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Is This Really What People Want??


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Well its certainly the main emphasis of what i do here sure.


What i want to do well yes, but doesn't mean i wouldn't join in and play with others.


I'm willing to be a body for endgame pve, but i'm a preferred player and subscription just isn't worth it given the state of my account and cartel coin purchases also exist and go much further than the monthly entitlement suckers fee.


So i'm still playing just as much as you guys, but doing my own thing elsewhere and so all bioware can see is the thing you guys do have less and less players... geez its been so long since i even cared about gearing, lol.


EDIT: Speaking of the story.. i like op, i like generous, i like quick. But the easyness of the gameplay is a little much..

Edited by stockmks
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Yea it's exactly what I want. I could give a crap about PVP and Operations. I'm sure they'll try to band-aid some in for the people here just for those, but there are so much better games if that's all you want. Not so much for story.
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See I don't care if you don't like it. The story was amazing, and to call it cheap makes me want to punch you in the face. Just say, I don't like it. The story oozes with love and effort. If you can't see that. Shut up and go away.
the story was cheap and juvenile; it was something a toddler would write
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Except that it's not? There are plenty of MMO aspects in this MMO, all of which can be taken advantage of by anyone looking to do so. Every Op in the game is now playable at cap. Oh, wait, maybe you're that guy that's soloing all that content? What was your time on ToS? The hyperbole is strong with this one, however, repeating nonsense over and over will not make it true. If you want to craft, you're going to need to run HM FPs and at least HM Ops to get all the stuff required. While some of the HM FPs may actually be soloable with a comp, the last I checked, you can't bring comps into Ops. So maybe try again?
repeating old content over and over doesnt make it new either.


mmo aspects? sure, they all just happen to be old, boring and uninteresting. this is a single player game now. and a joke at that.

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Yea it's exactly what I want. I could give a crap about PVP and Operations. I'm sure they'll try to band-aid some in for the people here just for those, but there are so much better games if that's all you want. Not so much for story.


Hey, I get where you're coming from, and while I think the SWTOR story is kinda lame, pretty boring, rather one dimensional, and overall derivative and cliche, I wouldn't be here for the story even if I thought it was good. Yet, despite my having zero interest in the story, I think there's plenty of room for both story and game.


Two camps have developed, the too much story people and the if you don't like story go play another game people, yet in reality we should all be in the same camp, the more the merrier camp. More people = more money to fund the development of even more stories, so story people shouldn't really be trying to chase off anyone. Gamers have their trusty sidekick the spacebar to protect them from the incessant prattle of the stories, and although many story watchers might be rather casual, haven't there been times when you were waiting on an ops to fill and would give your offhand weapon for anyone, even a story watcher to join your ranks?


This issue really doesn't have to be an us vs them scenario, the Star Wars universe is big enough to float many different types of ships.

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I don't know if that was what people wanted but as a Star Wars fan and KOTOR and KOTOR2 fan I'm having the time of my life playing the new story with my Jedi Knight. It's like an old school Bioware Star Wars RPG and I'm freaking loving it.
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Ok thank you for your cander. Clearly I'm funding the wrong crowd hah.


Seeing as only Subs can post on the forums I'm curious as to what crowd you're "funding" exactly because it isn't any of us.


P.s. Yes more story content was exactly what I wanted.

Edited by Anaesha
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Seeing as only Subs can post on the forums I'm curious as to what crowd you're "funding" exactly because it isn't any of us.


P.s. Yes more story content was exactly what I wanted.


I don't know what that statement came from, but he's got a point there.


Preferred players can pretty much only do story content. Endgame is the exclusive domain of subs. Not saying subs don't like story also but if you want to look at it that way the conclusion isn't broken.

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This issue really doesn't have to be an us vs them scenario, the Star Wars universe is big enough to float many different types of ships.


Oh no it is, as I said you'll get your content. I just think less of it than you do of the story. But hey if you like it, you'll get it. Eventually.

