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Anyone else think... spoilers


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1. Nobody has said anything about any giant serpents


not true. serpents have been mentioned in multiple situations in KOTFE. For one.. the Heralds of Zildrog. They worship Zildrog the Dragon.. (serpent)


Valkorian is also known as the Slayer of Izax. Im not certain what this is, possibly a beast of sorts.


Then you have Heskel and the Scions who mention the Heart of Scyva. Scyva is the wife of izax


according to that, however, Izax and Scyva were gods. Who is to say they were human looking and not dragons/serpents.


I think it is possible that we may end up fighting a serpent in KOTFE, but I doubt valkorian is one or will posses one.

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All of these points are great, except that first guy's.


Could be nonsense spoken by a worthless cult, but the Force tells me otherwise. I don't think it would keep being mentioned if it had no point.


Also, its on Arkann and Thraxan's robes and appears to be a family symbol (I will have to check if it's on V as well). I don't think the family sigil of the Immortal Emperor would have a serpent on it for no reason with all of these other serpentine references flying around.


Can we be so sure Valkorian is Valkorian? He even presents us with this question. Perhaps hes a force sensitive snake underneath Zakuul that was worshipped long ago. He will return one day, and I think that's why he's bugging us now - to fulfill his own prophecy.


I'm not saying he's a shapeshifting illuminati lizard, just one with mind control.


Seriously though, this is gonna be whats up. Mark my words.


Edit: Poster above me, could it be possible that Zildrog defeated the old gods? Valkorian even mentions a passing fondness for them iirc.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Just thinking: what if the emperor doesn't have a "body" b/c hes a serpent imprisoned underneath Zakuul or something, and he is so interested in us b/c he wants us to set him free! The snake god will return!


Seriously, snakes all over this dude and his family. Not even remotely concealing it.




What's that on his chest? A GIANT SNAKE. A. GIANT. SNAKE. It's right in your face.

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Only during the A-Team montage when Koth and I are working on the ship. We should modify it and add a huge spoiler to make it look cool and go faster.


speaking of montages, there had better be an ending montage after the last chapter where I am standing on Arcaans head lighting up a cigar and go 'I love it when a plan comes together!' replete with cheesey eighties music.

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I would say the serpent is just a metaphor, and serpents have been used in myth and legends in the real world as a symbol for eternity and rebirth, all things the story of KotFE also deals with. So, no I don't expect to fight an literal serpent.


That is very possible, but I have a sneaking suspicion Valkorian cares not for metaphors.

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Check this out.


Scyva, honored as the Constant Companion and the Mother of Sorrows, was one of the six primary Old Gods, the deities worshiped by the people of the planet Zakuul before Valkorion's ascension as Immortal Emperor. Scyva was the wife of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, and the goddess of sorrow. Scyva was said to weep beside those Zakuulans who marched to embrace Izax, and Scyva and Izax had four children: the god of rage Tyth, the twin goddesses of passion and envy Aivela and Esne, and Nahut. The Heart of Scyva was a frequent invocation among Zakuulans.


Senya was the Consort of Valkorion (who is Vitiate, the devourer of worlds). Senya is steeped in sorrow and remorse over how her children turned out. Senya and Valkorion had three children (that we know of) Vaylen, mad as a hatter (if not full of rage), and twin sons, one who served his father with passion, and one who killed his brother (was there envy in Arcann that his brother seemed to be the more accomplished between the two?) Will we learn later on, that Senya has another son, an outcast son, who is shunned by the Zakuulian people until he changes his ways? Perhaps the cult leader of the Heralds of Zildrog who seeks to overthrow the current rulers of Zakuul? (pure speculation, here.)

Edited by WorldSmasher
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Check this out.




Senya was the Consort of Valkorion (who is Vitiate, the devourer of worlds). Senya is steeped in sorrow and remorse over how her children turned out. Senya and Valkorion had three children (that we know of) Vaylen, mad as a hatter (if not full of rage), and twin sons, one who served his father with passion, and one who killed his brother (was there envy in Arcann that his brother seemed to be the more accomplished between the two?) Will we learn later on, that Senya has another son, an outcast son, who is shunned by the Zakuulian people until he changes his ways? Perhaps the cult leader of the Heralds of Zildrog who seeks to overthrow the current rulers of Zakuul? (pure speculation, here.)


