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Why No Class Titles for Insta-60s?


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Very, very simple solution to this problem. Go level the character. That's it. Keep in mind, you get as instant level 60 character that you spent no time or effort to play or level. Why should you get any of the rewards for that? The titles and such are for the people who have spent the time and effort to level the character traditionally.


If you want a free lvl 60 then it would make sense that you don't get the titles as you have not participated in the events that grant the title.


And for the record, I am completely fine with instant level 60's having no class earned titles.


And if you didn't get maxed out Crew Skills, it would make more intellectual sense and be more consistent. But you (the new 60, I mean) do get that, so at that point, the class titles don't seem like a big deal.


I think the whole "you spent no time or effort" is a bit uncalled for. A new 60 was an entire selling point of the expansion (never mind the tokens you can buy from the store).


Again, this is not a deal-breaker for me, but given what you DO get? It's a bit jarring and odd given the choices otherwise with a new 60.

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You bought the character, being lazy and not starting from lvl1 and progressing from there. So in turn you are not entitled to the titles which I earned by starting from the bottom, not buying my way to the top.


"lazy." Clearly you read the OP and not a single thing there-after. We already established that he had many other Knights fully leveled. We also established he doesn't feel entitled, just scammed. The ironic thing is, you are the laziest one here.

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Very, very simple solution to this problem. Go level the character. That's it. Keep in mind, you get as instant level 60 character that you spent no time or effort to play or level. Why should you get any of the rewards for that? The titles and such are for the people who have spent the time and effort to level the character traditionally.


If you want a free lvl 60 then it would make sense that you don't get the titles as you have not participated in the events that grant the title.


And for the record, I am completely fine with instant level 60's having no class earned titles.


Aggreed! I play EQ2 and they made it so you can buy the titles that I spent 10 years earning. I was not at all happy about it since may of them you could not get any more because they were special events never to be repeted. Now some nuuby can buy them even though they never did the event or even know what they are for.


There is a price for taking the easy way out. You want the titles then level your character from level 1 to level 60 and earn them.

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Aggreed! I play EQ2 and they made it so you can buy the titles that I spent 10 years earning. I was not at all happy about it since may of them you could not get any more because they were special events never to be repeted. Now some nuuby can buy them even though they never did the event or even know what they are for.


There is a price for taking the easy way out. You want the titles then level your character from level 1 to level 60 and earn them.

I may be taking "the easy way out", but I don't think that I haven't earned it. As I have stated, I have THREE other Sith Warriors, a total of 13 character level 50 and above, and another 4 characters below 50. I have been playing SWTOR for THREE years. I have committed a lot of time to this game building and leveling all those characters, so when I heard about the insta-60 deal I was elated because I could finally get a few of my planned characters done and save me a lot of time leveling. The fact that these characters are only going to be 95% complete due to the missing titles has left me feeling cheated and let-down, especially since BioWare didn't tell anyone about it.


Besides, BioWare gave all subscribers a free insta-60 token. Its a huge bonus and boost, so I feel I would be dumb not to use it.

Edited by AlphaHydri
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As silly as this sounds it killed my drive to play my boosted Jedi Knight. I would go back do the quests if I could but no. I feel cheated. They honestly need to fix this.

Exactly. My freshly-minted level 60 is now just sitting around because I don't know if I'll delete him and just level him the normal way.


Its a very bad business model to offer players something like this, and a free trial for Subscribers, but not give them the full package. If BioWare wants people to spend money on these insta-60 tokens, they shouldn't take the titles away. If anything, people are probably less likely to use them at which point introducing them was for nothing.

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I may be taking "the easy way out", but I don't think that I haven't earned it. As I have stated, I have THREE other Sith Warriors, a total of 13 character level 50 and above, and another 4 characters below 50. I have been playing SWTOR for THREE years. I have committed a lot of time to this game building and leveling all those characters, so when I heard about the insta-60 deal I was elated because I could finally get a few of my planned characters done and save me a lot of time leveling. The fact that these characters are only going to be 95% complete due to the missing titles has left me feeling cheated and let-down, especially since BioWare didn't tell anyone about it.


