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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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SWTOR has never been a game which offered players challenge in SOLO content.


I don't see how it being slightly easier than before changes anything.



Because you could die before if you screwed up, now that's utterly impossible in general gameplay.

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Why should the definition of overpowered only apply if they can do the hardest content on their own?


Wouldn't a more logical definition be 'soloing content the player can't solo.'


Sure there are players who are so darn good at this game with every boost and unlock that they can practically do anything in the game solo. However for most players that's simply not the case and my companions can solo stuff that would leave my character eating dirt.


When my companion with lvl 17 influence (none of which was bought, I just played through the last chapter and a half with the same companion.) be able to solo stuff I cannot even get close to. She has 22000 go compared to my 12000 and that's on my ship in blue mods at lvl 48 (I'm 49 and I can't buy new ones till lvl 52). So I'm geared as well as can be expected from a character my level without buckets of cash.


I'm basically playing the entire game with a person with every unlock doing it for me while I stand and watch. How can anyone have the cheek to tell me that's not overpowered?


The problem is people see no difference between storyline missions and additional which in this case are heroics. Of course you cannot solo TSF - you gonna wipe on second stage of three before last boss facing. Storyline always used to be easier and actually in most cases able to be finished solo except the cases in which you were undergeared and asked some guildie to help you out. Believe me its MEANT to be them strong as they are to serve you and protect you. And btw companions wipe on last TSF boss and players dont - so WHO IS OP? ;)

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Why have achievement for doing it then?



I've brought this up in every thread.... I have yet to see a reasonable response to it. Still waiting...


And here is the thing. They can't train players 2 ways. If they expect that you solo H2 content, then they expect that you should solo it all the time. You can't teach people that H2 = group only, then change it at the end. It's the logical explanation.


Clearly companions were tuned to the new H2 instance. All H4s were brought down and retuned to be run as H2 with new companions. They are not tuned for solo content, nor were they meant to be. I don't understand why people can't or won't wrap their heads around it.

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Because you could die before if you screwed up, now that's utterly impossible in general gameplay.


That isn't entirely true. It depends on what stance you have your companion on and what spec your character is.


If your companion is Healer, you'll never die outside of fights where the mechanics can stop the companion from healing (some of the SF boss fights are like this).


If your companion is a Tank, then you shouldn't die, assuming you can heal, but there are some boss fights where the mechanics will kill the companion if you can't heal them.


If your companion is a DPS, then you can die if you're stupid or take on too much, usually boss fights again. Especially if your character is a Tank.


Admittedly in all these scenarios it is the stupid AI of the companion that can lead to a death (or player), rather than their "power" level. But it is still possible.


But then, I'm sure the comeback is that you want challenge in the trash mobs on planets and that the H2 boss fights don't count.

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Companins are fine sooner or later people are going have to accept the new companions or their just going waste their time asking the same question everyday for a year. Already it's getting a little annoying that question is "Are you sure your okay with Companions" and "Yes"
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I've brought this up in every thread.... I have yet to see a reasonable response to it. Still waiting...


And here is the thing. They can't train players 2 ways. If they expect that you solo H2 content, then they expect that you should solo it all the time. You can't teach people that H2 = group only, then change it at the end. It's the logical explanation.


Clearly companions were tuned to the new H2 instance. All H4s were brought down and retuned to be run as H2 with new companions. They are not tuned for solo content, nor were they meant to be. I don't understand why people can't or won't wrap their heads around it.



There are achievements in the game for doing a lot of things, just because they give an achievement for ACHIEVING something doesn't mean it's supposed to be the standard way the game is played.


Why can't they tune companions to work in both phases. I have no issues that they are letting people solo the h+2 content, but they could manage it in such a way that the rest of the game wasn't on super easy mode either.

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That isn't entirely true. It depends on what stance you have your companion on and what spec your character is.


If your companion is Healer, you'll never die outside of fights where the mechanics can stop the companion from healing (some of the SF boss fights are like this).


If your companion is a Tank, then you shouldn't die, assuming you can heal, but there are some boss fights where the mechanics will kill the companion if you can't heal them.


If your companion is a DPS, then you can die if you're stupid or take on too much, usually boss fights again. Especially if your character is a Tank.


Admittedly in all these scenarios it is the stupid AI of the companion that can lead to a death (or player), rather than their "power" level. But it is still possible.


But then, I'm sure the comeback is that you want challenge in the trash mobs on planets and that the H2 boss fights don't count.


Oh please don't put words in my mouth, check my posting history, many times I've said I have no issues with trash being run over. At heart I'm a casual player, but I want a CHALLENGE in my end of chapter three boss.


I've only been playing since late August and my first 2 characters were done before the patch. I wiped a few times before finally defeating the end of chapter bosses. Learned to play, geared myself appropriately and succeeded.


