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All day without server.


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You're still rewarding the company for their own failure.


I don't follow that kind of argument, imagine if applied in a larger scale: EA is in the US, Bethesda (Fallout 4) is in the US too, if I bought F4 instead of Battlefront wouldn't I be rewarding the country for their own failure?

I don't see it like that, even though both are EA games, they are still being made by 2 different entities, sure EA would still get my money but only one entity will get the praise for it, while the other won't which could lead to restructuration.

Edited by yoomazir
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Sooo all day no server and my subscription timer is ticking and ticking... do you plan to give us subscribers some kind of compensation? It would be the right thing to do. :jawa_confused:


All though this is a troll thread

30 Days = 720 Hours

$15.00 / 720 = .0208

8 Hours of gameplay is $0.16


The amount of time, or when you play is irrelevant. The value will always be roughly $.02/hour


Are you really ************ about $0.16?

Edited by Jmyster
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All though this is a troll thread

30 Days = 720 Hours

$15.00 / 720 = .0208

8 Hours of gameplay is $0.16


The amount of time, or when you play is irrelevant. The value will always be roughly $.02/hour


Are you really ************ about $0.16?


Again, if the amount is so trivial, why can't the multi-million dollar corporation eat it instead of their customers?

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Yeah, however did you function without SWTOR for a few extra hours...:rolleyes:


Good lord lol. Some of these requests are just pathetic...




Ah, the entitlement generation is abound with acts of complaints.


Go outside, call your Grandmother, how about read a book?


LIfe is not swtor

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Yeah, however did you function without SWTOR for a few extra hours...:rolleyes:


Good lord lol. Some of these requests are just pathetic...


This is the perfect example of someone who doesn't care about their money. or time.

Edited by KOMAAK
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Again, if the amount is so trivial, why can't the multi-million dollar corporation eat it instead of their customers?


Because they clearly state that there will be periods of inactivity for maintenance

Edited by Jmyster
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All though this is a troll thread

30 Days = 720 Hours

$15.00 / 720 = .0208

8 Hours of gameplay is $0.16


The amount of time, or when you play is irrelevant. The value will always be roughly $.02/hour


Are you really ************ about $0.16?


Not everyone thinks like that... And the game is not worth $15 a month.

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Yeah, but then the EU would whine that they get the patch a day later, or the US would whine that we get ours a day later...whoever would be second, would be screwed.


If it was done by date and time? I wouldn't care who got what first, as long as it followed that rule of thumb. Release the patch on the {(x day)+(x month)+(x time)} wouldn't really cause an issue.


"We're releasing (insert expansion name here) on the (insert date here) would remain the same date, regardless of wherever you are in the world, sure someone will get it first. Wouldn't care.


Would we still be able to use the same clients? Probably, but you may need a separate download for US / EU servers, in a similar way that we already have separate downloads for PTS. The launcher already supports multiple versions of the game, so it is feasible. Equally said, if an expansion was being released earlier in the US or EU, you could always patch up to the latest version for the location and play it.


It is possible to do, just depends if BioWare can separate the EU / US servers for patching, and update them individually (and the other bits of tinkering needed in the background). It would stop all the complaints about having a whole day without being able to play, US down? play on the EU for a while, EU down? play on the US for a while.

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This is unexpected downtime, not planned maintenance. Add in the fact that for the past 30 days, the game has been down for more than a day's time.


Ok, $0.48 then? You want 48 cents for compensation? How about half of a Cartel Coin, does that make the Cry Babies happy? because that's all its worth!

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Ok, $0.48 then? You want 48 cents for compensation? How about half of a Cartel Coin, does that make the Cry Babies happy? because that's all its worth!


No. I just want what was paid for. Extend the subscription the amount of time that was lost due to the downtime. Pretty simple, no?


Why the need for insults?

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No. I just want what was paid for. Extend the subscription the amount of time that was lost due to the downtime. Pretty simple, no?


Why the need for insults?


This is a normal part of EVERY MMORPG. Stuff Happens, get over it and move on. I guess it's only insulting if you are one of them. With the Pussifaction of people nowadays, it is needed.

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This is a normal part of EVERY MMORPG. Stuff Happens, get over it and move on. I guess it's only insulting if you are one of them. With the Pussifaction of people nowadays, it is needed.


I'm not surprised that empathy and understanding is lost on you.

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I'm not surprised that empathy and understanding is lost on you.


Nothing is lost

I understand that you are crying over an extra few hours lost to a Video Game


I empathize to no one who's life revolves around a video game. One who needs to have 100% available to them.


You do realize this is a grand total of less than 1% total down time. That's 99% up time. I'll take that any day. I'd pay extra to any service if they could guarantee me a 99% up time

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Nothing is lost

I understand that you are crying over an extra few hours lost to a Video Game


I empathize to no one who's life revolves around a video game. One who needs to have 100% available to them.


You do realize this is a grand total of less than 1% total down time. That's 99% up time. I'll take that any day. I'd pay extra to any service if they could guarantee me a 99% up time


Still patching. 7 and half hours and counting past the maintenance period. Over the past 30 days, the servers have been down (especially if playing on Harbinger) for around 40 hours. That's not 1% total down time. Even 7 and a half hours past the maintenance window, the game has been down more than 1% of the total time today.


