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Misconception about LFD and swtor


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Okay all you opposed to an LFD tool.


When we keep bringing up no one is asking for a cross server LFD. No one wants that.


A Server-side LFD wouldnt hurt anything at all you would still be grouping and socializing/friending people FROM YOUR SERVER.


And if someone was just queing to grief, a simple tell to all your friends and in /1 would get the word out to kick him when he is in your group.


A Server-side LFD WOULD NOT hurt the community but make it stronger in many ways.


Scenario A:

Player sits in a hub spams /1 for 30 min or so to get a group. He then walks 10 feet into the Flash point because they are all in the same spot anyways.

The group is quiet people are just there for their loot and getting it done for a quest. Not much is said the whole run.


At the end everyone says thanks you add them to your friends list.


Scenario B: Your out questing doing your story. You Que up using a SERVER ONLY LFD.

You get your group and enter the instance.

The group is quiet people are just there for their loot and getting it done for a quest. Nothing is said the whole run.


At the end everyone says thanks you add them to your friends list.


You tell me what the difference is because to be honest there really isn't one except ease of use.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Okay all you opposed to an LFD tool.


When we keep bringing up no one is asking for a cross server LFD. No one wants that.


A Server-side LFD wouldnt hurt anything at all you would still be grouping and socializing/friending people FROM YOUR SERVER.


And if someone was just queing to grief, a simple tell to all your friends and in /1 would get the word out to kick him when he is in your group.


A Server-side LFD WOULD NOT hurt the community but make it stronger in many ways.


Scenario A:

Player sits in a hub spams /1 for 30 min or so to get a group. He then walks 10 feet into the Flash point because they are all in the same spot anyways.

The group is quiet people are just there for their loot and getting it done for a quest. Not much is said the whole run.


At the end everyone says thanks you add them to your friends list.


Scenario B: Your out questing doing your story. You Que up using a SERVER ONLY LFD.

You get your group and enter the instance.

The group is quiet people are just there for their loot and getting it done for a quest. Nothing is said the whole run.


At the end everyone says thanks you add them to your friends list.


You tell me what the difference is because to be honest there really isn't one except ease of use.

actually there is a same server LFG tool in game just use it

a same server LFD that ports you directly to the FP does effect the game. It takes all of 5 minutes to use quick travel hope onto your ship and fly to the fleet.

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the only people that are against it is the vocal minority which are generally the "hardcore" or oldschool mmo players.


Uh, no. They are neither hardcore nor oldschool, they are simply old or have no clue what they are talking about but voice their opinions anyway, because they played SWG/Everquest and are therefore more worthy than the people that played WoW. It is trash, nothing more.

Edited by Schnerf
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I want a cross-server LFD tool and you will too if they put a same-server one in. If they put a same-server one in the queues will be like 2 hours for dps. You will be begging for a cross-realm LFD tool. Edited by Shillen
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We are not all against it, the only people that are against it is the vocal minority which are generally the "hardcore" or oldschool mmo players.


actually, the anit LDG/LFD group is the majority in this game. Every poll that was run during beta and during early access showed a 2k+ against a LFG/LFD to 90 for. Yes 2k+/90

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We are not all against it, the only people that are against it is the vocal minority which are generally the "hardcore" or oldschool mmo players.


Right they are a dead sub culture. Every time someone listens to them even remotely people leave. Think of Cata which hardcores claim is to easy but away from what we casuals like.


Its only a matter of time before we get LFD if Bioware doesn't want to do it EA will force the issue they do not want acitvision to win.

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actually, the anit LDG/LFD group is the majority in this game. Every poll that was run during beta and during early access showed a 2k+ against a LFG/LFD to 90 for. Yes 2k+/90


People posting on the forums during a game's beta are usually MMO hardcore.


After the launch of a game, the hardcore turn into a minority.

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actually there is a same server LFG tool in game just use it

a same server LFD that ports you directly to the FP does effect the game. It takes all of 5 minutes to use quick travel hope onto your ship and fly to the fleet.


Even if it didn't port us there I would be happy. Its not that anyones lazy its that sitting and spamming chat for an extended period of time instead of playing is not fun. Even more so when the group never forms.