I didn't bother re-gearing my trooper between lvl 42 an after I finished chapter 3. Why? Well I completely forgot to, nothing had even caused me the slightest problem so I hadn't bothered. I used to get a gentle reminder as the levels went by and I was starting to struggle with a single gold. It came to my end of chapter three big boss and, Elara killed him solo in DPS mode. I tried dismissing her and doing it solo, but I was utterly face stomped. But that's not surprising seeing how she has 10,000 more hp than me AFTER I bought the new gear.

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I don't mind that companions are stronger than before but they went completely overboard with the buff. The game is so easy now that it's not even faceroll... you need not bother to use your face. I don't feel like much of a hero when the AI is doing everything for me.


We should at least have to push some buttons... even if the order we push them in doesn't matter.

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i went back to try to replicate this.


im actually surprised that how well tuned the heroic star fortresses are when you run through them solo, with no alliance buff.



Alliance buff?


There's an alliance buff too?


Well, great, they're going to balance against that too if they do another "pass", and screw over anyone not bothering with KotFE content.

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Alliance buff?


There's an alliance buff too?


Well, great, they're going to balance against that too if they do another "pass", and screw over anyone not bothering with KotFE content.


I highly doubt it, they have bigger issues to balance before they mess with companions.


Maelstrom Prison Tactical is brutal. Bonus boss is impossible without a player healer, since no heal nodes and 37k group AOE smash, companions aren't even healing it.


They can't even face tank the eye laser.


PS. I'm specced Vigilance. T7 as healer does not have the damage reduction of even a player DPS in heavy armor 204 rating. 35k crits on me, turned into 54k crits on him.

Edited by Draqsko
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I think the real telling thing here is that people who want the companions to stay overpowered all seem to actually hate the combat. I don't think anyone is arguing that companions are not overpowered. Post after post from them is about having powerful companions makes the poor/tedious combat go faster so it is better for the game, it's the only argument I have seen from them after reading all these threads.


The combat should simply not be designed for people who hate the combat. I do like the story and believe it adds significantly to the game, it is only a small percent of the time players spend on the game. So much of the devs time and effort goes into the combat mechanics and at the moment all the SPer combat seems completely pointless.


I wish the devs would comment on this.


you make an assumption that they are overpowered. just because you think they are, does not make it so.

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no video or screenshots -- but I did some research for myself ----


one of the heroic x2 things we need to go and do for alliances on Voss ...... 3 deaths and 14 k in repairs later ( and after finally getting that awful named on Voss only because of a kind passerby, or I'd still be out there trying ) .....

MY conclusion is that MY companions are not op .... you just have good gear --- after all, isn't that what MMOs are all about anyway --- gear ?

as the very old song goes "don't worry, be happy " sheeesh --- some of us don't have that elite gear yet ( working on it, but not there ) --- put some really awful gear and weapon on your toon and then go out and try that x2 heroic mob ..


what their problem is, they do every thing they can possibly do to make themselves more powerful and remove any challenge, then they come here and cry that there isnt any challenge...and if you suggest that they do something to add some of that challenge back they cry "why should I have do do anything to give me the challenge that I want?" they would rather dictate how everyone else plays than take any step to help themselves.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.

you realize that those two NPC's were not bosses? and take the companion out of TANK spec and put them in DPS spec and you wont say they are overpowered then, and Bioware please don't nerf anything the game is fine the way it is we don't want things to easy now do we? blizzard made that mistake for World of Pandacraft and they lost half the subscribers because of it.



Yes half of the subscribers 11.4 million in Jan 2015 to 5.6 mill Aug 2015, Swtor is fine the way it is and i welcome the challenge because doing eazy dumb down mode 11111+loot=beat the game! will get old very quick.

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what their problem is, they do every thing they can possibly do to make themselves more powerful and remove any challenge, then they come here and cry that there isnt any challenge...and if you suggest that they do something to add some of that challenge back they cry "why should I have do do anything to give me the challenge that I want?" they would rather dictate how everyone else plays than take any step to help themselves.


How are we doing everything possible? My level 1 influence Lana on my free boosted 60 can solo everything in the KotFE story. Through 15 levels, I got Qyzen to level 15 influence while leveling a shadow. I didn't do it on purpose, he just liked my responses. It's not like pre 4.0 where people put their characters in min/max 198s because they had the gear lying around and then said companions were too strong. My companions are too strong just because I'm playing the game as it's intended to be played.

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I've brought this up in every thread.... I have yet to see a reasonable response to it. Still waiting...


And here is the thing. They can't train players 2 ways. If they expect that you solo H2 content, then they expect that you should solo it all the time. You can't teach people that H2 = group only, then change it at the end. It's the logical explanation.


