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Time to UNsub in response to the companion NERF


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You mean like the ones who started all of the OP Companions threads and whined about it ad infinitum?


What he said, it so hilarious when the complainers suddenly say the other group who was telling them to stop complaining are now the complainers. LOL this just makes me laugh so hard but it not a surprise.

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I honestly don't think Bioware/EA care if you unsub.


I don't have the numbers, but I would think that F2play games make their money off of the ingame store. Your $15/month means very little compared to the $15/day, week, whatever that they get from the store.


Just a thought. I get it, if you don't like the game, don't pay for it, but raging from your computer chair at home about how you are taking your ball and going home...


Yeah, yeah, no one cares, just go. Do you spend as much effort complaining about the quality of fruit in your cereal?


I mean, its just funny. If it makes you happy, I suppose.

Edited by Tarkashae
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I honestly don't think Bioware/EA care if you unsub.


I don't have the numbers, but I would think that F2play games make their money off of the ingame store. Your $15/month means very little compared to the $15/day, week, whatever that they get from the store.


Just a thought. I get it, if you don't like the game, don't pay for it, but raging from your computer chair at home about how you are taking your ball and going home...


Yeah, yeah, no one cares, just go. Do you spend as much effort complaining about the quality of fruit in your cereal?


I mean, its just funny. If it makes you happy, I suppose.


Did you bother to read the posts here , or did you just assume this is a crying thread and come in and try to sound like you are mr above the fray on the forums ? I think we all know which it was.


I plainly stated that my sub alone is irrelevant however this is how you take issue with a product you are no longer happy with in the modern world. You voice the displeasure and you stop spending money on the item until its fixed or you move on.


So thats why im here , why are you ? To mock those of us that are unhappy with the change ? If so ok you mocked us move along now so we can get back to debating the merits of a reasonable companion nerf vs making the companions unplayable( 50 % decrease in healing ext) and why we will or will not be paying to play the game in such a state.

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Did you bother to read the posts here , or did you just assume this is a crying thread and come in and try to sound like you are mr above the fray on the forums ? I think we all know which it was.


I plainly stated that my sub alone is irrelevant however this is how you take issue with a product you are no longer happy with in the modern world. You voice the displeasure and you stop spending money on the item until its fixed or you move on.


So thats why im here , why are you ? To mock those of us that are unhappy with the change ? If so ok you mocked us move along now so we can get back to debating the merits of a reasonable companion nerf vs making the companions unplayable( 50 % decrease in healing ext) and why we will or will not be paying to play the game in such a state.


It is a crying attention demanding thread. To which I reply, "deal with it".

You don't want companions nerfed because... you prefer to be able to solo or play with as few other real people as possible.


Then you come here and ask real people to help you make your "statement" to the game company by cancelling their sub. You don't care about other people or what they think if it doesn't fit your narrative.


Get lost. :)

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enjoy the game with fewer people playing it then , and btw those casuals you are being so flippant about are the ones that pay the bills for these games.


Which somehow these game companies forget about when they are faced with a vocal sub-group. Time and again, they seem to get so wrapped up in this they lose sight of the most important factor - population numbers.


It's as though their developers are like frustrated diy car mechanics, who cannot resist tinkering under the bonnet until something invariably goes wrong - then spend the rest of their time breaking other things trying to fix it.


Well the bonnet's up, and the over-eager diy guy is readying the hammer - prepare for passengers walking.

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It's as though their developers are like frustrated diy car mechanics, who cannot resist tinkering under the bonnet until something invariably goes wrong - then spend the rest of their time breaking other things trying to fix it.


And the players in this case are like whiny little babies that want candy and ice cream for dinner and are throwing a tantrum because they'll actually have to put some effort into their game.

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Many Veteran players seem blind to three things.


First, this game suffers badly from the endless evenly spaced-out clump of mobs syndrome. It's a boring to slog to go up to an enemy ship or enter a base and have to fight through literally hundreds of evenly-spaced out clumps of mobs. If powerful companions help make this go smoother then that's a great thing for people who just want to work through the stories.


Second, Vet players with maxed out Presence bonuses and high level influence may feel the companions are OP. But the average newbie or low-level player or semi-clueless returnee doesn't have those bonuses and his companion will just feel like a strong and helpful partner like he should be.


Third, Vet players often suffer from the "everybody should be like me" fallacy. They have played the game for ages, mastered all the mechanics and learned how to maximize stats and other advantages. Their response to casual players who prefer fun and excitement over challenge and grind is usually some variation on "work harder and play like I do".


