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Bioware, remove the PvP from the quest to get M1-4X.


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I started doing this quest on an alt (my main has 40 valor) with mostly 216 gear, and no pvp gear. My expertise was only 1000. I did 7 or 8 matches and won two. Tied in hutball, where I could not for the life of me find the throw huttball skill. Even with my main I suck at PvP, but I still have fun. Luckily most of the matches are cap and defend, which I can contribute a lot more to. You don't need a ton of damage output to disrupt a cap, or cap something yourself. Defending is easy as well as long as you can type incoming w/#.


Personally, though, I hope they change the alerts to give all of them a refuse option that will allow you to get the next alert.

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Personally, though, I hope they change the alerts to give all of them a refuse option that will allow you to get the next alert.


This! Solves all problems at once - no extra grind, no PvP for PvE-rs, no nothing - you are the master of your alliance! How on Earth they did not think of it is beyond my comprehension.

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So first off there should be an option to refuse the quest entirely, allowing you to progress beyond this alert to the next one for people who don't want to PvP but still want access to the rest of the questline.

Now THIS is an actual suggestion i can get behind.


Though I have nothing agains pvp to get companions, I would love to skip Quyzen if I know I'm not going to recruit him already anyway. I Would still do a quest to kill a companion, it is a reward of its own for me, but doing a quest just to refuse them seems like waste of effort to me, especially if you are just looking to get the one that comes after.

Edited by Kiesu
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Actually I have nearly no comms left I spent it all on the 208+ gear, so even if I was that way inclined I have none.


I wish they would let you exchange common data crystals for WZ comms. Since I've come back I'm always at the max for common data crystals. I have all 204 PvP gear, with some 208, and find it is more than adequate for PvE so I haven't been buying any gear with data crystals.

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^ This. I took one look at it, sorted out what was needed, didn't want to punish pvpers with my pve skills and simply moved on. Simple.


Do you know 100% that M1-4X will not "unlock" a future and "needed" Companion/mission through the "alerts"

NO you do not....there for the "enforcement" of PVP is real even though the Companion is so far considered "optional". He can also NOT be compared to HK, though both have "some" pvp requirements, to date I still feel that going to the "end" of Outlaws den IS worse then 20 participations, this due to the camping genkers, that is incpable of anything else then behaving like utter moronsI allways LOVE to SH teleport in the middle of Battle With them and sending a whisper saying ahahahahahahaha!


It would also not be a punishmnet to PVPers that you came there, unskilled.

It would be in line what was intended ..


According to the PVP popolus the reason they have a god give right to demand in the unranked zones is becuse they CHOSE not do Ranked....and only that....or rather faslely believe they hve this god given right

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I'm not going to win anything because all the people on the republic side are currently only even in PvP for this quest, we have no real chance of winning


And that is why you fail. -


Getting BiS gear from ops requires you to participate as a team. -even a PuG team. -same with PvP - It isn't too hard a concept to grasp.


The other team probably had a plan - stuck to it, played their role, and went for the objectives - They might even have read the paragraph in the PVP forum about correct gear. - Which puts them as a massive advantage.


If you can't help / won't play / won't read the manual - no wonder it's such a frustrating grind.


Not necessarily the person in the quote, but some people need to grow a pair and participate.

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And that is why you fail. -


Getting BiS gear from ops requires you to participate as a team. -even a PuG team. -same with PvP - It isn't too hard a concept to grasp.


The other team probably had a plan - stuck to it, played their role, and went for the objectives - They might even have read the paragraph in the PVP forum about correct gear. - Which puts them as a massive advantage.


If you can't help / won't play / won't read the manual - no wonder it's such a frustrating grind.


Not necessarily the person in the quote, but some people need to grow a pair and participate.


Eh, I ended up actually winning a game of huttball because there it doesn't matter that my pve gear gimps me incredibly, I can still sagepull people to the finish line and score that way.


I don't care about winning PvP though, I try to help where possible, but I'm only here for my companion. I'm not going to get a second gearset just for a companion. And that is why this is a terrible idea for a quest, it's forcing PvE players into PvP. They're not going to get a new gearset just so they can participate properly, so in the end, both PvPers and PvErs suffer.

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I am not going to spend a single credit on gear that is worse than the ones I am wearing, I already upgraded to 208 and 216 gear so I am not going backwards to "assist" in an activity I don't even care about.


That's fine. It's your choice. But you're now fully informed. If you go into WZs and don't avail yourself of the information, and proceed to get facerolled, I expect you to be grown up enough not to complain about it.

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Do you realize how incredibly hypocritical that is? Not to mention its a circular argument. The only reason it is so focused on PvE is because so many people have complained until the devs made it so PvP is as invisible to you as possible.


This is a game where they launched with multiple PvP servers, and a robust PvP game in place. YOU may not care about PvP, but that doesn't mean that people who do aren't entitled to rewards for that playstyle. If you want 4X or Pierce so bad, then play the content the devs have set as the requirement.


I 1/2 agree here, from my PVE viewpoint.


