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10 Good
  1. There may be some merit to the theory of the Outlander being the representation of Nahut for the Zarkuulans. Nahut, reviled as the Hated Son, was one of the six primary Old Gods, the deities worshiped by the people of the planet Zakuul prior to Valkorion's ascension to Immortal Emperor. One of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Nahut was considered to be gray, formless and cold, and was denied worship by all except his mother Scyva. The Old Ways taught that Zakuulans should not follow Nahut into darkness, but should instead "light the way" to bring Nahut home.(Source: Wookieepedia) Thus we may be the fourth child of Valkorion given his penchant for merry body-hopping. Or through him infusing the PC with his power wether you submit willingly or get it when he blows up.
  2. Greatest problem I had with the story so far is the fact that my SI wasn't allowed to use his Forcewalk in order to bind Valkorion and that Senya could just "Force-Fling" him about 100m through the air. I mean: SERIOUSLY BW?
  3. Ein paar mehr Optionen was Frisuren angeht wäre auch bei allen Rassen nicht schlecht. Seit ich mit SWTOR angefangen habe hat jeder meiner Chars die selbe Frisur weil mir alle anderen irgendwie nicht ins Bild passen wollen oder aber schlecht ausgearbeitet sind (siehe Clippingfehler bei Dreadlocks). Da hätte sich BW doch schon von Anfang an ne Scheibe bei Blizz abschneiden können da find ich wenigstens 50% der Frisuren der jeweiligen Rasse ansprechend.
  4. Schnell würd ich da nicht mehr nennen das ist schon Lichtgeschwindigkeitslvln. Hab grad nen maro angefangen und bin schon lvl 50 nach Balmorra, also wer Powerlvln möchte kann das jetzt ohne Probleme tun. Der 60er Boost ist zwar nett aber bei den Geschwindigkeiten nicht notwendig, zumindest nach meiner Ansicht.
  5. I was really hoping that BW would include the option to Forcewalk (bind) Valkys ghost as an Inquisitor since it was such a major plot-point in the core games storyline. I still hope they'll include the option maybe somewhere close to your final clash with Arc or Vaylin.
  6. Next month there'll be one on a monthly basis from now on. At least that's how I understood it.
  7. You probably need to switch the "Show Sidemissions" button in the upper left corner of your map window.
  8. Gotta agree with you there, either you want Pierce/4X then you'll hunker down and do the the PVP, and who knows you might even enjoy it, or you don't do it and subsequently will have a comp less. To those that say I'll just sit around and move 2 steps from time to I've got to say have fun doing nothing for sometimes 10 - 20 minutes. All the other people out there that have resolved to do PVP (which includes me) here are some simple first tips: 1: do the introduction and daily PVP quests they'll get you commendations cuz those'll get you 2: Basic PVP gear, even a few pieces wil already help 3: when you're in WZs "Never walk alone" cuz your opponents won't do so either 4: savour them kills, because nothing feels gratifying as finally getting to that one who had it out for you the whole time 5: keep an open mind and have fun it's only just a game so that's it I'll rest my case p.s. to everybody who's still crying/whining now "You're all a bunch of *******" please fill in anything for *
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