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KOTFE: Best Class For The Storyline?


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Obviously, non-force users are kind of silly at this point unless you make a certain choice and even then... bah. They really should have had a force user arc and a non-force user arc. Oh well. Considering everything about your character is ignored like ghost eating, special force healing, etc. which will play no part in anything....


I'd say Jedi Knight. Simply because now you can share Emperor possession stories with Kira :) His story is most woven into the Emperor's story. You were actually his thrall for a time, you've fought him the most (3 times in the vanilla game alone in various forms), your girlfriend was possessed by him and fought you once (because of the whole Child of the Emperor deal), you directly thwart his plans, you were prophesized to stop him, you defeat his #1 avatar at the time(The True Voice) and pretty much cut him off from the Empire (I think). He is the Moriarty to your Sherlock. They have a very personal relationship.

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What utter nonsense in this thread.


It's explained to every class why they are there, including non force classes, such as the prior mentioned Bounty Hunter's incredible resistance to the effects of the force that allows him to challenge them and makes him a force to be reckoned with. And ALL classes get this, with the Imperial Agent getting the most lavish praise of his skill that lets him hang with the big dogs.



And people reject it anyway. I mean ***.



So basically to many of you, no explanation would EVER do, because you had already made your opinion before ever allowing Bioware to justify it.


How inane.

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What utter nonsense in this thread.


It's explained to every class why they are there, including non force classes, such as the prior mentioned Bounty Hunter's incredible resistance to the effects of the force that allows him to challenge them and makes him a force to be reckoned with. And ALL classes get this, with the Imperial Agent getting the most lavish praise of his skill that lets him hang with the big dogs.



And people reject it anyway. I mean ***.



So basically to many of you, no explanation would EVER do, because you had already made your opinion before ever allowing Bioware to justify it.


How inane.


Or we just think "Yay! Plot armor!"

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What utter nonsense in this thread.


It's explained to every class why they are there, including non force classes, such as the prior mentioned Bounty Hunter's incredible resistance to the effects of the force that allows him to challenge them and makes him a force to be reckoned with. And ALL classes get this, with the Imperial Agent getting the most lavish praise of his skill that lets him hang with the big dogs.



And people reject it anyway. I mean ***.



So basically to many of you, no explanation would EVER do, because you had already made your opinion before ever allowing Bioware to justify it.


How inane.


I'll cop to it. You're correct, there is nothing that Bioware could have written that will make the non-force using classes believable in this storyline for me. Certainly all the non-force users are masters of their craft, but they are just people. The game can tell your Bounty Hunter that you're resistant to the force or such nonsense, but that's clearly been thrown in to give some paltry explanation for why they are allowed to be there.


Frankly, I just think this story was designed for a force user. I am usually able to suspend my disbelief on a lot of things. I was just barely able to do so with Shadow of Revan and the non-force users. But here? Nope.

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What utter nonsense in this thread.


It's explained to every class why they are there, including non force classes, such as the prior mentioned Bounty Hunter's incredible resistance to the effects of the force that allows him to challenge them and makes him a force to be reckoned with. And ALL classes get this, with the Imperial Agent getting the most lavish praise of his skill that lets him hang with the big dogs.



And people reject it anyway. I mean ***.



So basically to many of you, no explanation would EVER do, because you had already made your opinion before ever allowing Bioware to justify it.


How inane.


Force snaps your neck. Done.


Crush your armor into the size of a tin can with you in it. Done.


Pick you up and hurl you are 100mph into a durasteel wall. Done.


We see Darth Tormen kill groups of enemies by just thinking dirty thought in their direction. He force chokes the BH depending on certain conversation choices on Corellia. He rips out hugeconsoles out of floors with easy and hurls them across a room. But he can't do any of this to the bounty hunter why? The force choke already proves he isn't magically immune. :rolleyes:


There is not a damn thing you could do to stop it from happening realistically.


