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Ignoring the fact that she's beautiful, there's always a. she's funny (I've always found the "manic cheerful psychopath"-type to be somewhat hilarious, and the odd numbers -line makes me smile pretty much every time) and b. I really like theorizing exactly why she's like that, and how her mind actually works. She's manic, yes. She's a psychopath, yes. But she also seems to care about her brother - why else would she take commands from him, when she's clearly more powerful? She also says she misses Thexan, so I'd guess she cared about him, too - though she doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that Arcann killed his brother. Or is she just saying she misses Thexan, because Arcann misses Thexan and she's trying to please Arcann?


And I can't help but wonder if Valkorion caging her power had something to do with how she is now. Didn't Senya say something about Valkorion doing that also took away part of Vaylin, not just part of Vaylin's power?

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I could actually see her realizing that her brother is just using her but for some reason she isn't able to kill him for it so she defects to your alliance..


P.s I could see the pop up if you chose to accept her.


Koth Mega disapproves!!!!


To me, it seems like she's playing her brother, and just using him while she bides her time.

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Tell you what though; Valkorian's voice actor could read a phone book to me and I'd be enthralled all evening.


Nothing quite like a deep, even voice so chock full of confidence and effortless dignity that even if he isn't a good person, you knoooow he'll be good at it.




Thats how I feel about the voices for Darth Marr and Darth Jadus :D

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Why, because I have a functional understanding of basic human motivations?


I mean, sure, I have fantasies and all, but none of them involve the taming/being tamed by She-Hulk, Goth Chick Edition.


^ Damm that was laugh out loud funny... true too...



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You have fantasies about other people's fantasies. Understanding motivations is one thing, assuming them is another.


Yeah, because people aren't actually saying things in this thread. It's a great big mystery, like magnets. I mean, there's all these words, and who would dare make casual assumptions about what any of them mean? Who would dare to dare, man?


I would! Because I'm all conversant and I can read words!


Welcome to forum conversations. Pull that tree-sized stick out of your rear and realize that this isn't exactly a peer-reviewed publication. It's more like the equivalent of random chatter in a bar at a nerd convention.


So hey Prince Pocket Protector, you can try to be all stuffy and pedantic about smalltalk if you like, but do you really, truly believe it's going to make any difference?


I think stuff. Sometimes I say what I thinks, because hey... Conversations don't come from cabbage patches.





Edited by Uruare
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Thats how I feel about the voices for Darth Marr and Darth Jadus :D


Me too. And add the Emperor to that list, his voice is full of sexxxy too. And Richard 'Quinn' Teverson! :D Having to pick a favorite is tough, but I still vote for Marr. Love him to bits! <3



Having claws like that would remind me of a scene from a movie called to wong fuu.


"Raises hand to show nails"

My char: Do you like My nails

Bad guy: What?

"Quickly grabs the guys balls and squeezes"



:D :D :D :D


LOL yeah, I could see those talons coming in handy all right. 'Handy' haha, pardon the accidental pun. :D

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Aggressive women like that are (usually) looking for a man that is not intimidated or scared of them, someone far more powerful and aggressive. So they can be submissive with someone.


My male body type 3 full dark side jugg Wrath. He would hit it. Oh yes. Oh yes indeed. :cool:

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She's just a weak character full stop. Just like a petulant teenager.


They also went overboard with how powerful she is, it's just silly. I mean she is clearly FAR FAR more powerful than Anakin. Why is she quite happy to just sit there, mucking about in the pointless motiveless way she does, and not instead just completely taking control of the new empire?


I just wonder if they'll just a last minute change of heart with her. Maybe in her dying breath she'll do massive damage to the empire sacrificing herself? Realising that she does indeed love her mother.

Edited by Daezihang
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She reminds me of what the Joker would be as a Sith.

I really want to romance her.


Ehm.. not even close. The Joker is a delightfully cunning maniacally evil and clever villain.. one of the best villains in fiction as he is genuinely frightening.


Vaylin comes off as nothing more than a powerful common thug that just stabs everyone infront of her. She is the most boring kind of evil there is in fiction. She's been a horrid disappointment so far as she comes across as nothing more than a bully with a very sharp knife.

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Yeah, because people aren't actually saying things in this thread. It's a great big mystery, like magnets. I mean, there's all these words, and who would dare make casual assumptions about what any of them mean? Who would dare to dare, man?


I would! Because I'm all conversant and I can read words!