Edited by hadoken
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Maybe it's me who is confused? My original point was to correct you.


You stated:


To which I replied:


Bioware has 2 very separate and distinct studios. Montreal (the HQ and original BW) is all about the traditional single player RPG...we agree on that. Bioware Austin however, was opened and staffed specifically to create MMOs (MMORPGs).


RPG simply means playing the part of whatever character you're on...something common to any game where you control an avatar - would you agree? In HALO, I roleplay Master Chief. In COD I roleplay a Special Ops guy. RPG means very little in terms of defining the game...it's a very broad in definition. The single player vs MMO part is the only part that matters...and Bioware Austin, our developer, was opened specifically for online multiplayer (MMO) games.


The flaw with your logic is that both companies make RPGs. One makes an MMORPG, the other makes SP RPGs, mostly. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online. At no point does it mean anything like mandatory grouping. Every time you log in, there's a potential for massive numbers of people playing at the same time you are, whether they're in a group or not. This "If you're soloing, it's not an MMO" is the battle cry of the disenfranchised that didn't get new PvP maps, or a new Op, not an industry standard.


I have never played a single MMO that required you to be grouped for every activity in the game. If you have, let's name drop it here. Every single one, from Guild Wars, to Rappelz, Aion to RoM had content that you could run solo. Games like Aika, which was a gold spammers haven, had solo content, all MMOs, and I'm probably leaving some out. I've been playing a long while. Hell, DDO has more solo content than this game. You can continue to "toe the party line" if you wish, and claim that they should all focus on group content, with no story, no solo content, or whatever the FotM argument is currently, but that doesn't affect the industry standard, that has been in place for about as long as MMO has been around. I've never played, but I'll bet you a lifetime sub here that WoW has plenty of solo content, and it's the measuring stick, right?

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The flaw with your logic is that both companies make RPGs. One makes an MMORPG, the other makes SP RPGs, mostly. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online. At no point does it mean anything like mandatory grouping. Every time you log in, there's a potential for massive numbers of people playing at the same time you are, whether they're in a group or not. This "If you're soloing, it's not an MMO" is the battle cry of the disenfranchised that didn't get new PvP maps, or a new Op, not an industry standard.


I have never played a single MMO that required you to be grouped for every activity in the game. If you have, let's name drop it here. Every single one, from Guild Wars, to Rappelz, Aion to RoM had content that you could run solo. Games like Aika, which was a gold spammers haven, had solo content, all MMOs, and I'm probably leaving some out. I've been playing a long while. Hell, DDO has more solo content than this game. You can continue to "toe the party line" if you wish, and claim that they should all focus on group content, with no story, no solo content, or whatever the FotM argument is currently, but that doesn't affect the industry standard, that has been in place for about as long as MMO has been around. I've never played, but I'll bet you a lifetime sub here that WoW has plenty of solo content, and it's the measuring stick, right?


Even Aika made is easier when they introduced scaling to their dungeons.

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!



I want story content and group content! lucky me! that seems what BW is gonna be delivering!

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Yes...I like the story, and it took me a couple of days to run the content, because I didn't feel the need to jam my way through all of it in on sitting.


Pace yourself BRUH.

I do wonder:

How much does the average player play this game in a week?


How much does the average forum-goer play this game in a week?


It's come up a couple times with these straw polls people have posted here on the forums, but the population of forum-goers is probably not a very representative sample of the game's overall population. I think this is probably one area where that skewing would be present.

Edited by DarthDymond
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The flaw with your logic is that both companies make RPGs. One makes an MMORPG, the other makes SP RPGs, mostly. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online. At no point does it mean anything like mandatory grouping. Every time you log in, there's a potential for massive numbers of people playing at the same time you are, whether they're in a group or not. This "If you're soloing, it's not an MMO" is the battle cry of the disenfranchised that didn't get new PvP maps, or a new Op, not an industry standard.

