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Too much XP is too much - OP Companions - Badly tuned level sync


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with out going below 98% health?


and once agian....ok....if there is no difference in comps from before...what does it matter to you if they were changed back? According to you, there is no difference?


There isn't, if I took a healer comp out and sicked them on a lowbie planet champion at their level pre 4.0, they would experience the same thing, except their hp would spike more because the heals had a longer cooldown but there were more and stronger heals. They would also kill stuff faster because their AI had more attack abilities as a healer than just base attack.


Heck, my healer comp used to solo down the Oricon champs at 55, while healing me as I ate the repeated chain stuns. And they did that in 162 gear, while I was in 158 PvP gear.

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Because the game is designed around "my way."


Sorry, I play the way the developers design the game, and I adapt when the game changes and change how I play. If you can't adapt, then you need to start playing EMUs instead of active MMOs because they will always change, and you will always have to adapt.


Love when a random player claims such thing when they don't know anything. You don't know what their intents really were, you don't know if it was implemented correctly or not, you don't know if there's some bugs or not.


As for adapting myself, that's what I'm doing since beta and will continue to do so for as long I'm playing SWTOR... So ?


Finally, forums are a way to give feedback both on good and bad things and that's what I'm doing in this thread.

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That is simply not true. My companions were always in blues or purples with augments. Companions could never solo champions at any comparative level.


Well Balmorra wasn't comparative to a max level player before. I think that's the disconnect here - he doesn't realize with scaling now it just shouldn't be possible regardless. And it isn't at max level. It's a scaling thing.

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ummm, isnt that the point of MMO's...gear/character progression?? I dunno, im fairly new to the genre, but i thought thats what playing an MMORPG was about?


For me, the point is story, not combat or stats or all that rubbish...

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There isn't, if I took a healer comp out and sicked them on a lowbie planet champion at their level pre 4.0, they would experience the same thing, except their hp would spike more because the heals had a longer cooldown but there were more and stronger heals. They would also kill stuff faster because their AI had more attack abilities as a healer than just base attack.


Heck, my healer comp used to solo down the Oricon champs at 55, while healing me as I ate the repeated chain stuns. And they did that in 162 gear, while I was in 158 PvP gear.


well that sound cool and all...but you at least got to play the game with a challenge at some point, your comp could not always solo all those hard enemies, you had to work for it and then gained an uber comp at the end of all your hard work.


Now, your just handed comps on steroids.

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Love when a random player claims such thing when they don't know anything. You don't know what their intents really were, you don't know if it was implemented correctly or not, you don't know if there's some bugs or not.


As for adapting myself, that's what I'm doing since beta and will continue to do so for as long I'm playing SWTOR... So ?


Finally, forums are a way to give feedback both on good and bad things and that's what I'm doing in this thread.


I don't have to "know" I just play the game they deliver.


You don't sound like you're adapting to me, you want to change it that implies you can't adapt.

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For me, the point is story, not combat or stats or all that rubbish...


hold on, the point for you MMORPG is story? not combat, stats or "all that rubbish" ummm, most story driven games i know of are single player games, like KOTOR. This is/was an MMORPG. you know, that genre of games that rely on combat/stats and all that rubbish.


Well thats what i gathered when you look at all the other MMORPG that have existed.


Seems like they are trying to turn this one into more of a single player game, is that what is happening...a very easy single player game mind you.


I would prefer a balance of gameplay elements and story...not just mechanics and minimal story(WOW) and not just story and minimal mechanics(4.0) a balance would be nice.

Edited by crossclaytonwow
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For me, the point is story, not combat or stats or all that rubbish...

I love the story, but this is a game, it needs actual gameplay in it too. Pseudo gameplay which offers no challenge at all is worse than no gameplay and just watching a movie, it's outright boring.

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I don't have to "know" I just play the game they deliver.


You don't sound like you're adapting to me, you want to change it that implies you can't adapt.


Nope, I'm adapting in game while giving my opinion here, not because I can't adapt but because I would like things to be different, no nerdraging, no ragequitting ,no threatening to quit...just feedback.

