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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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What about prefered players ?

They can't do these missions as they can't do pvp? well maybe 5 matches per week.


I assume you mean prefs who subbed just long enough to get KotFe then unsubbed? I don't really care about them once they stop being subs they chose to unsub and therefor have to deal with the consequences of it.


People who were prefs before KotFE dropped and remained prefs after it dropped wouldn't have these missions to do in the first place so it really wouldn't have any effect on them.

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Excellent news Eric! Thank you for asking and please tell Matt I appreciate him not backing down on PvP requirements. I appreciate the team trying to expose players to PvP.


This ain't the way to do it. All this will do increase angst between PVE and PVP players. The rewards are better than before but if they threw in one of the Alliance crates as part of daily and weekly reward more folks would play. The way it is now it isn't force but it sure going to look that way to some.

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I totally agree. I am glad they are staying the course. PvPers have to to PvE to get just about everything in this game. I have no problems with having PvEers having to PvP to get stuff.


I do have a problem. I don't want the damned AFK PVE heroes in my warzones.... I want a match, not a starting stupid contest from people who have no want to be there...


Let me guess, you are just one of those people who like ezmode farming nubs in WZs to feel good about yourself... I really get tired of PvP players like you (and other people in this thread) wanting to force people into my matches and making them less fun.

Edited by Psychopyro
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I do have a problem. I don't want the damned AFK PVE heroes in my warzones.... I want a match, not a starting stupid contest from people who have no want to be there...


Let me guess, you are just one of those people who like ezmode farming nubs in WZs to feel good about yourself... I really get tired of PvP players like you (and other people in this thread) wanting to force people into my matches and making them less fun.


To you, I apologize in advance for the fact that I'm going to be one of those in the staring contest, doing absolutely nothing to help either side. You don't want me there. I don't want to be there. We both lose out.

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Getting companions back should NEVER be part of a required, ongoing chain of previous companion quests. I have no desire to get every single companion on every single alt. I thought the whole point of this expansion was that we would finally get to pick and choose the companions that made the most sense for our characters rather than be forced to acquire ones we do not want. What if I just wanted my old ones back?


I had no plans to ever recruit M1-4X or Pierce on any characters that couldn't get them automatically, and I also had planned to get Lokin back on only my agents. But now you are telling me that Qyzen and Lokin, and probably Pierce and 4X as well, are part of a required chain? That future companions - ones I may have already had, mind you, and who were taken away - may be gated behind them? This is a terrible idea.


Solution: allow us to refuse the companion's quest and recruitment, which will then trigger the next available option. I have no problem giving up the possibility of ever recruiting that companion if it means I can progress the story. It's a fair trade.

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Getting companions back should NEVER be part of a required, ongoing chain of previous companion quests. I have no desire to get every single companion on every single alt. I thought the whole point of this expansion was that we would finally get to pick and choose the companions that made the most sense for our characters rather than be forced to acquire ones we do not want. What if I just wanted my old ones back?


I had no plans to ever recruit M1-4X or Pierce on any characters that couldn't get them automatically, and I also had planned to get Lokin back on only my agents. But now you are telling me that Qyzen and Lokin, and probably Pierce and 4X as well, are part of a required chain? That future companions - ones I may have already had, mind you, and who were taken away - may be gated behind them? This is a terrible idea.


Solution: allow us to refuse the companion's quest and recruitment, which will then trigger the next available option. I have no problem giving up the possibility of ever recruiting that companion if it means I can progress the story. It's a fair trade.


That's not the story though.


The story is building your alliance. The quest givers are asking for you to get these companions for the alliance. You can choose to never use them again after you recruit them they will just sit on Odessen


There now you can keep your story going.


Don't change whats in the game right now BW, just keep moving forward pls.

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Screw PVP and screw any efforts to force me into it. If we wanted to PVP, we'd be doing it already, I wouldn't need to be railroaded into it by hiding a Companion behind it.


I'll tell you this much, though. If this continues, I'll show up naked in your warzones and be a complete and utter waste of a spot. I'll be a hindrance and nothing but dead weight.


