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The Alliance/Influence grind is not alt-friendly


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Yeah, right, programming, video editing, all consists of "pointing a mouse and pressing some number keys on my keyboard". I suppose that's absolutely no effort or work. And I suppose, apart from carrying tripods and carrying equipment, shooting the footage is no effort or work either? :mad:


No one is talking about whether it takes work to MAKE a video game. :confused:

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What work? I'm pointing a mouse and pressing some number keys on my keyboard. There is absolutely no effort of work, and I've yet to feel that "sense of achievement" people have talked about for years, and I've been playing MMOs a long time.


I get that some people play games for a "sense of achievement"... why they need to get that from a game, I won't hazard to speculate.


Me? I'm in it for relaxation, for distraction, for the characters I've built and whatnot, etc. It's a game, it's what I do to take the edge off when I get home from work.

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I have to completely disagree with the premise of this thread, and I find this to be the expansion that made this game extremely playable once again.


Sorry to those who need to be completionists on every character they've ever made. Perhaps this is Bioware's way of saying "we aren't going to sacrifice storyline to make sure everyone is happy all the time", nor should they. They wrote a good story, and knew not everyone would be pleased about how it works. Good for them.


My Jugg is the Commander, he's got rank 20 in all four specialists, took me 2 WHOLE weeks. My Operative is his top spy, funneled supply crates through to him (they're bind on legacy for a reason, people). Now that he's done for a while, she can get hers up a few ranks as well for the CC/Radiants. Not a big deal.


KOTFE is the first expansion in this game, nay-- the first content update in this game, since launch that has kept my interest for more than a week. I played from launch, and the game ended the moment your story did. Aside from playing endless matches of Huttball, of course. KOTFE is great for the longevity of this game, grind out some heroics...they're *********** easy.

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The whole premise of this thread is wrong. I'd much rather have a whole bunch of alts than build influence with one toon on its own.


To cite an extreme example, I only have to do a few of the the very easiest and quickest hero missions for supply crates. I have enough alts to do those "no problem" missions several times in any given week.


In fact, my characters with stealth are carrying everybody else. They go in, click what needs clicking and leave, often without a fight.


Each toon leveling up on its own is a grind. Putting those supply chests in the legacy vault until you have several dozen, then saying "Hmmmm. What alliance specialist do I want to have 20 influence today" is not.

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I like the whole Alliance and influence IDEA and grind is fine for a SINGLE Character per account.




It really should be LEGACY based as it's "ALLIANCE" of factions as well all the same companions.


It's sadly BW's attempt at drawing out the lack of content with some very GRINDY based activities.


I'm with everyone else. Doing this on a single character and calling it good. Not wasting my time grinding alliance for more than one character (no benefit for having more than one character do that effort).


Pick your favorite Companion and level them up is about all I'm doing for other characters.

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I like the whole Alliance and influence IDEA and grind is fine for a SINGLE Character per account.




It really should be LEGACY based as it's "ALLIANCE" of factions as well all the same companions.


It's sadly BW's attempt at drawing out the lack of content with some very GRINDY based activities.


I'm with everyone else. Doing this on a single character and calling it good. Not wasting my time grinding alliance for more than one character (no benefit for having more than one character do that effort).


Pick your favorite Companion and level them up is about all I'm doing for other characters.


Given how things have gone in the past - time helps find a resolution to most of BW mistakes - to some degree depending on which college football themed team you happen to root for here on these forums and which one BW listens/caves to...


I predict that with Chapter 10's release, there will be some sort of change - an effective simple solution.


I don't expect it to be anything 'legacy' because it doesn't make sense to do it that way (Each character *is* supposed to be an individual) - What I expect are the 4 rewards will start to give more than 500 influence in the future to your 4 Alliance leaders *only*. Nothing more than that - and really that would solve 'the struggle' for the most part. All the alliance companions you gain come in at 10 inf anyhow, that's like maxed from pre 4.0 so they don't need a buff either. Our companion's influence is where it was previous to 4.0 (previous Max being 10 now of course with the new 50 cap) so no need to boost companion reward gains either. That simple change would make it easier to build your 'Alliance' with each Alt and also advance the gear gaining so that alting isn't the struggle it is now. Just boost the gain to the 4 Alliance leaders to say 1500-2000 instead of 500. (or even more sensibly, make them like lvl 6 comp rewards and give 2048, and follow the trend as they get higher lvl as normal).


(Where's Eric when you need him to take an idea back to the Devs!) ;)


Believe me, I'm an Alter, so I 'want' some sort of change but I don't want it handed on a silver platter like some. (not intending that for you btw, just a general theme I feel here at times so don't take offense dscount).


