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Dread Fortress - Exploding Droids

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ran this in SM last night....the exploding droids no longer take players out. Has anyone run this on HM? we were all very disappointed and hope that this is just a new SM mechanic...that was half the fun!


I loved the exploding droids.....many a times as a sorc I would (sorc) pull a hapless marauder to his or her death, then on my assassin I would stand close to a marauder and pull a nearly dead droid to us. If it's gone, I still have my memories

Of poor marauders dying...those were the days.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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Well they have dumbed down all the SM operations in certain areas.

KP Puzzle is now just click the button when ready

EV there is a retical pointing to where the pillar drops on Soa

EC Firebrand & Stormcaller are missing Incinerator Armor and Double Destruction

DF Well the droids and subterophs don't explode and bulwarks in Draxus fight don't appear

DP Calphayus doesn't do his final phase of past and future, two teams, 2 people grab the relic then run it over


Overall I think the whole thing is just blasphemy, when they get to HM they'll never know what hit them because they'll never know the mechanics and increased difficulty of it.

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They still one-shot in HM, have no fear. :-)


Marauders get angry when they die in hard mode, hard mode plus death, warps their fragile little minds....do marauders have minds?:D:D:D:D:D:D




P.S I have a marauder, and my IQ drops by 80% when I play. There is something about 2 light sabers that saps the reason form my fragile little mind.:rak_01::rak_01:

Edited by ufarax
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Ooh, I KNEW there was a good change in there somewhere. Found it!

If you want a challenge in KotFE, your only real option is to take a bunch of lowbie DPS toons into a tactical.


coin boss in Scum and Villainy giving two coins every time instead of just one is a good change too. makes that part of the fight a lot faster

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I don't think Double Destruction was ever part of EC on story mode


It was. The difference to HM or NiM is, that it didn't come a) as often and b) wasn't a oneshot if you had 2 buffs on the same person. A halfway decent equipped tank could take it alone and be healed through it back in the day with no problem whatsoever.


Oh, and for the taliban droids in DF: Bio probably saw in their "metrics" that alot of people always died there, so they removed that. Not knowing that people killed each other on purpose. That's what you get for only looking at numbers.

It's like saying 90% of the games playerbase wants story cause they leveleld one toon after the other for endgame with 12x boost:rolleyes:

Edited by Torvai
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