The frustrating thing is that casual players are happy that hardcore players can have their challenging group activities. But the hardcore players never stop whining, moaning and agitating against anything that works well for casuals but not for them.


My wife and I came back to SWTOR with 4.0 and we are having some good exciting casual fun. Start nerfing this and creating more grind and difficulty and we're surely leave again.

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Just my input. Yes I unsubbed. I don't think anyone should ever listen to this person under any situation at all. This person was with the crowd of people that was calling for NERFs. He sat on forums all day begging for the stuff to be dropped down everyday for a week.


Now he wants everyone to remain calm and relax.


I pointed out to him earlier how very hypocritical of him he should tell me that I need to "Relax" and "Let the Game Evolve" yet he was one of the very people raging on the forums with the rest of them. I pointed this out to him twice. He just ignored my response. Yes a double stranded hypocritical nonsense he's spouting just to try calm people down.


Do you have proof of those accusations?


It seems that Van is perfectly logical and calm person. No point in raging over something that isn't implemented yet imo. In response to the possibility of this even happening, I (did not unsub) noted all the numbers on all of my BH comps and even screenshotted their secondary stats. I can't wait to see how "huge" this is...

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Lol. You aren't going anywhere.


Considering the numbers of servers that are left and how they have to merge servers every few month i wouldn't be so sure. I love the game and i really don't want more people to leave and more servers being shut down.

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I am not a veteran, long term player. I think the OP companions are awesome. If a nerf actually happens, and it ruins my game to the point where playing isn't fun anymore, I'll quietly unsubscribe, and play GW2, or Torchlight II, or some other game I enjoy.


I don't understand why people need to have a crowd behind them to make a decision they make have "meaning". As I said, I get it, the game is ruined for you. Sucks. BYE. ...


Why do you need a cult following to validate you?

Edited by Tarkashae
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I honestly don't think Bioware/EA care if you unsub.


I don't have the numbers, but I would think that F2play games make their money off of the ingame store. Your $15/month means very little compared to the $15/day, week, whatever that they get from the store.


That could very well be so. Blizzard has said recently that they don't worry about subscription numbers anymore as long as people continue to buy their expansions. I'm sure the cash shop that they run figures into that as well.

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Considering the numbers of servers that are left and how they have to merge servers every few month i wouldn't be so sure. I love the game and i really don't want more people to leave and more servers being shut down.


They haven't done a server merge in years. So "Server merges every few months" is false.

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Many Veteran players seem blind to three things.


First, this game suffers badly from the endless evenly spaced-out clump of mobs syndrome. It's a boring to slog to go up to an enemy ship or enter a base and have to fight through literally hundreds of evenly-spaced out clumps of mobs. If powerful companions help make this go smoother then that's a great thing for people who just want to work through the stories.

As a vet i can say i also hate this remember not all vets will be hardcore players, ive played since early access and i still only play for the story so having to spend an hour fighting through mobs (im looking at you Makeb) is boring and anoying.

Second, Vet players with maxed out Presence bonuses and high level influence may feel the companions are OP. But the average newbie or low-level player or semi-clueless returnee doesn't have those bonuses and his companion will just feel like a strong and helpful partner like he should be.

this is true and its why im against a nerf, but since there is no confirmation im waiting before saying anything, after all the nerf could be in the Presence and influence bonuses rather than a general stat nerf

Third, Vet players often suffer from the "everybody should be like me" fallacy. They have played the game for ages, mastered all the mechanics and learned how to maximize stats and other advantages. Their response to casual players who prefer fun and excitement over challenge and grind is usually some variation on "work harder and play like I do".

Why not, everyone should be like me :D

The frustrating thing is that casual players are happy that hardcore players can have their challenging group activities. But the hardcore players never stop whining, moaning and agitating against anything that works well for casuals but not for them.

^^this is the best response, i dont ask for ops nerfs so i can solo them so dont whine about easy solo content.


I don't understand why people need to have a crowd behind them to make a decision they make have "meaning". As I said, I get it, the game is ruined for you. Sucks. BYE. ...

Why do you need a cult following to validate you?

Well it works for Tom cruise :D but no if i dont like what they do i wont post an i quit thread.
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i really don't understand what the problem was leveling toon before 4.0. Even if they nerf the healing companion, the leveling would still be fast, with the new purple quest system. They didn't say there were removing companion, just they'll be half as effective.


i mean during levelling, their healing output far overweight any damage income unless you were far too greedy in pulling packs. Halving that healing output won't even make a dent in your suvivability.


