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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

it's amazing !!!


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on KotfE.. most enjoyable gaming experience in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it. the story, the sets, the journey, .. just WOW - what a refresh.


i'm not sure how bioware are going to keep me playing once i complete it, but it was an amazing experience..

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on KotfE.. most enjoyable gaming experience in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it. the story, the sets, the journey, .. just WOW - what a refresh.


i'm not sure how bioware are going to keep me playing once i complete it, but it was an amazing experience..


Depends how you like the alliance system grind. :p

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I had a lot of fun in the chapters, I was worried about when I finished them though. I am very happy with what came after, I'm having a lot of fun with the alliance stuff. I think they did a great job so far and I can't wait for some more chapters. I do miss my old companions though but I'll be fine for now.
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on KotfE.. most enjoyable gaming experience in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it. the story, the sets, the journey, .. just WOW - what a refresh.


Agree 100%. The Story was awesome.The best yet.



Depends how you like the alliance system grind. :p


This is sort of true. The Alliance grind sucks eggs, but I still really enjoyed the expansion.

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I had a lot of fun in the chapters, I was worried about when I finished them though. I am very happy with what came after, I'm having a lot of fun with the alliance stuff. I think they did a great job so far and I can't wait for some more chapters. I do miss my old companions though but I'll be fine for now.


that is my biggest concern, what's to keep me playing SWTOR once i've finished this amazing experience while I'm waiting for the next?

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on KotfE.. most enjoyable gaming experience in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it. the story, the sets, the journey, .. just WOW - what a refresh.


i'm not sure how bioware are going to keep me playing once i complete it, but it was an amazing experience..

So refreshing to see this! I expected to log into the forums on launch day and see the skies falling down again. So glad to see some positive feedback. Bioware deserves it!

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I want whatever you guys are drinking, tbh. I made it to Chapter 2, and so far saw absolutely nothing groundbreaking. Thought it was far less engaging than the vanilla class stories so far... except I don't get to see the world even and other players at all. No funny dialogue options even. Edited by DomiSotto
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You guys at Bioware put in allot of hard work, its obvious in the quality of this expansion. I have to say the Story , the companion changes everything has been awesome!! You guys did a great job I really appreciate it. I wouldn't change a thing. Don't listen to all the crying and complaining about level sync and companions you guys did a great job and its all fun. Just bring back our favorite female companions and Id give you a 10 out of 10 on this. Thanks again for all your hard work. Edited by Fallensouls
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I want whatever you guys are drinking, tbh. I made it to Chapter 2, and so far saw absolutely nothing groundbreaking. Thought it was far less engaging than the vanilla class stories so far... except I don't get to see the world even and other players at all. No funny dialogue options even.


i'm sorry to hear you're not enjoying it, but I really arm, i love how the story takes such a dramatic turn, and the scope of it - so much is new and different, it's not dragging out the previous state of things, something epic has truly happened and it's come to bear, and you watch it unfold, you play a part, I feel from when I started it to my first pause, it's like I didn't blink , looked up and 4 hrs had passed.


I was totally engrossed, it's really hard for a game to do that to me today, sure when I was 16. Not now though.. This totally surprised me, maybe cos i wasn't expecting it to be so bold nor was i expecting them to be able to pull it off anywhere near so well, you really feel your in a totally different setting.. it feels like everything the trailers hinted at has actually happened.. that takes some skill, it doens't feel cliched or cheesy either.. it's genuinely enjoyable

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The story was very fun for me as well. Bounty week willfully forced me to put my Insta 60 away and play my main and alts for the past week though. I am looking forward to jumping back into the Alliance grind now that BH week has ended.


I am not real stoked about the fact they have pooled both factions back into one group against an unplayable enemy...that aside it's a pretty damn good expansion IMO.


Oh and my butthurt thought of the day is I want the gear vendors back on fleet :D

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i'm sorry to hear you're not enjoying it, but I really arm, i love how the story takes such a dramatic turn, and the scope of it - so much is new and different, it's not dragging out the previous state of things, something epic has truly happened and it's come to bear, and you watch it unfold, you play a part, I feel from when I started it to my first pause, it's like I didn't blink , looked up and 4 hrs had passed.


