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Is This Really What People Want??


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See...while you were playing (insert super grindy MMO's here) I was playing games like the legend of Zelda, the soul reaver series, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, & of course kotor 1&2. I don't play THIS game as an mmo. As far as I'm concerned, none of y'all even exist in game. This is apparently as close as we'll get to kotor 3. Even the devs promoted it as being "like kotor3-10".


Since launch, they've added content aimed primarily at the MMO & RP crowd. They've added PvP maps, OP after OP, and QoL features that RP enjoy. Those of us who enjoy solo game play have waited patiently for more solo friendly content. We're finally starting to get it, and folks loose they damn minds.


They'll be adding new OPs & PvP maps for y'all to run over and over and over again to get that "power lvl 9000" main hand. And when you get bored with THAT after a month & start complaining about "needz moar OPs!"...cats like ME will STILL be playing through the 1-65 single player experience and enjoying tha hell out of it.


*drops mic and creates new character to start over with.


I've played since early access when TOR first launched, and I've still never done an operation. I did my first warzone only this week and only because one of the Alliance quests requires it. Story is what I want, and story is what Bioware is finally delivering. I don't mind waiting for the content, seeing as I already spend years waiting for new RPGs as it is.


I've been playing MMOs for over 15 years. If I wanted yet another dull repeat of the same bland zerging of pvp/raids that every other MMO does, I'd stick with WoW. Those things aren't what I play TOR for. KotFE is what I've been wanting from TOR since it launched, and if this is how it's going to continue down the line then I'm very happy.


The only thing I'd like more of would be flashpoints. I like to do those with friends. Star Fortress is okay, but even heroic mode is soloable. IMO heroic SF should be the solo mode and heroic mode should require a group. Content shouldn't be too easy.


Great responses. It's true. SWTOR is KOTOR 3+ with MMO features so all the single player and multiplayer people are all satisfied. Be patient everyone, your content will keep arriving.

Edited by Phain
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I want companions to talk to me more outside story quests.

Randomized sound bites would be great! Anything too specific would be nearly impossible for Bioware to code because of how many vastly different things a player could be doing.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two.
No it ain't. BioWares SWTOR is a mix of 2 total different game genres and even worse in a rigid form, where none of the 2 genres has any impact of the other. So, from the optimal point of view SWTOR is a failed experiment. However it has his moments and anybody who can relate with one of SWTORs features is going to have its fun in here.


That's why I'm here.

No you're not. you only assume someting, that is not to be found in here. Well, not the way any classical MMO player would like.

But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??

You missunderstodd again. BioWare products are known for great and intense storyplots. This feature is well known and beloved by any RP PC gamer. KofFE is finally some kind of "going back to the roots" of BioWare. SWTOR was meant to be a true mmoRPG. But I remind you, this experiment failed for reasons.


So, yes, KotFE is well recieved by any RP PC gamer in here. And yes, most of the true incarante MMO players are a little pissed of the actual sattus quo.


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon?

Pretty much yes! The MMO features in here are only gereric stuff we can get anywhere else in a better way. Most of us are for the typical reasons here: Star Wars, BioWare, Story, socialising, Lightswords, Period!

You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations?
Nobody is saying that. However those features are in here not the main reason to be.
Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all.
Then you are missing the point. With those "fit to word level" and redo hero missions for reasons, is keeiping the levelcap player at bay for the most time I've ever encounterd in any other MMO I've played yet, ...an belive me, I played a lot.
How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.
Ah, Lana, ...the typical grey Force user buargh coming from the twisted minds of those evil Sith Lords calling themselves BioWare developers. ...Still, ...it's fun enough to go with this nonsense and have a nice time.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!!

Actually the one who is confused is you. Most of us know the failures of this game. And many of us know to devide between storyplot and mmo features in here.
And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!!
You don't tell, Jack!
I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!

The last quote is all about "yak-yak-yak!" What you want is definetely not SWTOR but something that is not around anymore. There are no real MMO's out there that are mainly based on MMO features. And I'm not takling about P2P asia grinder. But yes, those are the only MMo's out there left, where you can mainly gain your pure MMO experience.


So, either you like swinging your lightsword in here, or you don't, and then it is quite clear, you don't like the game design BioWare set for SWTOR at all.

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Great response. It's true. SWTOR is KOTOR 3+ with MMO features so all the single player and multiplayer people are all satisfied. Be patient everyone, your content will keep arriving.
Meh, it's the classic MMO vs RPG stuff which is around in this very forums since SWTOR launch. ;)


"What's better?" "Who is stronger?" - Bantha poodoo, who cares, as long as we have Lightswords and can kill jedi and republic scum.

