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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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Jedi Shadow infilt using 208/216 gear with alliance buffs.and rank 16 comp (Nadia).


Got to the first champ and had it's hp to under 40% and was sure I could kill it. Unfortunetly for me..., the sTupid chAmp knocked my companion off the sTupid edge with his sTupid bombs forcing me to retreat 3 sTInkin' times.


So I dunno if it actually soloable, since I got annoyed and left the H2. Not complaining here, just wanted to share the experience of my attempt to run this blasted heroic with you'll.

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A heroic mission designed for a team of 2 players is no longer soloable? Say it isn't so!


Drama, and melodrama aside, the next time you're in game, hit your Legacy, the default key is Y. Scroll down until you find the SFs and check out the Heroic solo achievement. Maybe it's a typo, or, maybe you didn't have enough information before you decided to try to run someone down?

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I strongly believe that it is SF that needs to be re-adjusted because I was able to complete a heroic on Tatooine just fine.


That might be another consideration...


I will say the heroic "hardness level" varies a lot between worlds.


The first three planets are silly easy, put the comp away, still kill everything in sight.


I did Voss tonight, to try out the differences, and I had a really rough time with it. Had to CC, kite, use everything in the sun, and my companion still died multiple times.


Now you could say, "well you still did it". Yes, that's true, but it was enough of a PITA that it wasn't remotely fun. I won't go back and do them again. I might do some of the low level ones, you can almost just hammer shot them, comp or no comp.


Tat is in the middle, but yea, it isn't hard either.

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Sounds like the Star Fortress Heroics are soloable. Seeing as there are people who can do it.


Sounds like it's harder than doing it with a group. Doesn't at all contradict what was said.


Sounds like the OP is wrong. Just because some can't do it doesn't mean it can't be done.

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Notice time of achievement.


Rank 14 Lana, did it 15 minutes ago. The only reason I didn't have that achievement a month ago is because the overpowered companions made soloing so boring I stopped playing the game for a while.


Fair enough and congrats...


Have you considered that you might be in the 1% of players? What works for you in the game, will drive the bulk away.


So really, congrats, because I had the buffs all on and still was getting melted, and while I'm not the best player by far, I'm no slouch either.


But you may be too skilled for the game. :) Go play ToS HM or something :)

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Sounds like the Star Fortress Heroics are soloable. Seeing as there are people who can do it.


Sounds like it's harder than doing it with a group. Doesn't at all contradict what was said.


Sounds like the OP is wrong. Just because some can't do it doesn't mean it can't be done.


The people doing it are overgeared for it.

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Well, that was fun...


Main DPS Commando, mix of 208/216/220 gear, all augmented with 208.


Lana in healing stance, rank 49 influence.




Death, death, more death... the difference is night and day, she's useless now.


Oh, I suppose if I went and smashed my head against the wall for 2+ hours, I might get lucky and muddle through it, but no thanks.


Glad I finished all 6 before the nuke from orbit. This won't make me group for them, this will make me never do them again.


Oh joy, less to do, less reason to sub.


I challenge anyone who says this isn't soloable to provide a video of your attempt, so that we can see your gear, your influence level with your companions, and observe your gaming skill as you make your attempt.


I have no doubt that many of us are going to consider this impossible, I also know that some of us are going to be able to do it.


This is the current ENDGAME content, and if you don't have everything maxed out, including your actual player skill, you are probably not going to be able to solo this content. There is nothing wrong with that. Enjoy your epic journey getting to the point that you can do it. I know I will.


Note: I cant do it either, with a character that has 208 gear, a lvl 25 influence companion, and lvl 5-8 Specialists, and a build I have only played for a week. My gear is low grade, my skills are weak, and my progression in the alliance system is almost zero. I can make it to the Exarch, but he is just too much for me to handle. I know for certain that I can do it, with time and effort. You can call it a grind if you like, I call it gaming.

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This is the current ENDGAME content, and if you don't have everything maxed out, including your actual player skill, you are probably not going to be able to solo this content.


Star Fortresses are Heroic 2+ instances. According to Eric Musco, and regardless of how people interpret this, Heroic 2+ events/instances are meant to include two characters and one of them can be a companion. There is absolutely no evidence that a Heroic 2+ instance should be any different for anyone than a Heroic 2+ mission. They also drop 208 gear.


Current ENDGAME content is still Operations, none of which are new and all of which were migrated to level 65, and require 8 people or 16 people. It drops 216+ gear.


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect people to go into Star Fortresses in anything other than level 200 gear, which is the gear limit that you can get without going into them or spending lots of crystals.


Stop thinking Star Fortresses are for maxed out, pimped out 220+ augmented heavy armor power machines. It does nobody any good.

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Star Fortresses are Heroic 2+ instances. According to Eric Musco, and regardless of how people interpret this, Heroic 2+ events/instances are meant to include two characters and one of them can be a companion. There is absolutely no evidence that a Heroic 2+ instance should be any different for anyone than a Heroic 2+ mission. They also drop 208 gear.


Current ENDGAME content is still Operations, none of which are new and all of which were migrated to level 65, and require 8 people or 16 people. It drops 216+ gear.


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect people to go into Star Fortresses in anything other than level 200 gear, which is the gear limit that you can get without going into them or spending lots of crystals.