You'll carry me and I'll laugh when we lose.


Go ahead, keep pushing PVP on us, see what comes of it.


lol calm down


Just get your 20 matches in then you're good. If you continue to queue after your 20 matches, we will welcome you. Having one dead weight usually didn't change the outcome of a match that was won/lost before it already started.


"Pushing PvP" its one companion, stop crapping your pants.

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lol calm down


Just get your 20 matches in then you're good. If you continue to queue after your 20 matches, we will welcome you. Having one dead weight usually didn't change the outcome of a match that was won/lost before it already started.


"Pushing PvP" its one companion, stop crapping your pants.


Nah, I'll just afk in the warzones and be a drag on everyone. Hell, I encourage everyone who dislikes this PVP decision to do the same.


We don't want to be there, and I'm betting by the time we're done, you won't want us back ever again.

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Nah, I'll just afk in the warzones and be a drag on everyone. Hell, I encourage everyone who dislikes this PVP decision to do the same.


We don't want to be there, and I'm betting by the time we're done, you won't want us back ever again.


For all the threats, I've seen precious little of this in game. So go ahead, do whatever floats your boat. Most people will just play as best they can. You will stamp your feet like a 4 year old and I'll get a giggle and move on to the next game. I play 5-15 games a day. Your little protest won't change much.

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I do have a problem. I don't want the damned AFK PVE heroes in my warzones.... I want a match, not a starting stupid contest from people who have no want to be there...


Let me guess, you are just one of those people who like ezmode farming nubs in WZs to feel good about yourself... I really get tired of PvP players like you (and other people in this thread) wanting to force people into my matches and making them less fun.


For my part, I'm not ready to give up on all the PvE players. Sure we'll get the children pouting in the corner, but if we get some people who actually try, all the better.


I'm not willing to let the PvE zealots force the devs to remove any reward from PvP just because it might hurt their feelings to get killed a couple of times.

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Nah, I'll just afk in the warzones and be a drag on everyone. Hell, I encourage everyone who dislikes this PVP decision to do the same.


We don't want to be there, and I'm betting by the time we're done, you won't want us back ever again.


It's an option that might get BWs attention. Maybe. But the PvP crowd will have to scream a lot about it before BW pays attention.

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For my part, I'm not ready to give up on all the PvE players. Sure we'll get the children pouting in the corner, but if we get some people who actually try, all the better.


I've done PvP, starting at 1.0. I've got a few characters over valor 70. PvP in this game stinks, simple as that. And while that might be tolerable, the majority of the PvP community is like playing with Kindergardeners. I'm not at all interested.

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It's an option that might get BWs attention. Maybe. But the PvP crowd will have to scream a lot about it before BW pays attention.


I'm okay with ruining their fun. If I'm going to be miserable in warzones, everyone else is going to be miserable about me being there, too.


Hell, I might just spec as heals and forget to heal. That'll bring the hate.

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Super. You know what, if I wanted to try PVP I would have rolled on a PVP server... Oh wait. I did. It sucked all the enjoyment out of the game for me. So I deleted my characters.


I don't even mind not getting 4X or Pierce. Just not at all happy about my not wanting to take part in WZs/PVP in general locking me out of future content.


Guess I'm now extra glad that I wasn't planning on putting all my characters through the expansion at the moment.


In other news, all you decent PVPers probably need to watch out for a hastily respecced scoundrel being neither use nor ornament in your WZs in the near future. :rolleyes:

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Companions are not cosmetics for me. I've experienced the story with them at my side, have fond memories of conversations I had with them, and hope to have more in the future with later content. If they really become entirely cosmetic and stop talking, then I might concede you the point, but as of right now, I don't believe and keep hoping that Bioware wouldn't dumb down the story by making companions entirely cosmetics, especially after saying that they would put an emphasis on the story.


Well, you will be fine, as all the companions that are "your" companions do not have these heavy requirements at all.

If you're a trooper, M1-4X comes straight with you after a short convo, no pvp required.