Anyway, at least you are willing to try, to give the change a chance, that's a reasonable attitude. good luck, have fun.


hell with the way Level sync works you can theoretically go from 1-65 on Tython or any other starter world.


I didnt find leveling hard or game difficult before 4.0 so doubt I will after much warented companion adjustment.


Still will solo heroics


Only real change is might have to do the solo star fortress when solo and save the h2 star fortress for when I have a partner or even group to run through it


Beyond that, fail to see how a companion adjustment would negatively affect my game play


Personally regarding companions Im far more upset over not being able to change the outfit of so many of the companions visually, then I am about companion adjustment.

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you have had these overpowered companions for less then a month now, and since they are being rebalanced, this is enough of a reason for you to cancel your 5 subscriptions? I doubt this very much, sounds a lot like melodrama to me.


Its not like these overpowered companions were what motivated you to have 5 active subscriptions at once anyway.


If they reduce the companions by 90% they are still going to be overpowered as long as they are tied to your legacy +presence stat, if you want powerful companions, earn them.


Also... 5 accounts? Seems like a lot of money to spend on a game that plays itself. Are you multiboxing? credit farming? that's why you like these companions, isn't it? Because they facilitate botting??


Good riddance.



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I am making this post to recommend as many of us as possible to cancel your subscriptions , based on the new information on companion Nerf. I personally have cancelled all 5 of my accounts that i paid for and will not be resubscribing , unless this companion Nerf is reascended before more than 2 weeks worth of my previously paid for subscriptions lapse.



I just renewed my sub with my 9 accounts cause of this. And all my friends and family are coming back also.

Edited by Neglience
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I am making this post to recommend as many of us as possible to cancel your subscriptions , based on the new information on companion Nerf. I personally have cancelled all 5 of my accounts that i paid for and will not be resubscribing , unless this companion Nerf is reascended before more than 2 weeks worth of my previously paid for subscriptions lapse.


Given the unlikely nature of that request being honored i will assume my subs will stay cancelled.


I would recommend anyone else that spent the last few weeks trying to argue against companion nerfs , but failing to come forward and also cancel your subs. EA BW have made it plain that they only care about what the hardcore player thinks , when it comes to basic content. I never wanted them to make OPS or NM or HM easy , i just wanted them to leave the companions and solo parts of the game alone, why is it so bad for two of us to be able to take 2 lvl 40 companions and do a tactical flashpoint ? Why is it so bad for us to not have to grind and micromanage like mad through the leveling process ? Why cant we enjoy the game that we have been playing these last few weeks. That gamer is why i paid for 3 more accounts so my friends and family could play also, not the game prior to 4.0 which we did not even sub for.


Anyhow the only way to make a modern company listen is through precise metrics that show a loss to their bottom line , so if you are unhappy i recommend you go the only route a company ever listens to , Cancel that sub , stop buying CC a d let them know when you cancelled why you did and hope they make appropriate changes before whats left of our subs run out. I will keep playing and see until the last days of my sub lapse , but since we know this change is coming the rest of my friends and family wont even bother playing again.

good ridance dont let the door hit you on way out because I dont doubt your type of player that hacks games to get "God" mode or unfair advantage people like you have no buisness in a mmo go play your single player hacked games and quit crying

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They haven't done a server merge in years. So "Server merges every few months" is false.


In years?




I just renewed my sub with my 9 accounts cause of this. And all my friends and family are coming back also.


You forgot to add your neighbors and all your imaginary friends to list. My ******** detector is on overdrive this afternoon.

Edited by Gorrdan
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In years?






You forgot to add your neighbors and all your imaginary friends to list. My ******** detector is on overdrive this afternoon.


Reno was correct. The last server merges were in 2012-2013 I believe. That link talks about their plans to solve the queue times and how to address uneven populations (probably that "better than cross-server" plan they've discussed before).

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Reno was correct. The last server merges were in 2012-2013 I believe. That link talks about their plans to solve the queue times and how to address uneven populations (probably that "better than cross-server" plan they've discussed before).


Yes, now whole population plays on 4 servrers. Rest are dead. And it will just get more dead.


You won, i guess...gratz?

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Reno was correct. The last server merges were in 2012-2013 I believe. That link talks about their plans to solve the queue times and how to address uneven populations (probably that "better than cross-server" plan they've discussed before).


What do you think the free transfers were for? so that people could consolidate themselves to their server of choice. Just a month before KOTFE there were requests for more server merges and this issue has been coming up a lot since 2014. You just have to google and see how many people were asking for another round of server merge.


It died out a bit with new content release, but how long is that gonna last?

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