Single player RPGs in Canada vs. Multiplayer RPGs in Austin...no flaw in my logic. The Austin studio has never excelled at anything because they were created for the sole purpose of making this game (and other future MMOs). I never said grouping was mandatory, but when you play an MMO, it's an expected part of the game (not mandatory, expected).


And since you want to insult others, I have to laugh every time someone mentions "a return to story"...since that's been key to every update since launch (minus GSF and GSH). The fact that you had to group up for some of it doesn't negate its obvious existence.

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Single player RPGs in Canada vs. Multiplayer RPGs in Austin...no flaw in my logic. The Austin studio has never excelled at anything because they were created for the sole purpose of making this game (and other future MMOs). I never said grouping was mandatory, but when you play an MMO, it's an expected part of the game (not mandatory, expected).


And since you want to insult others, I have to laugh every time someone mentions "a return to story"...since that's been key to every update since launch (minus GSF and GSH). The fact that you had to group up for some of it doesn't negate its obvious existence.


Well stated! Another bit of chop logic b.s. busted.

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I do wonder:

How much does the average player play this game in a week?


How much does the average forum-goer play this game in a week?


It's come up a couple times with these straw polls people have posted here on the forums, but the population of forum-goers is probably not a very representative sample of the game's overall population. I think this is probably one area where that skewing would be present.


I play on average between 8-10hrs a week....mostly on weekends.

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Star Wars IS Story . . . that's the first step into understanding


CoD, CS those are your Pals . . . and after noon entertainment


And so they put the RPG back in the mmo rpg, sure you're pissed off, and somewhat in the dark, clueless, bewildered


But read again; - Star Wars IS Story . . . that's the first step into understanding



Did you just say that they put the RPG back into MMORPG? Because I disagree.


Just having fashion options does not mean they put back the RPG into MMORPG. In my experience, they've quite effectively killed off gear progression, something that's always been vital in MMORPG's. There's more to MMORPG"s than story.


If they wanted to give us a story, why do that in an MMORPG? Seriously, just make KOTOR 3, an offline RPG. Why put online elements into something no one seems to want? Everyone that's playing this ,or most, seem to play this ONLY because it's the closest thing to KOTOR 3 they want.


They've tried to do two things in one game and it failed miserably.

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I don't really like people alluding to violent actions over posts on internet forums. Keep discussion civil and don't take someone's criticism of something you enjoyed personally. Don't like that logic? We're happy to report your posts.


The thing is you people never be quiet. Right now there is ANOTHER THREAD about Companions. This vocal minority is getting ridiculous. I just finished posting earlier how frustrated the community is getting people create new things on SAME TOPIC and bump existing ones. I know you are bored and at work, and you need something to do. The majority of people are FINE with it. If you want talk about breaking the rules. Creating several spam threads on an EXISTING TOPIC and bumping old ones is against the rules. Will you people please move on.

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I've played since early access when TOR first launched, and I've still never done an operation. I did my first warzone only this week and only because one of the Alliance quests requires it. Story is what I want, and story is what Bioware is finally delivering. I don't mind waiting for the content, seeing as I already spend years waiting for new RPGs as it is.


I've been playing MMOs for over 15 years. If I wanted yet another dull repeat of the same bland zerging of pvp/raids that every other MMO does, I'd stick with WoW. Those things aren't what I play TOR for. KotFE is what I've been wanting from TOR since it launched, and if this is how it's going to continue down the line then I'm very happy.


The only thing I'd like more of would be flashpoints. I like to do those with friends. Star Fortress is okay, but even heroic mode is soloable. IMO heroic SF should be the solo mode and heroic mode should require a group. Content shouldn't be too easy.

Edited by Rhifox
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The thing is you people never be quiet. Will you people please move on.

You people? You mean...the people paying for and playing this game who aren't you? You don't need to read the forums Roger...since you seem incapable of accepting that people like to voice their opinions, good or bad, perhaps you should take a break from the forums.


Or...relax Roger...these are simply opinions from people who ARE playing and ARE paying customers. We don't post to please you, we post in the hopes Bioware hears us.

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