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I don't have to "know" I just play the game they deliver.


You don't sound like you're adapting to me, you want to change it that implies you can't adapt.


we are providing feedback on the changes, what is wrong with that?


every time someone says something about something they dont like, the world explodes with counter arguments and comments against people as if they are not allowed to post there personal feelings and experience with the changes that have occurred.

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Why nerf the companions? Since influence rank improves their combat ability. If you don't want your companion to be powerful. Don't raise their influence.


For me. The beefy companions have made level syncing tolerable. Speaking for myself. Add nerfed companions to the annoyance of level syncing will lead to loosing subs. Starting with my own.

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ummm, isnt that the point of MMO's...gear/character progression?? I dunno, im fairly new to the genre, but i thought thats what playing an MMORPG was about?


Maybe in WoW. Im here for story and fun. Oh yea, i did NiM raids a launch, but, as everyone else, it was just same ol' thing like in any other MMO, geargrind raids till next one comes out, rince, repeat.


Character progression is MUCH more larger term than stats. Stats are just missused RPG element.

Edited by Mikahrone
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well that sound cool and all...but you at least got to play the game with a challenge at some point, your comp could not always solo all those hard enemies, you had to work for it and then gained an uber comp at the end of all your hard work.


Now, your just handed comps on steroids.


It was never work to gear a companion, they wound up in my old gear or my off set. So when I PvP'd I put my PvP gear on and put my companion in PvE gear or old PvP gear. Vice versa for PvE.


I had to grind those mods and such for my own gear, then I'd rip the old ones and pass them along to companions. The only difference now is that I don't have to grind credits to pay for ripping mods twice to pass them on. But they already nerfed the credit reward drops so you can't just grind credits anymore. You are gated by quests now.


If they start rolling back these changes, there's a whole host of changes they would need to roll back to bring everything back into balance. Nerfing companions, making people have to gear them again, etc has a domino effect on the whole game from a variety of different aspects.


Credit rewards would have to go up for one otherwise you'll get deflation since companion gear was a credit sink ultimately. Bringing back comp gear means those credit nerfs they put in with 4.0 would have to be removed. All the heroics would have to get rescaled since now with gear, I can min max companions and make them more powerful than they are now. Now I'm locked into their stat itemization, so melee companions have stuff like alacrity and accuracy where they don't really need it. They are also high endurance, low mastery right now which is again sub-optimal.

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hold on, the point for you MMORPG is story? not combat, stats or "all that rubbish" ummm, most story driven games i know of are single player games, like KOTOR. This is/was an MMORPG. you know, that genre of games that rely on combat/stats and all that rubbish.


Well thats what i gathered when you look at all the other MMORPG that have existed.


Seems like they are trying to turn this one into more of a single player game, is that what is happening...a very easy single player game mind you.


I would prefer a balance of gameplay elements and story...not just mechanics and minimal story(WOW) and not just story and minimal mechanics(4.0) a balance would be nice.


You have your "balance" where it belongs - HMs and NiMs


And there are many ways to make game challenging for yourself. Its just a matter that you DONT WANT to.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Maybe in WoW. Im here for story and fun. Oh yea, i did NiM raids a launch, but, as everyone else, it was just same ol' thing like in any other MMO, geargrind raids till next one comes out, rince, repeat.


Character progression is MUCH more larget term than stats. Stats are just missused RPG element.


I do not disagree...but it is too easy. bottom line. way to easy. you cant die. maybe right at the end in some ops or something, but for all those who want to play through the story, from the start, it is boring as hell since the combat is stupid easy. Im just running from cut scene to cut scene, spamming "E" key to kill everything, comp owning everything, both never dropping below 98% health...come on.

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You have your "balance" where it belongs - HMs and NiMs


And there are many ways to make game challenging for yourself. Its just a matter that you DONT WANT to.


have you not read any of my previous posts? I have dismissed comp, it comes back after every cutscene and scene transition. I have sent it crafting, it comes back half way through fights, i have put it on passive, just to have this retard npc follow behind me by 2 steps, totally destroying immersion.