Tbh, I thought Rishi for the first time was actually far more exciting because it had a Baldur's Gate feel to those streets, and a fun cheerful vibe from the start with that monkey lizard joke and a bunch of tongue-in-cheek stuff. I feel very constrained in KofTE, and like I just got to get through it to be back in the open world again with all the things I like about the game. Companions, humor, other people, cool protagonists with snappy dialogues, meandering worlds. This so far was just another reincarnation of another ancient evil stirring subplot and killing off stuff in the long corridors. It's like Ziost take 2.

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I want whatever you guys are drinking, tbh. I made it to Chapter 2, and so far saw absolutely nothing groundbreaking. Thought it was far less engaging than the vanilla class stories so far... except I don't get to see the world even and other players at all. No funny dialogue options even.


That's interesting, this is the first complaint I've read about the story aspect to the expansion. I was hooked from the start, but obviously you have a very different threshold of entertainment.

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That's interesting, this is the first complaint I've read about the story aspect to the expansion. I was hooked from the start, but obviously you have a very different threshold of entertainment.


I am not complaining, just observing. It's not so much an entertainment threshold, it's more of a gaming history maybe. I played only SP games for years, and only BioWARE/Obsidian. I am used to their standard plots, and the writing style, how they present the material. When I cam to SWTOR (very reluctantly) what blew me away was the palette and Other people all over the place. It was amazing. New. And it was super-funny on some chars! I looooved those personalities.


I also really loved the funnier, cooler protagonists, the Smuggler and the Bounty Hunter writing (or the Jade Empire), over the stories told in a more serious key (aka Imperial Agent). I prefer the fast-paced, light snappy dialogues, fast exchanges, japes, etc, over the longer, heavier cutscenes about the impending doom, and the protagonists' inner workings, and questioning of what is real, where and how, and if you kill a friend or whatever.


What I am getting in KofTE so far is what I like less. Grandiose and epic appeals far less to me than blazing guns and a sense of adventure and being personally close to the unique protagonist I can love over the generic one-size fits all Main Char. And, oh, yeah, a cool awesome male to flirt with... yeah, that's nice too.


So, yes, I dropped it for now, and leveling the chars through the alternative means, wanting to keep most of them in the 'old' world. I'll grind through KofTE some other time.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am not complaining, just observing. It's not so much an entertainment threshold, it's more of a gaming history maybe. I played only SP games for years, and only BioWARE/Obsidian. I am used to their standard plots, and the writing style, how they present the material. When I cam to SWTOR (very reluctantly) what blew me away was the palette and Other people all over the place. It was amazing. New. And it was super-funny on some chars! I looooved those personalities.


I also really loved the funnier, cooler protagonists, the Smuggler and the Bounty Hunter writing (or the Jade Empire), over the stories told in a more serious key (aka Imperial Agent). I prefer the fast-paced, light snappy dialogues, fast exchanges, japes, etc, over the longer, heavier cutscenes about the impending doom, and the protagonists' inner workings, and questioning of what is real, where and how, and if you kill a friend or whatever.


What I am getting in KofTE so far is what I like less. Grandiose and epic appeals far less to me than blazing guns and a sense of adventure and being personally close to the unique protagonist I can love over the generic one-size fits all Main Char. And, oh, yeah, a cool awesome male to flirt with... yeah, that's nice too.


So, yes, I dropped it for now, and leveling the chars through the alternative means, wanting to keep most of them in the 'old' world. I'll grind through KofTE some other time.


I could ALMOST chalk up your post to a difference of opinion, but one phrase stuck out to me.



"A sense of adventure".


Star Wars has always been a Space Opera or Space Fantasy. It was inspired by old Flash Gordon serials and Errol Flynn Swashbucking movies. The point is, no matter how doom and gloom it got, there was always that sense of adventure there, that sense of "anything is possible." It's what brought the fun.


I haven't played the new story yet, but I hope in crafting this intense, story-driven experience, the developers remember that Star Wars doesn't just benefit from light-hearted fun; it almost mandates it. The imprint of such is everywhere in Star Wars' DNA.


And they have the characters who can do that too - Gault, Guss Tuno, Kaliyo, and M1-4X to name a few.


I hope as we get this finely crafted story, they make time for the fun, and find the right balance.

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