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Edited by masterduragon
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For just the cost of one Composition class, we can prevent this.


For just dollars a day, someone in your very neighborhood could learn how to use the space bar for something other than skipping all the cut scenes and jumping around like a lunatic in pvp.


Have a heart, good readers, and give generously to your local chapter of Paragraphs and Punctuation.

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For just the cost of one Composition class, we can prevent this.


For just dollars a day, someone in your very neighborhood could learn how to use the space bar for something other than skipping all the cut scenes and jumping around like a lunatic in pvp.


Have a heart, good readers, and give generously to your local chapter of Paragraphs and Punctuation.


ohh whatever shall i do people are being mean and picking on me about my grammar paragraphs and punctuation... sorry i dont care about the needy people who need 100% perfect grammar and punctuation or they somehow lose the ability to read. tends to raise more questions about your intelligence then mine

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ohh whatever shall i do people are being mean and picking on me about my grammar paragraphs and punctuation... sorry i dont care about the needy people who need 100% perfect grammar and punctuation or they somehow lose the ability to read. tends to raise more questions about your intelligence then mine




It's not needy, it's requesting you present your complaints in a clear and coherent manner. Why should we waste time on YOU if you can't spend the time to help US understand?

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I think we just sort of proved his point. The Original Poster is saying we are basically jerks online. He's right. I am. It's easier to be blunt tactless and thoughtless when I am hiding behind a webpage or my game pixels.


In the end, we are all people. We are all capable of being jerks. We are all capable of being awesome. We all want to rant or rave or defend our version of enjoyment online. It makes us cranky. We don't always see another person's view point. That's the nature of the beast.


My only advice to the Poster is 'Try to read us in sarcasm' instead of reading us in 'insult mode'. It might not always be what we intend, but it makes the internet a more tolerable place.

Edited by Myracarrah
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I think we just sort of proved his point. The Original Poster is saying we are basically jerks online. He's right. I am. It's easier to be blunt tactless and thoughtless when I am hiding behind a webpage or my game pixels.


In the end, we are all people. We are all capable of being jerks. We are all capable of being awesome. We all want to rant or rave or defend our version of enjoyment online. It makes us cranky. We don't always see another person's view point. That's the nature of the beast.


My only advice to the Poster is 'Try to read us in sarcasm' instead of reading us in 'insult mode'. It might always be what we intend, but it makes the internet a more tolerable place.



I'm not being a jerk. I cannot begin to understand him when I have to read a wall of text. He literally just typed without using any kind of prose that most people who read are used to. Spacing that's all.


I have never picked up a book that read like he typed. Neither have you. So while you defending him is honorable his understanding of the basic human need to communicate is not.

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ohh whatever shall i do people are being mean and picking on me about my grammar paragraphs and punctuation... sorry i dont care about the needy people who need 100% perfect grammar and punctuation or they somehow lose the ability to read. tends to raise more questions about your intelligence then mine




Can I get a R'Amen, brothers and sisters?!

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ohh whatever shall i do people are being mean and picking on me about my grammar paragraphs and punctuation... sorry i dont care about the needy people who need 100% perfect grammar and punctuation or they somehow lose the ability to read. tends to raise more questions about your intelligence then mine


Then I suspect that no one will give a monkeys toss what you write.


If you are not prepared to at least make a token effort to communicate effectively.


I have also read your illegible rant in the other thread you created, pretty much the same whining, but, no one is going to take you seriously.


You want to get your point across, make it grammatically sound, or at the very least, legible.


It is your responsibility to make what you write actually make sense, not for the reader to have to decipher it.

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I think we just sort of proved his point. The Original Poster is saying we are basically jerks online. He's right. I am. It's easier to be blunt tactless and thoughtless when I am hiding behind a webpage or my game pixels.


In the end, we are all people. We are all capable of being jerks. We are all capable of being awesome. We all want to rant or rave or defend our version of enjoyment online. It makes us cranky. We don't always see another person's view point. That's the nature of the beast.


My only advice to the Poster is 'Try to read us in sarcasm' instead of reading us in 'insult mode'. It might not always be what we intend, but it makes the internet a more tolerable place.


Nope, I'd much rather he read it in insult mode.


Can someone see how many likes this topic gets on facebook? Likes on facebook cure cancer, let's see what we can do for this poor guy.

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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I feel like a lot of the time people grill others who need "help" when they ask questions about stuff that with a little common sense could be figured out on their own. Reading is good for more than Gen Chat and forums. This game isn't complicated, lern 2 plai.
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I think we just sort of proved his point. The Original Poster is saying we are basically jerks online. He's right. I am. It's easier to be blunt tactless and thoughtless when I am hiding behind a webpage or my game pixels.


In the end, we are all people. We are all capable of being jerks. We are all capable of being awesome. We all want to rant or rave or defend our version of enjoyment online. It makes us cranky. We don't always see another person's view point. That's the nature of the beast.


My only advice to the Poster is 'Try to read us in sarcasm' instead of reading us in 'insult mode'. It might not always be what we intend, but it makes the internet a more tolerable place.