Stop thinking Star Fortresses are for maxed out, pimped out 220+ augmented heavy armor power machines. It does nobody any good.


Well... there is a reason now. There are people who do it in that gear.


Never was it said what requirements was needed to solo all Heroics.

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Define "overgeared."


Practically everyone saying they've made it through have been in 216 to 224 gear, I believe only one person so far (I'd have to look again to be sure) said they were in 208 gear, and last but not least one said he got through in 204 PVP gear.

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Yea I love the "oh it was easy, I have 220/224 gear" posts.


No ****. I hope it's easy for you.


Yeah, that burns my toast too. As usual, raid centric players are catered to and casuals get the....you-know-what up their you-know-where. I don't have the play time available to go OP raiding etc to get the best of the best gear and have it all augmented all to hell. I am a casual player...who has given BW a lot of my money in sub fees since launch and even the occasional CC purchase. My being able to use my companion instead of trying to find a partner of group at the odd times I play was what made the game doable and enjoyable.


I understand that some folks wanted more of a challenge. So, put your companion of freaking passive and deliberately activate their abilities when you want/need! Why complain so much that the rest of us casual players who may not be the most uber leet players in the world have to take it up the rear? Us having great healing companion does NOTHING to take away your enjoyment of the game.


I'm really too angry to even enjoy SWTOR right now. Seriously considering taking a break. I might even just let my sub run out and say "screw it".

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There are people who do it in that gear.


It's people in tricked out max level augmented gear who are the heavy tanky types like juggernauts who are able to solo Heroic Star Fortresses today, and are proud to brag about it on this forum because it makes their epeen swell... but the rest of us players who don't have the ability to do operations or grind incessantly for 220 gear, playing sages or snipers with level 25 healer companions because we haven't spent every waking minute grinding every follower to level 50, running in our level 200 or 208 gear which is what the damn Star Fortress drops anyway... we aren't able to do it. Not anymore.


But whatever. I know how this works. People will simply bleed off until the game is unsustainable, and the epeeners can rest comfortably in their basements knowing they were right about how hard the game should be, until there's nobody but them left to play.


I unsubbed tonight for the first time since the original beta. I don't want to invest anymore time in this game, when it becomes so toxic. Bye all.

Edited by damonskye
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Practically everyone saying they've made it through have been in 216 to 224 gear, I believe only one person so far (I'd have to look again to be sure) said they were in 208 gear, and last but not least one said he got through in 204 PVP gear.


I think 216-220 is the appropriate gear. Aren't you bolstered to average 216-220 anyway if you use the buff terminal?

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Practically everyone saying they've made it through have been in 216 to 224 gear, I believe only one person so far (I'd have to look again to be sure) said they were in 208 gear, and last but not least one said he got through in 204 PVP gear.


Yup. Hatred Assassin, 208 comm gear, 186 crafted relics, blue augs in all except ear/implants. The heroic Star Fortresses are definitely not faceroll but far from impossible if you use your toon's entire toolbox.


The planetary heroics are still a joke.

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Practically everyone saying they've made it through have been in 216 to 224 gear, I believe only one person so far (I'd have to look again to be sure) said they were in 208 gear, and last but not least one said he got through in 204 PVP gear.


I guess you were too busy claiming that I was using an overpowered class (Merc) earlier when you responded to my post to read that I did it in 200 with a level 6 companion. No alliance buffs.

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I'm sure very good players can make it through. it will take them a bit of time and planning, but they will make it through. just to prove a point. is it fun though, especially for the rest of us?


^ That is the problem at times using metrics...


Not everything someone does in a MMO is "fun", sometimes people put up with dailies or hard stuff or whatever because they want something else out of it, achievements or money or something.


Doesn't mean they are having fun. Too much "not fun" and people move to things that are more fun.


Metrics don't have a "fun meter".


Yes, I'm fully aware that healing comps were OP, a 15% nerf would have been fine, but holy crap this was another nuke from orbit.

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The H2 SFs drop 208 gear so if you need 216 to 224 gear just to complete them what does that say?


Only if you're aiming to get the One and Only achievement. You can walk in 190 gear and then get bolstered to 216-220. Technically the 208 drops would still be an improvement.

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Star Fortresses are Heroic 2+ instances. According to Eric Musco, and regardless of how people interpret this, Heroic 2+ events/instances are meant to include two characters and one of them can be a companion. There is absolutely no evidence that a Heroic 2+ instance should be any different for anyone than a Heroic 2+ mission. They also drop 208 gear.


Current ENDGAME content is still Operations, none of which are new and all of which were migrated to level 65, and require 8 people or 16 people. It drops 216+ gear.


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to expect people to go into Star Fortresses in anything other than level 200 gear, which is the gear limit that you can get without going into them or spending lots of crystals.


Stop thinking Star Fortresses are for maxed out, pimped out 220+ augmented heavy armor power machines. It does nobody any good.


There's only one reward that I'm aware of for doing heroic missions. It grants the title <Galactic Hero> and involves doin every single heroic mission in the game.

Heroic Star Fortress grants 4 titles, a speeder, 5 decorations, and 20cc.

Seems kinda obvious that heroic SF is meant to be a touch more challenging than heroic missions.

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