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So, let's have some love for Koth


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This guy is really growing on me. When I first saw his illustrations, I was just like, "Eh," but then I met him in game and he really came alive. He's funny, clever, optimistic, and is a guy with principles. I was psyched to see that we get some "flirt" options with him. I think I may have to set aside another character now so I can explore that. :D


So far, I've only played a non-flirting character up through Chap 9, but I hear that you get some kind of message for Lana or Theron that locks in a romance with them. Can anyone tell me if Koth gets such a message too?


I was also really impressed with the graphics rendering of the new NPCs, not only Koth but Senya and the others too. They look more realistic than previous NPCs. I was amazed that they even bothered with such tiny details like the the realistic wrinkles on Senya and the tiny facial marks on Koth's cheeks.


Anyway, I like that we may have another male to romance! (Although we are STILL missing a male Force user.) I like that Koth is not some boring Ken doll, but has flaws, both inside and out. He feels very real, very human.


Maybe I'll designate my new 60 for a Koth romance, since all my other ladies are spoken for. :p

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I personally think he is a pretty interesting and cool character. At first I was unsure of if I was going to like him at first, but happily I was proven wrong. Despite a couple small arguments about the emperor and 'destiny', Koth and my Jugg get along pretty well. Plus he helped look after Lana for me so he does get points for that. :D
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Huh, interesting how different your opinion is to my own. Personally, I dislike Koth and want to boot him out/kill him at my earliest chance. He comes across as extremely self centered -- his previous desertion and the way he whines at you unless things go exactly the way he wants them to go are a big red flag to me. I'm 100% sure the guy would have no qualms about betraying my character as soon as he feels like his personal agenda isn't going to be furthered as much as he'd hoped. Another warning sign is the fact that he's completely indifferent to valkorion's crimes in the rest of the galaxy -- he just wants the cushy life he had when valkorion was emperor.
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I agree OP, I'm loving all the new characters (even Valkorion wut?! :eek:)


I was surprised by now much I actually liked Valkorion. It's actually hard to play lightside against him because he has very reasonable and compelling arguments. I feel like I'm doing the bad thing by opposing him. :p

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Huh, interesting how different your opinion is to my own. Personally, I dislike Koth and want to boot him out/kill him at my earliest chance. He comes across as extremely self centered -- his previous desertion and the way he whines at you unless things go exactly the way he wants them to go are a big red flag to me. I'm 100% sure the guy would have no qualms about betraying my character as soon as he feels like his personal agenda isn't going to be furthered as much as he'd hoped. Another warning sign is the fact that he's completely indifferent to valkorion's crimes in the rest of the galaxy -- he just wants the cushy life he had when valkorion was emperor.


I'm sure that's how any side would want it. He seems the better fit for the character who is pro-Emperor already and just wants to oust Arcann.

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I like him. Used my free 60 to check out his romance and was very satisfied; his Emperor-worship is a bit of a stumbling block, but at least it keeps things interesting. I wonder how he feels about kissing the gal who has his arch-nemesis' husband in her head? :p
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I'm hoping Bioware gives us a chance to kill him off. He's annoying.


Huh, interesting how different your opinion is to my own. Personally, I dislike Koth and want to boot him out/kill him at my earliest chance. He comes across as extremely self centered -- his previous desertion and the way he whines at you unless things go exactly the way he wants them to go are a big red flag to me. I'm 100% sure the guy would have no qualms about betraying my character as soon as he feels like his personal agenda isn't going to be furthered as much as he'd hoped. Another warning sign is the fact that he's completely indifferent to valkorion's crimes in the rest of the galaxy -- he just wants the cushy life he had when valkorion was emperor.


I'll throw my hat in on this side of the debate.


When I took my light side Sorcerer through, Koth was decent enough, even if we very much disagreed in our opinions of Valkorian.


On my more dark leaning, easy-way-out Gunslinger though, Koth comes across as very whiny and somewhat hypocritical. Here he is chastising me for not saving a few thousand people, who I wasn't even responsible for putting in danger in the first place, while still chearleading a global scale mass murderer.


I get that he's only ever seen the "good" Valkorian, and that it can be hard to accept being told about his "bad" acts, having not seen them for himself... but he doesn't even seem to give any weight or consideration for what his allies, who he supposedly trusts, are telling him. "He's always been good to Zakuul." As if that's the only thing that matters.


He seems willfully ignorant of Valkorian-as-Vitiate.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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He was my favorite companion character in the expansion although he needs to drop the Valkorian worship. Still, no matter how deluded his worship of the man makes sense, considering Valkorian's rule largely increased the prosperity of standard of living for most people of Zakuul.


My Outlander is a light V Jedi Knight as well, so they were in agreement more often than not. He was a source of endless frustration for Lana however, like during the attempt to stop the reactor meltdown. She was probably my runner up for favorite companion in the expansion, just because of her banter with my full light side Jedi Knight.


Just to be clear since character fan threads have a way of turning into LI threads, neither of those characters are LIs for my character. Koth is just a bro, and I'm not having the Outlander leave Kira for Lana.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Koth's treatment of Lana borders on idol worship, yet she consistently prefers the types of decisions that he hates. How on earth did he manage to get so attached to her in the last 5 years? He doesn't let you forget it, if you choose to



destroy the sun generator.



Yet Lana supports that decision and does so openly, but he has no beef with her. I don't really get it. The only thing I can think of is that he is blinded by his crush on her (which he denies) or that

he has some kind of Bowdaar-ish attachment to her due to her saving his life some time in the past (his explanation if you ask him about Lana.)



The only real negatives I see in his personality are 1) he holds a mean, never-ending grudge if you wrong him and 2)

he seems to think Valkorion is a fine and dandy ruler.



I think those two points are going to be contentious areas that may contribute to him possibly leaving you in the future. In other words, I think Koth is on the "the list" as a companion that you could anger enough that they would leave entirely.


I just hope he gives you the "three strikes and you're out" rule. He's already given my agent one rather ominous sounding warning...

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He's a whiny meatbag, I'd love to shoot him out an airlock


Same. The moment he appeared I thought, oh great, another by-the-numbers rogue. Not only is he that, he's also whiny. "I guess I'll go fix the ship all by myself." Um, yeah, because you're probably the only one here who knows how to fix ships.

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I'm really disliking him so far. I appreciate that he values saving lives, and my LS Knight felt the same, but my pragmatic-ish Agent was like "It's war. People are going to die, I'm going to have to sacrifice some for the greater good." and Koth just bled disapproval. This isn't even killing for the lulz, this is making hard, practical decisions, and he can't understand that. Minor gripe is that his talk of "destiny" annoys me, because I've always been a component of the theory that everyone chooses their fate--and the theme of the game seems to support that.


I think the thing that annoys me the most is his hero-worship of Valkorion, though. He just harkens on and on about him being a savior and gets annoyed whenever anyone points out evidence to the contrary. All my PCs have been like "he destroyed a planet full of people out of spite, how is he NOT evil?" and he just goes "well he was good to Zakuul." So, what, it doesn't matter what happens to everyone else in the galaxy, so long as he leaves your corner of it alone?


I'm sorry if I'm raining on anyone's love parade. If you love him, by all means enjoy! I just wanted to get my thoughts on him out there.

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