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please do not nerf companions


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And? What is "on par"? All purple bis gear for the level?


Its not BWs fault you have bad gear so your companion overshadows you.


It's somehow my fault my comps have 12k health at level 23? I don't even get that much with good gear till the 40's.


Jeez, people always jump to the extreme here.

Edited by Brodoin
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It's somehow my fault my comps have 12k health at level 23? I don't even get that much with good gear till the 40's.


Jeez, people always jump to the extreme here.


No doubt. Seems certain people on both sides of most arguments can't seem to get through a post without trying to associate the opposing viewpoint with severe mental or moral flaws. :rolleyes:

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I have an idea that will put players back on par with companions (though I like that comps are powerful, they're still comps, our chars are still our chars; you do not see a general cry when they cannot shoot a rifle as well as a private soldier can, do you?), for every point of presence that you have, your companions have the same number of points in the form of Loyalty points, the difference being while Presence buffs companions, Loyalty would buff players. We could then be more at part with them, and even higher, at the max level.
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I signed on to this game to have fun.


I don't need a second or third job at night when I'm trying to unwind.


The companions are no doubt incredibly powerful, and I love it that way. As pointed out many many times, if you need a challenge either dismiss your companion or turn off a few of their abilities.


Thats all it really takes and your challenge is restored. Why is it SO hard for people to just realize this? Is it that hard to click off a few abilities?


Stop trying to impose your ideas of how I should be playing this game when theres already a solution to your problem.


If for some reason the companions are nerfed, I'm gone. The only thing that brought me back was the fact that they were worth using now. I can actually choose who I wish to use at any given time, I love it. I'm also more of a solo player and this scratches the itch I had. This game has always been about the story, denying that would be lieing to yourself.


Now I can take my time, kick back and do whatever I wish. Theres group content and then theres solo content. Me clearing objectives or finishing my story has no bearing on other peoples gameplay.


You can make your gameplay harder, The tools are there. I can't make my gameplay experience enjoyable on this level after a nerf. Check yourself first and make sure you aren't being selfish.

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I signed on to this game to have fun.


I don't need a second or third job at night when I'm trying to unwind.


The companions are no doubt incredibly powerful, and I love it that way. As pointed out many many times, if you need a challenge either dismiss your companion or turn off a few of their abilities.


Thats all it really takes and your challenge is restored. Why is it SO hard for people to just realize this? Is it that hard to click off a few abilities?


Stop trying to impose your ideas of how I should be playing this game when theres already a solution to your problem.


If for some reason the companions are nerfed, I'm gone. The only thing that brought me back was the fact that they were worth using now. I can actually choose who I wish to use at any given time, I love it. I'm also more of a solo player and this scratches the itch I had. This game has always been about the story, denying that would be lieing to yourself.


Now I can take my time, kick back and do whatever I wish. Theres group content and then theres solo content. Me clearing objectives or finishing my story has no bearing on other peoples gameplay.


You can make your gameplay harder, The tools are there. I can't make my gameplay experience enjoyable on this level after a nerf. Check yourself first and make sure you aren't being selfish.


You are missing one tiny point - when you are finished with various excellent stories SWTOR has to offer - and it will be pretty soon with all the buffs and fast leveling ,you will be bored due to lack of challenge.

Game was about the story but it was MMO and it had MMO qualities that were to keep you entertained once story has been experienced. Superman as your companion is hardly the answer in the long term.

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You are missing one tiny point - when you are finished with various excellent stories SWTOR has to offer - and it will be pretty soon with all the buffs and fast leveling ,you will be bored due to lack of challenge.

Game was about the story but it was MMO and it had MMO qualities that were to keep you entertained once story has been experienced. Superman as your companion is hardly the answer in the long term.


Who are you to tell him what he will feel?

I second most of his post.

I love the current performances companions offer for the simplest of reasons: I play for fun, escapism and unwinding. Challenge isn't something I'm looking for. I have plenty of trouble in my life, I don't need more in my story game. I create these characters to live stories. You may not like have OP companions that guarantee not loosing but I do.

Because I don't want challenge personally.

So, I ask you this: Who are you to tell me I WILL get bored because there is no challenge?

FYI: I left TOR at launch because gearing comps, levelling and pretty much everything was a challenging chore. I returned during ROTHC and have started subbing permanently ever since SOR diminished the "challenge" of solo content. So your perception of how the game should be, what it must offer you to satisfy you isn't universal and trying to placate your experience on other isn't the way to go.

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You are missing one tiny point - when you are finished with various excellent stories SWTOR has to offer - and it will be pretty soon with all the buffs and fast leveling ,you will be bored due to lack of challenge.

Game was about the story but it was MMO and it had MMO qualities that were to keep you entertained once story has been experienced. Superman as your companion is hardly the answer in the long term.


except. just a few easy clicks... you can create your own challenges!


and the thing is.... traditionally, challenging content in this game what there was of? didn't allow for companion use anyways. the problem here is not in having more casual friendly solo content. the problem here is NOT adding challenging group content at launch. and no, I'm sorry but given that people have been soloing H2 since launch? they don't qualify. they never have.


last but not least. it never fails to amuse me that people overpower thier companions through various means... and then complain that they are overpowered? why was it ok back when people did that via gear, but not ok now that its done via presence? both require effort. oh... right... gear grind made people feel more like specia snowflakes.


contrary to some of yours belief, not everyone gets bored with the game for the same reason.


for some of us, its lack of content to do in general.