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* you want


Since we don't have any structured governance here I'm gonna need a nominal fee from you before you're authorized to speak on my behalf.


No this is what everyone should want from day 1 this was the selling point of the game. Heavy base Story MMO. If you are playing it for any other reason you are in the wrong mmo.



They at last giving us what they promise.

Edited by Teladis
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As long as you have more than one person playing in the same environment at the same time its a MMO . Its a blank canvas if a DEV wants to make a all solo mmo its still technically a MMO


I think you are mistaken, I wouldn't call something like "Call of Duty" an MMO, would you?

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Single player RPGs in Canada vs. Multiplayer RPGs in Austin...no flaw in my logic. The Austin studio has never excelled at anything because they were created for the sole purpose of making this game (and other future MMOs). I never said grouping was mandatory, but when you play an MMO, it's an expected part of the game (not mandatory, expected).


And since you want to insult others, I have to laugh every time someone mentions "a return to story"...since that's been key to every update since launch (minus GSF and GSH). The fact that you had to group up for some of it doesn't negate its obvious existence.


RPG vs RPG. It's all the same. Hell, BW's last two SP RPGs had MP aspects, ME 3 and DA I, the ME 3 version was successful, I'm not sure how DA I's did, it wasn't a hook. It is, however, grouping, but not an MMO, because there's a cap to four, and no matter how you slice it, 4 isn't massive. That's the rub though, isn't it? Different people coming in looking for different things, and for the most part, finding them. Yeah, PvP is the red headed stepchild of most MMOs. There's a reason, and if you're curious, check out the PvP forums on any MMO with PvP. Bring a canoe, you're going to need it to navigate the floods.


I've played plenty of MMOs where I went in by myself and never expected to, nor did anyone expect me to group. This expectation exists solely in your mind. There will be groups, and there will be grouping, but it's not expected. I played GW for about a year, and was never in a single group, and there's content that requires a group of at least two to open gates and such, not sure about anything else. Why? Because I didn't feel the need, and if I don't feel the need to run content here that requires/suggests a group, I don't run it. I don't care what you expect me to do, or what you expect to do. I care about what I want to do, and it's my dime, I'm going to use it or abuse it as I see fit.

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Check the server population in one month and you will have the answer. When 80% of the servers are back on light all the time, this expansion was a failure since it did not bring back a healthy game population.


For sure you will have some players which are happy to get 1 hour of new content per month for 13€. But i doubt that player base is big enough to bring this game to a higher level.


in just about every MMO, they get a player surge upon release of a new expac. About one month later 80% of those who stopped by to check out the changes leave.

Edited by Deamandred
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Check the server population in one month and you will have the answer. When 80% of the servers are back on light all the time, this expansion was a failure since it did not bring back a healthy game population.


For sure you will have some players which are happy to get 1 hour of new content per month for 13€. But i doubt that player base is big enough to bring this game to a higher level.


Let me guess, this is your first, or only MMO? Every MMO goes through this, and it gets discussed a lot on their forums too. New content, population surges, a month or so down the line, less depending on what the new release is, populations level out close to the pre-release levels. It's nothing new, and it won't make you look wise and insightful predicting a known trend in gaming.

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Most of MMOs are like that. its not 1999 anymore.


I for one love it and it's excaclty why I am here. I don't want to play with strangers who want to get "sweet loot" as fast as they can and then cry about "endgame". I want to go on adventures with like minded folks and i'm more likely to find those in my circles than playing the lottery that is the player pool of an MMO.


The OP may have been playing MMOs since Ultima but I"ve been playing RPGs since Ultima, and initially, MMOs were suppose to be more like this and less like the FPS light no story games that inundate the landscape. .

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Randomized sound bites would be great! Anything too specific would be nearly impossible for Bioware to code because of how many vastly different things a player could be doing.


I think the sad thing is, is that there really has never been a true Massive, multiplayer rpg. and we've gotten more of the massive multiplayer lately than the RPG part.


If a company were to ever design a true massive multipleyr rpg, it would be a multiplayer version of an rpg. Servers would be super small, so heroic quests felt heroic. THere wouldn't be citizens asking you to tend their garden or find their cat. It would make sense for a group of people to get together and adventure into a dungeon and, if needbe, a storyline reason why they'd need to repeatedly go into the dungeon.


But that game was never made (thanks wow). So I'd rather settle for something closer to a multiplayer rpg.

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No this is what everyone should want from day 1 this was the selling point of the game. Heavy base Story MMO. If you are playing it for any other reason you are in the wrong mmo.