And I can open the /who and there is literally maybe 1 or 2 people with LFG by their name lol. SO no thats not really true.


Hell if the gave us a Global chat id be happy with that even.

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Yes there is a (very poor) in game LFG system. Most people don't know it even exists. 15 people on my server are using it at the moment and most just have LFG as a comment. 6 actually have a comment that would help you if you were looking to put a group together.
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People posting on the forums during a game's beta are usually MMO hardcore.


After the launch of a game, the hardcore turn into a minority.


This. I got into the beta at least 6 months ago. I leveled 1 character to level 8 and one chasracter to level 6 and that's all I did during the beta. The only people who play betas are the ones who like treating the game as a job.

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People posting on the forums during a game's beta are usually MMO hardcore.


After the launch of a game, the hardcore turn into a minority.


i would agree that the posters on these forums are the minoirty of the players. I only come here while in que myself or just before I log in to check dev posts. I would also suggest though that just because you want something does not make you the majority. Nor the fact that people disagree with you makes them "hardcore." Infact most of the people from what i can tell from the threads on this subject who are against a change in the LFG or the addition of a LFD are not hardcore but more along the lines of people here for the fun of the game and are less worried about racing to 50

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i would agree that the posters on these forums are the minoirty of the players. I only come here while in que myself or just before I log in to check dev posts. I would also suggest though that just because you want something does not make you the majority. Nor the fact that people disagree with you makes them "hardcore." Infact most of the people from what i can tell from the threads on this subject who are against a change in the LFG or the addition of a LFD are not hardcore but more along the lines of people here for the fun of the game and are less worried about racing to 50


I disagree. The people against LFD are harking back onto their days in MMO's 10 years ago where people were nice to each other all the time. Back then it was only hardcores that played MMO's.


Sorry, it wasn't LFD that made current MMO communities garbage. It's society as a whole especially the internet society. You just have to deal with it. Most people are not going to be civil most of the time, especially on the internet.

Edited by Shillen
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personaly, sure, wow got easier and alot more fun with the LFG tool, suddenly, you could keep leveling and still have your random instance att a moments notice.

the downside too it was that when they made it cross server, gawd it was SO EASY getting a group, was the group fun? no, nobody said **** and you couldnt really get to know the players, was it easy? no, mostly you got players that barely knew how to play and then blamed it on the tank or healer. was it good? after a couple of hundreds of lfg's with dps speced tanks/healers you got kinda irritated att it..


sure, the pro's to LFG tools are easy acces to the FP (you dont even need to know were it is anymore!) and you get a group fairly quick.


The con's to it is that well, as per standard, you dont really know what kind of group your gona get, you never get to know the people in the group, most people who do it barely even chat and they also tend to be anti-social and insulting.


Personaly, im against a LFG tool (the one thats already implemented is good enough.)

My experience is that when a lfg tool comes, it tends to kill of a good bit of the social part in a mmo, sure, you wont have to suffer the people who /1 lfg but comeon, the /1 lfg comments usualy start conversations in the /1 that can be pretty hilarius.

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i would agree that the posters on these forums are the minoirty of the players. I only come here while in que myself or just before I log in to check dev posts. I would also suggest though that just because you want something does not make you the majority. Nor the fact that people disagree with you makes them "hardcore." Infact most of the people from what i can tell from the threads on this subject who are against a change in the LFG or the addition of a LFD are not hardcore but more along the lines of people here for the fun of the game and are less worried about racing to 50


Thats a bit of a contradiction.


Some of us are trying to enjoy the game by doing the quests and following the story has nothing to do with endgame. But we are unable to get groups to do heroics and FP's on some servers. Thats the issue.


The people against the LFD are against cross server LFD for the most part. Which is understandable but a server side lfd or a global chat would not hurt anything at all.


We all bought this game not to just run single player content but to interact with the community and that means doing flash points and other things like that. You cant do that on swtor to well with heavy sharding and splitting of players like they are doing. And some servers theres just no one in some zones... im talkin like 5 or less people on a planet thats about as low pop as it gets ya know.