Clearly companions were tuned to the new H2 instance. All H4s were brought down and retuned to be run as H2 with new companions. They are not tuned for solo content, nor were they meant to be. I don't understand why people can't or won't wrap their heads around it.


People have issues with companions being far too powerful in story content to the point it basically negates the gameplay but people keep referring to the Heroic content as being scaled fine for heroics?


That's fine but it's not the issue here - the issue is the new flash story isn't just too easy, it's been developed as more or less god mode content regardless of your influence or gear.

It's designed to have companions present ( hence why you can't go into certain chapters etc. if they aren't present nor initiate certain dialogues or change companions out most of the time ) so the whole "just remove your companion" argument is moot, put them on passive? Again, why bother having them at all then.


Since people seem to love the game this way then there should be outstanding support for an interactive pick a path story with no combat at all because right now combat is just an annoyance between parts of the story - there is no challenge or purpose to it.


As for your heroics ... they're nothing more than side show to try expand the games content once the story is complete.

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what their problem is, they do every thing they can possibly do to make themselves more powerful and remove any challenge, then they come here and cry that there isnt any challenge...and if you suggest that they do something to add some of that challenge back they cry "why should I have do do anything to give me the challenge that I want?" they would rather dictate how everyone else plays than take any step to help themselves.


Yes because clicking play in my old 186 gear with my 0 influence companion who has nearly 100K HP is REALLY doing everything possible to remove any challenge :rolleyes:

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you realize that those two NPC's were not bosses? and take the companion out of TANK spec and put them in DPS spec and you wont say they are overpowered then, and Bioware please don't nerf anything the game is fine the way it is we don't want things to easy now do we? blizzard made that mistake for World of Pandacraft and they lost half the subscribers because of it.



Yes half of the subscribers 11.4 million in Jan 2015 to 5.6 mill Aug 2015, Swtor is fine the way it is and i welcome the challenge because doing eazy dumb down mode 11111+loot=beat the game! will get old very quick.


Lol wut? Don't nerf anything because we don't want it too easy ... what topic have you been reading? Certainly not this one.

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There's large glowing object in first room.

There's also 4 abilities you can get at rank 10 with each specialist.


So any character not in KotFE is missing those buffs.


The scale gets wider, the stacked bonuses for companions get bigger, and the simple blanket "nerf them" gets less appropriate as a course of action.

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Yes because clicking play in my old 186 gear with my 0 influence companion who has nearly 100K HP is REALLY doing everything possible to remove any challenge :rolleyes:


That is funny because my companion with 9 influence is just under 70k with my chr that is 60 with 186.Tank by the way.

Now my level 65 with Bowdaar and 8 influence as a tank also is slightly over 100k . Wait that couldn't be. I mean the tank with my 60 has more influence. Oh noes :eek: It isn't like before 4.0 that companions gained when a player leveled up?:eek: No way dude...:rolleyes:


Just a note: Neither have hit the new chapters. One is a scoundrel the other a GS.

Edited by well
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I think the real telling thing here is that people who want the companions to stay overpowered all seem to actually hate the combat. I don't think anyone is arguing that companions are not overpowered. Post after post from them is about having powerful companions makes the poor/tedious combat go faster so it is better for the game, it's the only argument I have seen from them after reading all these threads.


The combat should simply not be designed for people who hate the combat. I do like the story and believe it adds significantly to the game, it is only a small percent of the time players spend on the game. So much of the devs time and effort goes into the combat mechanics and at the moment all the SPer combat seems completely pointless.


I wish the devs would comment on this.


I agree. It's like trying to target your game to other demographics. You end up losing.

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That is funny because my companion with 9 influence is just under 70k with my chr that is 60 with 186.Tank by the way.

Now my level 65 with Bowdaar and 8 influence as a tank also is slightly over 100k . Wait that couldn't be. I mean the tank with my 60 has more influence. Oh noes :eek: It isn't like before 4.0 that companions gained when a player leveled up?:eek: No way dude...:rolleyes:


Just a note: Neither have hit the new chapters. One is a scoundrel the other a GS.


Not sure if you are supposed to refuting my post or agreeing with it because showing up before you start KoTFE with influence and having over 100K sort of supports my point on not needing to do "remove the challenge"

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Not sure if you are supposed to refuting my post or agreeing with it because showing up before you start KoTFE with influence and having over 100K sort of supports my point on not needing to do "remove the challenge"


You do know that affection was changed to influence right? You never heard of Bowdaar? What my post shows is that a lot also has to do what level you are. I would take a old companion in a heart beat. I been on this forum since Beta and good luck on finding me using the term in all that time. The fact is that a bunch of newbs didn't know how or care to gear their companions. They didn't want to put the effort out. Now it is like oh look what companions can do. Welcome to gaming. Yutts.

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