I'm working on my 2nd/3rd 65 Alts for Alliance (got about 12 at 65 now, while working on 4 new toons as well) - my main Tank is kilted in 216/220 and I don't expect to take more than 2-3 more Alts through 'Alliance' before Feb.. I'm eagerly awaiting the first sale on character slots... I've already picked up 2 and am sitting at 26 - did not make a free 60 (Well I did to store the legacy sets in my bank, then deleted them all and made 1's). Enjoying the 1-60 right now more than 60-65. I can still play with friends effectively in groups (for the social mostly, this game is pretty cruise control these days).

Edited by Dreadicus
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I like the whole Alliance and influence IDEA and grind is fine for a SINGLE Character per account.




It really should be LEGACY based as it's "ALLIANCE" of factions as well all the same companions.




It really shouldn't be LEGACY because it is one, individual SINGLE character that everyone is rallying around. Not other people who he may or may not know, or who he may or may not be related to or the arch-enemy of. Otherwise, let's just throw story completely out the airlock.

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I got all the companions with one toon, and I just don't care enough to do it again. The grind is so unfriendly to alts that I don't see the point in doing it at all. I'm more saddened by the alliance system than anything else in 4.0. If influence was legacy-wide, I would grind the hell out of it and I'd probably have all my companions at 50. As it stands, I'm annoyed enough to not even have a reason to log in other than ops night. I've taken two of my 14 toons through KotFE - and 10 I haven't even logged since 4.0. That's not good.
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My feeling is that BioWare are between a rock and a hard place with this - as are most MMO companies, actually. Much the same as many of the either/or decisions they have to make, this one is also trying to reconcile two wildly different play styles.


The question, for any MMO designer - or group of MMO designers - is this: How do you make content that is engaging and long-lasting for:


Player A: Only has one character (Perhaps in TOR's case, two, one of each faction), plays them continuously and extensively


Player B: Has 25+ characters, likes playing them all.


Assuming the two players play for the same number of hours per week, it's basically impossible to make content that will satisfy both players. Player A wants content that's deep and, well, ultimately grindy. Player B wants content that's shallow, because they're going to have to do it 25 times.


It's a no-win situation, for BioWare.


I accept this. I'm one of those 25+ alt guys. I'll run the KoTFE story on all of them. I might grab all the companions on a handful, maybe a half dozen or so. On others, I might just grab the ones that interest that particular character. My gunslinger, for example, uses Veeroa as his main companion, but has no desire to go smacking star fortresses for the others.


And there'll be a whole set of my characters who don't do the Star Fortress arc at all. And that's okay, because it's not required for the main story anyway. I doubt that I'll max out on Alliance rep on more than one or two characters either. It's just not necessary.


I'll play my toons through KoTFE because I enjoy the story, and I enjoy the little nuances that I find as I play through things with different classes, races, genders, and taking different options. The alliance grind doesn't interest me enough to do it on all of my alts.


But you won't find me ************ about it, because I understand a) why BioWare have it, and b) that it's not actually required. It's not that important.


Do it on the chars you want to do it on, don't do it on the chars you don't. Pretty simple to me.


p.s. I'd be more inclined to do it if heroics weren't weekly, because then I could just blast through them on my stealthers or high DPS chars, while watching TV or whatever. Unfortunately, once I run out of those chars, I'm back to doing things on healers or tanks, and that makes life much slower.


p.p.s. I'd also be more inclined to do it if there wasn't a limit to the quest log, so I could just grab all of the Heroics from the terminal on the fleet and just hammer 'em out, boom, done.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Your unwillingness to adapt to the ever evolving paradigm does not suggest a flaw with the system, but with your own work ethic instead.


Erm...expecting someone who is playing a GAME to have to approach said game with a "work ethic" implies that the "game" is now a job...which kind of defeats the purpose of well...being a game. :rolleyes:

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The fact that they've now doubled the work and you're unwilling to put in the time & effort to adhere to the arduous task because it doesn't compliment your personal preference says much about your own lackluster self-motivation & work ethic. This new system is good for those such as you who have gotten slothful & reward expectant from coasting unchallenged through the previous incarnation.


I can't decide if I should call you a troll or compliment you on your sarcastic humor. I'm not sure which is accurate.

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I'm totally on board with story focus.


10 alts ready to go. Did it with my original JK ... Done.


Absolutely no desire to raise them higher than they are now (Alliance partners at 15, one comp at 30+)

Absolutely no desire to do the grind again.

Very little motivation to even run another toon through the 9 chapters (too little differentiation).


"Focus on story" followed by massive post-9 grind are incongruous design choices, in my book.

And who thought endless repetitions of brain-dead heroics (and tedious Star Fortress) was good gameplay?

Edited by DocDAM
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