It's called plot armor. There is no possible way a non-force user can challenge this caliber of force user head on like they do in game. It is literally impossible without plot armor.



The only one that can make sense is when he fights the guy at the end of Chapter 1. He seemed to rely on mind tricks and when they failed it could be said he was a scrub in combat. And the old battlemaster may have simply been past his prime, but that may be a stretch.

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I'll cop to it. You're correct, there is nothing that Bioware could have written that will make the non-force using classes believable in this storyline for me. Certainly all the non-force users are masters of their craft, but they are just people. The game can tell your Bounty Hunter that you're resistant to the force or such nonsense, but that's clearly been thrown in to give some paltry explanation for why they are allowed to be there.


Frankly, I just think this story was designed for a force user. I am usually able to suspend my disbelief on a lot of things. I was just barely able to do so with Shadow of Revan and the non-force users. But here? Nope.


I'm curious where it says the Hunter is resistant to the Force. Yeah, it showed the Hunter was able to resist a Mind Persuasion technique, but the Smuggler showed that too.

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Kicking Arcann's *** on my Scoundrel sure felt... incredibly surreal (albeit somewhat fun), I had to suspend my disbelief for the whole duration of their duels in Chapter VIII and it made me feel kind of unsettled in the end, almost as if I was forcing myself to play through it. At least in case with Trooper Chapter IX fit like a glove due to military leadership being one of the central plot points of the Trooper story. Felt rather natural.


So, Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior all the way IMO. Both are essentially LS/DS KotOR3 respectively and they have more personal connection to Valkorion/Vitiate than anyone else, including JC.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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I'm curious where it says the Hunter is resistant to the Force. Yeah, it showed the Hunter was able to resist a Mind Persuasion technique, but the Smuggler showed that too.


If you keep mouthing off to Valkorion in Chapter 2, the BH tells him that even the Dark Council fears the Hunter and Valkorion agrees, citing the Hunter's remarkable Force resistance and extraordinary skill for why the Dark Council would hesitate to cross the Hunter.

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I always assume the one size fits all storylines from Makeb onward were designed with a Jedi Knight in mind, since the Knight story seems to be the big carryover from KOTOR and that godawful Revan novel. Also read somewhere that the Knight story is basically considered KOTOR 3. Probably false, but considering the connection, it sure feels like it.


Not that I like it, as Knight is one of my least favourite stories, but that's what I always assume.

Edited by Ellyria
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If you keep mouthing off to Valkorion in Chapter 2, the BH tells him that even the Dark Council fears the Hunter and Valkorion agrees, citing the Hunter's remarkable Force resistance and extraordinary skill for why the Dark Council would hesitate to cross the Hunter.


Does the force resistance just mean the ability to withstand force persuasion? Smuggler did it as well, but everyone remembers the Hunter for doing it more than the Smuggler, because the Hunter's scene doing it was just more memorable.

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Chapter I & II are Inquisitor home turf. Force sense, working with Marr, a lot of stuff that requires you to have an ego as big as the moon - and running around in a dream is Tuesday. Where's the "I've lost track of how many times I've killed Zash" button?


Plus the Inquisitor *does* want to be God-Emperor so the conversations as "peers" as it were make sense. Some of the lines are too self-righteous but most of them come out appropriately as either "Not falling for that," or "stronger than you, go away before I eat you."

Edited by Canareth
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So I'm pretty excited to play through the new story. I have level 60's across the board, so I want to know your opinion: Which class do you think has the best play through of the story?


After 3 playthoughs, I have to say Sith Inquisitor, it felt like a Continuation of the Class Story.


p.s. My SI was Dark 3, Darth Nox, I picked mostly DS, but never killed anyone needlessly, and rescued civilians when it didn't cost anything.


She knelt, and took all the power, she always lied when at all possible.


It felt so natural even the Power gained was totally SI.