Besides, BioWare gave all subscribers a free insta-60 token. Its a huge bonus and boost, so I feel I would be dumb not to use it.


I have 13 characters 11 of them are level 60. All were leveled from 1 to 60 any new characters will also be leveled from 1 to 60 I do not take the easy way out. I have the level 60 token and will never use it. I am willing to do the work to get to level 60 without taking the easy way out.

Just because you have completeded the events on your other characters does not mean you automaticly are granted the titles for NEW characters that did not do the content. It takes many hours, weeks, even months of WORK to get to level 60. There are NO free rides...


There is a Price for taking the Easy Way Out. Learn to live with your choices....

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I have 13 characters 11 of them are level 60. All were leveled from 1 to 60 any new characters will also be leveled from 1 to 60 I do not take the easy way out. I have the level 60 token and will never use it. I am willing to do the work to get to level 60 without taking the easy way out.

Just because you have completeded the events on your other characters does not mean you automaticly are granted the titles for NEW characters that did not do the content. It takes many hours, weeks, even months of WORK to get to level 60. There are NO free rides...


There is a Price for taking the Easy Way Out. Learn to live with your choices....

If there are no free rides, then honestly, why the **** did BioWare even offer these insta-60s? If their intention was to make money, I doubt a lot of people are going to use them if they have your attitude or find the lack of class titles to be an issue like I do.


I don't think its the easy way out, honestly. If BioWare is giving them to subs, then they want people to use them. Again, if they had explicitly stated what you do and do not get from insta-60 characters, then this thread wouldn't exist. Of course BioWare's best marketing strategy nowadays is to not discuss the downsides until people have already spent their money on things.


Oh, and I don't need to live with the choices. I used my free insta-60 token and I haven't leveled that character past 60, so I can just delete it and reroll to level the old-fashioned way.

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If there are no free rides, then honestly, why the **** did BioWare even offer these insta-60s? If their intention was to make money, I doubt a lot of people are going to use them if they have your attitude or find the lack of class titles to be an issue like I do.


I don't think its the easy way out, honestly. If BioWare is giving them to subs, then they want people to use them. Again, if they had explicitly stated what you do and do not get from insta-60 characters, then this thread wouldn't exist. Of course BioWare's best marketing strategy nowadays is to not discuss the downsides until people have already spent their money on things.


Oh, and I don't need to live with the choices. I used my free insta-60 token and I haven't leveled that character past 60, so I can just delete it and reroll to level the old-fashioned way.


For people that do not have a level 60 character and want to experance the new content. Or for players that do not want to take thier level 60 characters and make them the Outlander and cut your self off from the old content. All just so you can play the new content without taking the risk. Seems obvious to me.

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For people that do not have a level 60 character and want to experance the new content. Or for players that do not want to take thier level 60 characters and make them the Outlander and cut your self off from the old content. All just so you can play the new content without taking the risk. Seems obvious to me.

That would make sense if they only gave out the one free one, though. The fact that they offer more on the Cartel Market makes me think it was done for altoholics (like me) to get all their planned characters done quicker.


I mean, WoW offers instant high-level characters in their cash store with no penalties, in fact it even comes with a ton of extra bonuses, albeit WoW's is priced at $60 vs. SWTOR's $20-$30. If BioWare intended to follow WoW's lead with this, they fell on their faces. Hard.

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That would make sense if they only gave out the one free one, though. The fact that they offer more on the Cartel Market makes me think it was done for altoholics (like me) to get all their planned characters done quicker.


I mean, WoW offers instant high-level characters in their cash store with no penalties, in fact it even comes with a ton of extra bonuses, albeit WoW's is priced at $60 vs. SWTOR's $20-$30. If BioWare intended to follow WoW's lead with this, they fell on their faces. Hard.


Unfortunetly many people are lazy and do not want to do the work to get to level 60 the hard way. So they cater to the dead beats (not saying that you are) that would otherwise power level to get to maxx level. I'm glad they do not give them all the titles. They did not earn them and should be get them without taking the effort.


Oh and they do only give you ONE free token. You must buy the others....

