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decreases critical damage from 30% to 10%?


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Yes, there is clearly something worng with that. And that is using the 500k health modul...


You say that the surge bonus reduction was made to balance out supercrits, yet sorcs are the only ones that don't have any supercrits. The module used to prove that one burst spec is **** compared to another doesn't matter.

Edited by Kawabonga
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Pretty sure the super crit is thundering blast it's just that it doesn't really hit hard to begin with every 9 seconds (no alacrity) lighting spec has an auto crit. Now I could see why they would nerf the critical bonus for thundering blast even tho that's dumb as well but at least there would be some reasoning behind it. What I don't understand is why Crushing darkness lighting flash and chain lighting were apart of the nerf. Game in general for each class needs some srs dev responses on certain things and even if they can't do that need an overall summary for some of these class/spec changes.
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They should either bring back 30% surge to sorc or take it away from other classes as well.

General auto crit from TB should hit harder than atm (my gear is 50/50 220/224 and my average is sth about 14k, ~16,5-17k opening 2 relic procs adrenal raid buffs), then every 1,5m or less we should hit hard, maybe sth around 20k, with Reck stack on TB.


Just to compare i have ap PT with 216 and few 220 pieces, hitting for ~20k and ~24k with explosive fuel on.

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They should either bring back 30% surge to sorc or take it away from other classes as well.

General auto crit from TB should hit harder than atm (my gear is 50/50 220/224 and my average is sth about 14k, ~16,5-17k opening 2 relic procs adrenal raid buffs), then every 1,5m or less we should hit hard, maybe sth around 20k, with Reck stack on TB.


Just to compare i have ap PT with 216 and few 220 pieces, hitting for ~20k and ~24k with explosive fuel on.


Question though whats hitting for 20k-24k on your PT is it cell burst? If so that would make sense seeing as how long it's CD is and not a guaranteed crit outside of set bonus. Compared to TB thats pretty much a 8 sec cd or lower with polarity or extra alacrity on gear. What doesn't make sense is the surge nerf on crushing chain and flash. Imo if they want to do that they need to take the rng out of forked lighting and just make it 100% chance to proc a extra arc of lighting same goes for forked darkness

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Recklessness CD is long as well but it doesn't cause super crit on TB. And it should.


EH that's because recklessness isn't a an auto crit what they could do is change the set bonus I guess or just bump recklessness up to 100% not really sure why it isn't 100% tbh literally could just copy off of snipers laze target with the additional effects of recklessness.

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They should either bring back 30% surge to sorc or take it away from other classes as well.

General auto crit from TB should hit harder than atm (my gear is 50/50 220/224 and my average is sth about 14k, ~16,5-17k opening 2 relic procs adrenal raid buffs), then every 1,5m or less we should hit hard, maybe sth around 20k, with Reck stack on TB.


Just to compare i have ap PT with 216 and few 220 pieces, hitting for ~20k and ~24k with explosive fuel on.


The funny thing is that Bioware didnt understand with their own testing while they took away crit damage boost from sage/sorc class. Take a PT as example. The more and better gear other classe get including PT the HIGHER insane crits they will see. While Sorc will be limited no matter how high your power stat is. Surge will have same diminish return as all. So if we move from 224 gear to lets say 228+ the dps range will be EVEN higher favoring other classes. Thats why this problem needs to be sorted asap.

Edited by Divona
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Recklessness CD is long as well but it doesn't cause super crit on TB. And it should.


Hold on, if by TB you mean Thundering Blast, the thing always super crits when the target has Affliction on it. The thing hits for piddly if its a normal Crit.


Should you gain 60% extra surge on top with a Recklessness stack usage. Highly debatable, and massively OP if it did.


Also both Merc specs have 40% surge increase; you guys missed the Advanced Targeting 10% which is almost always up in Arsenal, and 99.5-100% of the time in IO.

Edited by Dropfall
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Hold on, if by TB you mean Thundering Blast, the thing always super crits when the target has Affliction on it. The thing hits for piddly if its a normal Crit.


Should you gain 60% extra surge on top with a Recklessness stack usage. Highly debatable, and massively OP if it did.


Also both Merc specs have 40% surge increase; you guys missed the Advanced Targeting 10% which is almost always up in Arsenal, and 99.5-100% of the time in IO.


