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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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ll you do is stand there and click icons 1-0 in row 1 and 2 of your quickbar..


You can reduce any game to this level. All video games are is pressing the right buttons at the right times, yet somehow some games manage to be challenging.


So how do you make a tab target combat system challenging?


Well, it's pretty easy. Make the enemies do more damage, and have more health, thus meaning that in order to win you need to hit the exact right combination of buttons at the right times, with little room for error. Throw in some extra things for bosses (ability interupts, AOE, things to activate etc.) and combat is more dynamic, interesting, and challenging.


In other words, do what other video games do to make content challenging: Make it so that "hitting the right buttons at the right times" is harder, as you have less margin of error for what the "right button" is and what the "right time" is.


Now, you might say "Well it would still be easy for ME," and maybe that's true. But as long as the game requires the player to play well in order to win.... well, that's all the "challenge" I need.


Making the game more difficult wont make it challenging, it will just increase the time you have to stand around and click icons 1-0 and that is not a challenge, that's boring grind.


What? Difficulty does not = challenge?


Definition of challenge (from dictionary.com): difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it.


So.... yeah... Challenge and difficulty are synonyms.


Anyway.... regardless, if you feel that way, you're in luck. If you read my post, under my suggestion you could opt to take the "No Combat" option and skip the "boring grind" altogether.


So, we'd both have fun. Win, win, right?

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Two problems with the general sentiment of the OPs post, and the general idea that companions are overpowered....


1) Companions are generally not overpowered unless PLAYERS make them that way in almost every situation. It takes quite a bit of work in most situations to get them to the point where they would likely be considered overpowered by normal players.


2) There is a likely TINY group of players that wish to resist the movement toward a more casual friendly MMO model, and resist all modern indicators that the market is no longer dominated by hardcore players. This could be yet another attempt to resist this change.


Now, that said, there are a few situations where companions could get a bit too strong without assistance or player intervention....like if the player levels to 65. At level 65 with an influence level of 10 and NO presence buffs or gear, companions can be rather powerful in certain situations.


Therefore I am of the opinion that players should have the OPTION of disabling influence. Only as an option of course.


As to the general idea that Bioware should listen to feedback that indicates they need to INCREASE the difficulty of the game from here on out?.....Well, I am of the opinion that this could possibly be the worst thing they could possibly do with respect to the health and profitability of the game.


The game needs to remain appealing in this casual dominated market. Increasing difficulty would most likely REDUCE that appeal....and since this is a product that likely DEPENDS on a majority casual players, to do so would be the wrong move to make.


It is more likely the game will actually get EASIER over time, as almost every game in this market has.

Edited by LordArtemis
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In your opinion....not general fact.


What?! Unless you find spamming the "1" button on your keyboard challenging I am not sure how "opinion" plays into this. It is a fact that you can clear all game planetary/solo/story content, excluding heroics, doing nothing but spamming your regular attack. If you cannot comprehend that this game is not for you bro. Stick to, honestly I cannot think of anything even easier..


Mind you, I am not speaking about companions. It was the same case since ever. The comp buff only makes it worse.

Edited by Ottoattack
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When you can destroy everything while spamming the regular attack without remote possibility of failure, something is seriously wrong.


I can actually kill my enemies by -just- shooting them or hitting them with my plasma sword that can cut through nearly anything?


Oh the humanity!

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This. This. And more this. ^


Enough new threads about it, we're trying to bury the dead horse here...but people keep digging it back up.


I've mentioned that several times. The response has been a hostile "You can't stop me from vocing my point of view" appearly people need at least five active threads to post in them in the same day on same topic. If there is anything less then the "pressure" their trying to apply on the community won't work. It's a strong arm tactic that they will complain and create dozens of threads in hopes of gaining attention enough so that they hope Bioware will reverse its stance.


It's misguided. This is a business. More people are going to sub and stay sub compared to the very small fraction who keep making threads never claiming or threatening to quit. [Well there are some thread to quit. I haven't see them stop posting yet. The sooner they realize the changes are here to stay the more happy we can all be as a community.