In all fairness.......do a "dedicated" PVP player that becuse of DEV's cut in content CHOOSES to og to a "less" dedicated WZ, have ANY right what so ever to make ANY demands based on a "dedicated PVP" viewpoint?


I say 100% NO, not at all, in fact I would argue the oposite.


Now I would agree With most, if not all the complaining from the PVP side about even PVEers going to the zones MENT FOR THAT...to afk or just stand or what not JUST to get a com, achievemnet or a Companion.......

THAT and ONLY that is what the unranked Zones are for.


That is WHY no matter how much you win or loose it will NEVER Count on any PVP list rating as these ARE ranked.


Extremelt few PVEers complain about the "same" issues in tactical FPs, for the exact same reason...........Tacticals by mixing Levels from 10-15 and to 65, is the exact same as the UNRANKED WZ, it is less serious, it to introduce and encourage and is MENT as a Place where you MUST think less serious and more "play" becuse of the differance in People comming into this.


Also, it NOT up to a PVPer to "decide" based on what happens/not happening in WZ if a PVEer ACTUALLY tries his best or not.


I will, and ALLWAYS do answer merciall and extrememly HOSTILE to any such complaing regrdeless and allways....becuse I do MY best...and there is nothing that say I have to do YOUR Level of "my best"


Your here not you as person but PVPers in general.


There are also plenty to be aid about the game and imo Bioware have gone to the Extremes to cater to the PVP minority.

Class Ability changes I rarely or ever see demands on from PVE side of the game, or the majority of players.

ONLY from the pvpers, and ALL the changes influences the PVE useage of said skills.


the reality is that a -50% ( real number I suspect is roughly 10%) of the player base...in reality have ALLWAYS been catered to by Bioware, abnd naturally give them a finger and they DEMAND the arm.


Majority action SHOULS rule, when it comes any or all changes.


All nefring should be done in co operation between the factions and ONLY on test servers until the nerfed ability gives to the PVP enough of what they need, WITHOUT taking away too much of what the PVEers need.


I have skills on my character that I never ever NEED, why becuse due to a misunderstood attemt to "ballance" a class based on baby crying from a loosing pvper....these abilites are 100% useless in a PVE setting.


Also an ability OVERPOWERED in PVE is the same in PVP, BUY NEVER vice verca......for logical reason, the ONLY reason some claim something being OP, is their own "inabilites" and NOTHING at all else


Also the ONLY ballanced PVP is seperate melee and ranged, no abilites other then same attack and same defense, no armor as it may cause some loosing PVPer to demand a change if somone hs armor better them him


Then let the lvl1s battel it out as ranged or melee........this is the ONLY ballanced PVP.


This is an MMO, should it have better PVP content...YES, but does the lack of content give PVPers ( minority by a mile) a god given right to "skip" 1/2 of "their" content and then demand changes that affcets the "rest" or the majority of the player base..........NO they do NOT

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I have no idea what the gibberish the previous poster was talking about is supposed to mean, but I'll just add my feeling on pvp:


If I want to PvP, I'll play a first person shooter or something like LoL or Smite. Not a storydriven RPG.

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That's fine. It's your choice. But you're now fully informed. If you go into WZs and don't avail yourself of the information, and proceed to get facerolled, I expect you to be grown up enough not to complain about it.


Trust me gear or not I am still be a liability, I know my rotations well enough (well PvE rotations anyway) but regularly mess it up even normal questing (things like missing priming shot for merc), I don't do ops as there is too much going on so I am going to be lost the entire time anyway.

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Trust me gear or not I am still be a liability, I know my rotations well enough (well PvE rotations anyway) but regularly mess it up even normal questing (things like missing priming shot for merc), I don't do ops as there is too much going on so I am going to be lost the entire time anyway.


Yeah, I fully understand that it's not for everybody.


I only started PVPing because I wanted the imperial banners and imperial guardsmen for my DK stronghold which are purchasable with WZ comms. I didn't want to spend credits on them when I could just as easily get them myself. I hated it at first. I didn't understand it, my computer wasn't up to the challenge, I had crappy gear, etc. But then I decided to learn. I read guides on these forums and Dulfy, gradually got better gear, learned how each WZ worked and where certain important spots were in arenas, and I gradually came to love it. PVP has gone from something I never did from Beta through the release of the Revan expansion to my primary activity for a year now.


Of course that's a unique little story. Not everybody will learn to enjoy it like I did. But my point is that things are often more enjoyable when you try than when you go into them predetermined to be miserable.

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Eh, I ended up actually winning a game of huttball because there it doesn't matter that my pve gear gimps me incredibly, I can still sagepull people to the finish line and score that way.


I don't care about winning PvP though, I try to help where possible, but I'm only here for my companion. I'm not going to get a second gearset just for a companion. And that is why this is a terrible idea for a quest, it's forcing PvE players into PvP. They're not going to get a new gearset just so they can participate properly, so in the end, both PvPers and PvErs suffer.


