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All day without server.


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This game doesn't have remotely close to 1 million subs, and the only people who have ANY cause for complaint are subs.


There are, perhaps, 200-300k subs.


And it isn't giving them money, it is giving them digital shinies.


Considering they don't release sub numbers, how do you know this? Oh yeah, you don't.

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Sooo all day no server and my subscription timer is ticking and ticking... do you plan to give us subscribers some kind of compensation? It would be the right thing to do. :jawa_confused:


I don't recall BW ever giving their subs compensation for unexpected downtime like WoW used to (don't know if WoW still does that).


If BW wants to compensate me I'll take a full set of Satele Shan's armor mailed to me. :D

Edited by Anaesha
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Considering they don't release sub numbers, how do you know this? Oh yeah, you don't.


You're right, I don't... but they stopped talking about subs as it was shrinking to 500k and lower... and I can do math and figure their revenue divided by sub price...


If they had a million subs, they would be shouting it from the rooftops. They aren't, so they don't.

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If it's just 50 cents for a day's outage, surely it wouldn't be that hard or expensive for a multi-million dollar company to eat it themselves instead of their customers and just extend everyone's subscription by the amount of time down, right?
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If it's just 50 cents for a day's outage, surely it wouldn't be that hard or expensive for a multi-million dollar company to eat it themselves instead of their customers and just extend everyone's subscription by the amount of time down, right?


That's pretty much what Blizzard did when WoW had unexpected downtime.

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As other said it's a bummer but it's going to happen and it is nothing to get so worked up about. At least they said there having a problem and got the website back up so they could communicated with us. They even said to not patch in till the bug is fixed, hopeful it will help some people avoid getting there launcher bugged. I feel for those who may have bugged there launchers due to trying to login in. It happened to me before, that why I try to not rush to login in when the server come back up. As for the server going down that an entire different problem, yes it very irritating.


The fact is no matter what time of the day they do these thing at, there going to be in someone prime time. Sadly MMO do have to come down for patches that just how it is. My sister always get hit by patches because that her normal playtime, she just does something else. I get it it's a pain, I was planning to get on and test the change before work but it's not going to ruin my day either. Ever MMO I've played has the occasional update that has problems and thus they end up taking a lot longer then they first estimated. I suggested getting some chores or work done, so you have more time to play when they do come back up.


I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if they gave us the time back, even if it is like 25 cent, probably less. I'm to lazy to do the math, but hey my internet gone down for an entire day due to a break in the line, no refund. Maybe i just accepted these thing happen.

Edited by TheSeer
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I've taken the time to actually read through the patch notes, got a little lost over the discussion about companion power.


They fixed one of the two problems that currently annoy me most.

"Crafted weapons introduced in Game Update 4.0 now have color crystal slots, as intended."


... I wonder whether the "as intended" was aimed at me, since I wrote a post where I was wondering whether or not this is a bug or simply a design choice to make crafted weapons less attractive than operation rewards.


Phew. Well, that means I can reap the bonus from the crystal and, more importantly, they don't have to all use yellow lightsabers! Crafted weapons are the only way to have a rating 216 main hand weapon without doing operations or paying millions for hilts/barrels on the GTN afaik. All it takes is a strategic resource matrix (reaching your personal conquest goals) and a handful of exotic isotope stabilizers (one usually earns one or two from a HM flashpoint).


What I am still concerned about: My Imperial Agent still does not have Scorpio as companion, even though I never made a choice to reject any companion at all while playing through Knights of the Fallen Empire. She is still listed with my original crew from before 4.0 under "Unavailable Characters". There is the slight hope that it's fixed anyway, but if it doesn't say so it usually means it wasn't fixed.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Why wait? If you're seriously considering it on such a short notice it sounds like you already made your decision and SW:TOR has not been very good entertainment to you anyway.


He will be back tomorrow you know it, i know it and he knows it.

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The servers will be up before you know it then you will access to your comp which will be half the comp it used to be



Are you experiencing companion dysfunction? Modern medicine has a cure for you! Compagra will rejuvenate your companion to achieve maximum performance! See your local Medical Droid today! :D

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I suggest not rewarding EA for EA's failure.


Go buy Fallout 4 instead.


Fallout 4 will wait until it's properly patched and gets a nice amount of good mods.



He will be back tomorrow you know it, i know it and he knows it.

Yeah, I made the mistake of taking a 6 month subscription, it's canceled by now but it would be kind of a waste for me to not play it until my subscription runs out, damn new expansion CGI trailer, should have known better.

Edited by yoomazir
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I was about to say something similar pointing out the whole silliness of 'EA sucks so I'm going to go buy anther EA game'.


There's a big difference between those 2 EA products though, Bioware had no involvment in Battlefront, that's a plus in my book.

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