Welcome to forum conversations. Pull that tree-sized stick out of your rear and realize that this isn't exactly a peer-reviewed publication. It's more like the equivalent of random chatter in a bar at a nerd convention.


So hey Prince Pocket Protector, you can try to be all stuffy and pedantic about smalltalk if you like, but do you really, truly believe it's going to make any difference?


I think stuff. Sometimes I say what I thinks, because hey... Conversations don't come from cabbage patches.






*stares longinly into your eyes...*


I love you...



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Vaylin, why can't you be true?

Oh Vaylin, why can't you be true?

You've started back doing the things you used to do.


As I was motivatin' over the hill

I saw Vaylin in a coup de ville.

A Cadillac a-rollin' on the open road,

Nothin' will outrun my V8 Ford.

The Cadillac doin' 'bout ninety-five,

She's bumper to bumper rollin' side by side.

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I could actually see her realizing that her brother is just using her but for some reason she isn't able to kill him for it so she defects to your alliance..


P.s I could see the pop up if you chose to accept her.


Koth Mega disapproves!!!!


To me, it seems like she's playing her brother, and just using him while she bides her time.


I had a similar theory in another thread


[Off topic]( which actually would be an interesting romance path for her ( she seduces the player as a weapon against her bother if necessary ) However this would work for any companion romance in general -- or at least different form all the romances so far) [/Off topic]
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Yeah, because people aren't actually saying things in this thread. It's a great big mystery, like magnets. I mean, there's all these words, and who would dare make casual assumptions about what any of them mean? Who would dare to dare, man?


I would! Because I'm all conversant and I can read words!


Welcome to forum conversations. Pull that tree-sized stick out of your rear and realize that this isn't exactly a peer-reviewed publication. It's more like the equivalent of random chatter in a bar at a nerd convention.


So hey Prince Pocket Protector, you can try to be all stuffy and pedantic about smalltalk if you like, but do you really, truly believe it's going to make any difference?


I think stuff. Sometimes I say what I thinks, because hey... Conversations don't come from cabbage patches.





Wow, two ad hominems for the price of one! That didn't take too long. I don't know what bars you go to but perhaps you'd be more comfortable there, where they know your "style". Or better yet, maybe the bartender should cut you off.


So much for the "casual" theory though. Assuming you don't go out of your way to be unpleasant as a rule, I must've hit a nerve. It's ok, though, not everyone has to like you or agree with you on the Internet.



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Wow, two ad hominems for the price of one! That didn't take too long. I don't know what bars you go to but perhaps you'd be more comfortable there, where they know your "style". Or better yet, maybe the bartender should cut you off.


So much for the "casual" theory though. Assuming you don't go out of your way to be unpleasant as a rule, I must've hit a nerve. It's ok, though, not everyone has to like you or agree with you on the Internet.




You might wish you had the touch and the power that could reach through the internet and make me do anything other than snrk, but I think we can all see who tried to sweep in and put me in my place.


Only nerve that's clearly been touched is yours, o'you that couldn't resist stepping up like you had a chance.


As for being relaxed, you should probably take your own advice.


My mammaries are as becalmed as the very mountains of Tibet.


You, on the other hand, seem to think you've got a point to prove by arguing with me, so hey, sure, we can dance this dance if you want to be my cheap forum date until it's time to do actual work again.


Fair warning though, it's not going to be good for you.


You should probably tuck that widdle angry tail back between your legs and say something germane to the topic of Vaylin.


You can't win against me. You'll never hurt me. You'll never matter to me.

You are incapable of having or expressing a thought that will affect me in shy way other than the way I allow.


I permit you to entertain me.


If you would like to entertain me with your... mildly enthusiastic flailing... I hope you at least intend to try harder.


So, choices choices. It's a Bioware forum, so choices that seem like they matter but ultimately absolutely do not are always at home.


Will you be my cheap entertainment that I will chew on until I get bored or need to do something useful, orrrrr... will you avail yourself of your guttering, sputtering, desperately unbelabored higher cognitive functions to lead you to a smarter, brighter future for yourself?


I know this is probably going to feel like a hard decision, since it looks like your manbearpig ego has been engaged, but do try.


Either way, I'm entertained.


And there's not a thing in the world you can do about that.

Edited by Uruare
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Ok, Nails aside... This doesn't answer the question. You only stated that you like them both. Good for you.


Like I said, I won't criticize. I just want some kind of explanation behind the attraction to such an insane and murderous character personality.



Because she is so Politically incorrect she doesn't pander to anyone or anything.


