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Is This Really What People Want??


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Yes, this is what I really want. If I wanted to play with trolls and fairies I would go elsewhere. If I wanted to kill 10,000,000 butterflies to fill out the next point on some skill tree I would go elsewhere. I am here because it's Star Wars and I like Star Wars because of the STORY. Thanks.
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Advertisements and preview articles touted the best feature of this game as the story.

You are free to want what you want, but if you buy a bottle orange juice and expect to make a milk shake with it you will be sorely disappointed, especially when the company finally realizes it makes darn good juice.


Great thing is, there is tons of milk shake ccompanies out there , they are all the same.


Good grief. Read my post, stop imagining what you think I was thinking when I wrote it, THEN reply again pls.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!


Yep, that's what I want. 10$ for 10 hours ? Yeah, better than going to the movies.

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So many people upset because the game is actually fun to play again. Here i the thing i started playing mmo in 99 EQ 1. I did all the raiding there early on , Sleepers tomb key , Avatar of war kill during veliouse expansion , Key for emperor ssra , keyed for vex thall during luclin while level cap was at 60 ( any of you who played realize there just are no current mmo grinds that even remotely compete with keying a guild for emp then vex thall) And on until around 2004. Fast forward i played wow ( hated it to casual for me back then also it changed the mmo genra to what it is today wow clones) because a large portion of my old eq guild went to wow , after vanilla when th3ey killed 40 man raids we all quit playing for the most part.


Fast forward to now , and while i used to want hardcore games like EQ im not even sure i woul have time to play them now , im married , with a kid on the way , and while i hate that casual games ended up killing off the hardcore mmo genra thats what has happened.


Now my wife will play this game , and before 4.0 she didnt seem to enjoy it much , but last night we played together i got on my lvl 65 sage and she played a lvl 19 smuggler / scoundrel and we plowed heroic 2+ together and she had a great time , for the first time in a long time she said i really enjoyed playing tonight , and the reason she enjoyed it was it is no longer tedious and trying to appeal to hardcore and casuals alike during the leveling process. If it gets changed or comps get nerfed , ext this will be two subs gone because i dont have time to waste on things my wife does not enjoy these days.


I would also imagine i am not alone , i used to be hardcore , i used to lament the end of the hardcore days of mmo gaming , but those days are long sense dead , long before this game even launched , so if you want hardcore here is hoping that they make OPS more challenging and interesting because that is the place for pve challenge. The actual class storied and solo mode pve stuff should not be challenging or remotely difficult since that is DESIGNED for casuals and for people like my wife , who might play a bit here and there and might buy a shiny nice outfit from the cash shop ( another issue my wife wont buy gambling boxes so you loose her money but thats for another thread) those casual aults , who open there wallets are what keep these games going , not the guys like me or lots of you reading this that play 8 or more hours a day , we dont actually keep these games going , the casuals who log in two times a week and still sub , and still buy off the CM are the ones keeping the game open the game can o on without hardcore players , it cannot live without casuals. And while it pains me to say that given my roots in mmo gaming it is the truth and better to accept it and find what you like about modern mmos than to bellyache over other people enjoying the already easy and now even more easy casual leveling pve content.

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To answer your question: YES, this is exactly what I want from my SWTOR experience.


With no offence meant, you seem to be missing the point of this game. The fully-voiced, interactive cut-scenes with a focus on story on personal choices are what make BioWare games unique and different than anything else out there. They are also the reasons people (myself, included) love them.


While I do understand your desire for new OPS and PvP, I certainly would never want them to shift focus from personal story to that sort of content. OPS and PvP should be an addition to the story, not the focus of the game. If you just want new farming content, there's an abundance of non BioWare games out there that provided exactly that.


That being said, I really love how the new expansion feels so much like KOTOR :). I certainly hope they continue in this direction.

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I'm not close to 60, so take my comments with a grain of salt (at least)... what I want, is more story. But *real* story, class-story. I have no intention of playing KotFE (and, from what little I can gather, the stuff after 50), if it's just "one size fits all" as in "one story regardless of class". A Jedi plays the exact same as a smuggler? Who the F wants *that*?


Add to that the impression (again, haven't played it, don't plan on doing so) that it's basically completely a new game, with nary a relation to the epic story (and it deserves the name epic) that went before. Or, the epic stories, plural, that went before. *And* no consequences to actions. Not even the actions/decisions you take in the KotFE storyline (again, haven't played it, only read comments on these here boards). Much less consequences from before that.


I spared Lord Grathan's son every time so far (I suspect I have no choice anyway but to kill his daddy, but...). I'd have expected stuff like that to come back at some point. So far, I see none of it. None.

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Unsubbed today, might log in the odd bit until it runs out end of Nov.. really unimpressed with the game.

Only been playing since July, first mmo or game even in about 2+ years... was a bit interesting etc but it got quite boring quickly.