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You also got to take into account the OT where Han Solo, a smuggler shots Vader, a Sith Lord out of the sky in ANH. He also helped take on the Empire and was quite instrumental in helping Luke achieve what he did. Last time I checked he was not force sensitive, so it wouldn't feel out of place to be a smuggler or trooper or bounty hunter.


Han Solo shot Vader from the Pilots seat not a turret on his Freighter. That is like a guy in a tractor trailer with a gun on the hood shooting the tires out of a Ferrari while they are doing 100mph.


Ever since I was a kid, I have always felt Han Solo was almost as Force sensitive as Luke, only he ignores it and denies it within himself.


Just like how he took out the Greatest bounty hunter of all time while still blind and cuffed.


I sort of see the Non-force using classes as just being like Han, they have all the natural force talent needed, they just never learned to use it.

Edited by gothshark
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Han Solo shot Vader from the Pilots seat not a turret on his Freighter. That is like a guy in a tractor trailer with a gun on the hood shooting the tires out of a Ferrari while they are doing 100mph.


Ever since I was a kid, I have always felt Han Solo was almost as Force sensitive as Luke, only he ignores it and denies it within himself.


Just like how he took out the Greatest bounty hunter of all time while still blind and cuffed.


I sort of see the Non-force using classes as just being like Han, they have all the natural force talent needed, they just never learned to use it.


But it goes against what the story says. It's a plot point that the Agent isn't force sensitive.


I was thinking on it, Agent seems a terrible choice for KotFE as well. Super spy, no one knows who you are, suddenly isn't a spy anymore. Part of their strength was supposed to be their working from the shadows. Now they're in the spot light. Lose a bit of their strength there.

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Chapter I & II are Inquisitor home turf. Force sense, working with Marr, a lot of stuff that requires you to have an ego as big as the moon - and running around in a dream is Tuesday. Where's the "I've lost track of how many times I've killed Zash" button?


Plus the Inquisitor *does* want to be God-Emperor so the conversations as "peers" as it were make sense. Some of the lines are too self-righteous but most of them come out appropriately as either "Not falling for that," or "stronger than you, go away before I eat you."


Exactly my thoughts, when it comes to raw force power and knowledge, story-wise there's no-one on par with Darth Nox. And no, don't even mention the consular - the class with the worse story I have experienced since I started gaming 20 years ago.


The inquisitor just feels right at home when it comes to Valkorian, his power, his children, and most importantly - his throne.

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Now I've only done it on 2 so far the Jedi Knight and the Smuggler...and surprisingly I found it more fun on the smuggler. Mostly because I'm an underworld legend, crime boss so between death and kneeling I picked kneel to become more powerful and influential, It's kind of strange how much Valkorian differs from the Sith emperor ...like a huge change lol I actually kind of like him now.
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I can't imagine Agent or even Bounty Hunter fighting Arcann or Vaylin. The very concept of the duel like this just stupid as hell. "I'll stab him from the back with muh knife" or "I WILL RESIST HIS FORCE POWAHS CAZ VALK SAID IMMA STRONK" — don't know how high the one need to be to seriously propose such ideas. U can fight Jedi and Sith with your silly blasters only because devs give you such right for gameplay purpose (we are playing in MMO, so we have an EQUALITY), that doesn't make ur smuuglers or soldiers capable to fight any decent force users at all. And Emperor's Children are NOT just "decent dorce users", of course. :rak_01:
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Exactly my thoughts, when it comes to raw force power and knowledge, story-wise there's no-one on par with Darth Nox. And no, don't even mention the consular - the class with the worse story I have experienced since I started gaming 20 years ago.


The inquisitor just feels right at home when it comes to Valkorian, his power, his children, and most importantly - his throne.


You don't want to mention the class that is out right stated just how powerful a force user they are? :p


You not liking the story, is not an indication that they're weak.

