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Too much XP is too much - OP Companions - Badly tuned level sync


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I think that's a scaling issue more than a companion overpowered issue. For example my rank 13 Lana and Senya are definitely killable in tank stance when trying to solo the Heroic 2 Star Fortress flashpoint.


This same scenario plays out on my lvl 59 sorc and my level 16 warrior. It does not seem to matter what level or at what point in the story your at, this scenario plays out. comps just dont die, not even get lower than 98% health

Edited by crossclaytonwow
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I think that's a scaling issue more than a companion overpowered issue. For example my rank 13 Lana and Senya are definitely killable in tank stance when trying to solo the Heroic 2 Star Fortress flashpoint.

I actually wonder if it might be because companion abilities still scale with weapons (according to the tool tips), and if those of us noticing they're invulnerable have better hilts/barrels on our companion weapons.


But then again, people have mentioned similar behaviour with their T7s at level 15, even new players, so it's probably not that.

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You dont have to play without them. just put them on passive.


sigh, that is the same as playing with out them. And then they just follow 2 steps behind you all the time, looks dumb.


We still want to play with a companion, we just dont want to be invincible.


How are people not getting that?

Edited by crossclaytonwow
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I think that's a scaling issue more than a companion overpowered issue. For example my rank 13 Lana and Senya are definitely killable in tank stance when trying to solo the Heroic 2 Star Fortress flashpoint.


It's not a scaling issue, it's a companion on a lowbie planet issue, and it's been like that since launch if you bothered to gear your companion and got all the presence buffs you could in legacy and crons.


My girlfriend and I used to 2 man hard mode flashpoints with Kira and Nadia as DPS in raid gear. They were better than most players, and we never had issues with enrage timers with them.


Companions ALWAYS had this potential, the vast majority of players never realized it. My girlfriend and I 2 manned every flashpoint, h2, and h4 while leveling our first toons. All we did was gear our companions and never had an issue outside of Colicoid Wargames because companions can't use turrets.

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Can people please stop suggesting that people break the game and gimp themselves with no improved outcome as a solution to the lack of any actual game design in 4.0 combat? It's a multiplayer game, people want to be competitive in their gains. It's also (meant to be) a game, so people want actual gameplay too.


According to Google trends, SWTOR had twice the interest when Rise of the Hutt Cartel came out when content actually required thinking and effort, like a game is meant to, which it seems somebody at BW forgot with 3.0.


It's not a scaling issue, it's a companion on a lowbie planet issue, and it's been like that since launch if you bothered to gear your companion and got all the presence buffs you could in legacy and crons.

I always geared my companions in blues or purples, with augments. They could never solo champion mobs, especially eternally without taking damage.

Edited by Nerfington
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Dude, that's Balmorra I believe, you could do that before 4.0 with a geared companion. Please show me where they are soloing a level 50+ champion, and I'll take your point into consideration.


It doesn't really matter where it is, we had a way to adjust our gameplay before we don't have anymore.

Yes maybe it was too long, grindy or whatever for most people to get a companion at the level they wanted so I'm not against the general idea with what they done to them.

Still, having a choice to have them like they were in green gear, in blue or fully decked in purple + augment doesn't seem too hard or complicated.

Edited by Turshek
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It's not a scaling issue, it's a companion on a lowbie planet issue, and it's been like that since launch if you bothered to gear your companion and got all the presence buffs you could in legacy and crons.


Well since planets DO scale now and they didn't before...it is a scaling issue now.

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Well since planets DO scale now and they didn't before...it is a scaling issue now.


Then there is nothing wrong with the scale. So that makes it a player issue. There's no difference in power between my guardian and his companions now, than there was before 4.0. But I also geared my companions before 4.0.

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It's not a scaling issue, it's a companion on a lowbie planet issue, and it's been like that since launch if you bothered to gear your companion and got all the presence buffs you could in legacy and crons.


My girlfriend and I used to 2 man hard mode flashpoints with Kira and Nadia as DPS in raid gear. They were better than most players, and we never had issues with enrage timers with them.


Companions ALWAYS had this potential, the vast majority of players never realized it. My girlfriend and I 2 manned every flashpoint, h2, and h4 while leveling our first toons. All we did was gear our companions and never had an issue outside of Colicoid Wargames because companions can't use turrets.


Its not a lowbie planet issue...as i said before, it happens right through, was happening right through my play through of my sorc which is now at 59.


And like i said, you had to gear your comp, you got to experience actually playing the game and making a pwerful comp which was the end result, now us new players are just handed a super powered comp right from the get go, that is the equivalent of your uber geared comp from before 4.0, so we dont get to do anything.

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What the title says...