I was afraid that that would be the case for me, given no new story for a while, no new ops for a while. but... there are all these decorations and achievements that I can farm up... and right now, i can do that on my own terms still despite lvl sync. and guess what? I feel rewarded right now for having all the stories done, having all conversations completed, having all races unlocked. I feel like its actualy making the difference, thanks to presence being as powerful as it is right now.


and I'm pretty darn sure I'm not the only person who feels this way.


I understand that some people want challenge from their games (though maker knows why they are looking for it in an MMO that is meant to have broad appeal, given that its star wars) so I'm making suggestions on how to get that challenge without affecting people who are happy with difficulty and companion power as it is.

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Who are you to tell him what he will feel?

I second most of his post.

I love the current performances companions offer for the simplest of reasons: I play for fun, escapism and unwinding. Challenge isn't something I'm looking for. I have plenty of trouble in my life, I don't need more in my story game. I create these characters to live stories. You may not like have OP companions that guarantee not loosing but I do.

Because I don't want challenge personally.

So, I ask you this: Who are you to tell me I WILL get bored because there is no challenge?

FYI: I left TOR at launch because gearing comps, levelling and pretty much everything was a challenging chore. I returned during ROTHC and have started subbing permanently ever since SOR diminished the "challenge" of solo content. So your perception of how the game should be, what it must offer you to satisfy you isn't universal and trying to placate your experience on other isn't the way to go.


There is no reason to be so defensive,i am not attacking him nor you. Great that you are enjoying the changes ,happy for you et ctr.

However i do stand by my prediction that for GENERAL population of SWTOR gamers this level of challenge,or rather absolute lack of it because companion can solo all single player elements now now without player involvement, will become boring in a long run. You know what, forget the long,i give it 2 months. Once general population of veterans finished the gear mill, once general population of new players finish with the stories.

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except. just a few easy clicks... you can create your own challenges!

Frankly option to return companions to previous state,like that terminal removing 12 xp,will be ideal in my opinion.

Right now there are no few easy clicks that will allow same companion experience as was available since launch.

Removing companion is blocking content ,running with passive companion is silly, disabling abilities will not change health.

Optional buffing or debuffing of companions in single player is the perfect answer.

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Heroic 2+ missions needed a team of 2, though it's been awhile since I read the description but I think it used to mention either two players or a player and a companion. I actually soloed a few heroic 2+ missions with a healer companion and either a tank or dps character pre-4.0.


Though if I tried a heroic 4 alone I'd usually die unless I was massively overleveled. Then it got tedious and if someone wanted to group for it I'd usually join with them just to get it moving faster.


Some of the other things seem easier because I think they changed it. Just got Zinda Kent with my guardian on Nar Shaddaa. Used Doc in healer mode. Never saw Zinda use that terminate ability that I always dreaded at all. She usually used it pretty early in the fight last time bounty week came in when we were under 3.0.

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Companions are OP but it's my fault for being intelligent enough to actually play a video game. I'm personally bored but I'd be happy if I were more dim witted. I blame my parents for instilling a work ethic and troubleshooting skills.


Ah the old "working" in a game argument. Sorry, it's not 1999 anymore, go back to EQ.

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Frankly option to return companions to previous state,like that terminal removing 12 xp,will be ideal in my opinion.

Right now there are no few easy clicks that will allow same companion experience as was available since launch.

Removing companion is blocking content ,running with passive companion is silly, disabling abilities will not change health.

Optional buffing or debuffing of companions in single player is the perfect answer.


that could also be a great solution. something like that acute module you could get during 12xp if you didn't want to participate.


Companions are OP but it's my fault for being intelligent enough to actually play a video game. I'm personally bored but I'd be happy if I were more dim witted. I blame my parents for instilling a work ethic and troubleshooting skills.


this type of comments crack me up.


aside from the whole work ethic applying to solo content somehow (I can see work ethic applying to group content, you know the whole respect for your group, show up on time, do your best and don't take random afk's wasting everyone's time) or "trouble shooting skills" that apparently mean suborn refusal to create your own challenges..


what amuses me the most is the intelligence comment. SWTOR never required "intelligence" to play. you want your intelligence involved? play games that actualy require it, something with puzzles that are more regular and require something more then understanding of basic math and ability to match pictures.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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again, if you are having a problem with how powerful they are? put them on passive or disable their abilities. you HAVE the option to put them on passive, so that you don't need to be all ironic on the forums about how leet you are and how easy they make the game.


if they are nerfed? those of us who like them powerful will have no recourse.


If they think their Companions are too powerful, than i say shut it, and Don't Use ur Companions.


Simple as that. Stop whining when most ppl like the fact that Companions are doing their jobs. To Protect their Leader.