I'm not even considering TB hit without affliction cause I can't think of a reason one would do that. AP PT gets super mega ridiculous crit every minute with set bonus, Recklessness CD is around 90s so i believe it should greatly increase TB hit. Either that or they should bring back 30% crit dmg from passive. Or other way they shouldn't have changed sorc set bonus.

Now we get 3 stacks of Recklessness and the only thing I can think of using 3rd stack for is TB. If it doesn't work with it I demand bringing back old [6] reducing CD of Recklessness.


I don't really know how they're gonna solve this but I'm almost sure I'm gonna leave this game if they don't

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Hold on, if by TB you mean Thundering Blast, the thing always super crits when the target has Affliction on it. The thing hits for piddly if its a normal Crit.


Should you gain 60% extra surge on top with a Recklessness stack usage. Highly debatable, and massively OP if it did.


Also both Merc specs have 40% surge increase; you guys missed the Advanced Targeting 10% which is almost always up in Arsenal, and 99.5-100% of the time in IO.


Fair enough, TB always super crits. I wouldn't make proper autocrits fall into that category, but it doesn't really matter for the sake of our argument.


The main issue here is that our crit boosting cooldown doesn't act according to plan. Assuming your second sentence is a question, the answer is hell yes.


[ctrl+v from other thread]

Under the best circumstances we'd be seeing a 19k+ Thundering Blast every minute and a half-ish with the initial one under both relics, Unlimited Power and adrenal being closer to 23k. Most other burst classes see similar numbers. A quick glance at parsely shows 21k Devastating Blasts, 22k Ambushes, 23k Energy Bursts, 23k Heatseekers, for example.

Besides, from what i understand we wouldn't be seeing a +60% to our hits, we would be seeing a +60% of our Critical multiplier (which should be around 80% taking into account Reverberating Force), so all in all every minute and a half one of our Thundering Blasts would hit about 48% harder than usual. Doesn't sound broken to be honest.

[/ctrl+v from other thread]


That's a post i made last month. Today we're closer to 25k hits.

If the devs were to revert back to 30% surge on top of fixing recklessness Thundering blast might just barely become the hardest hit in game (under relics+adrenal+UP) and gain about 15% damage on average. Sounds fair enough to me considering every other class gains an autocrit for one of their hardest hitting ability every minute and sorcs get an extra recklessness stack every minute and a half to be used on force lightning or lightning bolt, both of which crit for under 10k.

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Fair enough, TB always super crits. I wouldn't make proper autocrits fall into that category, but it doesn't really matter for the sake of our argument.


The main issue here is that our crit boosting cooldown doesn't act according to plan. Assuming your second sentence is a question, the answer is hell yes.


[ctrl+v from other thread]

Under the best circumstances we'd be seeing a 19k+ Thundering Blast every minute and a half-ish with the initial one under both relics, Unlimited Power and adrenal being closer to 23k. Most other burst classes see similar numbers. A quick glance at parsely shows 21k Devastating Blasts, 22k Ambushes, 23k Energy Bursts, 23k Heatseekers, for example.

Besides, from what i understand we wouldn't be seeing a +60% to our hits, we would be seeing a +60% of our Critical multiplier (which should be around 80% taking into account Reverberating Force), so all in all every minute and a half one of our Thundering Blasts would hit about 48% harder than usual. Doesn't sound broken to be honest.

[/ctrl+v from other thread]


That's a post i made last month. Today we're closer to 25k hits.

If the devs were to revert back to 30% surge on top of fixing recklessness Thundering blast might just barely become the hardest hit in game (under relics+adrenal+UP) and gain about 15% damage on average. Sounds fair enough to me considering every other class gains an autocrit for one of their hardest hitting ability every minute and sorcs get an extra recklessness stack every minute and a half to be used on force lightning or lightning bolt, both of which crit for under 10k.


Ya that can't happen with TB because while all those moves have a super crit they all aren't guaranteed crits like TB every 9 seconds. Tk and lighting should be more concerned with the critical damage bonuses lost on Flash, Chain lighting and Crushing darkness. They do need to update recklessness tho but the tricky part is do Assassins really need to benefit from this deception and darkness sins would end up doing some absurd things more so darkness sins.