  • 1-14 : Korriban (yes i took my time)
  • 14-17 : 1 Black Talon + Intro to group finder
  • 17-19 : Stronghold mission + Talking to Crew skills trainers + Crew Skills Mission
  • 19-22 : 1 warzone + intro to warzones missions + Daily warzone mission
  • 22-24 : 1 GSF + Intro to GSF
  • 24-26 : Intro to Bounty Hunter Week + Hutta Bounty
  • 26- : Going to Dromund Kaas

Yeah, I know I don't have to do all thoses things, it's still completely silly.


When you add the fact that companions are OP and while under level sync, your character is also OP, you could just give level 60 characters to everyone because there's not much point going through 1-60 atm.


Yep, if you do a lot of extra stuff, you are going to find yourself overleveled. Nothing new there, even prior to 12x. If you did all that same stuff on a character pre 12x, I wonder what level you'd be at when you landed on DK? Not too much lower. It should definitely be no surprise post 12x of course.

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OP here, see I made this thread to give BW feedback how I feel about their changes, I never claimed to talk for everyone nor did I say I wanted things to be taken from anyone.


Tbh, I don't really care how others play, sure some people might say it's a MMO, that there's some group content in which you need others, so how they play impact how I play, I still don't really care, I played more or less casual friendly MMOs and have seen bad players in all. Just because some "harder" games give less XP and more HP to their mobs doesn't meant it's harder or that players leveling in thoses are better.


I don't want everything back the old way because it was no better for my playstyle, the suggestion I made was to let players adjust the level of their character, companion and how much XP we got. Another, that was suggested since launch was to give us a way to stop gaining XP.


I just would like BW to acknowledge there's players in SWTOR that like more than just this or that part of the game and thus find a way for thoses people to play at their own pace, doing all the different content they want while still being able to get challenged sometimes while using the different systems in their intended way.


Sorry, the op wasn't clear on that.


If you are suggesting a hard mode switch, then i agree. Maybe have a button/switch on the website under "My account" (so you actually have to consciously activate it)


What I think the hard switch should do is

Half the XP you get from all sources

Disable companion combat abilities

Disable level sync in your phases (I dunno if it would be possible on a global scale)


The thing is that a lot of these threads and posts are suggesting that BW should fix the changes on a global scale. Okay, i get they want a challenge. Great, but i don't. To me, 4.0 is perfect as it is. But I am completely fine with a hard mode switch, because it gives us the best of both worlds.

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Some of you people rather sit here all day on the forums and complain how you can't you won't dismiss your companion. They said the game is gearing towards casual. Just enjoy the game. Complaining here all day bumping this thread is not going to change it back magically. I understand its the same people bumping the thread and doesn't reflct everyone. Can't people just enjoy the game.


OP: My Companion is OP


People: Dimiss your companion


OP: No don't tell me how to play


People: that's exactly what your doing to us but least you have an option to play without it


OP: ....Remove companion Buff

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Its not a lowbie planet issue...as i said before, it happens right through, was happening right through my play through of my sorc which is now at 59.


And like i said, you had to gear your comp, you got to experience actually playing the game and making a pwerful comp which was the end result, now us new players are just handed a super powered comp right from the get go, that is the equivalent of your uber geared comp from before 4.0, so we dont get to do anything.


Balmorra is a lowbie planet. Anything before Ilum would be consider lowbie, anything after that until level 65 is midbie... or lowbie.


Never look a gift horse in the mouth, nerf companions I don't care, but the vast majority of people claiming they are OP'd and need to be nerfed will be right back here complaining they are too weak. Why do I know this? Because those players are weak, and they will NEED their companion to be strong come end game, or they will get stonewalled without full groups on SFs.


I parse my damage, I parse my companions damage. I use empirical data, not the whiners' anecdotes. There is no difference in relative power between any of my parses, pre 4.0 or post 4.0.

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Then there is nothing wrong with the scale. So that makes it a player issue. There's no difference in power between my guardian and his companions now, than there was before 4.0. But I also geared my companions before 4.0.


Of course it's a player issue, and ? People have different playstyle, like different things.

You could gear your companion as much as you wanted, and I was doing it my way.

Now it's your way, all the time.

Edited by Turshek
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Can people please stop suggesting that people break the game and gimp themselves with no improved outcome as a solution to the lack of any actual game design in 4.0 combat? It's a multiplayer game, people want to be competitive in their gains. It's also (meant to be) a game, so people want actual gameplay too.


According to Google trends, SWTOR had twice the interest when Rise of the Hutt Cartel came out when content actually required thinking and effort, like a game is meant to, which it seems somebody at BW forgot with 3.0.



I always geared my companions in blues or purples, with augments. They could never solo champion mobs, especially eternally without taking damage.


It had much more interest becasue it was 2nd launch, aka "F2P launch"


Its solo play, its companions, who or what are you competing against? rofl


And i didnt see this games anything exploded becuase of NiMs. In fact, NiMs are 100% off the table for now.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Some of you people rather sit here all day on the forums and complain how you can't you won't dismiss your companion. They said the game is gearing towards casual. Just enjoy the game.