You have no empathy. You have no understanding. You have no basic math skills. You're insulting people who expect that a company deliver the service that they've paid for. So, yeah, I'm not surprised that empathy and understanding are completely lost on you.

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Still patching. 7 and half hours and counting past the maintenance period. Over the past 30 days, the servers have been down (especially if playing on Harbinger) for around 40 hours. That's not 1% total down time. Even 7 and a half hours past the maintenance window, the game has been down more than 1% of the total time today.


You have no empathy. You have no understanding. You have no basic math skills. You're insulting people who expect that a company deliver the service that they've paid for. So, yeah, I'm not surprised that empathy and understanding are completely lost on you.


Again with the word empathy. You expect someone to empathize with you over a video game. Grab a piece of reality.


I'll give you credit that Harbinger has gone down a few times, but 40 hours? C'mon bro! I'm on Harb and have not been affected once. I'm usually logged in on weekends and weekday evening (Prime Time).You have 0 data to back up any of your numbers. And with you exaggerating on how far over projected they were, your posted numbers are not valid.


I know 8th grade math is hard for you, I'll let it slide, I know Common Core is screwing everyone up. It looks like you are right some of the time, but most of the time you're just close at best. The server down time was scheduled from 5am - 9am. Servers were live again at 3:07pm. That looks to me to be around 6 hours. All information pertaining to this information is in the link below. (Looks like you're lost)


Just incase you forgot what you said:

7 and half hours and counting past the maintenance period




Go ahead, tell me how $0.02/hour is not the about rate of what subs pay for game availability time. I'll even break the math out for you...again. (Still Lost?)


Based off a 30 Day month:

30 Day * 24 Hours = 720 Hours

$15.00 for 30 day

$15.00 / 720 = $0.0208333 or 2 cents


As for your precious lost hours:

6 over scheduled hours

6 / 720 = 0.83333333%


Hmmm, less than 1%


Looks like I understand pretty good.


Now, back on topic. They are making a good game. They are updating the game, for good or for bad. You have every right to stop paying for the game if you feel that you are not getting what you paid for. $0.50 is not worth complaining over. If it is to you, then send your stuff to a friend and leave. Otherwise, stay in this thread, spin your wheels in the mud all you'd like. It's amazing how many people bite the hand that feeds them, now that's insulting.

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I know 8th grade math is hard for you, I'll let it slide, I know Common Core is screwing everyone up. It looks like you are right some of the time, but most of the time you're just close at best. The server down time was scheduled from 5am - 9am. Servers were live again at 3:07pm. That looks to me to be around 6 hours. All information pertaining to this information is in the link below. (Looks like you're lost).


You can't play on a server while you're still patching a game. Surely you didn't miss the Slow Patch Downloading note emblazoned on the launcher? Or the numerous threads and posts about patching being stuck at various degrees. In my case it didn't even finally finish until around 10:40 Eastern. 10 and a half hours over the scheduled maintenance time.


Also, since reading comprehension seems to be lost along with your empathy and understanding, maybe you should notice that 14 and a half hours downtime is more than 1% OF A DAY. You missed that didn't you? "the game has been down more than 1% of the total time today." Instead rushing into condescension land.


As to overall downtime, add up all of the maintenance and crashing and you'll easily see that it's around 40 hours. Of course, you're not going to do that, because you've already decided that the game is great, BioWare is great, and clearly anyone with any sort of criticism is only deserving of scorn and derision.

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You can't play on a server while you're still patching a game. Surely you didn't miss the Slow Patch Downloading note emblazoned on the launcher? Or the numerous threads and posts about patching being stuck at various degrees. In my case it didn't even finally finish until around 10:40 Eastern. 10 and a half hours over the scheduled maintenance time.


Also, since reading comprehension seems to be lost along with your empathy and understanding, maybe you should notice that 14 and a half hours downtime is more than 1% OF A DAY. You missed that didn't you? "the game has been down more than 1% of the total time today." Instead rushing into condescension land.


As to overall downtime, add up all of the maintenance and crashing and you'll easily see that it's around 40 hours. Of course, you're not going to do that, because you've already decided that the game is great, BioWare is great, and clearly anyone with any sort of criticism is only deserving of scorn and derision.


Again, you're veering way off topic. I've been patched and have been playing since 4 , that extra 4 hours is on you. Sucks to have a bad PC/Connection. You want to keep coming back here "trying" to make a point that doesn't exist.


The reading comprehension is your failure. No where did anyone say 1% of the day except for you. and that is a pointless argument. You are so angry at the true statements that I made, you've twisted what I said to meet your false logic.


You have already agreed to scheduled maintenance, so why do you even bring that up as Downtime. You know its part of the cycle. They have not been down for nearly 40 hours due to crashes. Exaggerations only go so far


Today is a slight inconvenience that you are trying to blow out of proportions. Of course I'm defending them, they produce a fun game for me to play. Obviously you hate the game and Bioware. All they are doing is trying to make the game the best they can.


People like you come here daily and berate them for something that is completely normal and is expected from time to time. Why don't you try and help make the game better instead of complaining all the time. Your negative energy is not needed on this site. Go play Fallout 4, you seem to be done with MMO's anyways at least until Blade & Soul am I right?


Look, all I'm doing is making you more angry. I wont respond any more as all you are capable of doing is rehashing the same thing over and over. Have some fortitude and let your money (or lack of) tell Bioware how much you dislike their service.


I think there are people waiting for your stuff in the mail

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