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Time to UNsub in response to the companion NERF


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It isn't even confirmed. And even if it true, the only people upset are the ones who are bad at the game as Every Heroic has been nerfed into oblivion currently.


Seriously try running one with a DPS companion, they arn't stated to be nerfed and I promise you you'll still be soloing stuff fine.


Healing companions are crutches.

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There's enough red herring in this thread that I can open my own fish market! I'll be rich!


And on that note I will continue to laugh at people overreacting to a change that hasn't been announced, and was 'mined' by a source that we have no idea is reputable or not.

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Personally I think it needs to change, unfortunately as with most things BW will probably over react.

Still needs to seethe changes before we over react.


This to me is not like the change's to crafting or with level-snyc. With those I had a good idea how it would work and new long before 4.0 came out I would not like it. Now weeks into 4.0 I still don't like it. I don't even craft anymore at all. just send comps out of crew missions for companion gifts only. Hate level-sync but can live with it.

If BW dropped healing by 10% and see how that's go's, can always drop if more later. A 50% drop is overkill. Given BW's past actions over anything this is no surprise. Assuming the info given or should I say rumoured, as not seen it myself, is true.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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There's enough red herring in this thread that I can open my own fish market! I'll be rich!


And on that note I will continue to laugh at people overreacting to a change that hasn't been announced, and was 'mined' by a source that we have no idea is reputable or not.


Just like I'm going to laugh if it does turn out to be true and this nerf is just like all their other nerfs "overkill" and even gets the people who were pushing for a nerf to start complaining that BW went overboard.

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More like life insurance, but would you steal someone's crutches and run off with them, just because you thought they should really do without them?


In real life of course not. But this is a video game, the game is capable of being played smoothly without someone needing a healing companion to hold their hand.

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I will only unsub as a last last resort. I will wait and see how the nerf translates to the actual game play. Just dont have a lot of hope and am rly sceptical about lvling a new toon post nerf.


i really don't understand what the problem was leveling toon before 4.0. Even if they nerf the healing companion, the leveling would still be fast, with the new purple quest system. They didn't say there were removing companion, just they'll be half as effective.


i mean during levelling, their healing output far overweight any damage income unless you were far too greedy in pulling packs. Halving that healing output won't even make a dent in your suvivability.


Anyway, at least you are willing to try, to give the change a chance, that's a reasonable attitude. good luck, have fun.

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In real life of course not. But this is a video game, the game is capable of being played smoothly without someone needing a healing companion to hold their hand.


And If I wanna the solo the H2 cause I am not a social person and I dont care for grps cause for one, I always seem to wait 30 mins or sometimes a hour to get the grp and when I do someone will always say "brb phone or door" and then thats another 10 mins of waiting, and now I am able to just grab the missions and get them done and then focus on the story. And if it is true about tues then that is done and it is going back to putting up with annoying arse grps.

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In real life of course not. But this is a video game, the game is capable of being played smoothly without someone needing a healing companion to hold their hand.


But if players want to do that, who are you to stop them from using such a companion? BW:A put them in the game, whatever their power levels, I'm sure they knew what they were doing when they gave companions healing capabilities.


I only use healers on my melee (non-rear attack) dpses, there's no point in a sentinel using rebuke if the aggro's not on them. And, two dpses is too much of a risk for me, outside of story areas, even if they attack first they pretty soon lose aggro once I get stuck in.


My current main is a sniper, and, like all my ranged dpses, they use tanks, I mean it's silly having a healer comp with them and be kiting melee enemies, as well as those melee dps that can't do without maul/backstab. It looks just awful, I need the tank to keep them busy so I can take them out from a distance, as intended.

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i really don't understand what the problem was leveling toon before 4.0. Even if they nerf the healing companion, the leveling would still be fast, with the new purple quest system. They didn't say there were removing companion, just they'll be half as effective.


i mean during levelling, their healing output far overweight any damage income unless you were far too greedy in pulling packs. Halving that healing output won't even make a dent in your suvivability.

Anyway, at least you are willing to try, to give the change a chance, that's a reasonable attitude. good luck, have fun.


Didn't we have this discussion in another topic? You're making an assumption that the comps healing being cut by 50% wouldn't really be that noticeable. However, until it actually comes out on Tuesday we can't be sure of that, It could be like you think and not a lot will change or as I said to you before cutting them 50% could make them weaker then they were in 3.0.

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And If I wanna the solo the H2 cause I am not a social person and I dont care for grps cause for one, I always seem to wait 30 mins or sometimes a hour to get the grp and when I do someone will always say "brb phone or door" and then thats another 10 mins of waiting, and now I am able to just grab the missions and get them done and then focus on the story. And if it is true about tues then that is done and it is going back to putting up with annoying arse grps.


No it won't. If you're good at the game nothing is going to prevent you from soloing those still.


But if players want to do that, who are you to stop them from using such a companion? BW:A put them in the game, whatever their power levels, I'm sure they knew what they were doing when they gave companions healing capabilities.


I only use healers on my melee (non-rear attack) dpses, there's no point in a sentinel using rebuke if the aggro's not on them. And, two dpses is too much of a risk for me, outside of story areas, even if they attack first they pretty soon lose aggro once I get stuck in.


My current main is a sniper, and, like all my ranged dpses, they use tanks, I mean it's silly having a healer comp with them and be kiting melee enemies, as well as those melee dps that can't do without maul/backstab. It looks just awful, I need the tank to keep them busy so I can take them out from a distance, as intended.


