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The Fallen Empire - Romances


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I'm all for new story, new companions, new possible love interests, but I hope and pray Bioware KNOWS we WANT our original love interests back. Yeah one or two are meh for some people, but if I DIDN'T want my husbands I would NOT have married them. So yeah, gimme my love interests/husbands back please.
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Are you crazy? Every time Tora talks I want to toss her out the airlock.




Thana on Taris is crazy , and you can kill her . And you can find a Longggg thread about wanting her a companion AND a romance .


So yes way :p As a lesbian I only get Lana....I wouldn't mind the blue mechanic for my DS Sorc :D

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My guess is that Bioware will give you a choice between your old love-interest from the character origin storylines and your new love-interest from KOTFE. Though having both would be an interesting option as well.


Let me tell you guys something about Tora, even my 100% LS Jedi Sage Healer/Galahad archetype...force-choked Tora...

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I'm finding that time is the issue with me.


I romanced Nadia and when KotFE dropped, I went for Lana no questions asked.

I romanced Nadia what 2-3 years ago?


My BH, I just finished the story and I want to stay with Mako into KotFE.


Like I can't even remember what made Nadia special in the story lol I just remember her being a bit pushy.

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The [choke] response to "Can I haz ur stuff" is awesome and cheers me up all the time.


I like her and even I think she kinda deserved that.


And no, tasteless comments are never an excuse to assault someone, but when you say them to a Sith Lord, who no matter how rational and reasonable on the surface is still someone who literally draws their power from hate, fear, and anger, who got where they are by beating up other Sith Lords, some of whom were already dead, you're kinda like the little kid who only learns to stop playing with fire when skin grafts become necessary.

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Still..that was cheap :p I mean , Choke should and was always a Warrior Sith only awesome power . And now even my Sorc can do it....in a cutscene sure , but still . Why couldn't I zapp ? lousy BW.....


Everybody can do it, with heroic moment :p

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being unfaithful will make it interesting down the line --- for me anyway --- it happens in real life ( NOT to me, I don't cheat on my real life husband, has never crossed my mind) --- but this is a game, so why not ?

and I couldn't resist Theron anyway -- he's such a sweetie; a bit weak in relationship area, but that's ok, I like men with a tender heart ...... and not a great deal of 'talent" with the ladies ...... makes them interesting ..... (guess that's why I'm dumping Doc, he's just "too worldly")

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You romanced Lana and then expect Kira not care? Geez, arrogance overload. I do hope she breaks up without chance of reconciliation. I am really tired of people view how they are center of the universe and people (NPC, companions) should conform to their characters.


Yeah you see I do not wanna play a average Joe as I am one and the acceptance that I can not change anyone only I can change is painful thing but in a video game I want npc to change to suit me. I wanna have power not to be powerless I wanna be what I am not in real life.

People like you are ruining the beauty of video games.

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Yeah you see I do not wanna play a average Joe as I am one and the acceptance that I can not change anyone only I can change is painful thing but in a video game I want npc to change to suit me. I wanna have power not to be powerless I wanna be what I am not in real life.

People like you are ruining the beauty of video games.


The beauty of games is to be what you are not . Not change peoples to something else...


and you wanna change peoples in real life and you can't and you find that painful ? creepy...

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The beauty of games is to be what you are not . Not change peoples to something else...


and you wanna change peoples in real life and you can't and you find that painful ? creepy...


Yeah can you believe that you actually have to endure all the flaws of other people but hey if that is ok for you then you either do 2 things avoid most people and live a solitary life or you are a arrogant ******e. But I am gonna have fun with this no matter what you do.

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Yeah can you believe that you actually have to endure all the flaws of other people but hey if that is ok for you then you either do 2 things avoid most people and live a solitary life or you are a arrogant ******e. But I am gonna have fun with this no matter what you do.


yeah , sorry you are not the sole owner of this world ......

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I based my choices on the letters I got from companions. For example, I thought Jaesa's letter was pretty bad, which made the choice easier. On my female Jedi Sage, she did not choose to romance Ilresso so that left my options wide open. On my female marauder Quinn sent a pretty nice letter. He regrets so much his actions and wants forgiveness. I heard that Kira's letter is pretty kind and shows how she misses your character.


However, I think it is just a personal choice really. I am sure when you are eventually reunited that there will be an option to dump someone. I think it should be choices like you fess up and tell the truth or lie. I think either way, though the companion finds out through some type of confrontation.

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Now I know from the threads that have been posted about the romance bug that it relates mostly to the KOTFE expansion and whether or not the relationship is recognized during conversations with Valkorian. Its also been mentioned by a few that it isn't listed on the new companion information check list, although that may be because the characters have yet to meet their pre-KOTFE romanced companions in the expansion. What I'm curious about is if anyone has had a glitch during the initial three chapters or the expansions leading up to KOTFE. (Hutt Cartel,SOR, Illium)
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Things could get awkward for my female SW when Quinn shows up as she's in a romance with Lana. :) My SW never totally recovered from Quinn's betrayal so she doesn't think she's being disloyal in the slightest by going after Lana. Darth Fat Arse turning on her was something she fully expected and wasn't at all surprised by. Her lover betraying her like Quinn dose, that on the other hand threw her for a loop. She didn't know how to react to that.


My single female IA (Bug Boy did nothing for her) will have her sights set firmly on Theron Shan. :D After all out cast spies have to stick together. ;)


The rest of my toons will most likely remain faithful to their original LI's.

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Thana on Taris is crazy , and you can kill her . And you can find a Longggg thread about wanting her a companion AND a romance .


So yes way :p As a lesbian I only get Lana....I wouldn't mind the blue mechanic for my DS Sorc :D


comparing Thana - crazy hot WILD chick to this pig-laugh ugly something with blue hair is like comparing ferrari f50 to fiat multipla. :rolleyes:

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I enjoy Nadia but she wasn't really a great fit for my Consular. But I wanted him to have some lovin' in his life so I romanced her anyway. I went for Lana because she feels much more like a relationship between equals. Their relationship is great but I feel seriously guilty now. I probably broke that poor padawan's heart!


I guess it's good that the story makes me forget their pixels for a little while.

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All my characters are staying loyal to their spouses, except for my Consular who didn't romance Iresso and went for Theron. She may become attracted to Koth, though... I haven't yet decided.


I did romance Theron with my SW in SoR, since in my headcanon she and Quinn were seriously struggling with their marriage. Her husband tried to kill her for crying out loud, and it's not like he was ever what you could call "romantic". So things were pretty distant between the two of them. And then comes along Theron Shan, all charming and handsome and giving off that "forbidden fruit" vibe... plus, he actually flirted back with her without getting all weird about it. So, yeah, she had a night on the town with him, but when push came to shove about choosing between them... I had her wait for Quinn. He was her first love, plus when the war is over, what is a SW supposed to do with a Republic spy? Besides kill him, I mean.


Now, with my other SW, this might be a different story.

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