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Playing Dark Side- anyone else feels like KotFE is trying to convert you?


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I feel like suddenly everyone is trying to appeal to my DS Inquisitor's non-existent conscience and make her feel guilty about one thing or another, and there's no option to explain that she's evil, she doesn't care, the end. It feels like the game is giving you not-so-subtle hints that your character should start thinking about their past and present behaviour, and that’s something I definitely did not miss. It's annoying and it makes the dialogues feel out of character.

I mean, I know that "we're all in this together" now, and all that, but it feels a bit disconnecting from the Dark Side part of the playthrough, especially for the Sith characters who draw power from it.

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You could always treat Lana/Koth/Senya like crap, I think there are some dialogue options for that.


For the most part I think you'll just have to RP being manipulative instead of moronically and self-defeatingly murderous, which is so hip for playing "Dark" Side.

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What exactly is it you want your character to do then? Just sit around being evil and murdering things? You can endlessly grind Jawas on Tat for that I guess. Otherwise don't expect a very compelling story.
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Try playing it as a straight arrow pure lightside Jedi Knight. You will find that EVERY plot point and dialog option is TAILOR MADE for that extremely narrow, myopic point-of-view.


I have played both extremes, Pure Darkside Inquisitor and Pure Lightside Jedi Knight. There was absolutely NO REPLAY VALUE whatsoever. You had the EXACT SAME dialog options, voiceovers, etc.


You might as well call KotFE 'The Grand Adventures of Generic Jedi Knight #xxxxxx' It sure feels that way, just like Makeb, just like Shadow of Revan.


I've said it in another post, as have others, Bioware has stealth-killed Class Story, its dead. Period. They will feed us the exact same content and rely on slavish worshippers to just suck up the latest episodic content to keep subbers paying to play. The content they created for Shadow of Revan that was 100% class specific amounted to 10 minutes of playtime, 20 if you dragged your feet. We didn't even get that in 9 chapters of KotFE.


R.I.P. class story, I will miss you terribly....

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My KOTFE character is a LS SI, so I haven't really noticed much of that.


Funny thing is, I've done more mostly DS acts in KOTFE (rammed Darth Marr's SD, let the power generator on Zakuul blow up, let Lana kill that one knight). I did spent plenty of time resisting Valkorion's gifts, though.

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I feel like suddenly everyone is trying to appeal to my DS Inquisitor's non-existent conscience and make her feel guilty about one thing or another, and there's no option to explain that she's evil, she doesn't care, the end. It feels like the game is giving you not-so-subtle hints that your character should start thinking about their past and present behaviour, and that’s something I definitely did not miss. It's annoying and it makes the dialogues feel out of character.

I mean, I know that "we're all in this together" now, and all that, but it feels a bit disconnecting from the Dark Side part of the playthrough, especially for the Sith characters who draw power from it.


The bold pretty much hits the nail on the head.


It's no longer a time to be selfish and darkside for the sake of darkside. You have to rise up and become something more than any of the classes stories.


KotFE is truly about saving the galaxy, and your character is apparently the only one who can really do it. What you were before doesn't matter...how you act now, does.

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You want out of character? When I was playing my LS sith assassin... who really had no interest in power at all. Just wanted what was best for the Empire. The LS inquisitor does seem a bit ambitious to me, but it wasn't over the top. They never declared they wanted to rule the galaxy.


So when a LIGHT SIDE choice, I think it was the reactor, after you're freed. My LS assassin said... 'If I'm to rule the galaxy, I'll need people to be alive to see how just I am.' Something like that. Uh, what? He never cared about that in the past. I'm guessing 5 years in carbonite did something to his head. Maybe they dropped the carbonite brick on the way to Arcann's vault. Who knows.

Edited by GabbyMe
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You could always treat Lana/Koth/Senya like crap, I think there are some dialogue options for that.


For the most part I think you'll just have to RP being manipulative instead of moronically and self-defeatingly murderous, which is so hip for playing "Dark" Side.


Exactly. Dark Side to me was always more "Sidious" like, a tempter, a manipulator, preying on the feeble minds of the weak, not "SMERSH ERN KERL ERN DERSTRER"

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You could always treat Lana/Koth/Senya like crap, I think there are some dialogue options for that.


For the most part I think you'll just have to RP being manipulative instead of moronically and self-defeatingly murderous, which is so hip for playing "Dark" Side.

I guess it's a way to go, playing the long game and pretending to be a somewhat decent person, but I'd be nice to have an active agenda. I know it's still early into the expansion, but I hope they'll give you a chance to, for example, quietly strenghten the Sith Empire, while leaving Republic weakened, or something similar. It d like that there's an option for your character to plan to rule everything after Zakuul is defeated.


The thing is, I didn't always agree with the way LS/DS choices were presented, because sometimes DS choices were made plain stupid or harmful for the Empire, but it was't that often. But right now when I choose DS I feel like I'm playing a basic RPG character with a chaotic-evil alignment, not a Sith Lord.


It's no longer a time to be selfish and darkside for the sake of darkside. You have to rise up and become something more than any of the classes stories.


