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Thunder blast what are people hitting for?


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because nobody plays lightning, when madness can face roll almost all with 0 efforts. Besides lightn ing even pre 4.0 were a joke compared to othet burst classes, since my arsenal out dps my sorc on single target vs aoe :)


Well I come back every time to see if there is an improvement to my favourite spec then leave again back to sin or maybe sniper. I ain't got 6 to 1 year to wait on them to fix this ****

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Well I come back every time to see if there is an improvement to my favourite spec then leave again back to sin or maybe sniper. I ain't got 6 to 1 year to wait on them to fix this ****


same here mate. Light is my favourite spec in the game, but to go raw burst i need to play the ultra boring pt or go to my sin. Fact is even sins seems lose crit damage due to the new stats, because deception does not have burst.


Probably i will switch to pt or merc for pve and pt or sin for pvp, we'll see

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is more than twice the damage pal, the 9 sec is a BS, considering rail shot crits more than TB and is every 6


Rail shot has about 30% crit chance and gets a chance to autocrit once a minute with the 6pc bonus which is when it can do a much bigger hit because crit stat becomes crit damage on an autocrit.


TB autocrits all the time.


You shouldn't be struggling with the logic that if TB autocrits all the time on a short cooldown it would be obscene if it each hit was anywhere near as strong as the once per minute 6pc set bonus autocrit that some classes can do.

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Rail shot has about 30% crit chance and gets a chance to autocrit once a minute with the 6pc bonus which is when it can do a much bigger hit because crit stat becomes crit damage on an autocrit.


TB autocrits all the time.


You shouldn't be struggling with the logic that if TB autocrits all the time on a short cooldown it would be obscene if it each hit was anywhere near as strong as the once per minute 6pc set bonus autocrit that some classes can do.



Yes shame with new crit surge changes u have 33-35 % crit chance and RS is just one of the high hits pt has, Thermal, magnetic, energy critting 26 k, i can continue, tb does 8-10k, chain 7-9k considering ppl now run with 80k hp, yeah pretty bursty indeed

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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  • 4 weeks later...
what r people hitting for? I am hearing other classes auto crits hitting for 17 - 28 k and I haven't even seen a 10k thunderblast? Is this by design? Or a bug


yeah. its strange that when you apply affliction thunder blast gives u auto crit. but why is the crit nerfd? sorc lightning is the only class that does the lowest auto crit. even after 4.0 I can now do 9k crits more often. but compare that **** to a jugs 13k - 20+ k crits. doesn't make sense. but then again I can hear the little jug *****est crying when sorcerers do 15+ k crits every 4 - 5 seconds. "oh sorc is to op'd. imam call bioware to have them nerf or else I will cancell" lightning use to be king till it was nerfd after a couple 3.0 patchest. like *** am I paying bio****s for? to nerf my fav class?

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use madness... ive been seeing 17k hits with force leach and 14k with death field. nearly full 220 gear atm.

I'm expecting to creep closer to 20k with full gear


kephess I had 34k on leach and 36k on field,


Mentioning kephes is like mentioning malaphar - on both of them u do more and more dmg as the fight progresses.

Highest TB i had was 17k with both relic procs adrenal and UP. My average crit on 1,5m parse is ~13,5-14k

Edited by isunflex
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Mentioning kephes is like mentioning malaphar - on both of them u do more and more dmg as the fight progresses.

Highest TB i had was 17k with both relic procs adrenal and UP. My average crit on 1,5m parse is ~13,5-14k


Pretty much, if we really wanted to get crazy we can start quoting numbers from the Second Dragon Phase on Styrak :p

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Yep its around 15k or so with proper gear 220's and so on.

Compare this to other classes with same level gear and you see how low it is.

I changed my main to shadow recently and with bit crappier gear than sage i'm critting already 18k.


Dont get your hopes up since of this 10% crit damage this class now has while other classes are doing well over 20k now. Example Gunslingers doing 22k+ aimed shot and so on and it will get even higher with each gear upgrade.

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I'm pretty sure Lightning and Deception are the lowest parsing BURST DPS specs in the game. Mainly due to the fact that Recklesness does NOT grant 60% Supercrit Surge. Which should be fixed. Or, Recklessness should be changed to make the next two Force attacks Auto-Crits.


Deception is actually really close to 7k dps. so not a low parse by any means. But poor lightning is stuck under 6500. But why do we care what our biggest crit can be? [in PvE] The burst we want is usually over more than a few GCDs

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