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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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Nope you didn't,, and Nope I wont go away. I paid I comment. Your elitist stain is across many threads and all you do is sneer.

IT states They Are solo-able just you and the comp because they are story arc.

If they were forcing people to group they would never get people back.

Now try again


i completely agree this other guy is hilarious. SF solo is hard if you aren't decked out and now its a nightmare.

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Nope you didn't,, and Nope I wont go away. I paid I comment. Your elitist stain is across many threads and all you do is sneer.

IT states They Are solo-able just you and the comp because they are story arc.

If they were forcing people to group they would never get people back.

Now try again


Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


Just because YOU can't because you aren't overly skilled is not Bioware's fault. Get better or get a group.


Just because your ability to do math and comprehension is most likely as good as your ability to play the game is no reason for them to not nerf companions.


The game is now working as intended. Thanks Bioware, good job. I'll say it if no one else will. ;)

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"Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


Just because YOU can't because you aren't overly skilled is not Bioware's fault. Get better or get a group.


Just because your ability to do math and comprehension is most likely as good as your ability to play the game is no reason for them to not nerf companions.


The game is now working as intended. Thanks Bioware, good job. I'll say it if no one else will:.


You know what MeNaCe-NZ

And my opinion is that it is not and you know what both of our opinions are not worth anything at all and hold the same weight equal. and EricM said "Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know" That you CAN complete them nothing in there about what they were intended for. Just saying.

Edited by CombatLord
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its clear that major changes need to be made


No it isn't clear that "major" changes need to be made.


One major change created all the complaints from those who don't like this.


Two, I question how big of a deal it is to anyone outside the forums. Don't see the ranting and raving in game about it all. The forums don't represent the player base.


Minor adjustments should be made, sure. Not problem with that. We do not need to go back to god mode though.

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Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


see the word ANY in there...


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.



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No it isn't clear that "major" changes need to be made.


One major change created all the complaints from those who don't like this.


Two, I question how big of a deal it is to anyone outside the forums. Don't see the ranting and raving in game about it all. The forums don't represent the player base.


Minor adjustments should be made, sure. Not problem with that. We do not need to go back to god mode though.


The server have all lower then before the nerf populations, I think you have your answer right there...


Also the nerf was made after the forum's minority whined about it, so why shouldn't the majority use the same tactic to get reversed?

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No it isn't clear that "major" changes need to be made.


One major change created all the complaints from those who don't like this.


Two, I question how big of a deal it is to anyone outside the forums. Don't see the ranting and raving in game about it all. The forums don't represent the player base.


Minor adjustments should be made, sure. Not problem with that. We do not need to go back to god mode though.


yes there are people ranting and raving in-game about it. if this doesn't affect you then thats good an all but proof is in the many posts of discontent about the change. they should not be more powerful than a player as ive stated but they should not be less powerful than how they were in 3.0 and thats a fact.

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Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


Just because YOU can't because you aren't overly skilled is not Bioware's fault. Get better or get a group.


Just because your ability to do math and comprehension is most likely as good as your ability to play the game is no reason for them to not nerf companions.


The game is now working as intended. Thanks Bioware, good job. I'll say it if no one else will. ;)


I'll say it again,, it's on one of BW sites, They are "Designed So You and a Companion Can Solo and also to go for the Award" It was done this way BECAUSE it is Story Content.

We can argue all night if you like, the servers aren't going to get any busier.

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Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


Just because YOU can't because you aren't overly skilled is not Bioware's fault. Get better or get a group.


Just because your ability to do math and comprehension is most likely as good as your ability to play the game is no reason for them to not nerf companions.


The game is now working as intended. Thanks Bioware, good job. I'll say it if no one else will. ;)


no such statement exists when you choose [sOLO] you are talking for normal and HM he is talking about solo dont get confused.

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I sent a message the SF H@ isn't solo able and this is what they sent me... Notice the SWTOR helpcenter they want me to use they closed it down what about 6 months ago. EA sight is just as bad gives me answers to games I've never heard of. IDIOTS all of them.




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No it isn't clear that "major" changes need to be made.


One major change created all the complaints from those who don't like this.


Two, I question how big of a deal it is to anyone outside the forums. Don't see the ranting and raving in game about it all. The forums don't represent the player base.


Minor adjustments should be made, sure. Not problem with that. We do not need to go back to god mode though.


I like the first sentence in your last line. Unfortunately, Bioware didn't go with minor adjustments. They clearly don't understand human beings. If they nerfed it a couple times bit by bit, the player base would have been more willing to accept it. But giving them something that made the game really fun for a lot of people and then completely taking it away is just a terrible miscalculation on their part.