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Ya that can't happen with TB because while all those moves have a super crit they all aren't guaranteed crits like TB every 9 seconds. Tk and lighting should be more concerned with the critical damage bonuses lost on Flash, Chain lighting and Crushing darkness. They do need to update recklessness tho but the tricky part is do Assassins really need to benefit from this deception and darkness sins would end up doing some absurd things more so darkness sins.


The surge nerf concerns all abilities. 20k-25k hits are already being dealt by almost all other disciplines, including Carnage which has an autocrit. What's one more?


Assassins wouldn't benefit from recklessness that way at all. Base crit chance is less than 40%, there are no crit chance increases for hard hitting abilities, only surge bonuses. Recklessness bumps up crit chance to just shy of 100%, so none of that extra crit becomes supercrit.

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The surge nerf concerns all abilities. 20k-25k hits are already being dealt by almost all other disciplines, including Carnage which has an autocrit. What's one more?


Assassins wouldn't benefit from recklessness that way at all. Base crit chance is less than 40%, there are no crit chance increases for hard hitting abilities, only surge bonuses. Recklessness bumps up crit chance to just shy of 100%, so none of that extra crit becomes supercrit.


Carnage also got the surge nerf to 10% on their spammer not just devastating and again TB is every 9 secs.


From what I'm understanding you would like recklessness to become an auto crit like snipers laze target so 100% on the next 2-3 moves. Assassins have a talent that increases melee crit chance by 5% when they crit with a force ability. So 35% crit is around the geared crit rating sins can easily hit 40% crit even if reck continued to give 60% they can actually do that now its one of the reasons deception is beating out hatred.


I'm all for recklessness working as a super crit I just think they really need to be careful if they re buff TBs surge and if that was to happen it would most likely mean flash chain and crushing would have to stay at 10%.


For me personally I would rather they remove the rng from 25% forked lighting and darkness traits and bumped it up to 100% not only would it be a dps gain it would also reduce the cd of polarity shift consistently.

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so how long does it actually require for devs to answer this, does any of them read this?? this is much bigger problem than cartel market crap and companion nerf. For someone that has a sorc-lightning/sage as main and wants to do progression(NiM) ops this is annoying as hell. I dont want to play other class and will proly be left out of a progression team cause of that,... (4.0 didn came out yesterday) my parsing on a dummy is between 5,9k-6k (1mil dummy) - 6,1k (500k-dummy and you'd think a burst class should do more...dps ) :mad:
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so how long does it actually require for devs to answer this, does any of them read this?? this is much bigger problem than cartel market crap and companion nerf. For someone that has a sorc-lightning/sage as main and wants to do progression(NiM) ops this is annoying as hell. I dont want to play other class and will proly be left out of a progression team cause of that,... (4.0 didn came out yesterday) my parsing on a dummy is between 5,9k-6k (1mil dummy) - 6,1k (500k-dummy and you'd think a burst class should do more...dps ) :mad:


U can stil clear everything with sorc atm. It's not like you'd need to get carried tho. Granted other classes will prolly leave u far behind in terms of dps but they simply overdpsing, not like u need them to do that in order to clear anything.

It's simply unfair and annoying how things look like now.

Edited by isunflex
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U can stil clear everything with sorc atm. It's not like you'd need to get carried tho. Granted other classes will prolly leave u far behind in terms of dps but they simply overdpsing, not like u need them to do that in order to clear anything.

It's simply unfair and annoying how things look like now.


Im not gonna weigh you from your post ... but it seems to me that a difference of 1k - 1,5k dps sometimes even more! is abit too much from other classes also other classes carrying me as a dps is simply unacceptable and plain stupid not to mention that high aggro that sorc's recieve right now is not on par with the dps we do,.. so not only the class is broken its broken in many ways.l dont want to do 7,8-8k dps like pt or sinns dont need that i just want them to fix my class and make it more fair and comfortable to play and even the dps with other classes im fine with being 500-600 dps short, having paper armor, useless heals just fine . Being carried through ops is not a solution so try again.

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Carnage also got the surge nerf to 10% on their spammer not just devastating and again TB is every 9 secs.


From what I'm understanding you would like recklessness to become an auto crit like snipers laze target so 100% on the next 2-3 moves. Assassins have a talent that increases melee crit chance by 5% when they crit with a force ability. So 35% crit is around the geared crit rating sins can easily hit 40% crit even if reck continued to give 60% they can actually do that now its one of the reasons deception is beating out hatred.