Didn't like the pvp from the bit I tried, those starfighter missions were interesting for about 10mins and then not so much.. very messy to play.

I hoped the new exp would bring about something interesting to keep me playing.. if anything it made it worse.

The story line was quite meh... although Anthony Hopkins look a like sith lord gave me a chuckle :D

Ops/flashpoints etc are painful as hell to be in since the lvl sync crap.

I liked grinding (for a bit) through dailies etc for rep but now it's slowed that down I've just stopped.

Can't solo old world bosses anymore..

In short the level sync just looks like the tried and trusted old method of making old content 'relevant' again, much like blizzard did with old raids like naxx etc.

The amount of companions etc just seems total overkill..

The new places introduced.. really.. that's all they can introduce for a new exp :confused:


Ah look I'm not going to bother go into much more, not a QQ post just my disappointment with what's been offered from an exp. Having to wait till the new year for something new?? Given what's come with the exp so far..phhhft

Maybe some will enjoy it, not me.

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I'm not close to 60, so take my comments with a grain of salt (at least)... what I want, is more story. But *real* story, class-story. I have no intention of playing KotFE (and, from what little I can gather, the stuff after 50), if it's just "one size fits all" as in "one story regardless of class". A Jedi plays the exact same as a smuggler? Who the F wants *that*?


Add to that the impression (again, haven't played it, don't plan on doing so) that it's basically completely a new game, with nary a relation to the epic story (and it deserves the name epic) that went before. Or, the epic stories, plural, that went before. *And* no consequences to actions. Not even the actions/decisions you take in the KotFE storyline (again, haven't played it, only read comments on these here boards). Much less consequences from before that.


I spared Lord Grathan's son every time so far (I suspect I have no choice anyway but to kill his daddy, but...). I'd have expected stuff like that to come back at some point. So far, I see none of it. None.


Honestly the cost for them to make 8 divergent stories that have real choice consequences would be outrageous and not even close to enough people sub this for them tp have that kind of development funding. It really seems like the vat majority of people that play MMo have insanely unrealistic expectations of what a game will and can do.


While i agree its odd for a jedi to end up on the same mission as a smuggler or a sith jugg for that matter , the reality is this game flopped at launch i was there , and they dont have the development dollars for that , so expect more streamlined one size its all stories , because they simply cannot afford writers and voice acting for 8 divergent storylines every expansion , its insanity to think that it would or could even happen now. So if you cant enjoy the game without your unrealistic expectations being fulfilled maybe now is the time to walk away before you are disappointed further.

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Yes it did flop on launch. But do you remember why?


It was because there was no content. All there was to do was play Huttball again and again and again.


Were the class stories good? Absolutely. But once the book is closed, that's it. Story has no staying power, so the masses left. And now we go back to all story and no content? Bad move.


Leveling was easy and more enjoyable to 65. But once that is said and done, all we are left with are star fortresses. It's bad.

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Honestly the cost for them to make 8 divergent stories that have real choice consequences would be outrageous and not even close to enough people sub this for them tp have that kind of development funding. It really seems like the vat majority of people that play MMo have insanely unrealistic expectations of what a game will and can do.


It's a question of business model. I advocate a Class-Sory DLC System.


10, 20 or 25 $ for each class, which was the price range of RotHC, and it was a very heavy expansion, there was a lot of areas.


And most fan favourite worlds already exist in the game. I would totally LOVE, to play a Bounty Hunter story on Coruscant, or more Jedi Knight adventure on Yavin. They already have the assets for it.

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But once the book is closed, that's it. Story has no staying power, so the masses left.

That's why, this time around, they aren't giving out the whole book in one go - they give out the first nine chapters, but to get each chapter when it's first available after that you'll have to stay subscribed for another month.


If they had put out Chapters 1-16 in the same update, that would have been them repeating the mistake of launch.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Honestly the cost for them to make 8 divergent stories that have real choice consequences would be outrageous and not even close to enough people sub this for them tp have that kind of development funding. It really seems like the vat majority of people that play MMo have insanely unrealistic expectations of what a game will and can do.


While i agree its odd for a jedi to end up on the same mission as a smuggler or a sith jugg for that matter , the reality is this game flopped at launch i was there , and they dont have the development dollars for that , so expect more streamlined one size its all stories , because they simply cannot afford writers and voice acting for 8 divergent storylines every expansion , its insanity to think that it would or could even happen now. So if you cant enjoy the game without your unrealistic expectations being fulfilled maybe now is the time to walk away before you are disappointed further.



Then how bout this...instead of spending the obscene amount of money they spent on the trailer, they spent it on...hmmm...I dont know...the actual game

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Yes it did flop on launch. But do you remember why?


It was because there was no content. All there was to do was play Huttball again and again and again.


