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Everything posted by Zakkuryu

  1. This game was started in 2006 and released in 2011, so yes, it is competing with 2004 WoW on release, I'll get another warning for this I'm sure, but you people are so dumb when it comes to comparison. If the game was vs. 2011 WoW, EVERYTHING IN THE GAME WOULD HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED IN 2011! The game would NOT be released! Holy hutta (hue hue) take the arrow out y'er knee and put logic to the brain!
  2. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me.
  3. I'm 15+ levels above 70% of my guild, and all but 2 of us are on the same planet, yet I am ahead of them in quests, I haven't done a group quest or flashpoint since early Tatooine because there is NOBODY to do it with! Try playing on Taris with only 8 people on it at any given time :/
  4. Never had more than 35 people since Balmorra, I'm on Taris, most people even seen there was 9. Haven't done a single group quest since the early part of Tatooine due to the low numbers of people on my server.
  5. I am lvl 35... and there are no more than 9 people at any point on Taris. Also I haven't done a single group quest since Tatooine because there has been less than 25 people on each planet, and nobody wants to do group quests, it really saddens me how my guild can have 115 people yet 95 of them are still on Dromund Kaas and Balmorra.
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