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My take:


Extreme dislikes:


Boring, predictable story/plot from start to fake finish. Simply astonished with the lack of imagination and creativity and the apparent inability to write a story outside of a box of tired tropes and clichés. The Evil Twin triumphs for a hagridden journey down into even more yawn-inducing hubris. Oh, Evil Twin has an even more eviler Sister. It's all a plot by Daddy Dearest who, of course like the rest of us, foresaw it all. *yawn*


My Main Characters are now MUTE: guess what? I never played KotOR and I never will. So directing 99% of the resources for SWTOR into an expansion hailed as an homage to said game means absolutely nothing to me. Absolutely nothing to me. Did I mention that doing this means absolutely nothing to me? My first impression was this: oh, wow, they ran out of money for the voice acting and now I have to choose from a boring list of responses which my character won't ever speak---said responses being nothing my character would say in any case.


Yet ANOTHER currency I am expected to grind for, forever. No. Not doing that again.


Changing my skills/abilities yet AGAIN. I have grown very tired of this. I know every MMOG (and I'm using this term very loosely for this game, atm) has to be adaptive to the massive creativity of it's players. A handful of geeky developers (no matter how smart) just can't match the sheer determined efforts of the power MMOGers amongst us. It's a given. But with every expansion comes yet another alteration of my main characters abilities and I, frankly, am tired of putting up with it. Not doing that again.


The Alliance System: ummmm, no, just no. I'm not going to go through re-finding/acquiring the companions I've already done. And, of course, since every single one of them can do the same as every other, there's really no need to do it anyway. Oh, not to mention all the grinding and creds I spent on getting their gear to as high as my tolerance for grinding would allow---wasted time and effort. Belittles the achievements I worked hard to get, relegates my subscriber status and nullifies all my feelings of progress. In other words: I spent the past few years wasting my time and money because the people designing this game apparently don't know how to design a game worth playing (evidenced by the fact they keep changing it out from under my feet every expansion). No, just no.


Level Sync: yeah, right. Basically: we've run out of money/time/ideas for more content so we're going to make you go back and do the old content again, only this time, you have to play it at lower level----again! Ummm, No.


Likes I Found Worthy of Considering, but then Again, Just Not Enough:

Getting to actually play a Gay Character if I want. Granted, it wasn't nearly enough and it was biased and arbitrary (oh, I can flirt with Vette, but not Lt. Pierce or Quinn? Really? Why not?) AND I had to wait 2 years for it. But hey, not bad. Not even TSW allowed straight-up (pardon the pun) LGBT characters. This option kept me going for months longer than I would have otherwise.


Graphics: some, really really nice; others, meh. Makeb purty much sucked for me as well as Ilum, but otherwise, found the graphics awesome.


Voice Acting:: If you've ever played ESO, then you should thank all the Gods you know for the voice acting in this game---from the original story/game, that is. Even the acting in this boring expansion humiliates every other MMOG's efforts out there.




Conclusion: on the verge of the clicking the cancel button of doooooom. There's nothing in this story and radical alteration of the game that appeals to me---and I despise the cinematic gameplay (I admit this latter is simply because the story is boring me to tears) and I am very intolerant of episodal 'content'.


May the Force Serve you Well,


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How about you get out....

White knights are toxic to the community.




OP was a nice read, agreed with some of it, disagreed with some of it, but I hate to see these sarcastic dismissals that add absolutely nothing to the discussion.


If you want to defend the game, then awesome, go ahead, but actually bring up some points or counter some of the points you disagree with.


If you just want to say you disagree and not explain yourself at all, at the very least be polite.


their should be a ban for QQ threads too..


Yeah, let's ban all negative feedback on the forums. That is sure going to help the devs get feedback from the players and improve their game accordingly (you know, the main purpose of the forums....)

Edited by Swissbob
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KOTOR - Best Star Wars Game Period. (So that is Period Period)



Well, I'll have to take your word for that. I don't play comp games, only MMOGs. I didn't speak much on this in my OP, however, I could say that the direction of the game 'moving away' from a traditional MMOG experience is also alarming to me (I'm aware the Devs have said they will 'not forget that SWTOR is an MMOG) and may be the final fatal signal that I need to move on. Hope not.