If you're an Agent, there's no need for the hundreds and hundreds of materials, just the 4 scan spots in the tunnels and done.

They have not put any of these gates to get "your" companions back, just the cosmetic ones, as Master-Nala said.

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!




The idea of forcing people to PVP to gain Pierce/4X just to be able to get other companions in the future is absurd. I'm not sure what the logic was behind putting a PVE companion character behind a mission that required PVP content to be completed. I suffered through the 20 missions to get 4X on my main Sent and was planning to never to this companion quest again (save for my Warrior/Trooper who got them automatically). But hearing that future companions might be gated behind the quest to acquire Pierce/4X is really disheartening.


Please consider allowing us a Mission Terminal-esque system to pick and choose which companion missions we accept regardless of any previous companion missions we have completed, and stop putting PVE companions behind PVP content.

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For all the threats, I've seen precious little of this in game. So go ahead, do whatever floats your boat. Most people will just play as best they can. You will stamp your feet like a 4 year old and I'll get a giggle and move on to the next game. I play 5-15 games a day. Your little protest won't change much.


It isn't even a protest, it's just acting like a baby. Guess we see the true colors of some people when faced with having to play the game differently to get something they want. Spoiled brats, the lot of them.

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It isn't even a protest, it's just acting like a baby. Guess we see the true colors of some people when faced with having to play the game differently to get something they want. Spoiled brats, the lot of them.


If I gotta be miserable in your warzones, everyone else will be miserable right alongside me.


I suggest you open a ticket and complain about the people who don't care about PVP being in your warzones.


Otherwise, get used to the idea of carrying me to my 20 losses while I do exactly jack squat to help.

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How it think it should be is 2 choices for each companion you WANT to recruit:


1. Recruit them to your alliance: doing the task e.g PVP,


2. Refuse/kill them: alert complete: no companion


We should't be MADE to recruit someone we don't want in our alliance, 1st you won't use someone you didn't want in the first place nor would you want to see them in cut scenes either if they are lol


Our alliance should be how WE want it, we should have the CHOICE, to recruit the ones we like and refuse the ones we don't !


characters who had companions previously, should not have there previous companions gated behind someone they didn't have e.g to get lokin back apparently you need to get Qyzen first who agent never had, so they should't need to get him to get lokin back.


IF the point is to collect every companion which could be over 40 + companions to build a alliance which will affect the story/being able to continue doing chapters, then it was a bad idea in the first place, it should be optional!


if its a companion you really like/want then doing 20 pvp, or world bosses is worth doing imo, as your working toward someone you want, but is not fun at all to do lokin alert if u don't want/like him, and a game is suppose to be FUN

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If I gotta be miserable in your warzones, everyone else will be miserable right alongside me.


I suggest you open a ticket and complain about the people who don't care about PVP being in your warzones.


Otherwise, get used to the idea of carrying me to my 20 losses while I do exactly jack squat to help.


Lol!! Pure comedy gold.

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!




What am I missing here? What PvP did I have to do to recruit Pierce or 4X in the base game? The short answer is, of course, none. However, you're stating that you're not wanting to gate PvE content behind PvP, whilst gating PvE content behind PvP. I am truly boggled at the concept.


To top this off, the way the system is implemented, nobody outside of my SW or Troopers can progress past that companion, thus gating even more PvE behind a PvP wall? This despite the claim that that's not what you're trying to do?

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Its way way beyond being alt friendly IMO.


You have a bunch of alts, making this alt unfriendly, but you couldn't manage to get Bioanalysis or Diplomacy on any of them? I had so many mats left over form leveling in SOR that I was able to get 5 characters through that step, and still have enough mats for at least 2 more.

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If I gotta be miserable in your warzones, everyone else will be miserable right alongside me.


I suggest you open a ticket and complain about the people who don't care about PVP being in your warzones.


Otherwise, get used to the idea of carrying me to my 20 losses while I do exactly jack squat to help.


I hope you all get bans and get your progress reset like the dirty cheaters you are.

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