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Don't Rush to endgame...


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Excuse me, friend.


Since I've playd and tested the beta up to level 50.


Is the a reason I need to hear the same dialogue!?


Listening through the side quests is probably even worse than the grind.

* Blabla save the empire, bla bla your our only hope, etc etc


I agree and then you get the ones that don't speak english...


"Noh ahchi blah blah blah"


I understand it's part of the "Star Wars" thing but if i wanted to hear something other than english I would go to my local home depot store

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One more thing. I feel our community is better off without players like this. They bring nothing but problems to the game, whining and moaning on top of it.


Thankfully, most of us play the game in moderation as it was meant to. But im serious when I say the game is better off without players like these.................





The fact is, he's right, nothing to do at 50 except killing lowbies in warzones. People should be allowed to play at their own pace, and if it is faster than what you deem acceptable they still shouldn't be punished for it.



Yes, we knew from the beta that there wasn't much there, does this mean that it's OK for there to be a lack of content? Are you saying that you should create a new character at level 40 to ensure you never hit 50?



Ironic how you think that we'd be better off without people who post reasonable issues with the game, in a calm manner, with clear examples of the problem, while you just yell out "U R WHINY BABY GO AWAY"

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He may have rushed his leveling phase, but all of you will eventually get to max level. Even if you're *enjoying* the game (and people are actually allowed to enjoy it in a different way), leveling phase on this game is fast.


In 2-3 weeks, most of the people who started at or before release will be 50. I really doubt Bioware will be adding a lot of content until then. So even if you're currently enjoying the game, stop flaming him and start thinking about what will happen when you reach level 50.

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The fact is, he's right, nothing to do at 50 except killing lowbies in warzones. People should be allowed to play at their own pace, and if it is faster than what you deem acceptable they still shouldn't be punished for it.



Yes, we knew from the beta that there wasn't much there, does this mean that it's OK for there to be a lack of content? Are you saying that you should create a new character at level 40 to ensure you never hit 50?



Ironic how you think that we'd be better off without people who post reasonable issues with the game, in a calm manner, with clear examples of the problem, while you just yell out "U R WHINY BABY GO AWAY"


Did you want this game to take another 2 years to make?

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If I were at the helm at Bioware, I would perhaps suggest the following. Don't increase the level cap for a long period of time, perhaps never. All the work you put into endgame at 50 will be relegated to insignificance once/if the cap goes up. Alternate advancement or more story/planetary content for level 50's would, I think, be the best option.


I'd agree with this statement. I'd go further and suggest not increasing item levels and making all max level gear drops be empty modifiables. This way even old content is playable for drops and players/guilds can choose to run any current and future operation they want and it will still be relevant. Not extending the item and level caps also has the side effect of making it possible for new players to enter the game at any time without facing a trivial rushed leveling experience. Other types of games do quite well without a gear treadmill by adding new and interesting environments instead in both pve and pvp (RTS games for instance).


Gear treadmills are not content, they are a substitute for content.

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He may have rushed his leveling phase, but all of you will eventually get to max level. Even if you're *enjoying* the game (and people are actually allowed to enjoy it in a different way), leveling phase on this game is fast.


In 2-3 weeks, most of the people who started at or before release will be 50. I really doubt Bioware will be adding a lot of content until then. So even if you're currently enjoying the game, stop flaming him and start thinking about what will happen when you reach level 50.


When I reach 50... lets see I'll do Heroic Flash points... Operations... Nightmare Flashpoints... Heroic Operations... and Nightmare Operations.


That will keep me entertained for months. By then I will expect new content. Because...you see, I'm a NORMAL player, not a basement nerd that plays video games 24/7.

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Did you want this game to take another 2 years to make?


Levels in the way MMOs currently use them are just some sort of punishment to prevent you from playing with your friends if they don't play as much as you. They're basically useless, cause in a good wow-style MMO, at least 90% of you playtime will be at max level in the end.


So maybe they should have focused a bit more on endgame content.

Edited by Zunzun
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Did you want this game to take another 2 years to make?


Are you saying they spent their development time poorly, making the mistake of having a fast leveling phase but little end game? Because if you are, then I completely agree. If not, the aforementioned pitfall is one they didn't avoid very well.

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When I reach 50... lets see I'll do Heroic Flash points... Operations... Nightmare Flashpoints... Heroic Operations... and Nightmare Operations.


That will keep me entertained for months. By then I will expect new content. Because...you see, I'm a NORMAL player, not a basement nerd that plays video games 24/7.



The classic video game counter argument for people who have accomplished more in the game.


It's as if you believe the game was made specifically for you, and that bioware is releasing it on your time table. What about the players who only play an hour a week? Shouldn't they be allowed to keep up with everyone else? Let's hold everyone back until every single player is level 50 with epic gear.


As someone already said, in an mmo max level content is far more important than the leveling if you want to keep people playing.

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The classic video game counter argument for people who have accomplished more in the game.


Supposedly there's nothing to do at 50. So the accomplishment is hollow. Hence the complaint that there's nothing to do.


See how that works?


The big grand prize for hitting 50 before others?



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Ummm... no sympathy from me. If you had half a brain you would've realized that this was going to happen. Really, what else did you expect? They'll put out new content asap, but if you managed to blow through everything this fast, you might as well give it up. We don't need the devs wasting time and money trying to develop content for people that don't value quality...


Go play EVE, there's no themepark wait. We'll keep enjoying our story.


Or you could just reroll... like everybody else who likes story will...

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I slept for about 4 hours each day on my grind to 50


Why would you do that?

Why would you do that and expect anything good to come of it?


Step back and use common sense. You'll use up and burn up anything doing that. The game must be a terrible chore after that. Don't use it as a substitute for real life.


Your original post is right. It's not at all a good idea to rush like that, and it probably would ruin (any) game.

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OP is full of it in regards to lack of endgame content. Me and a buddy hit 50 within 3 days of early access beginning and we've had plenty of stuff to do: dailies, PvP, hard/nightmare mode flashpoints, Eternity Vault, Karagga's, etc.


SWTOR is the first MMO since WoW that has a huge chunk of endgame right at launch. You are flat out lying if you're saying that you've cleared all endgame content.

Edited by Exertim
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Me and my friend aren't even thinking about end game. I have a 44 sorcerer and his highest is 30 but we're going to roll two more alts and craft. I plan on leveling a BH & IA, can't wait to check out their stories. So ya we have plenty to do still.
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I like people like the OP.

If more people reach level 50 faster then maybe it'll make them push out more raiding content so when I get to the cap with my two friends there will be plenty of raiding to do.


We are the type of mmo players that play these games to raid and usually rush so we can start raiding faster. The thing is though, this game just came out so we are taking our time. We got level 22 tonight.


So hopefully by the time we hit 50 there will be some kind of raiding scene.


In other words, more people need to rush so that when I get to 50 there will be more raids out.

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