Edited by denavin
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Used a insta 60 token. I noticed no class titles. I closed the window and moved on cause I didn't care. I barely paid attention to them anyway


Wow logic thought I would never see that here... I salute you on you common sence and unwavering logic on this subject.

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Unfortunetly many people are lazy and do not want to do the work to get to level 60 the hard way. So they cater to the dead beats (not saying that you are) that would otherwise power level to get to maxx level. I'm glad they do not give them all the titles. They did not earn them and should be get them without taking the effort.


Oh and they do only give you ONE free token. You must buy the others....

That's literally exactly what I said. I said that your idea that BioWare did the insta-60 thing so people could jump into KotFE without delay would only make sense if they ONLY gave out one and there was no other way to get them. You can buy more, meaning that it wasn't devised specifically to do what you believe.

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Used a insta 60 token. I noticed no class titles. I closed the window and moved on cause I didn't care. I barely paid attention to them anyway

Its not that big a deal for some classes, but for Jedi and Sith not having the "Master" or "Darth" titles is really immersion-breaking. But I guess because not everybody cares about RP and immersion, it doesn't matter right? That's kinda the vibe I'm getting from these responses.

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Its not that big a deal for some classes, but for Jedi and Sith not having the "Master" or "Darth" titles is really immersion-breaking. But I guess because not everybody cares about RP and immersion, it doesn't matter right? That's kinda the vibe I'm getting from these responses.


Yeah I dont play on an RP server so it really doesn't effect me at all. It's cool to have but overall it isn't a big deal to me.

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The titles aren't a huge deal to me, but I was disappointed that when I used my free 6" token for a shadow the class titles weren't there, ie "master", "barsenthor", etc...especially since the crew aboard Marr's ship refer to you as such. The whole "I didn't earn these titles" argument is bunk however. I didn't start the new free 60 with no titles. In fact I started with at least 30-40, like "incredible smell discoverer", "republic legend", and so on. The free 60 shadow I created certainly didn't earn these either, but they were still available. So while it's not game breaking IMO, it is still disappointing.
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Id be very interested to know if they are intending to fix this... I used it on a sage and not having the Master Title really messes it up for me. I have played a shadow so I know the story and have earned it all the long way.


If they dont plan on fixing it then I doubt I will play the char. For some reason, it matters that much to me :o

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I'm also slightly disappointed by this.


I boosted a smuggler up to 60 to finish my sixteen AC legacy. The only thing I was really missing was a Scoundrel. When I opened the window I was very disappointed that I couldn't use one of my favourite titles. It was Captain. It's the nickname most people give you and really fits the character.


I think not unlocking the titles (or leaving the class story open) is a major oversight. Even not letting me interact with my companions to make some choices (who do I romance? Akaavi or Risha? Do I befriend Corso and give Torchy back? Does Guss approve of me) feels like a major letdown.


If they dont plan on fixing it then I doubt I will play the char.


Me too. For some reason this bugs me more than anything else. Not being able to choose whom I romance or befriend prior to KotFE. Not being able to carry some of the most basic titles of the class.

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I haven't and don't intend to use my 60 token. I already have multiples of every class. But I think they should give the titles at least because from reading all these reports, I'm not sure why anyone would bother to pay money for this. Especially since leveling is super fast now.
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Id be very interested to know if they are intending to fix this...


There's nothing to "Fix."


Even not letting me interact with my companions to make some choices (who do I romance? Akaavi or Risha? Do I befriend Corso and give Torchy back? Does Guss approve of me) feels like a major letdown.


Not being able to choose whom I romance or befriend prior to KotFE.


From the FAQ


Please note that creating a level 60 character will not count toward Legendary Player status, and the original Class and Companion storylines of that character will not be available to you.



Please note that creating a level 60 character will not complete Legacy Achievements for that class, and the class storyline of that character will not be available to you.


Caveat emptor.


Before spending your money on something, you (people in general) need to read and know what you're buying. Basically all you get from the instant level 60 character is a level 60 character with preset crew skills, full gear set and the ability to start KoTFE if you're a subscriber and don't want to level up a character. It's a shortcut.


If you purchased a level 60, you got what you paid for. If you got a free token, as a subscriber, then you don't lose

out on anything.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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