KotFE is truly about saving the galaxy, and your character is apparently the only one who can really do it. What you were before doesn't matter...how you act now, does.

And that might be my problem. I liked class story, because it was tailored for your character, no one else could do that. While KotFE pulls all classes into one story, and some of them simply don't fit into that role.


Exactly. Dark Side to me was always more "Sidious" like, a tempter, a manipulator, preying on the feeble minds of the weak, not "SMERSH ERN KERL ERN DERSTRER"

I think the situation with Sidious was quite different, he was hidden in shadows, because that was the only way to do it. Meanwhile, Sith characters in TOR are a part of the Empire, surrounded by other powerful Sith Lords, and to be on top, yes, they have to cunning and deceitful, but they also have to powerful, and feared, and I guess at some point they just get used to it.

Edited by Lailerosse
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It always has been like this..with revan expansion , him Praising a Dark Side Sorc...I was rolling my eyes at that one.


Not convert but more..like tailored for a LS playtrough . while I personally only own one DS character , I still like it if they worked on both LS and DS equally . Dialogue choice is as important as a shiny awesome cutscene .

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Bioware did state that they are trying to convert our characters DS and LS with this story. Still my character is more in line with Lana mindset so it does not bother me.


It's just that all those diplomacy missions made me dark V :p

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You want out of character? When I was playing my LS sith assassin... who really had no interest in power at all. Just wanted what was best for the Empire. The LS inquisitor does seem a bit ambitious to me, but it wasn't over the top. They never declared they wanted to rule the galaxy.

What if the best thing for the Empire is for you to rule it? A dedicated light side Emperor powerful enough to keep the rest of the Sith in line would be preferable to the existing system where the rulers are those ruthless and vicious enough to backstab their way to the top. There's no other way the system is going to change at any fundamental level.

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You want out of character? When I was playing my LS sith assassin... who really had no interest in power at all. Just wanted what was best for the Empire. The LS inquisitor does seem a bit ambitious to me, but it wasn't over the top. They never declared they wanted to rule the galaxy.


So when a LIGHT SIDE choice, I think it was the reactor, after you're freed. My LS assassin said... 'If I'm to rule the galaxy, I'll need people to be alive to see how just I am.' Something like that. Uh, what? He never cared about that in the past. I'm guessing 5 years in carbonite did something to his head. Maybe they dropped the carbonite brick on the way to Arcann's vault. Who knows.


Yup same thing for a LS warrior on that choice

"The masses can't fear you, if there are no masses"


Compared to my consular "I won't let others die just to save myself " or something, yea such a good person it's so out of character especially when a lightsided warrior pre-kotfe has decisions that are purely out of compassion/honor/mercy now he has to justify all his light choices on being "pragmatic" :rolleyes:


On topic, I feel the opposite of what the OP's title states i'm LS and KotFE is trying to convert me to dark.

Edited by Azareya
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You want out of character? When I was playing my LS sith assassin... who really had no interest in power at all. Just wanted what was best for the Empire. The LS inquisitor does seem a bit ambitious to me, but it wasn't over the top. They never declared they wanted to rule the galaxy.


So when a LIGHT SIDE choice, I think it was the reactor, after you're freed. My LS assassin said... 'If I'm to rule the galaxy, I'll need people to be alive to see how just I am.' Something like that. Uh, what? He never cared about that in the past. I'm guessing 5 years in carbonite did something to his head. Maybe they dropped the carbonite brick on the way to Arcann's vault. Who knows.

I just justified that as my Inquisitor being sarcastic.

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Yup same thing for a LS warrior on that choice

"The masses can't fear you, if there are no masses"


Compared to my consular "I won't let others die just to save myself " or something, yea such a good person it's so out of character especially when a lightsided warrior pre-kotfe has decisions that are purely out of compassion/honor/mercy now he has to justify all his light choices on being "pragmatic" :rolleyes:

There has to be some pragmatism in a light-side Warrior, or he/she would have turned against the Empire by now. ;)


I just justified that as my Inquisitor being sarcastic.

This is also true; both lines work as jokes, I think, playing on the expectation that a Sith will be all out for himself/herself.

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This is also true; both lines work as jokes, I think, playing on the expectation that a Sith will be all out for himself/herself.


My sorcerer is also LS... I'm going to do a run through on her soon to see if the tone is any different. I think I can justify it being sarcastic, too. Considering the ice cream dream after being KO'ed by 'UNLIMITED POWAH' at the end of chapter 2. But sometimes the male sith inq sounds super serious, even when snarky.


I thought my husband's deadpan snark was bad..

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You realize, of course, that the Zakuul forces are neutral, and the storyline is trying to get you into the grey area, right? For lightside V folks, this feels like being converted to the darkside, and vice versa for the darksiders.


This particular cant is all about the neutral walk.

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Exactly. Dark Side to me was always more "Sidious" like, a tempter, a manipulator, preying on the feeble minds of the weak, not "SMERSH ERN KERL ERN DERSTRER"


Which is actually a moderately Light or Dark Inquisitor, not the full Dark one. They get what they want without burning every relationship ever.