See- It wasn't that hard to help and take part. I hope other people take heed. I appreciate it isn't everyone's cup of tea - I was a convert only about a year ago - Kudos to anyone who at least tries. -It can be insanely fast and furious and chaotic - but that's part of the appeal. I always try to help and nurture new players - those willing to put in a bit of effort - in the WZ or out of it, coz being friendly is the decent thing to do. -some of my team got horribly toxic comments on my first few goes- and I was determined not to be like that to anyone else.


Old Yavin, Ziost or 186 gear bolsters okay IIRC - It's good enough to be a help and not a liability.

The legacy of PvP gear is that Expertise > BiS PvE gear. -Strange but true.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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-It can be insanely fast and furious and chaotic - but that's part of the appeal.


This Is one of the main reasons I don't want to PvP, of course everyone is after something different from a game but to me chaotic = overwhelming it was the same for my one and only foray into ops it was just too much for me.


I wont let the companions just go by since we don't have much other choice to get rid of the alert but I know its something I will be terrible at.

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I support this thread.


I have no desire to PVP or take the time to learn what to do to help out. I have done 5 matches so far and have no idea what i am doing, I just stealth around in close proximity of the others (so I don't make anyone suspicious that I am just there for the M1-4X mission) and I stay out of the fights if I can help it until the timer expires.


I'm not sorry that I am messing up other's efforts. This is by design from Bioware. If the PVP'ers have an issue with it, they can take it up with them not me. When I am done my 20 I will be outta there.

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Literally any gear you can wear below level 60 gives you full PvP stats (minus 82 expertise for missing crystals) with bolster. So it doesn't matter what you're wearing as long as you're wearing it.

They even give an earpiece, implants and relics for doing the Intro to WZs quest. Yet another "carrot" to get people to do Wzs. I don't think it's working.

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Literally any gear you can wear below level 60 gives you full PvP stats (minus 82 expertise for missing crystals) with bolster. So it doesn't matter what you're wearing as long as you're wearing it.


I'm very confused about this PvP stat system...........

So I'm just gonna use my PvE gear and go PvP until I'm lvl 60?:confused:


This is what I am doing atm on all my toons as I like to PvP on a casual basis. At some point I wanna make a PvP geared toon with expertise etc.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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I'm very confused about this PvP stat system...........

So I'm just gonna use my PvE gear and go PvP until I'm lvl 60?:confused:


This is what I am doing atm on all my toons as I like to PvP on a casual basis. At some point I wanna make a PvP geared toon with expertise etc.


You can't purchase any PvP gear with expertise until you are level 65. You can save up warzone commendations and purchase it once you hit max level, but you can't buy or use it until then. If you do not have a piece of PvP gear to wear, then anything level 190 or lower will give you as much bolster as you can get (1936 expertise). You won't be able to achieve 2018 expertise until you have an actual PvP main hand and off hand with expertise crystals in them. Your non-pvp stats are also bolstered, so wear gear appropriate to your class and level as long as it does not exceed level 190.

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That's fine. It's your choice. But you're now fully informed. If you go into WZs and don't avail yourself of the information, and proceed to get facerolled, I expect you to be grown up enough not to complain about it.


And this is why I hate pvp. Pvpers.


Aside from that, bioware has said that if yo do not get M1-4X, you won't be able to progress in that line of the alliance. so now all the naysayer are all wet. On every non-commando toon I have, if I don't get him, I also miss further content.


I will get over being facerolled. You sadists seem to enjoy that sort of thing, though I seriously wonder if you shouldn't mostly be locked up in rubber rooms safely away from society for your nascent predilictions.

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I'm very confused about this PvP stat system...........

So I'm just gonna use my PvE gear and go PvP until I'm lvl 60?:confused:

Assuming you are not trolling, PvE gear is Bolstered to give your character Expertise. You need an item in every slot for full Bolstering. There is also a max rating on PvE gear that will fully bolster. Pre-4.0, it was 162 with 148 MH/OH Mods and Enhancements. This set-up Bolstered to 2018 Expertise. Post-4.0 it seems to be 190, but the word is that Bolster does not work properly on MH/OH, so the max Bolstered Expertise you can get is 1936 (although I wonder if anyone has tried 190 in the MH/OH with like 178 Mods and Enhancements).


In any event, you don't really need to worry about WZ gear until your character is 65.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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And this is why I hate pvp. Pvpers.


Aside from that, bioware has said that if yo do not get M1-4X, you won't be able to progress in that line of the alliance. so now all the naysayer are all wet. On every non-commando toon I have, if I don't get him, I also miss further content.


I will get over being facerolled. You sadists seem to enjoy that sort of thing, though I seriously wonder if you shouldn't mostly be locked up in rubber rooms safely away from society for your nascent predilictions.


Way to completely misunderstand a post.


Anyway, BioWare has said that getting Pierce/4X MIGHT gate future PVP-gated companions. In other words, anything that may be behind them in the chain will ALSO require PVP. The further content you'll miss, if any, will only be PVP content.

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