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Do you still have your first character? How are they doing?


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My first character is still in my signature since I still play her as my main. She is human and I had to rename her after those server merges. So, I am still happy with my shadow tank, started playing her during the early access in December 2011 and have always been subbed, so have spend quite some time with that char.
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Yep. He's well and good, still my main. Need to find a decent imp guild for him though that suits him and is active and chatty and all that jazz... all I find is Enjin guilds that shove enjin down your throat >.<


Lightside Sith Juggernaut, although some darkside choices here and there it ended up being LS after a while.

Edited by Matisaha
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My main is a Mirialan Jedi Sage healer. I created her at launch and she's still my main. when I moved to another server, I brought her over, and when I returned to Shadowlands, i brought her back. I lost her name twice, but she's still kicking and still my main and currently my best geared toon, 216 mostly. She's the Outlander now and working on her alliance. She started as Tatica and the name has moved around, now she's Teeli'aralu (mirialan history). I created a sentinel, always watchman and a gunsliinger, at the same time, and the trio are still my top trio, all doing the end content, except the slinger waiting for bio to fix something before I go.


Great idea for a thread.

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ah my first toon. The memories we created.


He was a cyborg Sith Marauder named Broseph (oh the grief I got on that name). Luckily there were server merges and I lost my name, but I did not learn. I renamed him to Brostine, but then I got lucky for a third time and was part of another server merger where I ended up on the harbinger server (oh the horrors!). I then renamed him to Mitsu'bee.


I joined a progression raid team on the harbinger, took out SOA, Karraga, and Kephess before real life got to me. I was no longer able to stay up until 3am raiding. I live on the East coast and was on a West coast server :o


I then used those free server transfers to take Mitsu'bee from the Harbinger to my final resting place on Jedi covenant. There I found a raiding guild, but I really wanted a black/blue color crystal for my sabers. At that time, the only way to get one was to create a republic character and so lead to the death of Mitsu'bee.


I found a true calling in my main, who is a Sentinel, and Mitsu'bee would be benched for the past 3 years.


The final iteration of my first character is a Cathar Marauder named Mitsu'bee. So many memories.



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My first character was a Sith Jugga called Rose.


Got to max level and in the server merge got forced to change my name because of an inactive lvl 44 merc on the server sad times.


She is now named Rosé but it's not the same.


Stupid unfair server mergers.

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Yup Hathor 51 Annihilation marauder on Jung Ma

And she's still in the original lvl 50 pvp set go figure


Agree with the server merge name change thing I lost three names when they merged whatever with Jung Ma

Edited by Atalantia
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My first character was an IA Sniper. I still have her around, but don't play her much. Just can't quite bring myself to delete her, so she's pretty much just a bank toon these days. I rolled a Jedi Guardian a few days after I rolled the IA, and fell in love with the Vigilance playstyle. The guardian has been my main ever since.
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My first toon is a Mirialan male Jedi consular rolled during early access in 2011 and he's ready for chapter X. I only stopped playing him after the forced server merger and he lost his name. However, he's been my active main again since a name purge allowed me to get his original name back. This is the toon I use to do all new content 1st, do FPs, Ops, and PvP, everything actually except for GSF (I won't touch that even with a 10 foot pole). Edited by ArfiveDefour
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Sadly, I deleted my smuggler which is the first character I've created in February 2012 on my old account.. In 2013 I started playing Jedi Guardian Treeckan, I have so many great memories with him from RP with friends to other. He is my main, has the most credits, items, outfits and is the first toon that reached lvl 65.
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My very first character is still my main. I knew exactly what I wanted to be as soon as I watched those early class videos before the game even launched. I squeaked in on the last day of early access and created my Twi'lek gunslinger and she's still my main today. I love her, and thankfully she never lost her name during any of the merges.
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Yep, Lynx, my bounty hunter powertech.


Was created at early access/launch as a human. Was the first level 50 imperial character on my server (namadii corridor). Ran the largest imperial guild on mentioned server until the forced merges with harbinger.


Still play him as my main, though he's since been converted into a Cathar, along with the rest of my characters.


Pakhet was the second character I made, originally a sith pureblood sorceror. She's a cathar now, too, but still the same character, made shortly after launch.


I still use the same names from a lot of my other launch characters, but I've since remade them as different classes or ACs.

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My first character ever in this game was a Male, LS, Human Jedi Guardian (original, I know :p ). Tank, no less. Still around, at top level, still my main on Rep Side. Still a Tank. :)


I always have loved that class, although my focus switched to Imp Side at a certain point due to Guild breakups... :o


From that moment on, my main became my Sith Sorcerer, Male, Sith Pureblood, DS. DPS, Lightning. Another character I love, the third one I ever made, and the first one I loved both in PvE and in PvP from the first second. :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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My first character was a Sith Sorcerer. I got her to around level 50 but I wasn't happy with, well, her in general, so I created another Sith Sorcerer (who is now level 65) and she far surpasses the first in every way.


I didn't delete my first character straight away though, I felt a little bit attached as she was my first character. Eventually I said, '**** it', and deleted her, after sending my other character all of her useful items and credits of course. Her legacy lives on.


I've tried the other classes but the Sorcerer is the only class I really enjoy, so I've recently created a Jedi Sage. ^_^


Right now I have a level 65 Sorcerer, 55 (I think) Juggernaut, 40-something Mercenary, and a level 20 Sage who hasn't been to Coruscant yet.

Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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