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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll: Take 3


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Need more fish people! I'd be surprised, though.


It's kind of funny - leading up to when species were actually announced, a lot of people were expecting Mon Calamari for Republic and Quarren for Empire. Those would have been interesting selections, especially if the conflict between those species was explored a little.


As for fish people, my guess would be Selkath being implemented, if any of them. Simply because, like Cathar, BioWare already as a relationship with them.

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1. humanoid Droid (obviously)

2. whatever kit fisto is, you know like that stripper on nar shada, they have a newt face and tendril hair

3. something not from star wars. I really like the thundercats, they look awesome and are fun to create.. give me something else that looks cool too and works in the game and I will bite. no! wait, do we have Voss yet? wait I pick Voss for number three, no! for number one! you tricked me! *falls down a well*

Edited by InabaSensei
forgot something
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It's kind of funny - leading up to when species were actually announced, a lot of people were expecting Mon Calamari for Republic and Quarren for Empire. Those would have been interesting selections, especially if the conflict between those species was explored a little.


As for fish people, my guess would be Selkath being implemented, if any of them. Simply because, like Cathar, BioWare already as a relationship with them.


Selkath aren't as iconic to the universe as Mon Calamari are, though.

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1. humanoid Droid (obviously)

2. whatever kit fisto is, you know like that stripper on nar shada, they have a newt face and tendril hair

3. something not from star wars. I really like the thundercats, they look awesome and are fun to create.. give me something else that looks cool too and works in the game and I will bite. no! wait, do we have Voss yet? wait I pick Voss for number three, no! for number one! you tricked me! *falls down a well*


#2 would be the Nautolans that others have voted for.

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Selkath aren't as iconic to the universe as Mon Calamari are, though.


Both are ugly and not many people would play that races exept for comic relief - can you imagine the sheer number of ItsATrap the Infernal, The One and Only running around? :p

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I find your lack of Zeltron disturbing.


1. Zeltron (preferred)/Falleen- Racial ability: Pheromones- Enemy target NPC strong or below fights for you for 30 seconds. Not usable in OPs. Friendly targets get "Amenable to suggestions" buff (cosmetic)

2. Shi'ido- Racial Ability: Shapeshift- Copy target humanoid appearance for 30 seconds. Cosmetic.

3. Anzat- Racial Ability: "Soup Drain"- Player gains small buff to health renegeration, target gains small debuff to same for 1 minute. Can't be used on players. If used on companions, a full feeding animation plays. Companions also gain "recently drained" debuff that prevents you from reusing it on them for a while.

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If Bioware were to include any new playable species, they'd have to be able to speak Basic, not need unique dialogue, and to be fairly humanoid so that they can wear existing armors, don't clip during custscenes, and not make LI content weird.


That would rule out some options like Wookies or Selonians or Voss.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Oh god, this. How could I forget about them! :D






IKR, Sure you really only saw Shistavanen once in the Movies (Cantina scene, Episode IV) and once again as the contest winner (Fans voted on, I voted for Shistavanen, they listed it as Wolf Man) from Cartoon Network in an episode of the Clone Wars. But they meet most of BW's criteria. They do speak basic (Must be a neat trick with a canid muzzle), but are humanoid and not oversized or anything. They are Digitgrade, but that would be pretty much just cosmetic, though costume pieces would need a set of models for them or they could just make them plantigrade (Human style legs) for simplicity, though I'd rather not see that. But to see more races from the original movies would be nice instead of stuff from the novels.

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For the love of God, NO Mon Calimari! You know damn well the starter planets are just going to be wall-to-wall with people yelling "IT'S A TRAP!!!" all freakin' day long!


Very true. It would last about a day, and then be done with for the most part.

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If Bioware were to include any new playable species, they'd have to be able to speak Basic, not need unique dialogue, and to be fairly humanoid so that they can wear existing armors, don't clip during custscenes, and not make LI content weird.


That would rule out some options like Wookies or Selonians or Voss.


Certain things are noted, and the categorization ultimately takes these things into consideration. That being said, I this would be an inaccurate sampling if I didn't allow all properly formatted votes to count. Furthermore, that whole "need human lips for romance" thing does not - and has never - mattered. It was a mention taken out of context by Darth Hater that was debunked the next day.

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IKR, Sure you really only saw Shistavanen once in the Movies (Cantina scene, Episode IV) and once again as the contest winner (Fans voted on, I voted for Shistavanen, they listed it as Wolf Man) from Cartoon Network in an episode of the Clone Wars. But they meet most of BW's criteria. They do speak basic (Must be a neat trick with a canid muzzle), but are humanoid and not oversized or anything. They are Digitgrade, but that would be pretty much just cosmetic, though costume pieces would need a set of models for them or they could just make them plantigrade (Human style legs) for simplicity, though I'd rather not see that. But to see more races from the original movies would be nice instead of stuff from the novels.


Were there any in SW:TOR? I can't recall. Not saying that's a requirement, but thus far it's been a leaning. They're kind of like Selonian in that their depictions vary pretty wildly from near-canid to near-human. Also, I personally don't see BioWare releasing another furred species unless their release cycle on this front picks up drastically. T


hat being said, I really did enjoy that episode of Clone Wars. They're make a welcome addition.

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I've never been sure of why, exactly, BioWare chose to take the safe path and only implement "relatable" species at the onset. It reminds me of discussions I've had regarding the new Transformers movies. The human element is entirely unnecessary - I can relate more to Optimus Prime than a frantic Shia. Just because something is outwardly alien doesn't mean that I cannot grasp what it means to be that entity, and what those entities represent at their core generally fall in line with elements that I personally identify with moreso than another generic human hero.
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