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It's about time!


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Thanks! :D


The part I found the most amusing (and fitting, to be honest) was that my last one was the bomber (I got my last Demo precisely 1 match before finishing the 250 bomber matches). And while I learned a lot about flying a bomber and dropping mines on peoples faces, I simply don't much enjoy flying them. As Max said, "It's like driving a bus." Not that I never had fun in one, but... I just don't really enjoy them.


And I found it interesting that I pretty much had to make a conscious effort to get a Demolisher. It's just so different from my normal style, which is usually to go help defend our satellites, rather than just go mindlessly hammer the turrets from the oppositions time and again. That said, I do think I ended up drawing enemies away from our satellites to come help defend theirs, even though I didn't want to flip it unless they managed to flip one of ours first, so I might have even helped win a couple of matches incidentally. I definitely know that there was at least one that we lost that we might have won had I not left our sat to go shoot turrets...


Congrats! I'm still not there myself.


Probably never will be, since a Quell is one of the things I still have to master.

You don't have to fly it, you know. ;) The Quell on Graendahl was the second ship I mastered, before the BR nerf, when it was kind of fun to fly. I don't think I ever flew the Pike, but still got it to mastery with Hawke just by cashing in those tokens. Took forever, but I did eventually manage it.




Welcome to the 100% club we meet on fridays at 7, new people pick up the beer...

Watch out for that Verain guy he gets a little wild sometimes...

Awesome! I hope you guys like Milwaukee's Best! They had a sale at the store! A case for $5, so I got $30 worth. We got some drinking to do on Friday! :D

Edited by nyghtrunner
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You mean I should have posted when I got mine? Shucks, I missed the chance. :(

Grats though, it took me a while only got it a couple months ago myself.

Yeah. There are some serious grinds in there... I won't deny that I cheated on the Saviors a bit, and would just hop in a Bloodmark and toss out a healing drone, and rub shoulders with satellites and asteroids to boost my healing numbers! :D


Seriously, though... The worst was the bomber Elite... 250 games in a bomber was a lot for me. And I had to make 2 toons dedicated to Gunship play in order to get my Elite Gunship. :eek:

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