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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Torian Cadera vanished ...


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I have a bug in the game after the passage of the planet Taris not give companies Torian Kader is missing from the menu when you press N What do I do the terms of some bugs ??? NAME CHARACTER (FRGA) NOT FRGT please give story mission taris Edited by Avetor
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Looks like Patch is tomm. Let's hope they actually fix this problem. It sucks that I actually came to this game a month ago 100% for BH/mando companion and had to bench her right away because Torian was missing. I was so excited when I came here and this rather sucked the fun out of everything for me. I wasnt even here 2 days when someone stole my candy, popped my balloon, and gave me a hard time. :p


I joke but it really isnt funny. Im past ready to get my Torian back and enjoy the game the way it should be enjoyed....with excitement for a story and a connection to your character. Let's get this fixed already please!

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Same exact thing happened to me, all the customer support said to do was make a bug report. This was very frustrating not being able to utilize a companion it wont even show up that i got him for my legacy. :mon_tongue: But it dose seem that this patch restored him to me! :) Edited by Ikoshin
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  • 1 month later...

My Torian is not available still.


I finished the Taris questline and he shows up in cutscenes on my ship but I can't find him on the ship outside of cutscenes nor can I summon him as a companion or send him off on Crew Skill Missions.


It should be noted that I only unlocked him yesterday at nearly exactly the same time that all the west coast servers went down.


In fact, I finished the Taris storyline moments before the servers crashed and when they came back online I had to repeat the last bit on the ship and at the Taris Space Station.


I would also point out that I actually receieved an entire set of his gear in the mail before finishing the Taris storyline. the mail was a remnant from the companion gear update, all of my characters have received all of their companions gear in the mail.

Edited by Angry_Ferth
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  • 5 months later...

My Torian has also just vanished. My BH has just completed Belsavis. I used him for a number of missions there, and also recalled him towards the end, during a visit to my stronghold, to give him a gift, so he was definitely available all through the Belsavis story arc. But I've just discovered he's now listed as an unavailable companion, and didn't appear in the cutscene on the ship (which I reset as soon as I realised he was missing).


I thought Bioware had fixed this...

Edited by dinowoman
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My Torian has also just vanished. My BH has just completed Belsavis. I used him for a number of missions there, and also recalled him towards the end, during a visit to my stronghold, to give him a gift, so he was definitely available all through the Belsavis story arc. But I've just discovered he's now listed as an unavailable companion, and didn't appear in the cutscene on the ship (which I reset as soon as I realised he was missing).


I thought Bioware had fixed this...


I'm pretty sure that's part of the story, actually. ;) Might want to just keep playing and see what happens?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 11 months later...

This so called "BUG" still exists!!


I finished the class story arc on Taris and Torian fantom "joins" my crew. By this fantom join I am referring to me telling Mako to assign him quarters on the ship and poof Torian is gone. He never shows up in my companion list nor does he show up anywhere on the ship..


This is seriously absurd in my opinion.. Apparently this "BUG" has not been fixed after more then 2 years. :rolleyes:


It is embarrassing tbh.. EA-Bioware-LucasArts-or who ever is responsible do you not cringe inside?


I joked with a fellow player about how Mako either assigned him quarters on the other side of my ships airlock or chopped him into tiny pieces and stashed him in some hard to get place on the ship..

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