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KoTFE - Spoiler or Misnomer?


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We all know that BW doesn't like to give out spoilers, but I can't see how the very title "Knights of The Fallen Empire" isn't a spoiler in itself.


Who are these "Knights?" Jedi Knights? No wait, they're not part of an empire. It must be referring to the Knights of Zakuul.


And the "Fallen Empire?" So far the only fallen empire is the Sith Empire. But there are no Knights in the SIth Empire, so it has to be referring to the downfall of the Immortal Empire.


So, with the very name of this expansion, BW has already told us how "The Book" ends.



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You do realise that it can mean and most likely means the empire is merely in turmoil? Or has fallen from standards, or even fallen to darkness? there are so many ways Knights of the fallen empire can be conceived, I believe the title suits the expansion very well.
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So, with the very name of this expansion, BW has already told us how "The Book" ends.





Shadow of Revan didn't spoil the ending for you? Perhaps with Fallen Empire, we just assume the new 3rd party bad guy will fall in the end and we are attributing the name to it. We already know our characters will win to some degree, and since we are fighting against the Eternal Empire, its an easy leap to make. The cliché of story is the spoiler. Shocker, we win. That being said, it could simply be referring to the Sith Empire as the fallen empire since, as you said, its fallen and its an empire. Its founder abandoned it. In any case, it wont be spoilery for me if the eternal Empire falls since, you know, your character is supposed to win. As of now though, for all we know, the Sith Empire is the fallen empire (the whole council I believe was said to have been taken out), abandoned by the emperor of that empire.. naval forces destroyed. Since its still in the air, nothing's been spoiled yet. As an afterthought, the eternal empire might be considered fallen already (previously a just and righteously ruled society, uninterested in warring, now under rule of Arccan the tyrant) in a sense.


Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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The Sith Empire has pretty well collapsed. Especially if your Outlander isn't one of the two Sith Lords. The Emperor is gone. Marr - emperor in all but name - is gone. The Dark Council is functionally dissolved due to casualties and lack of organization following the war. Korriban was razed with an awful lot of Sith casualties. The "Empress" is a surviving junior Dark Council member who has claimed it because it and her are available. Military casualties are massive because the Eternal Fleet outguns everything.


There is a non-republic entity out there but it's only very loosely either "Sith" or "Empire." The only hope would be if the Alliance leader is the Wrath or (much better) Darth Nox/Imperius. Since the Outlander can be any of the eight, that's not the canon story...

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So, previous expansions have also been spoilers in their names, I mean Rise of the Hutt Cartel, gives away that we are going to face the hutts? Shadow of Revan? Sorry, but the name of the expansions always had been about who we are going to face. And I think it is actually kinda neat that they call themselves the Eternal Empire, but the expansion names it the Fallen Empire. Love that irony.
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So, the Eternal Empire is going to fall... And the bad guys are going to die...


That's what we all expect. I mean, this is an MMO, so I'm sure, 100% this time, Bioware can't kill our character. He or She will survive the war intact, alive and well, so, probably, that means Arcann and his evil sister are going to die (I don't thinks they become friends of the Outlander at the end), and this eternal empire is going to fall, because in the Star Wars movies, series, books and comics there's a Republic, and there are Sith, but there're no references to Zakuul, or any eternal Empire.


That's hardly a surprise.

Edited by Breech
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I always thought it was an amalgamation on Knights of the Old Republic, and the Empire. Knights of the Empire. And with the Republic and Empire having both fallen, Knights of the Fallen Empire.


That's how I took it, too. Not about Zakuul knights, but us.

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