don't think I'll commit to the romance), but given the chance, she'll probably flirt with Kaliyo, Jorgan, and whoever else comes up.
  • F!Consular is staying single. I liked Felix as a character, but he was not a good match for my Consular.
  • F!Bounty Hunter is staying loyal to Torian.
  • M!Agent is in a relationship with Koth, but we'll see what happens, is all I'm saying...

Edited by MetaRayMek
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I like her and even I think she kinda deserved that.


And no, tasteless comments are never an excuse to assault someone, but when you say them to a Sith Lord, who no matter how rational and reasonable on the surface is still someone who literally draws their power from hate, fear, and anger, who got where they are by beating up other Sith Lords, some of whom were already dead, you're kinda like the little kid who only learns to stop playing with fire when skin grafts become necessary.


What about Skavak's redhaired girlfriend that tried to shanghi me on an nearly abandoned freighter that Skavak had her rig with Droids she programmed to kill me?! Of course I killed her but Skavak came on the Hololink and said he cared little for anyone. The Redhaired girlchild was in a great puppylove for Skavak so she got more or less what she deserved when her droid battery pack ran out on her shied generator. You mouth off to a Smuggler Captain about your superiority over them and they eventually find ways of making sure one rival or another winds up with a blaster bolt fired into their head.

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Everybody can do it, with heroic moment :p


Yes not all the PC Characters are force sensitive but a Jedi much like Yoda can allow even non-Force Sensitive Players to see and use the force, for example Admiral Ortega allowed Ericiswarsolo to see an long dead Jedi Knight that had important information to talk about while inside a Force Ghost Bubble. All Ericiswarsolo and his companion Akaavi Spar had to do was concentrate "opening up their hearts and minds" to what the Force Ghost Jedi Female had to say.

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  • 4 weeks later...
being unfaithful will make it interesting down the line --- for me anyway --- it happens in real life ( NOT to me, I don't cheat on my real life husband, has never crossed my mind) --- but this is a game, so why not ?

and I couldn't resist Theron anyway -- he's such a sweetie; a bit weak in relationship area, but that's ok, I like men with a tender heart ...... and not a great deal of 'talent" with the ladies ...... makes them interesting ..... (guess that's why I'm dumping Doc, he's just "too worldly")


Tashia, I guess my characters and I have about 4 of them are too tender hearted in their PC Roles; even my Sith Characters come out as being Grey Sith Knights not completely Dark Sith.....infact in the last episode I had to fight my "reflection" at the oasis pool.....I won of course but it made me think alot of my choices.

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Yep. You can start a new or continue a romance but will end up breaking up with the previous one. Of the three post KOTFE character romance break ups I'd saw Theran's is the saddest. My only character romancing him is my male agent and since he didn't go with either Kaliyo or Raina it's no worries. :D


My inquisitor is sticking with Andronikos and my trooper rekindled her romance with Aric. I did have my shadow start a romance with Koth but that may not last long if he doesn't take the rose colored glasses off when it comes to Valkorian.

Edited by h_weber
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So there is a chance of reuniting with previous companions like Elara Dorne and Kira Carsen? I heard though that you can get some back but there is no story or conversations with them.


You can retrieve them via the terminal on Odessen (In the side room right before you enter Hylo Visz's area) but they will serve as simple companions during Heroics etc. only. They won't be part of the story and there won't be any conversations to be had with them, not until they're officially introduced in KotFE. Retrieving them however won't affect their appearance in the story so it's completely safe and you won't miss out later.

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