They at last giving us what they promise.


Hmmm... Revising history to suit a singular agenda item, declaring what everyone should want, and ignoring other promises made to players doesn't sound to convincing to furthering the discussion.

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Hmmm... Revising history to suit a singular agenda item, declaring what everyone should want, and ignoring other promises made to players doesn't sound to convincing to furthering the discussion.


Advertisements and preview articles touted the best feature of this game as the story.

You are free to want what you want, but if you buy a bottle orange juice and expect to make a milk shake with it you will be sorely disappointed, especially when the company finally realizes it makes darn good juice.


Great thing is, there is tons of milk shake ccompanies out there , they are all the same.

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Hmmm... Revising history to suit a singular agenda item, declaring what everyone should want, and ignoring other promises made to players doesn't sound to convincing to furthering the discussion.


It's common on both sides. Not sure why anyone feels the need to point it out. I mean, I've been told that there's an expectation for me to group up, because I'm playing an MMO, and if I'm not, I'm doing it wrong. We've seen the claim that MMO means you must be in a group, or that any online game is an MMO, just to pull from the more ridiculous claims made in this very thread. In others through my years of gaming, I've seen "PvPers are the reason the lights are on" in DDO, where PvP happens in brawling pits only. I may have seen that used here too, even though it's not the major draw, evidently.


Refresh my memory, because mine's bad, but did they have to upgrade hardware for increased populations the last time they added a new PvP map?

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Yes, this is EXACTLY what I wanted. I love the new expansion and all the other changes they've made to the game. If I wanted to spend 40 hours a week farming boring content for one piece of armor, I'd go back to WoW. The story, the immersion, everything is great now..in my opinion.
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Advertisements and preview articles touted the best feature of this game as the story.

You are free to want what you want, but if you buy a bottle orange juice and expect to make a milk shake with it you will be sorely disappointed, especially when the company finally realizes it makes darn good juice.


Great thing is, there is tons of milk shake ccompanies out there , they are all the same.


It's like advertising a blender that makes great juice. And to pull in more customers, they take some time aside to mention it's ability to make milkshakes as well. Sure, there are other products specifically for milkshakes, so those who don't care about juice probably should have chose another option. But many customers looking to make juice might choose that product specifically because it fills their milkshake needs as well. Are you going to say it's ok that the milkshakes are terrible because it was primarily advertised for juice?

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Advertisements and preview articles touted the best feature of this game as the story.

You are free to want what you want, but if you buy a bottle orange juice and expect to make a milk shake with it you will be sorely disappointed, especially when the company finally realizes it makes darn good juice.


Great thing is, there is tons of milk shake ccompanies out there , they are all the same.


+1 agree 100 percent. They are now giving us the game they promise day 1. If this game is no longer for you. That is your thing, but this is what was advertise, and this is what the future is.

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Yeppers! It's just what I wanted.

I'm slightly overpowered as I should be. I'm a freaking Jedi for God's sake, if I walk into a room of about 10 bad guys, they should be scared. I'm a Jedi, I have a lightsaber. I should be able to dispatch them in just a few flicks of my wrist, I am a Jedi. I want to feel like I'm in control of the fight. I want a story that reads like a book and plays out like a movie.


Yup, this is exactly what I want which is why I'm sure it will all change in about a month.

They will rope-a-dope us Star Wars geeks into playing this game and being all happy with how easy we can walk into a room and eliminate the threat. Then they will "Balance" things and it will be back to the same crap it was.


For now I'm happy.

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It's like advertising a blender that makes great juice. And to pull in more customers, they take some time aside to mention it's ability to make milkshakes as well. Sure, there are other products specifically for milkshakes, so those who don't care about juice probably should have chose another option. But many customers looking to make juice might choose that product specifically because it fills their milkshake needs as well. Are you going to say it's ok that the milkshakes are terrible because it was primarily advertised for juice?


Yes, this is exactly what I am saying. Read a lot of the warranties for products you buy (including blenders). Sure you can use it for other things but you only get customer support for the things that it specifically advertises for.


I don't understand why every MMOer wants every mmo to be teh same. It baffles me. It's like saying, hey I hate sonic the hedgehog because there are no mushrooms or turtles.


Frankly someone making a game that is based on role playing with multiple people needs to do something very different someday. I like where SWTOR went with this. Trinityless Adventures, Hassleless crafting, a story I actuall yfeel interested in.

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Nope OP this is NOT what I wanted.

This story is boring after the first go through because it does not change. You may change some wording, some slight action but in the end it's the same ending for chapter 9 as everyone else.