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Ah the old "working" in a game argument. Sorry, it's not 1999 anymore, go back to EQ.


I thought video games were supposed to be fun, entertaining, enjoyable, relaxing, distracting, engaging, etc.


None of those are words that 90+% of us associate with "work", and yet "work" and work-related concepts are constantly brought up in video-game discussions.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Who are you to tell him what he will feel?

I second most of his post.

I love the current performances companions offer for the simplest of reasons: I play for fun, escapism and unwinding. Challenge isn't something I'm looking for. I have plenty of trouble in my life, I don't need more in my story game. I create these characters to live stories. You may not like have OP companions that guarantee not loosing but I do.

Because I don't want challenge personally.

So, I ask you this: Who are you to tell me I WILL get bored because there is no challenge?

FYI: I left TOR at launch because gearing comps, levelling and pretty much everything was a challenging chore. I returned during ROTHC and have started subbing permanently ever since SOR diminished the "challenge" of solo content. So your perception of how the game should be, what it must offer you to satisfy you isn't universal and trying to placate your experience on other isn't the way to go.



That's also the Point, ppl play MMO's for fun, to escape from the stupid reality we live in. Even with Companions they way they are now, there is a Guaranteed to be killed if you do try to take on too masny NPC's our don't use Heroic moment.


Ppl with Physical problems like me and that have characters 15 to 20 level higher than the Pnetary lvl should still be to mow down lowlie NPC's as well. A lot of ppl on my server are still trying to adjust to the fact that we cant kill everything in sight like we used to and get killed easily trying to take too many NPC's or accidentally aggroing too many NPC's and get killed.


In No Way are Our Companions overpowered.

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I thought video games were supposed to fun, entertaining, enjoyable, relaxing, distracting, engaging, etc.


None of those are words that 90+% of us associate with "work", and yet "work" and work-related concepts are constantly brought up in video-game discussions.


They are, but some ppl choose to want to play games that hurt different body parts and later get severe Arthritis. I have it myself, not just from playing hard in older days, but also from very hard RL work.


Also that person was most likely not even born in 1999, nor even played EQ lol.

Edited by MandFlurry
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like i said in another one of these threads there needs to be a option to turn presence off


I really hope that someone at Bioware has your level of common sense.


It should just be like JesusDroid. There's a little buff I can right click off, and JesusDroid goes away. It makes those solo flashpoints fun and challenging.


There should be a little buff on my companion called "Presence". If I right-click that buff, all the presence combat bonuses disappear. The buff reappears whenever I re-summon my companion.


Simple. No nerfs needed. Especially no Bioware-style nerfs needed.

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I really hope that someone at Bioware has your level of common sense.


It should just be like JesusDroid. There's a little buff I can right click off, and JesusDroid goes away. It makes those solo flashpoints fun and challenging.


There should be a little buff on my companion called "Presence". If I right-click that buff, all the presence combat bonuses disappear. The buff reappears whenever I re-summon my companion.


Simple. No nerfs needed. Especially no Bioware-style nerfs needed.


That really is the best solution all round. Post that in the suggestion forum.

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You are missing one tiny point - when you are finished with various excellent stories SWTOR has to offer - and it will be pretty soon with all the buffs and fast leveling ,you will be bored due to lack of challenge.

Game was about the story but it was MMO and it had MMO qualities that were to keep you entertained once story has been experienced. Superman as your companion is hardly the answer in the long term.


Thats your opinion. I've already been through a couple of the stories on an old account and the "lack of challenge" was never a reason as to why i unsubbed in the first place. I have a busy life, I don't need a challenge to keep me happy or engaged. Crafting and Just mob grinding keeps me entertained, all of which I can do pretty much on my own.

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They are to strong for sure. At first I was running the Star Fortress heroics solo with the healer companion. Then I started running them with a DPS companion. I kill everything so fast, I don't even need real healing. Even the boss at the end I can kill with no healing. Add in the fact that heroic moment is only a 5 minute CD for extra lawls.


Ultimately I think an easier solution would just be higher tier Star Fortress. Right now you have solo and heroic (2 person). Both of which you can solo. Don't change anything for the wimps that need easy mode, just add another tier for people that want a better challenge.

Edited by Jnaathra
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They are to strong for sure. At first I was running the Star Fortress heroics solo with the healer companion. Then I started running them with a DPS companion. I kill everything so fast, I don't even need real healing. Even the boss at the end I can kill with no healing. Add in the fact that heroic moment is only a 5 minute CD for extra lawls.


Ultimately I think an easier solution would just be higher tier Star Fortress. Right now you have solo and heroic (2 person). Both of which you can solo. Don't change anything for the wimps that need easy mode, just add another tier for people that want a better challenge.


Keep in mind that some of these "wimps" also help support the game through the cartel market and subs. I'm one of these so called wimps. But if you'd like to insult people and push them away from the game, go right ahead.

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i too love the way they are at the moment - i find it actually quite relaxing to grind out the quests now and i'd hate to think what it would be for an altoholic like myself if they were difficult or time consuming considering how many you need to do... Edited by BigDRC
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