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KotFE Chapter 10?


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I heard other Companions will be involved in Chapter 10 main storyline such Torian and Gault


along with a few new alerts to recuit more companions.


the thing is --- this



about Gault --- Hylo wants to kill him, she told every one of my toons that --- Gault has some very serious hiding to do or he needs to have a heart to heart with her --- for immersion sake -- or the story can just ignore it I suppose, but that would be a shame ..... Gault's life is at stake here, I have my doubts he'll be permanent


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the thing is --- this



about Gault --- Hylo wants to kill him, she told every one of my toons that --- Gault has some very serious hiding to do or he needs to have a heart to heart with her --- for immersion sake -- or the story can just ignore it I suppose, but that would be a shame ..... Gault's life is at stake here, I have my doubts he'll be permanent


Have you played through with a BH? Because with my BH, she encouraged him to try to make it work with her, and they ended up getting back together... sort of. I haven't spoken to Hylo yet with my BH, but I'm hoping they factor that in.


And even if Gault isn't permanent, I don't mind. I was never that attached to him. He didn't fit in with my BH's style and rarely agreed with how she did business. I'm more concerned about my old LI's. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I'm eager to see those reunions.


EDIT: And another thing- if they do mention how Gault tried to reconcile with Hylo, but it turns out he screwed up anyway even WITH my BH trying to help him work it out, I will have no sympathy for him. I'm hoping that maybe the guy has changed for the better when it comes to Hylo, but if it turns out otherwise, I will not be surprised.

Edited by Yermog
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as on the very old "I Love Lucy " show --- Lucy's husband Ricky used to say to her, when she did something she shouldn't have done "Lucy, you gotta lot of explaining to do !"

Gault has a LOT of explaining to do .... and he'd better come armed --- I've been through my BH ---into KotFE chapter 9; we'll see what the guy does ..... but it is not going to be easy

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  • 2 weeks later...
They originally announced that each episode would be released monthly following the release of kotfe on October 27th. it would launch with 9 episodes with one episode being released monthly until all 16 episodes have been released. now if its monthly and they have 16 total with a launch of 9 episodes (16-9=7), it should finish in 7 months which will be in june. Judging from BioWare's history of expansions for swtor, they announce them in june, further reassuring that an episode would be released monthly in order too keep fans busy until the reveal of a new expansion. SO, by the end of November, episode 10 should be released. Now, my theory is that they will be released monthly to te day, meaning that it will be released on the 27th of each month.
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They originally announced that each episode would be released monthly following the release of kotfe on October 27th. it would launch with 9 episodes with one episode being released monthly until all 16 episodes have been released. now if its monthly and they have 16 total with a launch of 9 episodes (16-9=7), it should finish in 7 months which will be in june. Judging from BioWare's history of expansions for swtor, they announce them in june, further reassuring that an episode would be released monthly in order too keep fans busy until the reveal of a new expansion. SO, by the end of November, episode 10 should be released. Now, my theory is that they will be released monthly to te day, meaning that it will be released on the 27th of each month.


I believe they said they wouldn't start releasing them until January.

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Its my understanding that, for the most part, former companions *not* available thru the "companion terminal" will most probably be alliance recruits of some sort or other <either main or not> in the next chapter.

Along with Kaliyo - since she is pictured. So that means Blizz, Skadge, Rusk, Broonmark, Zenith, Guss and possibly Khem Val.


How many Skadge deaths will there be vs how many Kaliyo deaths? Survey says.........


If it's a choice, I' m going to kill Kaliyo and keep Skadge.

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I'll kill Kaliyo if it's the best for the Alliance -- I'll keep Skadge if it's ok -- IF he can become a recruit -- don't know yet for sure ( but I refuse to use him as a companion -- so he'll just stay "naked " ) --- I'll just wait for the Youtube spoilers ........
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  • 3 weeks later...
We're not exactly spies and Kaliyo has no sense of loyalty to Zakuul it seems. Sooo, sense they are the enemy and she doesn't look like she's going to betray you to Zakuul (may betray you after the war) she could be handy.


She could also decide that she's bored, and blow up a chunk of your base for the lulz.

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If it's a choice, I' m going to kill Kaliyo and keep Skadge.


I'll put one inbetween each of their eyes, given the chance. Frankly, they both are not only cruel and vicious, but liabilities.


Mind you, I think the end of SWTOR will come before we're past about Ch.15 or so. Between the announced schedule - 4 months to make 20min of playtime - and the inevitable slippage, I'm over SWTOR.

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I'll put one inbetween each of their eyes, given the chance. Frankly, they both are not only cruel and vicious, but liabilities.


Mind you, I think the end of SWTOR will come before we're past about Ch.15 or so. Between the announced schedule - 4 months to make 20min of playtime - and the inevitable slippage, I'm over SWTOR.


They have already stated in advance that there'd be no new chapters until february of next year and then after that there will be updates each month.

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I'll put one inbetween each of their eyes, given the chance. Frankly, they both are not only cruel and vicious, but liabilities.


As vile as he is, Skadge is at least controllable, and if he can bring in the Black Sun as soldiers against the Zakuul he might be worth it.

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  • 1 month later...

*This might be a spoiler to anyone, who hasnt played the Jedi Knight story-line, or hasnt completed all jedi knight companion missions/conversations.


I am wondering, if the devs have remembered to put in a "recognition" when the jedi knight meets Kaliyo.. We met her when doing our Doc-conversations. so we should recognizer her, and she could recognize us (but knowing her personality, she would probably have fun with playing ignorant), but maybe only if we have previously completed the companion story part with doc.


would be a fun little detail.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you play through Chapter 10 four or more times with different characters then really you are getting four different chapters depending on the outcomes of the decisions you've made and how different companions react to different classes i.e. Kaliyo AKA Firebrand is bound to say different things to the agent than she says to other classes. I personally want to see really odd things like Elara Dorne teaming up with the agent and Kira Carsen teaming up with a sith warrior and Nadia teaming up with a bounty hunter.
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