Even Arcann is afraid of her

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And this is why an awful lot of fools keep sticking their John Thomas' in crazy. Crazy has a way of seeming wild, untamed and strong.


Mostly, it's just crazy though, and said guys usually wind up later crying and sniveling about the Crazy B that's stalking them now, or celebrating their hourly anniversaries, or threatening to murder-suicide them both if she ever even thinks he's cheating on her.




this right here. crazy only seems awesome until you realize it's not. a lot of people have ridiculous misconceptions about how insanity works. insanity does not mean "freaky in the bed whenever you want". more like "shows up at your job and threatens to cut you because you glanced at a woman yesterday while you two were out in public". insanity is more along the lines of saying she's going to a bar but really goes to see a doctor to have her IUD removed so she can get you to get her pregnant. Or attacking you because you won't agree to buy her a pet rat.

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I've been reading posts across the forums, and I've found a number of people actually seem to Like Vaylin... I mean really? I won't criticize anyone's tastes outright, ( Hell, I think most of the alien women in this game are pretty attractive, minus the Selonians who I simply think are ******. Don't judge. )


But I will ask a general, why? What is there to like about Vaylin? She's like Dark Jaesa without a master to keep her in line, and much more powerful. As well as psychopathical. And those... *shivers*, Nails... *shivers again*, are horrendous. Not to mention the 3 huge ovular kidney stones inset into her forehead... lol?



The thing is, she is not like Dark Jessa, but like how Dark Jessea should have been. Dark Jessa is just a sadistic *****. Vailyn on the other side is like the perfect persona of a worthy Sith aprentice. She is like a spoiled titan child. Huge potential, strong in the Force, cruel and driven. Just perfect.


The first time I met her, I thought, "Join me and I will finish what Obi Wan once started!" :csw_vader:

...then I played KotfE and I felt ashame, because my once powerfull Sithwarrior, the mother***ing Whrath of the Empire is been handled during the cutscenes like a aprentice himself. :( And I was thinking then, ..."uhm, can I be your aprentice?" and "Me give luve, me give long luve. Me subuku guud! Me love you loong!":D

Edited by Isnogut
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You, on the other hand, seem to think you've got a point to prove by arguing with me,


[Rest of inane post cut for space]

Oh I think you've proven my point well enough. Thank you.


The thing is, she is not like Dark Jessa, but like how Dark Jessea should have been. Dark Jessa is just a sadistic *****. Vailyn on the other side is like the perfect persona of a worthy Sith aprentice. She is like a spoiled titan child. Huge potential, strong in the Force, cruel and driven. Just perfect.

While your comparison of their "insanities" is spot-on I don't agree Jaesa should've been insane at all. She wasn't crazy before, and while the Warrior did put her through emotional hell, people don't really snap like that, or more importantly, do so that quickly. Vaylin's been like that all her life. Jaesa grew up on Alderaan in relative privilege and had nothing but support both in her home life and as Nomen Karr's Padawan. After her fall, I don't begrudge her reveling in hew newfound freedom but that just needed to be toned down a bit. She should've been more angry at the weakness forced on her before and determined to never be ensnared like that again.


Instead there's no subtlety. She's just a psycho now, for some reason and she loves it. Whereas Vaylin is a psycho (apparently) because she loves doing psycho things. That's probably the best way to compare them. Vaylin's the real deal. Jaesa's just a poser enamored by the idea of the whole crazy scene.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Oh I think you've proven my point well enough. Thank you.


Spoken as though you had one in the first place.


It matters not. You thought you were going to put me in my place and now you're fleeing, but trying so very hard to act like it's all so very unworthy of your attention.


Let's pretend you aren't the one that stepped up like there was something to prove in the first place. Wouldn't want to reduce your widdle pwecious ego to finely ground sand when chunks and shards glitter so much more prettily.



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I've been reading posts across the forums, and I've found a number of people actually seem to Like Vaylin... I mean really? I won't criticize anyone's tastes outright, ( Hell, I think most of the alien women in this game are pretty attractive, minus the Selonians who I simply think are ******. Don't judge. )


But I will ask a general, why? What is there to like about Vaylin? She's like Dark Jaesa without a master to keep her in line, and much more powerful. As well as psychopathical. And those... *shivers*, Nails... *shivers again*, are horrendous. Not to mention the 3 huge ovular kidney stones inset into her forehead... lol?




Same reason why people like The Joker. She's an interesting villain, and a good superhero story needs interesting villains.

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