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Force ghosts in future chapters


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I'm hoping we'll see force ghosts of certain characters providing possible guidance for our characters. <a nod to SW obi-wan>.

Darth Marr, Thexan <they had him in the prequel to KOTFE, then kill him off without any further use?>

for example.

I particularly want to see an Inquisitor-only type conversation option for these ghosts that will incorporate our story-choice made in 1-50. <for a pre-made 60 char, they'd have to go with the generic option>.

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Thexan <they had him in the prequel to KOTFE, then kill him off without any further use?>

No, he is referenced in at least one conversation between Arcann and Vaylin. Sometimes characters get killed like this, to provide context and/or reasons for what follows:

* In the original Dragonlance novels, one of the main characters is killed for slightly arbitrary reasons - it is consistent with both who he is and who the killer is, but it is nevertheless a bit arbitrary. And there are references to it later, and it affects the relationship between the killer and one of the other main characters.

* In /No Way Out/ (film with Kevin Costner), the protagonist's love interest is killed early in the film by one of the antagonists, but there are echoes and shadows of her throughout the remainder of the film.

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The only reason why I would say 'Yes Please' , is for my Sorc to bind them and get more powerful . Other then that , I would say 'I rather not' ...


I don't want the story to end up on a boring 'See the Light brother..' fade to black nonsense . I wanna wipe the floor with that guy !!


I also don't want Thexan to show up to guilt trip me ! we already have Senya doing that :p


I also don't want some Ghost to give me any Tips. We already have one inside our head that won't shut up....don't need more.....it be a group therapy at this point :D

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I just want Kallig to come back. He was like a surrogate father in a Sith way.


Well, he's more of a "real" father than a surrogate, as he's after all Nox's ancestor.

Still, that's unlikely. Maybe if they make new class-stories, but that's a bit "if" and even if they make it, he'll probably not appear again

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Well, he's more of a "real" father than a surrogate, as he's after all Nox's ancestor.

Still, that's unlikely. Maybe if they make new class-stories, but that's a bit "if" and even if they make it, he'll probably not appear again


I disagree on the first point. If my (however many greats, I'm not sure of) grandfather traveled forward in time as a young man, I certainly wouldn't consider him equal to my father. (A related question, would it even be considered incest at that point if things went beyond friendly?) The Inquisitor grew up as a slave, but that doesn't mean s/he didn't have a father, just that s/he didn't have a strong father figure. I think Kallig (or more correctly, Aloysius) easily fills that role.


And they could make him come back and integrate him into the main storyline. After all, we are getting cross-storyline companions now. And every Imperial character experiences what he's doing in the Dark Temple.

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... (A related question, would it even be considered incest at that point if things went beyond friendly?)

Two thousand years in the past, 100 generations, I am pretty sure it's not incest if things went beyond friendly.


And they could make him come back and integrate him into the main storyline. After all, we are getting cross-storyline companions now. And every Imperial character experiences what he's doing in the Dark Temple.

His role has been played, there's not a lot of reason to bring him back. I'd personally rather see other aspects of the Inquisitor's background return.
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Question on lore as this is Story and Lore: I was under the impression only Jedi could become Firce Ghosts, with Sith at best being a spirit in a tomb. Has this been retconned in the Legends Canon?


Well, the ghost of Kallig *does* visit the SI on her ship (my SI is a she). And it is during one of these visits that I learned that she wears armour in bed. Makes me wonder a bit about that relationship with Andronikos...


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Well, the ghost of Kallig *does* visit the SI on her ship (my SI is a she). And it is during one of these visits that I learned that she wears armour in bed. Makes me wonder a bit about that relationship with Andronikos...



Lol :) ... But does she even meet Andronikus before that visit?


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Lol :) ... But does she even meet Andronikus before that visit?

After, I think. It's the one on the way to Tatooine, I think, and you don't even meet Andronikos until after you get there. Somehow, though, I don't think she's likely to stop wearing armour in bed just because she met a marriageable pirate.

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I was really hoping that BW would include the option to Forcewalk (bind) Valkys ghost as an Inquisitor since it was such a major plot-point in the core games storyline.


I still hope they'll include the option maybe somewhere close to your final clash with Arc or Vaylin.

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I was really hoping that BW would include the option to Forcewalk (bind) Valkys ghost as an Inquisitor since it was such a major plot-point in the core games storyline.


I still hope they'll include the option maybe somewhere close to your final clash with Arc or Vaylin.

So long as they provide something of similar capability for everyone else, I'm OK with that.

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