What?! Unless you find spamming the "1" button on your keyboard challenging I am not sure how "opinion" plays into this. It is a fact that you can clear all game planetary/solo/story content, excluding heroics, doing nothing but spamming your regular attack. If you cannot comprehend that this game is not for you bro. Stick to, honestly I cannot think of anything even easier..


Mind you, I am not speaking about companions. It was the same case since ever. The comp buff only makes it worse.


I couldn't have said it better myself but I'll try. To those who can't handle the game as it is. The game isn't for Pro Nerf Crowd You said it. I said it, several other people have said it. Let's see if they listen.

Edited by RogerApple
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What?! Unless you find spamming the "1" button on your keyboard challenging I am not sure how "opinion" plays into this. It is a fact that you can clear all game planetary/solo/story content, excluding heroics, doing nothing but spamming your regular attack. If you cannot comprehend that this game is not for you bro. Stick to, honestly I cannot think of anything even easier..


Mind you, I am not speaking about companions. It was the same case since ever. The comp buff only makes it worse.


That is not a fact. At best is a gross exaggeration. At worst it is an intentional fallacy.

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I can actually kill my enemies by -just- shooting them or hitting them with my plasma sword that can cut through nearly anything?


Oh the humanity!


You know they say Sarcasm doesn't really come through in text but you sir manage it quite nicely. :D:p

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What I find funny and at the same time rather ironic is that when 4.0 came out people were complaining about lvl sync making them weak so they couldn't face roll over mobs anymore and now people are complaining that the game isn't challenging enough.


Are they the same people?

MMOs are notorious for having a large and diverse enough audience that for any aspect you can get two opposing views, either of which may be more vocal on the forums on a given day.


The new content that sat within the chapters of KotFE was remarkably easy, chapter 1 the mobs didn't even move... but then it was the tutorial ;) The difficulty curve didn't ramp up that much though and I was disappointed with how shallow the button pressing challenge had become.


But, there's still some fun to be had running the Weekly Heroics. Try running them with a companion not set to heal mode, some of the fights are interesting... my favourite is looking for a Tank companion that has the 'drag any mob it can see into the fight' ability and running some heroic areas.


And, if you make the mistake of taking Treek as your chosen companion, you may get a nice surprise at how she underperforms compared to other companions.


But at the end of the day, SWTOR is my virtual toy box, I don't need it to be challenging in the solo game by default, I can figure out my own ways of making it difficult if I want to.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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What?! Unless you find spamming the "1" button on your keyboard challenging I am not sure how "opinion" plays into this. It is a fact that you can clear all game planetary/solo/story content, excluding heroics, doing nothing but spamming your regular attack. If you cannot comprehend that this game is not for you bro. Stick to, honestly I cannot think of anything even easier..


Mind you, I am not speaking about companions. It was the same case since ever. The comp buff only makes it worse.


Where in any of my post have i ever er said I'm looking for a challenge??? please quote me.


You have just proven you are so self absorbed with your own point of view you seem to think everyone plays the game for the same reason you do..


Personally i like story / normal mode .

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Actually it is a fact.


No, it is not. It is not a fact that you can hit the 1 button and clear the entire game that way. And you likely KNOW that RA.....despite your likely VERY SHORT time with this game, certainly as a member of this forum.

You are one of the people that created a thread just yesterday.


One of many people that created a thread yesterday. I have been creating threads here for YEARS RA. And YOU are one of the FEW people that decided to attack anyone you felt did not agree with your views....even if they did, which was the bizarre part.....


I am not alone in telling you to move on.


No, but you are in a very SMALL group of brand new players that lack self respect and demonstrate it constantly in this forum. I would suggest strongly that you reconsider your behavior here.


Will you listen.


You have nothing to say to me at this point that would contain any sort of wisdom or foresight that one could act on. All you have offered is noise....and no, I do not listen to noise.


Self respect RA. Consider what it means.

Edited by LordArtemis
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and please point me to this thread i created.