I'm a casual, not really into group content. I'm not sure on what logic casual = wants the game to be played for me? I still want an actual game here. You're saying "just enjoy it" <- How? It's not fun. Hence why I'm posting that.


but the vast majority of people claiming they are OP'd and need to be nerfed will be right back here complaining they are too weak. Why do I know this? Because those players are weak, and they will NEED their companion to be strong come end game, or they will get stonewalled without full groups on SFs.

It's not really a claim at this point, that video proves it's an objective fact. Companion was soloing a champion without even dropping health.


Not sure how the straw man at the end is even supposed to make sense. We've been playing for years and know how the game is without OP companions, involving actual gameplay, hence why we're the ones asking for it back for the game we signed up for.

Edited by Nerfington
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Of course it's a player issue, and ? People have different playstyle, like different things.

You could gear your companion as much as you wanted, and I was doing it my way.

Now it's your way, all the time.


Because the game is designed around "my way."


Sorry, I play the way the developers design the game, and I adapt when the game changes and change how I play. If you can't adapt, then you need to start playing EMUs instead of active MMOs because they will always change, and you will always have to adapt.

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Balmorra is a lowbie planet. Anything before Ilum would be consider lowbie, anything after that until level 65 is midbie... or lowbie.


Never look a gift horse in the mouth, nerf companions I don't care, but the vast majority of people claiming they are OP'd and need to be nerfed will be right back here complaining they are too weak. Why do I know this? Because those players are weak, and they will NEED their companion to be strong come end game, or they will get stonewalled without full groups on SFs.


I parse my damage, I parse my companions damage. I use empirical data, not the whiners' anecdotes. There is no difference in relative power between any of my parses, pre 4.0 or post 4.0.


ok then...if there is no difference in the comps from before 4.0, then why such a massive response when ever somebody says that the comps are OP and want it changed back?


(BTW im not saying change it back, im just asking for a slight decrease, but every1 takes it as im screaming ROLL IT BACK)


I mean, if the comps ARE the same as before, then whats the difference to you if BW did react to feedback and changed it back?

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It's not really a claim at this point, that video proves it's an objective fact. Companion was soloing a champion without even dropping health.


Not sure how the straw man at the end is even supposed to make sense. We've been playing for years and know how the game is without OP companions, involving actual gameplay, hence why we're the ones asking for it back for the game we signed up for.


It was a champion on Balmorra, they could solo them before 4.0 like that.

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Balmorra is a lowbie planet. Anything before Ilum would be consider lowbie, anything after that until level 65 is midbie... or lowbie.


Never look a gift horse in the mouth, nerf companions I don't care, but the vast majority of people claiming they are OP'd and need to be nerfed will be right back here complaining they are too weak. Why do I know this? Because those players are weak, and they will NEED their companion to be strong come end game, or they will get stonewalled without full groups on SFs.


I parse my damage, I parse my companions damage. I use empirical data, not the whiners' anecdotes. There is no difference in relative power between any of my parses, pre 4.0 or post 4.0.


Exactly. They don't need to nerf companions. People have to forget the past 3 years companions were not nerf'ed at all. If this company wants to make the massive business mistake of the past by making the game harder and less fun to appease four people [it's the exact same people bumping this thread all day] Then they can do that. I'll cancel my sub and I'm sure casuals will get tired of this new hard mode.


Pretty soon this game will be like before were the server is light or moderate with 3-5 servers. Its a proven failed business model no matter how many times they bump this thread. There are people right now and I'm about to be one of them who are not complaining on forums who are having fun in game. That's the point of the entire game to have fun inside it not to punish people and make it hard as possible.


Enjoy all.

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with out going below 98% health?


and once agian....ok....if there is no difference in comps from before...what does it matter to you if they were changed back? According to you, there is no difference?


Because people dont want to spend weeks just to gear their companion. They dont even want to do that for THEIR character lol

Edited by Mikahrone
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Exactly. They don't need to nerf companions. People have to forget the past 3 years companions were not nerf'ed at all. If this company wants to make the massive business mistake of the past by making the game harder and less fun to appease four people [it's the exact same people bumping this thread all day] Then they can do that. I'll cancel my sub and I'm sure casuals will get tired of this new hard mode.


Pretty soon this game will be like before were the server is light or moderate with 3-5 servers. Its a proven failed business model no matter how many times they bump this thread. There are people right now and I'm about to be one of them who are not complaining on forums who are having fun in game. That's the point of the entire game to have fun inside it not to punish people and make it hard as possible.


Enjoy all.


no body said to make it stupid hard...did you watch the video? that is dumb, i showed it to my 10 year old cousin...he laughed and went back to play ARK.

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