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Harsh yet you seem to be passionate with your review. If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered. I too agree with some of your points. Apparently they didn't feel the old model was working and a large shake up was warranted. Maybe they were forecasting a really bad future for the game and figured all these changes couldn't do any more damage and the change was worth taking? If the current model was making a hit and subs and profits were booming I doubt the execs would make so many changes. A few here and there to see how they do, but 4.0 really changed a lot about this game. Edited by Zerileth
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Well, I'll have to take your word for that. I don't play comp games, only MMOGs. I didn't speak much on this in my OP, however, I could say that the direction of the game 'moving away' from a traditional MMOG experience is also alarming to me (I'm aware the Devs have said they will 'not forget that SWTOR is an MMOG) and may be the final fatal signal that I need to move on. Hope not.




UMMM its a MMORPG not a MMOG.....

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Harsh yet you seem to be passionate with your review. If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered. I too agree with some of your points. Apparently they didn't feel the old model was working and a large shake up was warranted. Maybe they were forecasting a really bad future for the game and figured all these changes couldn't do any more damage and the change was worth taking? If the current model was making a hit and subs and profits were booming I doubt the execs would make so many changes. A few here and there to see how they do, but 4.0 really changed a lot about this game.


I must apologize for the harsh tone, I was simply trying to be honest.


Yeah, I can't fault these guys for trying to ensure a viable, profitable future. Some of the decisions this time around, however, have me scratching my head and wondering.. Not sure if I'm continuing the journey or not. Just wanted to put out my opinion.


And, to all the detractors: hey, attack my opinions as you will; but not myself. I wrote an opinion. Would appreciate refutation of said opinions rather than personal attacks.



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I must apologize for the harsh tone, I was simply trying to be honest.


Yeah, I can't fault these guys for trying to ensure a viable, profitable future. Some of the decisions this time around, however, have me scratching my head and wondering.. Not sure if I'm continuing the journey or not. Just wanted to put out my opinion.


And, to all the detractors: hey, attack my opinions as you will; but not myself. I wrote an opinion. Would appreciate refutation of said opinions rather than personal attacks.




I'm on the fence too. I'm going to wait on a few more patches and hopefully they fix/change crafting and companions a little. There still may be a few tweeks to go. Does make one feel like a beta tester. :rolleyes:

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Well, I'll have to take your word for that. I don't play comp games, only MMOGs. I didn't speak much on this in my OP, however, I could say that the direction of the game 'moving away' from a traditional MMOG experience is also alarming to me (I'm aware the Devs have said they will 'not forget that SWTOR is an MMOG) and may be the final fatal signal that I need to move on. Hope not.




I'm the same. I do not play single player video games. If I had not been playing MMOs the past 16 years (or games like Marvel Heroes), I wouldn't have touched video games again at all. Never played KOTOR, either. No interest in that type of video game, regardless of the attached franchise.

Edited by Jumajin
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Well, I'll have to take your word for that. I don't play comp games, only MMOGs. I didn't speak much on this in my OP, however, I could say that the direction of the game 'moving away' from a traditional MMOG experience is also alarming to me (I'm aware the Devs have said they will 'not forget that SWTOR is an MMOG) and may be the final fatal signal that I need to move on. Hope not.




If you don't play computers games you could always play it on the xbox, though I don't see why playing it on the computer is such a bug turn off.

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When will people learn that nobody cares? I do agree on the 'Its Star Wars part.' :)


I presume with the not caring you refer to the devs/bioware itself!? If so, isn't that sad? So far I have not really seen any official aknowledgement by Bioware that they are even aware of a few questions/issues the players have. They are not really defending any decision they made; there must be reasons for any one of those. But nothing so far. Not saying the whole 4.0 is bad. However a little communication on their part wouldn't hurt. ;)

Edited by AntiochosTheos
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