Now that you mention Tyth, I swear one of the scions called one of the main characters (I can't recall if it was the player or one of the npcs) a son or daughter of Tyth. I think at the time I had assumed they meant something relating to Tython.

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Kephess is vitiate / valkorion


There must be a joke that I'm not getting in your statement. The Dread Masters created Kephess when they saved his life and gave him some of their power. He served the Dread Masters. So, I don't get your statement that Kephess is Vitiate/Valkorion...

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Check this out.




Senya was the Consort of Valkorion (who is Vitiate, the devourer of worlds). Senya is steeped in sorrow and remorse over how her children turned out. Senya and Valkorion had three children (that we know of) Vaylen, mad as a hatter (if not full of rage), and twin sons, one who served his father with passion, and one who killed his brother (was there envy in Arcann that his brother seemed to be the more accomplished between the two?) Will we learn later on, that Senya has another son, an outcast son, who is shunned by the Zakuulian people until he changes his ways? Perhaps the cult leader of the Heralds of Zildrog who seeks to overthrow the current rulers of Zakuul? (pure speculation, here.)


you know.. i was going to reply with the same thing yesterday after i linked the info about Scyva, but then im like... well the 2 families are pretty close.. but i didnt have an answer for the missing 4th child or that the genders of the children were swapped.


So i just deleted my whole post before replying. im kinda glad someone else saw the similarities between the families of Valkorian/Senya and Izax/Scyva.


(was there envy in Arcann that his brother seemed to be the more accomplished between the two?)


valkorian does mention many times that Arcann is envious and warns you of the dangers of becoming envious like Arcann

Edited by JSitruc
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Maybe we're the fourth child.


They didn't even hide this that well, all the evidence is right out in the open. Did Steve in accounting write this story?


Call me Georgio Tsoukalos cuz I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


Seriously, we solved it everybody. I knew I was onto something, and these last few posts were the missing piece.



Also, Valkorian is the Architect from The Matrix.

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Maybe we're the fourth child.


i had also spun my mind around that idea, but it doesnt make sense without spinning an entirely new story. Each of our characters already have a history that is well known and documented. Unless of course BW wants to drop all that with the release of KOTFE.

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i dont think either of the leaders of the heralds of zildrog were the 4th son. The first leader we came to know was IMO too old, probably close to the same age as Senya. His son though... unless The Exalted Herald and Senya had an affair.... well there you go. I think the exalteds son may be close to the right age.


Then I was also thinking maybe koth was the 4th son. But he has different skin color and then you have the whole thing with Senya trying to kill him after he went AWOL.

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i had also spun my mind around that idea, but it doesnt make sense without spinning an entirely new story. Each of our characters already have a history that is well known and documented. Unless of course BW wants to drop all that with the release of KOTFE.


Quite easy the emperor turned the PC into a child of the emperor they note to be turned into one you just have to be bought before him and if you kneel he does some ritual on you. Well the ritual happens either if you bow or not so yeah.


Someone bought forth that theory and after seeing the kneel cut scene it makes sense and the fact that you can wield his power as well. Plus Vaylin notes their dad has a new "favorite".


I do think the PC is the fourth child. If we knew what Nahut symbolizes that would help but rage easily is Vaylin, Passion is Thexan and Envy is Arcann. Plus the way Senya treats you and her personality is quite eeer "Motherly"

Edited by lokdron
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Looking at this thread, I have to say I am kinda glad that we have to wait until we can continue the story and thus have time to think and speculate about meanings. Also, I have meantioned in another thread that in my opinion Star Wars always had a focus a a family theme, and that was what sold me the new expansion from the first trailer. With that said, I actually like the idea of my player character being the fourth child, maybe they are all reborn gos, only that the player character is not born in the same bloodline yet still part of the original divine family. Since that way the family drama is not just one the player characters interacts with from the outside, but actually is part of, what I really would like.
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