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The only way to save this game is...


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Hardly, but next time your at fleet just have a good look around I think you may find there are more than you would have expected.


Actually I do, and to be honest, there's less people on the server I'm on than I'd expect, given that it's only 1 of 2 English speaking RP EU servers.


Maybe at the moment the entire population is spread across all 17 planets? Maybe once more hit level cap then the fleet will feel more "populated"? Or maybe the populations of the servers aren't that high as we are led to believe.

Edited by Tarka
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That's true but that is also what is so frusterating. How is it possible that over a million people play this game yet the only time I ever see anyone is if I'm at the fleet?


I don't have an answer for that. I read that kind of post every day, yet at my server (Ahto City) I see constant groups for Heroics (sometimes there's more than 1 group for the same thing, and they organize through the General channel).


I never have a problem looking for people to do anything. Seriously. At all.


The irony is that those kind of posts where here since early access, and my server did not become a FULL one until official launch. Yet, even since early access I've been able to group with my two characters.


This is the reality of my server, and have not seen anyone complaining on the game.


What can I say?

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IMO the only way to save this game is get rid of all the instancing, make each planet 1 zone, not a series of seperate little maps. Allow people to go anywhere they like in the zones, give us freedom to explore, take away the stupid invisible barriers.


Make pvp happen on pvp servers, lets have some crossover questing. The world is a boring deserted place, nothing to do and nowhere to go except along the carefully crafted corridors that you call questing zones.


This is currently NOT an MMO and certainly not a game many people will pay a sub for. It's a great singleplayer/coop game with a nice story and some great characters but thats only half of an MMO, the other half does not exist in this game. I personally need adventure amd freedom and I make that up myself, just give me the tools, a nice open playing field to explore.


BW take heed of my words instancing mmo's die fast, this will all end like Start Trek Online unless you act NOW. If am wrong then people will stay, if am right you will lose over half your subs in the first 3 months.


well i have to agree with some of what your saying, this is not a true MMO, there is no community, no guild cities or gathering places, its like star trek online, very similar, except star trek space combat blows this space combat away.


we need the ability to place down cities, freely roam planets and space, fully control our space ships and form and grow our guilds and cities. make crafting unique to each individual, not the same for all.


but we are at the start of the game, it has hopefully years to go and many updates and changes. they need to take what star trek messed up on no do it here. i have played STO since day one and this is so much like it, it scares me. it has same feel, same play, same lack of community

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I completely disagree with you 100%. The only parts of the map that are at all instanced are the small little portions with story specific portions where NPCs can be moved or other such that NEED instancing.


I am also able to back the fact that this is more of a multiplayer experience that you may think. When I first started the game, I was playing by myself and having a blast. My friend then also got in the early access and we both started people that we will only play together. We started and the game was even more fun with another person running around with you. You get to see each person in every story snip-it and both people have the ability to effect the other's side missions. Other party members do not show up in or effect another persons class story missions, but that is needed because it is specific to that class.


And if you think this game has WAY too much instancing, you obviously didn't play Guild Wars. The entire game was nothing but instanced content.

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I agree somewhat. there's waaaaaaay too much instancing. I mean seriously who likes a heavily instanced and/or lobby mmo??? The zones need to be big and open and the quest line needs to leads you into direct confrontation with the opposite faction.

I mean.. cmon. This isn't rocket science here.

I can't fathom how Bioware missed these so very important basics to a hit mmorpg.


The game is still cool and I will play it for a great while, I've no doubt. But part of me is facepalming pretty hardcore about this kind of stuff.

Edited by Rotny
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star trek online was buggy supper buggy with over about 1/2 of the quests buged, space comaby was dull, and ground comabt even more so.


this game is fine and I dont understand why people say its not an mmo, its every bit as one as wow. wow is just a lobby game.

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More than 1 million so far.


You were saying?


If you read my post you would not have made that reply.


FYI I said half would leave in the first 3 months. No one has paid any subscription yet. The only reason it has 1 - 2 million players is because it's star wars and it got hyped to death for the last year. Now that they have all played it we shall see how many stay over the next 3 months, not many I bet.

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