I'm all for recklessness working as a super crit I just think they really need to be careful if they re buff TBs surge and if that was to happen it would most likely mean flash chain and crushing would have to stay at 10%.


For me personally I would rather they remove the rng from 25% forked lighting and darkness traits and bumped it up to 100% not only would it be a dps gain it would also reduce the cd of polarity shift consistently.


Point taken for the surge decrease on DB, although DB is still critting significantly harder than TB on a very similar cooldown


Assassins get a melee damage crit chance increase, Recklessness increases Force critical chance. Not useful


You are not understanding correctly. Here is my reasoning step by step. For the sake of my argument, our Sorcerer has 39% crit chance and 80% crit damage (this is including Reverberating Force).

-Every point of critical chance that exceeds 100% will increase critical damage (Supercrit)

-Recklessness increases Force critical chance by 60%.

-On abilities such as CL and LF the critical chance is less than 39%. Under Recklessness these abilities will have 99% chance to critically hit. No supercrit here.

-Affliction on a target increases TB's critical chance on that target by 100%, bringing it up to 139%. The Critical damage in this case is no longer 80%, but 80*(1+0.39)=111,2%.


What should be happening under Recklessness is critical damage being 80*(1+0.39+60)=159.2%

Why should it be this way? Explosive Fuel works this way. Laze target works this way. Tactical superiority works this way. Critical adrenals work this way. This is the precise definition of Supercrit.

What is happening in live is the critical damage bonus staying 111,2%, but Recklessness being consumed.


See the problem? Anyway, we are going off topic, there's another thread talking about Recklessness, we're here to talk about Reverberating Force being nerfed. Incresing proc rate to 100% on Forked Lightning/Darkness isn't a bad idea but it would really throw the synergy between Polarity Shift and Recklessness into the void. I know removing RNG has been the trend lately, but i think it's making the classes dull (see carnage). Lightning needs a buff. An unnerf to Reverberating Force is the easiest, quickest, safest way to do it. Maybe 30% would be too much, maybe not, but surely looking for the sweet spot is the way to go.

Edited by Kawabonga
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U can stil clear everything with sorc atm. It's not like you'd need to get carried tho. Granted other classes will prolly leave u far behind in terms of dps but they simply overdpsing, not like u need them to do that in order to clear anything.

It's simply unfair and annoying how things look like now.


Being far behind in dps means exactly that you're being carried. Fortunately, the content isn't hard enough for it to matter, but it still sucks. Especially in a competitive environment

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Point taken for the surge decrease on DB, although DB is still critting significantly harder than TB on a very similar cooldown


Assassins get a melee damage crit chance increase, Recklessness increases Force critical chance. Not useful


You are not understanding correctly. Here is my reasoning step by step. For the sake of my argument, our Sorcerer has 39% crit chance and 80% crit damage (this is including Reverberating Force).

-Every point of critical chance that exceeds 100% will increase critical damage (Supercrit)

-Recklessness increases Force critical chance by 60%.

-On abilities such as CL and LF the critical chance is less than 39%. Under Recklessness these abilities will have 99% chance to critically hit. No supercrit here.

-Affliction on a target increases TB's critical chance on that target by 100%, bringing it up to 139%. The Critical damage in this case is no longer 80%, but 80*(1+0.39)=111,2%.


What should be happening under Recklessness is critical damage being 80*(1+0.39+60)=159.2%

Why should it be this way? Explosive Fuel works this way. Laze target works this way. Tactical superiority works this way. Critical adrenals work this way. This is the precise definition of Supercrit.

What is happening in live is the critical damage bonus staying 111,2%, but Recklessness being consumed.


See the problem? Anyway, we are going off topic, there's another thread talking about Recklessness, we're here to talk about Reverberating Force being nerfed. Incresing proc rate to 100% on Forked Lightning/Darkness isn't a bad idea but it would really throw the synergy between Polarity Shift and Recklessness into the void. I know removing RNG has been the trend lately, but i think it's making the classes dull (see carnage). Lightning needs a buff. An unnerf to Reverberating Force is the easiest, quickest, safest way to do it. Maybe 30% would be too much, maybe not, but surely looking for the sweet spot is the way to go.


Derpme I was way off thanks and yes Reck should work like that.

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