I'm not saying they can't use it, I'm saying that it's a crutch because people think they'll be unable to do things currently if it goes live, which isn't true because a DPS companion and a bit of paying attention solos stuff just fine.


I know this because I speak from experience and I main a Sentinel.

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Firstly, I will not be cancelling my subscription. I enjoy the game. I enjoyed it before 4.0, and I enjoy it as it is now.


Secondly, you do not even know what is going to happen or if the "information" out there is actually true. Even if it is as mentioned in other threads that does not mean a thing to me. Nothing does until we get the patch and read the patch notes and even then I will continue to play the game because I enjoy it.


Have a wonderful evening :)



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i really don't understand what the problem was leveling toon before 4.0. Even if they nerf the healing companion, the leveling would still be fast, with the new purple quest system. They didn't say there were removing companion, just they'll be half as effective.


i mean during levelling, their healing output far overweight any damage income unless you were far too greedy in pulling packs. Halving that healing output won't even make a dent in your suvivability.


Anyway, at least you are willing to try, to give the change a chance, that's a reasonable attitude. good luck, have fun.


Just my input. Yes I unsubbed. I don't think anyone should ever listen to this person under any situation at all. This person was with the crowd of people that was calling for NERFs. He sat on forums all day begging for the stuff to be dropped down everyday for a week.


Now he wants everyone to remain calm and relax.


I pointed out to him earlier how very hypocritical of him he should tell me that I need to "Relax" and "Let the Game Evolve" yet he was one of the very people raging on the forums with the rest of them. I pointed this out to him twice. He just ignored my response. Yes a double stranded hypocritical nonsense he's spouting just to try calm people down.

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And If I wanna the solo the H2 cause I am not a social person and I dont care for grps cause for one, I always seem to wait 30 mins or sometimes a hour to get the grp and when I do someone will always say "brb phone or door" and then thats another 10 mins of waiting, and now I am able to just grab the missions and get them done and then focus on the story. And if it is true about tues then that is done and it is going back to putting up with annoying arse grps.


aint that the thruth

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I'm entirely fine waiting to see what 4.0.2 actually brings, but if it is in fact some holocaust nerf of companion healing as though such a pitifully lazy number slap is going to do anything at all to make presently brainless fights somehow more challenging, I'll be taking my money elsewhere.


There won't be any 'I quit' posts and nobody gets my stuff.

Edited by Uruare
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In real life of course not. But this is a video game, the game is capable of being played smoothly without someone needing a healing companion to hold their hand.


enjoy the game with fewer people playing it then , and btw those casuals you are being so flippant about are the ones that pay the bills for these games.

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I hope this isn't as bad as it sound, as right now I really like the game. If they make it very tedious and hard for me to do the heroic content solo, that they now require me to do to move up my alliance I am not going to be happy. I will reconsider staying sub when my time come up if the change are as bad as they sound. One thing I wish they would do is decide if they want a solo friendly game or not because they seem to bounce back and fourth. I personally like the solo friendly game where I can do the heroic solo and don't have to micromanage my skills. They probably just trying to slow us down because were getting through the content/grind to fast.


PS Why couldn't they just add a debuff for those who wanted a challenge. They could have even given fun achievement and titles for doing it in hard mode. That way everyone happy.

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Well 4.0 buffed companions much more than 50% (it felt like 150-200% to be honest), so they'll remain significantly more useful than they used to be. You just won't be able to idle while your companion does all the work for you without requiring a single heal or other ability to assist them.


If you wish to unsub because of that that's on you, but personally I'm quite happy with how the upcoming change sounds.

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If I can still use them and do solo heroic other content, without it becoming slow, tedious, or forcing me to micromanagement my skills to be successful then I'm fine with debuff of companions. I never left them on grinding for me before. I just fear they will go overboard as they always seem to do. Just look at all the time they make thing complete pointless due to nerfing it into the ground. The only reason I do the heroic is for the alliance system which they made a massive grind. I don't need it to be even more of a chore to do. At least they could add an easy solo mean to build up alliance. Well just have to wait and see.
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Eric Musco, I could never be a community manager, specifically because I would get too irritated with cryers. Kudos to you. Sympathies to the devs. Just take their complaints in stride...


You mean like the ones who started all of the OP Companions threads and whined about it ad infinitum?

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Well 4.0 buffed companions much more than 50% (it felt like 150-200% to be honest), so they'll remain significantly more useful than they used to be. You just won't be able to idle while your companion does all the work for you without requiring a single heal or other ability to assist them.


If you wish to unsub because of that that's on you, but personally I'm quite happy with how the upcoming change sounds.


You like more tedium and no actual increase in challenge?


Think for just a bit about what you actually do in game.


With that in mind, imagine what will change if companion healers do in fact wind up suddenly doing a lot less healing.


Will you suddenly be caught in the furor of ecstasy for how magically delicious doing some Yavin dailies will... not... actually be?


Will you suddenly be left hanging off the edge of your seat and crying tears of bliss, blood and joy because of how satisfying it will abruptly have to... kill... the same things exactly as quickly as you did before, in exactly the same ways?


Will the completely unchanged star fortress heroics suddenly become as unto rapture itself when you absolutely cannot even feasibly hope to survive soloing them now and have to hunt around for someone to do them with because you have no choice anymore, even if you could solo them last week?


Regale us with how magically delicious it will suddenly become too instead of kill the usual things in five seconds and race on to the next bunch of crap in your way to anything even vaguely interesting at all, you will instead kill those same things in five seconds and have to push your rest and recover button before racing on to the next bunch of crap in your way.


Are you quite certain that's going to be a very satisfying change for you?



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