It's way to streamlined & click, answer, watch movie. You're very correct in your statement. This isn't an MMO anymore. It's a single player game with Online capabilities.


And to all those that say "But look at how full the servers are! It's bringing people back into game." Yes, it did. And good chance all are leaving or will leave again within the month. There is nothing of substance to keep people here for the long term.

It's hard to believe they're not going to drop a new chapter till Jan, because that's 2 months of subs time a LOT of people can let lapse, then pick up just for the story. Which would hurt poor Mr. Metrics.

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Yes, this is exactly what I am saying. Read a lot of the warranties for products you buy (including blenders). Sure you can use it for other things but you only get customer support for the things that it specifically advertises for.


I don't understand why every MMOer wants every mmo to be teh same. It baffles me. It's like saying, hey I hate sonic the hedgehog because there are no mushrooms or turtles.


Frankly someone making a game that is based on role playing with multiple people needs to do something very different someday. I like where SWTOR went with this. Trinityless Adventures, Hassleless crafting, a story I actuall yfeel interested in.


What you're talking about are unintended uses. A clothes hanger isn't meant to unclog a drain, but if you unwind it, it will work many times. If I bought a hanger for the purpose of unclogging my drains and then complained to the manufacturer that it didn't work, I assume they would laugh at me. But if a product is proven to work well in another role and begins to be advertised that way, it's a different story. A company specifically advertising that their hangers can clean clogged drains as well would be responsible if their product was not performing that function.


This game was advertised as a story driven MMO, not a story. And while they have always focused on story, it was integrated into the elements of an MMO that players enjoy. Leveling had story, PvP had story, FPs and Ops had story, dailies had story. And not just story, but fully voice acted and cut scened story. They never set out or advertised a revolution to the MMO playstyle outside of providing a cinematic experience to your MMO life.

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I played in beta.

I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the game the day of annoucement.

I made my characters in the first wave of pre-release.

I watched as the World of Warcraft rejects came in and exploited a bug in PvP that allowed them to be level 50 before the game even officially launched.

I listened as these morons who skipped 50 levels of content ranted and raved that the game has no content because no, it didn't have an end game just like World of Warcraft didn't have an end game until two years after it's release.

I was there when all those morons who had bought the game (EA/Bioware thanks you for making their game the best selling MMO launch in history) expecting World of Warcraft IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE! didn't get it.

I was there when Bioware had to lay off the story crew to avoid shutting down the entire game.

I was there when the new ops (quick 'end game' added to appease the remaining morons) were fun, but very limited in story.

I was there when the Hutt Cartel came out, and things got a little more story, but still... not much.

I was there for Shadow of Revan where the story aspect returned to some extent, but still... it's not what it could have been.

I am still here now, a subscriber since launch... and what do I think of Knights of the Fallen Empire?


I think welcome back Charles Boyd, welcome back to all the returning story team.


So YES. Knights of the Fallen Empire is EXACTLY what I want. Morons expecting the game to be something it was never intended to be nearly destroyed this game. Bioware has finally started taking steps to return to their original vision.


If you are still with me, spoiler warning for how the original release relates to Fallen Empire... but many of the things happening in Fallen Empire were talked about in the original release. The Imperial Agent on Voss is told by the Mystics that the reason the Voss will not pick a side is because they have seen it. In 3000 days, both the Republic and the Empire will fall. They will not pick a side, because they know there will be no winner. When did the game come out? About 4 years ago. When does Fallen Empire take place? After 5 years in cryofreeze. 3000 days is 8 years. By the time The Outlander is unfrozen, Both the Republic and the Empire have... what? Fallen. Exactly as the Voss told the Agent in the original 1-50 story.

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Look, I like KotFE and it's emphasis on story - it moves things in a direction more suited to my preferred playstyle and will probably give me more bang for my buck month-to-month once the new chapters start coming out. But to say that this extreme emphasis on story was what SWTOR was promising from the get-go... that seems off.


In the lead-up to SWTOR's launch, they were touting how they were going to add story as a "Fourth Pillar" for MMOs, not saying that they were going to replace the existing Three Pillars with it. Story was held up as the differentiating feature between SWTOR and the competition, not the sole feature.


What they're doing now is something new, something different, and something that I'm enjoying and hoping pans out in their favor. But acting like people are crazy for feeling like the game just took a sharp left turn on them is odd.


(Personally, I think the game still has enough Group Content and 'traditional MMO' elements to scratch my itch for those features - but some others in this thread seem to be taking the line that "story" as always been the be-all-end-all of the game and anyone who liked that group content, even as a side-game, were delusional.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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