Were the class stories good? Absolutely. But once the book is closed, that's it. Story has no staying power, so the masses left. And now we go back to all story and no content? Bad move.


Leveling was easy and more enjoyable to 65. But once that is said and done, all we are left with are star fortresses. It's bad.


I think that there is a very big flaw, in your argument. The lack of content has become a feature of MMO, not because of the developers, but because of the players.


There is less and less hard-core players, and they are very hard to satisfy, since they will quickly finish everything. Which is normal, MMO are 15 years old now, and PvE has inherent limits. The fact is we just mastered MMO a long time ago, and the only thing the developers can do is change the skins, of the things we kill.


And the other players, they don't care anymore, about "challenging" PvE, paramilitary guilds and sacrificed weekends to wipe in silence, listening to the Guild Master, It's just not appealing anymore.


When you look at WoW, everybody comes back just to lvl-up. They enjoy it, but they got away when it's done.


SWTOR is just adaptating, To the market. And I think I'm the perfect example of the market. I just don't play MMOs anymore, When someone asks me if I play something, I say no. And yet, when I look back, I find myself being subscribed on TOR nearly 6 months a year, without even really good reasons, just very little things making me sub for a month or two. XPx12... New story... A new race... A new companion... A little temporary event...


I think MMO don't have to keep you playing for hours at a time every day for months, now. I don't think they need "content". I think They just need to hook you a few hours at a time, to make the game a very small part of your life. Something that would cost you as much money, but a lot less emotional investment.

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It's a question of business model. I advocate a Class-Sory DLC System.


10, 20 or 25 $ for each class, which was the price range of RotHC, and it was a very heavy expansion, there was a lot of areas.


And most fan favourite worlds already exist in the game. I would totally LOVE, to play a Bounty Hunter story on Coruscant, or more Jedi Knight adventure on Yavin. They already have the assets for it.


This is a decent idea , however here is the problem after the first round some class or possibly a few classes will be bottom barrel , IE people dont play that one as much or dont care , and that would likely mean that it either gets less work in the future or they stop developin content for that clas sinc it does not pay off. Im fine with that but people would still be here crying over it.


This is the problem it isnt a zero sum game , you cant make everyone hapy , no amount of money or development resources will ever make everyone happy with the outcome , so its better to put money into things like the kotfe trailer ( i watched it an its why i came back was a random fluke i saw it though they do need to work on marketing because its atrocious atm) and into gameplay reworks in order to make the main game and existing content more fun for new and returning players , than it is to spend all their resources developing only for the people already playing the game , especially since you cant possibly make them all happy anyhow.


All that being said i love your idea of a 25 dollar price for a class expansion ,it might work and offers a chance to actually give people what they want , they could even do the base 1 size fits all expansion , and release smaller "Modules" for say 5 or 10 dollars that are written specifically for one class or another , that way they have a main development , but also cater to the story loving people with some class specific stuff occasionally , just a thought.

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Of course not. We'll see in 2 month, when the numbers of players will be very little.

They simplify the game to have new players, they still don't understand that people who pay for a mmo are people who can project themselves in a game for many month.

Now there are no challenge, no appeal for stay longer. Even if story is interesting, it's representing a little part of the game. And it's not a little chapter every month who make a différence.


When they'll see their incomes reducing a lot, they'll come whining that "players haven't understand what they offered".

They should listen the ones who pay and play for have a reduced but loyal community not a lot of casuals. They could have attract others if they would done it properly. And not the casuals whinners.

Some will tell that i'm wrong but like i said, see you in 2 month when servers will be empty.

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Of course not. We'll see in 2 month, when the numbers of players will be very little.

They simplify the game to have new players, they still don't understand that people who pay for a mmo are people who can project themselves in a game for many month.

Now there are no challenge, no appeal for stay longer. Even if story is interesting, it's representing a little part of the game. And it's not a little chapter every month who make a différence.


When they'll see their incomes reducing a lot, they'll come whining that "players haven't understand what they offered".

They should listen the ones who pay and play for have a reduced but loyal community not a lot of casuals. They could have attract others if they would done it properly. And not the casuals whinners.

Some will tell that i'm wrong but like i said, see you in 2 month when servers will be empty.


Duh it will drop! It always does. Want to know why?


Fallout 4 and the games coming out soon. People will be playing the heck out of them.



The staying power of this story is when they release it monthly starting next year. This is just to wet our whistle. They are smart to wait.

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things i wanted since release: more story


do i care about pvp? no

operations? not unless there is story involved, i only do story modes anyway even though i am fully capable of hard or old school nightmare modes

flashpoints? if there is a story, taral 4, maelstrom prison, boarding party, and foundry are some of my favorite flashpoints

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Of course not. We'll see in 2 month, when the numbers of players will be very little.

They simplify the game to have new players, they still don't understand that people who pay for a mmo are people who can project themselves in a game for many month.