I wasn't directing my post to you. It was actually to Lord. I apologize about the misunderstanding. Many people agree with me Lord. Many people have said exactly what I said to you. That is calm down. Accept the changes. You and small minority have made several threads a day for past week. All I'm asking for you to either accept the game as is or move on. You can't seriously post in this thread every day for a month...two months..how much longer is this going to go on. The frustration with these people is obvious from reading other peoples reply's to you.

Edited by RogerApple
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MMOs are notorious for having a large and diverse enough audience that for any aspect you can get two opposing views, either of which may be more vocal on the forums on a given day.




People are different, and have different tastes. This is why you institute player choice, so that everyone can be happy.


Unfortunately everyone seems to not understand this or more commonly not care for anyone except themselves, and argue solely for their own opinion and not realize if the game just gave players options then everyone could be happy. I try to point this out as much as I can, unfortunately is usually falls on deaf ears.

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I wasn't directing my post to you. It was actually to Lord. I apologize about the misunderstanding. Many people agree with me Lord. Many people have said exactly what I said to you. That is calm down. Accept the changes. You and small minority have made several threads a day for past week. All I'm asking for you to either accept the game as is or move on. You can't seriously post in this thread every day for a month...two months..how much longer is this going to go on. The frustration with these people is obvious from reading other peoples reply's to you.


RA....what are you talking about?


I support almost every change made and have made that perfectly clear. For some bizarre reason you seem think that I am on the side of the hardcore rabble rousers that are against level sync or companion strength, though I have clearly argued AGAINST changing companion strength from what it is now.


YOU NEED TO CHECK MY POST HISTORY my very odd friend. Because you are most definitely barking up the WRONG TREE HERE.


This is just plain wierd. Perhaps you should just stop speaking to me. I think that would be best.

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ok -- here's what I've heard the the past few weeks or so ....


1) No we don't want level sync ! we'll have to work too hard and long to kill the trash ! And we can't solo the World Bosses anymore !!


2) No we don't want it easy -- we want to die horribly in the x2s we'll have to grind now for the alliance faction (yes I know, I'm exaggerating --- sorry my sense of humor, can't help it :) )


Now think about it -- you complained because of level sync because you couldn't kill world bosses anymore solo ---

and NOW you complain because you can kill the new level sync stuff very well and don't die -- and you can go afk and have your companion "kill it for you " which I have yet to see in my own gameplay ... ( sheesh I've never tried that -- I'm missing out on an interesting part of the game I guess )


Conclusion -- some people are just not going to be happy no matter what the game does -- and besides, I am wondering if all this "protesting" is just a way to brag and tell everyone legally how uber you are .... and there's a word all gamers know -- a term we all use -- not going to use it -- there are kids here --- but you know what's "showing" anyway .........

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RA....what are you talking about?


I support almost every change made and have made that perfectly clear. For some bizarre reason you seem think that I am on the side of the hardcore rabble rousers that are against level sync or companion strength, though I have clearly argued AGAINST changing companion strength from what it is now.


YOU NEED TO CHECK MY POST HISTORY my very odd friend. Because you are most definitely barking up the WRONG TREE HERE.


This is just plain wierd. Perhaps you should just stop speaking to me. I think that would be best.


I think that would be best. I was commenting to you in my post about what the other poster said to you. As far as the other comments they were made in general to the people who are complaining not directly solely at you. So again I apologize for the misunderstanding. I should have said how much longer can people make threads every day for the past week several times a day. A month...two months..at what point will it end. I have a habit of not writing the persons screen name when I post. I just assume people know who I'm talking about.


This guy's idiocy knows no bounds.


Insulting does you no credit. Have you finally run out of gas spamming the forums.

Edited by RogerApple
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1) Companions are generally not overpowered unless PLAYERS make them that way in almost every situation. It takes quite a bit of work in most situations to get them to the point where they would likely be considered overpowered by normal players.


Hm? What? What do you mean "normal" players? How do I "make" companions overpowered? My influence 5 companions can already beat all solo content without me even pushing a button, and that didn't take "quite a bit of work." To me that's easily overpowered. I think most people would think that's overpowered.... it's just most people like them being overpowered.