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personaly, sure, wow got easier and alot more fun with the LFG tool, suddenly, you could keep leveling and still have your random instance att a moments notice.

the downside too it was that when they made it cross server, gawd it was SO EASY getting a group, was the group fun? no, nobody said **** and you couldnt really get to know the players, was it easy? no, mostly you got players that barely knew how to play and then blamed it on the tank or healer. was it good? after a couple of hundreds of lfg's with dps speced tanks/healers you got kinda irritated att it..


sure, the pro's to LFG tools are easy acces to the FP (you dont even need to know were it is anymore!) and you get a group fairly quick.


The con's to it is that well, as per standard, you dont really know what kind of group your gona get, you never get to know the people in the group, most people who do it barely even chat and they also tend to be anti-social and insulting.


Personaly, im against a LFG tool (the one thats already implemented is good enough.)

My experience is that when a lfg tool comes, it tends to kill of a good bit of the social part in a mmo, sure, you wont have to suffer the people who /1 lfg but comeon, the /1 lfg comments usualy start conversations in the /1 that can be pretty hilarius.


A trolling frenzy got started today on my server from people LFG in /1. It turned into a pretty crude experience to be honest.


I dont support a cross server LFD but a server side one because those are people you pvp with and can friend them and do stuff on the server with them later.


When you spam /1 you also dont know if your going to get a bad person in your group lol. and just like LFD you can kick them from group and tell the server about them.

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I am not completely against a LFD Tool. What I am against is a LFD Tool that randomly jams people together in a group automatically and/or automatically ports folk to the area. This is what transformed dungeon runs in WoW from fairly fun experiences, even in PUGs, to being something only fun if you did it with guildmates or RL friends. I am not against, however, some kind of summon mechanic to help with getting the group together once formed (such as allowing a grouped player to send their companion to go get their groupmate in a shuttle).
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I don't want a cross-server LFD tool because honestly, a same server LFD would help reduce griefing.

Plus, this game is not even a month old.

I haven't been in a situation where I couldn't get a group for heroics or flashpoints.

But even if you couldn't, it's not that big of a deal. This game offers so much anyway.


Now, when the game is a year old, and a lot of people don't need low level dungeons, and only new players or alts are needing a dungeon run, then let's talk about LFD.


For now, I say enjoy the other aspects of the game while you just ask if anyone wants to group up.

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I'm 15+ levels above 70% of my guild, and all but 2 of us are on the same planet, yet I am ahead of them in quests, I haven't done a group quest or flashpoint since early Tatooine because there is NOBODY to do it with! Try playing on Taris with only 8 people on it at any given time :/
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We are not all against it, the only people that are against it is the vocal minority which are generally the "hardcore" or oldschool mmo players.


you do realize that the people who post on forums in general are the vocal minority ....

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Without LFD in SWTOR, I've had no problems so far. With LFD in WoW, I've had things like healers pulling entire groups of people and then leaving group, tanks dropping instantly because they queued with a friend just to give them a quicker queue time, and other bs.


With that said, I don't support LFD, unless Bioware would hand out temp/perma bans to ppl who can't play the game in a sensible manner....

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No need for a LFD tool. There really isn't right now. Use /who even while you're not out at the fleet. Flag yourself LFG. Send people tells. You don't have to spam a channel to get a group and I've NEVER had to wait 30 minutes for a group even during off peak hours. An auto group filling, auto transporting LFD tool is nothing more than a tool that breeds laziness and further kills the social aspect of an MMO. There are flash point shuttles on every world. You have an emergency fleet pass. You have quick travel that will take you right to your ship and to the Flashpoint. All of the Flashpoints are connected to the fleet and not in random world locations like in WoW. WoW did fine for 5 years without a LFD tool and SWTOR will too.


In my opinion the people clamoring for a LFD tool haven't played any other MMO than WoW and only started playing it recently, and/or they're too anti-social to bother sending people a tell.


Find 1 good group. Add people to your friend's list. When you want to run a FP or a heroic, use your Friends list. Pull people you already know. Join a guild. Use that pool of people. There are so many options to help you get a group and then continue to form good groups instead of playing the PUG lottery.



TL;DR - Use the tools you already have. A LFD tool is just a laziness/anti-social feature.

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