I'm with the people who believe they nerfed them not because of the people complaining that they were OP (and I agree they were), but because people were progressing too quickly in the alliance system and they wanted to slow them down. To that point though I still don't see the point of grinding through the alliance system as is. Unless they make major improvements to it, it is nothing but a way to get extra companions and I am better off waiting to see where the companions I want are gated then doing some grind that as is seems entirely pointless.

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"Yes they are soloable and yes people can solo it. However they were not intended to be soloable as PROVEN by their statement "This mode is intended for groups of 2 players (with their respective Companions). " That would be 2 players and 2 companions for a total of 4.


Just because YOU can't because you aren't overly skilled is not Bioware's fault. Get better or get a group.


Just because your ability to do math and comprehension is most likely as good as your ability to play the game is no reason for them to not nerf companions.


The game is now working as intended. Thanks Bioware, good job. I'll say it if no one else will:.


You know what MeNaCe-NZ

And my opinion is that it is not and you know what both of our opinions are not worth anything at all and hold the same weight equal. and EricM said "Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know" That you CAN complete them nothing in there about what they were intended for. Just saying.


Often Eric says things and they're not quite the truth, you won't ever get an apology about it though ( go back to the dev posts on the slot machine to back this up ).


What I quoted was from an actual/dev designer I will take anything they say over anything Eric says any day. I lost most respect for Eric long ago, how this community is left to fester more or less doesn't help improve my opinion of his abilities.

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I'll say it again,, it's on one of BW sites, They are "Designed So You and a Companion Can Solo and also to go for the Award" It was done this way BECAUSE it is Story Content.

We can argue all night if you like, the servers aren't going to get any busier.


There is nothing to argue. I QUOTED a Bioware designer on what HM SF is DESIGNED for. If you choose to think differently that's your problem, go unsub like the rest.

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There is nothing to argue. I QUOTED a Bioware designer on what HM SF is DESIGNED for. If you choose to think differently that's your problem, go unsub like the rest.


So you are saying that a designer said that 2h are really 4h? no wonder the games is screwed.


Because companions were designed to be as good as a player initially,

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So you are saying that a designer said that 2h are really 4h? no wonder the games is screwed.


Because companions were designed to be as good as a player initially,


exactly and what we have now is something weaker than what they were in 3.0 when gear on them mattered.

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There is nothing to argue. I QUOTED a Bioware designer on what HM SF is DESIGNED for. If you choose to think differently that's your problem, go unsub like the rest.

I have sub for years and will still do till they sort it.

So go play on your down under server and show your solidarity with your Elitist.


Unlike Your Mightiness with all the whistles and bells, some CANT now do them No.

Go Read the other threads and take your head out of that roos pouch.

You may love the pain of the mare it is now, it's worse than 3.0 Mako heals worse than ever.

Instead of Slating those without your view try Understanding where the Majority are coming from.

But remembering a lot of your posts, I doubt your give a damn.

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No player should die in the most challenging solo player content in the game that has the word "heroic" in it? Really? :rolleyes:



It's WEEKLY H2 -- that I was doing fine -- just fine -- before -- READ my post and comprehend it please --- these are what Eric said we wouldn't have any problem doing ... read -- there are problems there weren't before --- I'm asking that it not be a terrible grind since we HAVE to do it for Alliance -- should something we have to do for the game to advance be so hard that we die multiple times ? :rolleyes: if you like this -- please go and play EQ2 or Everquest -- they are grindy -- you'll love the "Advanced Solo" content you can't do without buying a merc with real money ( yes that's a lot of fun ) and yes we complain about it ......

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I like to point out that some of Us solo players are doing so not as a choice but the choices we made back when the game had a life on all the sever types and with the lack of some love for 2/3rd the game some severs have taken a hit in player base and last I checked was the only one on the planet i was on and 3 on fleet that where not even able to help me but was able to help them run some of the stuff for there level but NPC can get come help. And the way things go around here the small few get lost in the crowed and just like the slot machine crushed into the ground. Or wait for some coins to trans a toon to go play where there is life .
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I have sub for years and will still do till they sort it.

So go play on your down under server and show your solidarity with your Elitist.


Unlike Your Mightiness with all the whistles and bells, some CANT now do them No.

Go Read the other threads and take your head out of that roos pouch.

You may love the pain of the mare it is now, it's worse than 3.0 Mako heals worse than ever.

Instead of Slating those without your view try Understanding where the Majority are coming from.

But remembering a lot of your posts, I doubt your give a damn.


He's from NZ that makes it a sheeps #$%$ leave our roos alone!

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So you are saying that a designer said that 2h are really 4h? no wonder the games is screwed.


Because companions were designed to be as good as a player initially,


That elitist you answered has been slagging all over. As you see my row with it.

Edited by Dalethfc
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