Now there are no challenge, no appeal for stay longer. Even if story is interesting, it's representing a little part of the game. And it's not a little chapter every month who make a différence.


When they'll see their incomes reducing a lot, they'll come whining that "players haven't understand what they offered".

They should listen the ones who pay and play for have a reduced but loyal community not a lot of casuals. They could have attract others if they would done it properly. And not the casuals whinners.

Some will tell that i'm wrong but like i said, see you in 2 month when servers will be empty.


Even if that happens....how that differs from before when number of players was very little? At worst, it will be SAME as before.

Edited by Mikahrone
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And people wonder why the gaming industry treats its consumers so horribly. They wonder why it's hit & miss for every overhyped pile of garbage to hit the front page of IGN. I wonder what would happen if gaming consumers didn't settle for less, if they didn't wait six months for an afternoon's entertainment in an "mmo". If they wanted more... But I suppose these freaks will continue to be happy to pay two or three times the price for a knock-off Telltale game.


God bless the First World Zombies!

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Yes it did flop on launch. But do you remember why?


It was because there was no content. All there was to do was play Huttball again and again and again.


Were the class stories good? Absolutely. But once the book is closed, that's it. Story has no staying power, so the masses left. And now we go back to all story and no content? Bad move.


Leveling was easy and more enjoyable to 65. But once that is said and done, all we are left with are star fortresses. It's bad.


People didnt want to play stories because they had to go through sea of generic MMO quests. WoW players left because they concluded WoW had better raiding endgame (like in every WoW clone released since WoW)


And since then ONLY thing that kept SWTOR alive is story and people who just dealt with all MMO crap that they had to go through just to see the story.


BW/EA/LA were betting on WoW players and they lost. For 3 years they were pampering that elusive WoW player tried to funnel everything (including story) into raids and all they got was ever dwindling playerbase.

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Of course not. We'll see in 2 month, when the numbers of players will be very little.

They simplify the game to have new players, they still don't understand that people who pay for a mmo are people who can project themselves in a game for many month.

Now there are no challenge, no appeal for stay longer. Even if story is interesting, it's representing a little part of the game. And it's not a little chapter every month who make a différence.


When they'll see their incomes reducing a lot, they'll come whining that "players haven't understand what they offered".

They should listen the ones who pay and play for have a reduced but loyal community not a lot of casuals. They could have attract others if they would done it properly. And not the casuals whinners.

Some will tell that i'm wrong but like i said, see you in 2 month when servers will be empty.


Oh mighty sage of gaming, and gamers everywhere: You are, of course, aware that the pattern you're "predicting" here can be traced back through most of the history of MMOs? I mean, to spout such wisdom to us, the uneducated masses, you had to know that, right? No? You sincerely believed that this is going to be a unique happening that spells the doom of swtor as we know it?


Here's what's going to happen, based entirely on what I have observed over a decade and a half of gaming:


New content releases, populations pick up. BTW, as an aside here, it doesn't matter if it's new Ops, or new story, there are groups that will hit it for the new stuff. Within a couple of weeks, at the low end, or a month or so on the outside, the content leeches get it all done, and leave. This pattern has been repeating itself since before there was a swtor to apply it to, and it will continue to happen after it's gone.


But Rob, how do you know? Because hardcore raiders have top tier gear now. They're going to devour new content in short order because of the gear, have all the new gear, and be here complaining that there's nothing to do, then they're gone to the next game. It's been happening for years, and it's going to continue to happen.

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Exactly it is not what I wanted. I wanted more of the original SWTOR which I adored above all, NW, GW2, Tera,Wow etc, SWTOR was the star.


Now I get back and it seems so patched together, like a lot of clips they already had and now put to some use. The remainder is cut scenes and it is mainly in grey and shoot a few enemies. I am bored out of my skull.


I guess some people love this NEW style, I do not so I will go away. Thanks for nothing.

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I for one love it and it's excaclty why I am here. I don't want to play with strangers who want to get "sweet loot" as fast as they can and then cry about "endgame". I want to go on adventures with like minded folks and i'm more likely to find those in my circles than playing the lottery that is the player pool of an MMO.


The OP may have been playing MMOs since Ultima but I"ve been playing RPGs since Ultima, and initially, MMOs were suppose to be more like this and less like the FPS light no story games that inundate the landscape. .


This. Where has "bring the player not gearscore" dissapeared?


I didnt go and pick random people off city square to play RPGs. But somehow that is supposed to be "pinnacle of MMO". Well, it aint working lol


And since EQ/WoW introduce epic loot grinds its been "rush rush rush, RUSH EVERYTHING" And then they wonder why noone wants to group with them.


Once these people accept that EQ/WoW were built on ANTISOCIAL foundation, and once developers stop copying those antisocial foundations there will be progress in MMOs.

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