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what is the point of pvping?


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* Gank low level players. "lv30 to lv50"
I'm 42 on an RP-PVP server and I haven't seen this at all.


The lack of PVP rewards has meant that level 50s cannot be bothered to hunt down lowbies to gank.


Almost all World PVP that I have seen has been against similar level characters and usually it has been 1 on 1 (or 2 on 2 if you count companions). When I have run into level 50 enemy players (probably someone looking for datacrons), it has usually not led to a fight.


I am happy with this system as it allows for world PVP that is relatively fair and doesn't really interfere with questing (at worst, if you die you have to run back from the med centre).

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Do we know if it is level-modified? Or is this going to lead to level 50s farming Tatooine and Alderaan? (Of course, if so, the solution on a PVP server is to get your level 50s to come and guard the lower levels and fight off the invaders). Edited by sjmc
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I want pvp fame, when you kill someone you get a title after so many kills, if they kill you u have a chance to lose your title...something like that.....not this craptastic system that's currently implemented.....lol I haven't resubbed since there was no real world pvp other than Ilum....no reason to pvp ppl always "traded" thats not real pvp....what has happened since update?
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I hate and despise every single one of you who replied with the reason is fun. Thats a joke. Fun is being rewarded. Why dont you go do operations and get no loot drops from it at all, and then still do them, because they are fun..........


I despise you, because you lack intelligence.

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PVE does not interest me in any way, shape, or form. I reluctantly quested only on class quests and was que'd for WZs the rest of the time. I've done a flash point or two and didn't enjoy it.


I PvP because I love it, even when getting my face stomped in....I rather play an unpredictable human then scripted AI, which is just rinse and repeat. I log in and out of Illum and haven't left there or Fleet since hitting 50 a week and a half after launch.

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I want pvp fame


PvP fame doesn't come from titles. It comes from people remembering your name because you've killed them so many times you are burned into their memory. The only way to get that fame is to fight. And win. A lot.


People that get famous for PvP don't fight because they are chasing a dangling carrot. They do it because they love to fight.


Get your priorities straight, rookie. Quit whining on the forums, log in, shut up and fight.


When you get to around 200,000 HKs people may start to remember you. Don't want to work for it? Then remain a nobody forever.

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Rookie? Who are u again? lol an internet nobody. relax boy...Fame comes from killing people and for killing people you should be awarded as such, now then run along and don't act like you're some internet bad a**.


I know who I am...and I'm NOT the guy crying like a little girl about wanting to be famous yet too stupid to know it isn't just handed to you (little hint...I'm talking about you, rookie.)

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in other mmo's it has been for area/server control/dominance/defence, loot, faction pride, access to high end pve content, individual rating, tangible benefits (buffs) and yes, fun and competition.


tor has been designed so none of the above apply.

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In SWG they had officer ranks that were earned via PVP'ing.


If you stopped PVP'ing, you lost officer ranks through decay over time.


To maintain rank, you had to earn a certain number of PVP points, via kills.


Ranks granted asccess to rewards through NPCs and added Combat skills and buffs.


Ranks were Private through General.


You also had the chance to earn a random "cookie" every kill that would grant points. Some offered 500 points and others 1500.


Could work here, maybe.

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Open World PvP is a joke and I wish game developers would let it die. All it generally does is turn into a griefing cluster. For every 5 seconds of evenly matched enjoyable content that Open World PvP provides, there is another 30 minutes of spawn camping and griefers who have nothing better to do than annoy you.


The typical Open PvP world encounter starts like this:


  • Do I outlevel him by at least 5
  • Yes - kill him, No - stare at him from afar and run away if he comes close



  • Does my group outnumber his group by at least 3:1?
  • Yes - attack, No - shout insults from afar and run away if they try to engage



It's lame, it's annoying and effort could be better put into more warzones, rated warzones and possibly an arena combat system.

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