2) There is a likely TINY group of players that wish to resist the movement toward a more casual friendly MMO model, and resist all modern indicators that the market is no longer dominated by hardcore players. This could be yet another attempt to resist this change.


It's not that tiny. It's the minority, yes, but it's not a tiny minority, or even a small minority. Now, there's limited data on the subject, but everything I've seen from the poll, to percentage of posters on the forum, to my own anecdotal experience in the game and among people I know, I wouldn't be surprised if it's around 20-30%. Of course it probably just looks like I'm pulling that number out of my ***, and to be fair I kind of am, but if we go with what data (limited as it may be) we have, that's roughly accurate. Definitely a minority, but not a "TINY" group of players.


Therefore I am of the opinion that players should have the OPTION of disabling influence. Only as an option of course.


Huzzah! Options! Player choice! I would rejoice!

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I think that would be best. I was commenting to you in my post about what the other poster said to you. As far as the other comments they were made in general to the people who are complaining not directly solely at you. So again I apologize for the misunderstanding. I should have said how much longer can people make threads every day for the past week several times a day. A month...two months..at what point will it end. I have a habit of not writing the persons screen name when I post. I just assume people know who I'm talking about.




Insulting does you no credit. Have you finally run out of gas spamming the forums.


Ok, that's fine. How about we just leave each other in peace for a bit.

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ok -- here's what I've heard the the past few weeks or so ....


1) No we don't want level sync ! we'll have to work too hard and long to kill the trash ! And we can't solo the World Bosses anymore !!


2) No we don't want it easy -- we want to die horribly in the x2s we'll have to grind now for the alliance faction (yes I know, I'm exaggerating --- sorry my sense of humor, can't help it :) )


Now think about it -- you complained because of level sync because you couldn't kill world bosses anymore solo ---

and NOW you complain because you can kill the new level sync stuff very well and don't die -- and you can go afk and have your companion "kill it for you " which I have yet to see in my own gameplay ... ( sheesh I've never tried that -- I'm missing out on an interesting part of the game I guess )


Conclusion -- some people are just not going to be happy no matter what the game does -- and besides, I am wondering if all this "protesting" is just a way to brag and tell everyone legally how uber you are .... and there's a word all gamers know -- a term we all use -- not going to use it -- there are kids here --- but you know what's "showing" anyway .........


I pointed out the same thing it's very ironic I think. They want to face roll World Bosses and **** but they also want a challenge.........................


I guess no one told them you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Edited by Anaesha
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MMOs are changing -- they will have to -- the hardcore people are growing up and having kids, and jobs, and responsibilities; and the kids today will want something different than their parents (instant gratification for one thing) --- it's called change, and it happens -- and games, just like all things have to change with the times or die off
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Ok, that's fine. How about we just leave each other in peace for a bit.


That's fine with me most of my post if not all of them actually were not directed towards you. They were directed in general towards the people who create dozens of threads on the same topic nearly everyday while insulting like that poster above me commenting about me. However I won't dignity that insult with a response. I'm simply frustrated by the constant flood of threads about the same topic. When will it stop. How long can they spam the forum with the same topic everyday...nothing is going to change for them. Again this comment not towards Lord. But in general to the community.

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That is not a fact. At best is a gross exaggeration. At worst it is an intentional fallacy.


If I do remember correctly there is 2-3 bosses in the old stories where you had to interrupt the boss or eat a huge hit and the Makeb bosses. So you are right my statement is not 100% correct it is 99.999999% correct. You got me.


Where in any of my post have i ever er said I'm looking for a challenge??? please quote me.


You have just proven you are so self absorbed with your own point of view you seem to think everyone plays the game for the same reason you do..


Personally i like story / normal mode .


Where in my quote did I say I am looking for challenge?! There is a huge difference between challenge and the game actually requiring input from the player.


I like story/normal mode too, but outside of PvP and end game PvE they do not exist. And no, spamming the "1" button is not normal, its not even very easy mode. Its stupid mode.

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