Ultraviolence doesn't work well in KoTFE either. You only have one real Sith around you so being oppressive and vicious is unhelpful more than anything. And Lana doesn't like Stupid Evil either.

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You realize, of course, that the Zakuul forces are neutral, and the storyline is trying to get you into the grey area, right? For lightside V folks, this feels like being converted to the darkside, and vice versa for the darksiders.


This particular cant is all about the neutral walk.


My full LS, altruistic to a fault Jedi Sage never felt at any moment during the story that I was being asked to do something evil.

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You realize, of course, that the Zakuul forces are neutral, and the storyline is trying to get you into the grey area, right? For lightside V folks, this feels like being converted to the darkside, and vice versa for the darksiders.


This particular cant is all about the neutral walk.

********. The Eternal Empire is every bit as evil as the Sith Empire. Senya's on the same moral plane as Lana.

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  • 4 months later...

Senya being like Lana is more neutral than Dark. Lana is the most rational Sith around and only occasionally force chokes someone. Do you think Koth would have his massive crush on her if she was full on EBIL darkside? No way. Zakuul is this utopia of a society that has no clue that their wonderful life is being created at the expense of billions of other peoples' misery and suffering. I think that when it finally comes out, what Valkorian has been doing to the rest of the galaxy for their benefit, they will be appalled.


However, to get back on topic. My LS Sith have felt alternately like they finally get to be openly good, but also like they keep having to say stupid stuff because, you know, SITH. Sigh. I liked it better when my lightsiders got to confound Jedi. That was fun. :)

Edited by SusanCampbell
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Actually I don't see it that way at all.


First up, then "alliance" even in the revan expansion we see this, so the alliance is a set thing, logical from sith pow, that allying with rep to counter a common foe, it makes both sides indiviually loose less people. the sith sustain their pwers longer.


The come Kotfe, the alliance seems to have lasted under Lana and Theron, NOW it is an enemy of both the sith and jedi again, and this time revan is but a baby in comparison.


It makes more sense to have a scheme and be manipulative and above all thingk ahead.

If this means dealing with even joining the light side, then so be it.


BTW, LIGHT Sith existed, and WERE sith, they were in fact vital.


Lana which many describe as !gray" is to me much scarier then the emperor or revan or anyone we SEE their plans, we don't see Lana's ( or the scemeing siths plans)


So actually I don't think kotfe is trying to convert, but I think they are trying to change, to make the evil more schemeing

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I think being a Sith Warrior who kills everything, and just acts like an insane windbag makes no sense at this point. When your character first became Sith, it made sense for them to act crazy, because they just became Sith, and think they are better than anyone else. As time goes on however, a Sith that was going somewhere would mature, and wise up as stuff unfolded around them. Insane, stomp on puppies and laugh Sith, are the ones who end up as pawns, and end up getting themselves killed. Edited by cool-dude
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Here's the thing: I was watching Retale's video of a pretty darn dark side Inquisitor in Disavowed and


She makes it pretty clear she doesn't give a hoot about the Zakuul exiles. She flat out tells Jorgan that she doesn't want to help. He yells at her and she goes "oh all right".



I've watched part of that character's story and while she doesn't seem completely batty, she's still not exactly benevolent.

Choices are supposed to matter, but to have your character begrudgingly change their minds in the cinematic? Makes no sense.

Bioware could have made it so that if your character didn't want to help the exiles, they'd have to fight a different boss, like how you get different bosses in Black Talon depending on how you deal with Captain Orzik.

IMO, a very dark side Outlander(I mean batty and eats puppies, not Lawful or Neutral Evil) could be using Valkorion's power and trying to manipulate the Alliance towards their own goals. Bioware doesn't seem to think like that.

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Here's the thing: I was watching Retale's video of a pretty darn dark side Inquisitor in Disavowed and


She makes it pretty clear she doesn't give a hoot about the Zakuul exiles. She flat out tells Jorgan that she doesn't want to help. He yells at her and she goes "oh all right".



I've watched part of that character's story and while she doesn't seem completely batty, she's still not exactly benevolent.

Choices are supposed to matter, but to have your character begrudgingly change their minds in the cinematic? Makes no sense.

Bioware could have made it so that if your character didn't want to help the exiles, they'd have to fight a different boss, like how you get different bosses in Black Talon depending on how you deal with Captain Orzik.

IMO, a very dark side Outlander(I mean batty and eats puppies, not Lawful or Neutral Evil) could be using Valkorion's power and trying to manipulate the Alliance towards their own goals. Bioware doesn't seem to think like that.


Bioware can't allow the mindset of characters that logically wouldn't of made it this far. This is why you could never play a warrior that was insanely loyal to Vitiate and a suicidal fanatic, why you can't play a character who just goes around killing anything that moves for the reason of existing. Your character has to be a character that would of survived into KOFTE.

Plus, your talks with Valkorion allow you to imply that the Alliance is simply a means to the end.

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