Its stupid that you have to handicap yourself to get the slightest challenge. It still doesn't make the game challenging cos mobs are weaker too now.


Plus i enoyed having my comp with me while i played before 4.0, it was cool to have a character you got attached to HELPING in fights.

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Why nerf the companions?

Because currently they play the game for you and suck all sense of fun out of it, see the video.


Since influence rank improves their combat ability. If you don't want your companion to be powerful. Don't raise their influence.

They already do it at rank 12, people who've played through the regular story have said companions are something like rank 15 by the end of chapter 1 from regular conversations. Just going through their companion conversations would probably raise them higher.


Maybe in WoW. Im here for story and fun.

I'm here for the story and fun too. Currently there's story, but no fun, a game which plays itself isn't fun. Boring is worse than just not playing. Why not just turn chess into a game where it's an empty board and you just slide the pieces across, is that really what anybody anywhere considers fun?

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It was never work to gear a companion, they wound up in my old gear or my off set. So when I PvP'd I put my PvP gear on and put my companion in PvE gear or old PvP gear. Vice versa for PvE.


I had to grind those mods and such for my own gear, then I'd rip the old ones and pass them along to companions. The only difference now is that I don't have to grind credits to pay for ripping mods twice to pass them on. But they already nerfed the credit reward drops so you can't just grind credits anymore. You are gated by quests now.


If they start rolling back these changes, there's a whole host of changes they would need to roll back to bring everything back into balance. Nerfing companions, making people have to gear them again, etc has a domino effect on the whole game from a variety of different aspects.


Credit rewards would have to go up for one otherwise you'll get deflation since companion gear was a credit sink ultimately. Bringing back comp gear means those credit nerfs they put in with 4.0 would have to be removed. All the heroics would have to get rescaled since now with gear, I can min max companions and make them more powerful than they are now. Now I'm locked into their stat itemization, so melee companions have stuff like alacrity and accuracy where they don't really need it. They are also high endurance, low mastery right now which is again sub-optimal.


jeez, no one wants a full blown roll back or nerf, i just want it so my level 16 comp cant stand in the middle of 10 level 21 mobs and never lose health.

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jeez, no one wants a full blown roll back or nerf, i just want it so my level 16 comp cant stand in the middle of 10 level 21 mobs and never lose health.


Your level 16 comp isn't standing in a pack of mobs that are level 21. They would be level 22 or 23 on Nar Shaddaa. Please stop using extreme hyperbole to support your argument, show me a parse.

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Your level 16 comp isn't standing in a pack of mobs that are level 21. They would be level 22 or 23 on Nar Shaddaa. Please stop using extreme hyperbole to support your argument, show me a parse.


actually no, they are level 21, trandoshan and human dudes, first story mission for warrior on nar shadda. I went their instead of balmora after DK.


hold on i will get a screen shot

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Your level 16 comp isn't standing in a pack of mobs that are level 21. They would be level 22 or 23 on Nar Shaddaa. Please stop using extreme hyperbole to support your argument, show me a parse.


oh wait..you mean my comp would be lvl 21.


i went to nar shadda instead of balmora after DK, i only realised when i noticed that my attacks were missing heaps and then noticed that the enemies were lvl 21. Thats when i checked my mission thingy and saw that i was meant to go to balmora first.

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have you not read any of my previous posts? I have dismissed comp, it comes back after every cutscene and scene transition. I have sent it crafting, it comes back half way through fights, i have put it on passive, just to have this retard npc follow behind me by 2 steps, totally destroying immersion.


Its stupid that you have to handicap yourself to get the slightest challenge. It still doesn't make the game challenging cos mobs are weaker too now.


Plus i enoyed having my comp with me while i played before 4.0, it was cool to have a character you got attached to HELPING in fights.


Stupid? Ive handicapped myself in every single MMO in 14 years ive played them to get challenge out of it.


What i DIDNT do was going on forums whining to nerf stuff.


As i said, if you WANT challenege theres plenty of it ot be had.


How about this: HM story content that buffs all mobs by 300%? Everything else is same, reward is the same, juts buffed mobs.

Edited by Mikahrone
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