I'm very capable of being a jerk and I will be a jerk to anyone that has the hysterical nerve to wax sanctimonious in a fangryfingered word vomit like that.


I mean come the frack on; if one has anything they hope someone will actually take seriously to say, but they can't be bothered to take the time to even make it more readable than smeared crap on a bathroom stall door, what do they honestly expect?


A participation ribbon?


I'll laugh them out the door, down the street, across the railroad tracks and into the barn with the rest of the dumb animals.



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ohh whatever shall i do people are being mean and picking on me about my grammar paragraphs and punctuation...


TLDR = I agree masterduragon. People suck, in game and IRL, mostly because they want to tell you how to talk and behave to their satisfaction. Their behaviour in game / on boards mimics their behaviour IRL.


I think the responses just to your grammar pretty much tell you all you need to know.

Edited by DalrisThane
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TLDR = I agree masterduragon. People suck, in game and IRL, mostly because they want to tell you how to talk and behave to their satisfaction. Their behaviour in game / on boards mimics their behaviour IRL.


I think the responses just to your grammar pretty much tell you all you need to know.


People just want to tear you down, dismiss your thoughts / feelings, laugh at your misery. Most importantly, control you.


And it's not limited to game, though. IRL, it's all about telling us what to say, who to be with, what we can put in our bodies, how we defend ourselves, etc... back on point: people in this game, or any other, are all about how you should (in this case) play / behave, and everything else is wrong.


Heck, the responses above just reaffirm why I call myself an armchair psychopathic nihilist. And their agreement... sadly for them, is not required, not, of course, that it means anything. Just rambling.


Of course, everything I just said is a total hyperbole / digression / non sequitur / etc... or whatever the armchair board lawyers say these days, heh.


*breaks out her mind control maser phaser laser razors, counts to potato and bursts into a galefit of mocking, mirthful laughter*


Maybe it's schadenfreude!


Maybe it's Maybelline!

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TLDR = I agree masterduragon. People suck, in game and IRL, mostly because they want to tell you how to talk and behave to their satisfaction. Their behaviour in game / on boards mimics their behaviour IRL.


I think the responses just to your grammar pretty much tell you all you need to know.


People just want to tear you down, dismiss your thoughts / feelings, laugh at your misery. Most importantly, control you.


And it's not limited to game, though. IRL, it's all about telling us what to say, who to be with, what we can put in our bodies, how we defend ourselves, etc... back on point: people in this game, or any other, are all about how you should (in this case) play / behave, and everything else is wrong.


Heck, the responses above just reaffirm why I call myself an armchair psychopathic nihilist. And their agreement... sadly for them, is not required, not, of course, that it means anything. Just rambling.


Of course, everything I just said is a total hyperbole / digression / non sequitur / etc... or whatever the armchair board lawyers say these days, heh.


Basically thats the jist of it man. i never said i was a scholar i never said i know things half these people do... never made claims to even try to make it sound like that. I dont lower myself to the standards set by these ******es... hell im sure most of them are ....decent... human beings... but i dont see any of that when i see so many people being insultive and livid because someone doesnt follow a set stardard or gets insulted over something so damn trivial as proper grammar ect ect which again falls back to my very point some of you get your jollies out of being an *** towards people prejudging them based on comments from someone you have never met outside of maybe 2 hours tops on the internet .


Sure you might be book smart and be able to do my taxes explain the meaning of life at the bat of an eye but that doesnt make me a dumb or stupid and it sure as hell doesnt make me a dumb animal. We have different skill sets your skill set is the scholar type mine is military combat operations i could call some of you dumb animals because you dont have a sense of tactical awareness you couldnt tell me how many exits are in a building if things go wrong what walls will provide the most protection in a firefight based on weapon type and caliber and a lot more but i dont... i dont call you people dumb because theres no point. To many people are concerned with what everyone else is doing rather then what they are doing and are constantly compelled to dictate someone elses life and if they fail to live up to that standard they are looked upon with distain and the stupid remarks from that sorry lot.


Sorry i dont live up to your set level of standards but insulting me over something trivial isnt going to change anything despite what some of you want to believe. Im stubborn and thats who i am if you dont like it then please feel free to ignore this thread and move on instead of making random insulting remarks but remember i can be a bigger ***** then the vast majority of you i just dont like to be.

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'Something as trivial as proper grammar'.


Via a medium in which ones diction and grammar is THE only vector you have by which to express and communicate.


Declared thus... to be trivial.


I can't stop laughing. It's like watching someone punch themselves in the face over and over and waiting for we, the apparently BadWrong People, to learn this supposedly painful lesson.


I can't.


I can't even.


It's too much


Dying now.




Too hard

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Paragraphs, sentence structure, coherent content structure.... Without these things, we can't make proper sense of what you're saying.


Yeah, they may have a good point in there. If they can't bother to write, I don't need to bother to read.

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Yeah, they may have a good point in there. If they can't bother to write, I don't need to bother to read.


then dont ive said it a few times before no one is forcing any of you here to read anything but constantly insulting someone over grammar isnt going to make me change it... a concept that escapes the vast majority of you...

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