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Restart kotfe chapter 9 story


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I realized during chapter 9, there is a point where you can begin your romance with Lana, except because Theron is the one talking to you, i thought the flirt option was directed at him, and thus on my sorc, I missed out romancing Lana.


This seemed a very pivotal moment since you had to confirm the romance, but due to some ambiguity, I missed it and would like a chance to rectify it. Nothing important story wise happens in chapter 9 except the alliance building which is handled by the classic dialogue system anyhow. So it doesn't seem like giving a redo would be that hard, especially since chapter 9 is the last for the time being


I would like to say I'm confident there will be other places in the future chapters this can be done... but I don't want to miss anything...

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Ouch that sucks. I remember missing the start of the Ashara romance back when she only had one flirt option in her entire story and if you miss that you're friendzoned. I deleted my then level 40 character (my first and only at the time) and started again, just because I wanted that romance storyline that badly. I hope you won't have to but it looks like you might have to. My condolences.
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I would like to second this. The choice to consolidate the relationship (in other words, bring it back to what it was in SoR) was worded in a way that convinced me it was a chance to flirt with Theron instead of Lana.


Although the same sex thing was mentioned...I'm about to start KotFE with my Knight and I'm a little bummed she's not going to get a love letter from Kira, despite Kira flirting with her constantly throughout the story.

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I need it!

Bioware, please add some kind of optional terminal with quest reset.


Or a terminal for the last Lana romance choice/scene (would be ideal, just to change 1-2 values in database!), maybe with "classic" text-based cutscene "blah blah blah, reset? [flirt] go talk with her in the cantina".


It's just one small quest right at the end of your epic I-IX chapters. :(

Edited by Glower
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I find it curious that the Developers aren't responding to any of these questions about this.


I agree there should be some sort of "reset" on this one, as the wording wasn't very clear.


They fcked up the scene design thats why.

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There is a lot if quiet from bioware, I know they just went fully live but don't they have community reps for a reason? Their biggest problem imo over the years has been lack of response and just doing whatever.


I dont think it's asking a lot, he'll all 3 comps are standing around in the war room, just allow us to talk to them and do that lock scene if we aren't locked already

Edited by sinisterwaffle
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((Editor's note: I've included option 3 in all the examples. Was there an option 3?))


It was as clear as mud. The French localisation has the choices (paraphrased into English):


1. I want to talk to one of you.

2. [Flirt] I want to talk to one of you.

3. something else


YES: the text was identical apart from the [Flirt] tag.


And of course I didn't want to flirt with Theron (he's right there, I'm talking to him, and the choice is not labelled with any indication of who will be talking to me. It's not like the one in Rishi where you can flirt with one or the other of Lana or Theron, and it is clearly labelled as to which one will receive your flirt.), so I picked 1, I think.


So, yes, please Mr Bioware, let us redo this because it's your collective fault that it is so unclear.


And fix the conversation so it is clear what will happen next, especially if you have been flirting with more than one of them. e.g.


1. [Choose one person to talk to, no further romance]

2. [Choose one person to flirt with]

3. Something else.


If you're like me, and you have been flirting with only one person (Lana for most of us, I guess, so the example will use her name):


1. [Talk to Lana, no romance]

2. [Flirt with Lana]

3. Something else.

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I don't write much on the forums but I agree 100% with you guys. I like MANY others clicked the non flirt option while the camera was facing Theran and now I missed my chance to lock with Lana even though I've been flirting with her since the very beginning of when she first appeared. It's a little disappointing that no dev. Has responded or acknowledged this situation yet. We'd like to simply know if it's possible to restart ch. 9 or if it's possible to lock in with Lana in the next chapter?? Just looking for answers.
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And for the most part I absolutely loved Kotfe. But, why they would do that scene the way they did it makes ZERO sense.


Really even if we can't restart Chapter IX a response from the devs in the near future about whether or not you'll get another chance to lock in the romance option with your companion would be awesome. But they can see threads on it:


This One

And This One

And This One

And This One

And This One

And this One

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I got no such warning about starting a Romance. I took my time through the whole expansion not to space bar anything. When I walk up to them in the cantina right before they start to drink it gives you the options "I need to talk to one of you" "(Flirt) I need to talk to one of you" and I forgot the 3rd. But when the options come up , the camera is directly at Theran, Bioware didn't necessarily MESS it up, but that specific interaction scene was poorly done by them, causing MANY MANY people to incorrectly answer resulting in not being able to get locked in with Lana. If you didnt hit the flirt option at first they should have given it one more shot once you're speaking to the character you selected to speak to alone. I courted Lana once i got her seperarted but there were no flirt options after, found that weird which is what led me to investigate it more. Not the biggest deal for those with multiple characters, but me having just one character that I've built since 2012 kind of sucks if the option to lock with lana will never be available again. It would be great if they can maybe give an optional phase reset or something at a terminal for all those who answered wrongly. More importantly, just being acknowledged and getting a response from them would be a great start regarding this topic.
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I also want them to reset. My thoughts when I saw the option was first that I was gonna flirt with the guy in the cut scene, so I chose the other option which was not to flirt and me being so immersed in the cut scene didn't really think more about it when I continued the dialogue.

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Did the same thing, thought the flirt option pertained to Theron. :(


Exactly the scene was confusing honestly haha, also the fact that most of the romance scenes were done by talking to that person directly before KOTFE and not in the story cut scenes threw me off. And i would also be happy with an option to romance at the start of chapter 10 rather than a chapter 9 restart but hopefully we can an official word on this :jawa_smile:

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