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Now I've only done it on 2 so far the Jedi Knight and the Smuggler...and surprisingly I found it more fun on the smuggler. Mostly because I'm an underworld legend, crime boss so between death and kneeling I picked kneel to become more powerful and influential, It's kind of strange how much Valkorian differs from the Sith emperor ...like a huge change lol I actually kind of like him now.


Yeah...all the "What's going on?!" looks and comments make for a great one :p "He's the Emporer!" "What? How can you tell?"

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The Bounty Hunter has lots experience taking down force users from their class stories.


The Agent at least has enough experience to back away and shot at Jedi, as long as they have suppression fire from a ally to keep the lightsaber wielding man or woman or Wookie at bay (Story wise at least, Otherwise Lightsabers aren't nearly as lethal as they seem from a gameplay standpoint)


Smuggler has the powerful dirty kick, Doesn't matter if Arcann got balls of steal along with a steel arm, even droids feel the pain....plus also has experience with Sith Assassins attacking them when they were deep into Rogun's stronghold


Trooper taken down few sith in a fight from they are also class story so they're also good.


I'll only have a problem if the story says our smuggler can now lift the gravestone with the force, because unless big V is in control I doubt he could do that.

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I've been thinking about the same.

Lana is rescuing someone to fight Arcann and the Eternal Empire. While the four force using classes are natural choices due to both their power and leadership the others are still capable individuals and leaders in their own right. It's not just fighting Arcann on a one on one they need to be concerned with, it's leading the fight back against his empire.


However I would rank them on how well they suit the storyline.


The Agent seems a fitting choice thanks to his history with Lana, it's natural she'd try to recruit them as an ally. They both worked in intelligence, the Agent has worked independently behind enemy lines and their skill in subterfuge would be useful in pulling down the eternal throne. They have also also shown themselves a capable commander thanks to their actions on Makeb.


Havok squad commander is an accomplished military leader, has commanded special forces in small teams and large scale battles. Their experience, leadership and skill would be invaluable to a resistance movement. A great recruit if you want to lead a guerilla war.


Smuggler is a bit more questionable. It would make sense to have them if they took the route of building a criminal empire for themselves and had underground contacts to supply an army but if they were more like my Captain (whose mission in life was to dick around in his space ship with no responsibilities) you'd really wonder why you'd want them instead of any other guy with a blaster and a freighter.


The Hunter seems the least appropriate. Okay, they can go toe-to-toe with some tough force users and they're experienced at getting into places and shooting guys, they've commanded forces on Makeb but they've always been a mercenary who has followed rather than lead.

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I've been thinking about the same.

Lana is rescuing someone to fight Arcann and the Eternal Empire. While the four force using classes are natural choices due to both their power and leadership the others are still capable individuals and leaders in their own right. It's not just fighting Arcann on a one on one they need to be concerned with, it's leading the fight back against his empire.


However I would rank them on how well they suit the storyline.


The Agent seems a fitting choice thanks to his history with Lana, it's natural she'd try to recruit them as an ally. They both worked in intelligence, the Agent has worked independently behind enemy lines and their skill in subterfuge would be useful in pulling down the eternal throne. They have also also shown themselves a capable commander thanks to their actions on Makeb.


Havok squad commander is an accomplished military leader, has commanded special forces in small teams and large scale battles. Their experience, leadership and skill would be invaluable to a resistance movement. A great recruit if you want to lead a guerilla war.


Smuggler is a bit more questionable. It would make sense to have them if they took the route of building a criminal empire for themselves and had underground contacts to supply an army but if they were more like my Captain (whose mission in life was to dick around in his space ship with no responsibilities) you'd really wonder why you'd want them instead of any other guy with a blaster and a freighter.


The Hunter seems the least appropriate. Okay, they can go toe-to-toe with some tough force users and they're experienced at getting into places and shooting guys, they've commanded forces on Makeb but they've always been a mercenary who has followed rather than lead.


The Agent was the type who stuck to shadows and is only effective in sticking to those shadows. Doing the whole big leader thing takes away what they can offer as everyone would now know their face.

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