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Hottie’s 4.0 Guide to PvP Operative/Scoundrel Healing


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I'd like to hear your opinion(s) about the current state of our favourite healing class!

My experience so far is that:

1st: our bursthealing still sucks

2nd: our sustained single target healing can hardly keep people getting tunneled up (so it got weaker)


Emergency medpac especially is faaaar too weak. It keeps getting me into emergencies if I use it instead of chaincasting -.-


3rd: kolto waves on the other hand is too strong (I still think we do not need the extra aoe heal as a hot class. Make it something we can use for bursthealing)


We still need something against interrupts. Mercs have 2( supercharged gas talent plus regular one), sorcs have polarity shift, we have stim boost... oh wait it's a defensive... and a throughput ability... on a 2 minute cooldown


All in all O am quite dissapointed of what they've (not) done. I will still not be able to play this healer in solo rbg, in team? YES. but not for solo

Edited by aristrokratie
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I'd like to hear your opinion(s) about the current state of our favourite healing class!

My experience so far is that:

1st: our bursthealing still sucks

2nd: our sustained single target healing can hardly keep people getting tunneled up (so it got weaker)


Emergency medpac especially is faaaar too weak. It keeps getting me into emergencies if I use it instead of chaincasting -.-


3rd: kolto waves on the other hand is too strong (I still think we do not need the extra aoe heal as a hot class. Make it something we can use for bursthealing)


We still need something against interrupts. Mercs have 2( supercharged gas talent plus regular one), sorcs have polarity shift, we have stim boost... oh wait it's a defensive... and a throughput ability... on a 2 minute cooldown


All in all O am quite dissapointed of what they've (not) done. I will still not be able to play this healer in solo rbg, in team? YES. but not for solo


I'm having the opposite experience. I find the class to be pretty strong. Before I felt it was a little static and not much you could do in a lot of situations for example being tunneled but with the new skills introduced I find it little more interesting.


Our teleport is super OP (when it works). This increases our survivablity by a lot. It also lets you play super offensivily or defensivly depending on the situtation. For example, I have teleported and flashbanged to save a player. Something I couldn't do before. I would have just let him die because he would be too hard to heal against 3 players. Also the abilitly to teleport away and kite is amazing.


Our instant Injection on stimboost. I am so happy they added this because it makes operatives a little less predicable. We always have this up our sleeve for emergencies or situations where we are being interrupted consistently. Link this with our auto crit proc to injection from our pvp gear and that is an instant 15k+ heal.


I don't feel like our burst healing is that weak anymore. With the crit/surge merge we can crit heal for a lot now. Unlike before where we never crit and/or healed for almost nothing when we did manage to get a cast heal off.


Emergency med pack is meh but you need to stop thinking about it as a heal and more as a HPS increase when you refresh hots. I only use it to refresh or if I really don't have time to cast heal someone before I die. I just spam it and hope they pop a CD or someone mezes so I can cast heal before they die.


I havn't really seen kolto wave being that strong yet. I feel like it scaled with the damage so I haven't noticed the difference honestly.


With good HoT spread and how that we can crit more often I really don't see Operatives being that weak. Yes we are still weak when we are stunned and if we get chain interrupted but they aren't as bad as you think, they are just harder to play well. Sorcs on the other hand are easy to play and easy to get the same HPS or higher doing less work.


Regs, Yes. Teams, Yes. Solos, Maybe (too soon to tell).

Edited by kissingaiur
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Unfortunately, Sorcs may just be stronger at this point in the xpac. We can't take advantage of the change to Crit as much as Sorcs can, and similar to 3.0, we are still way too dependent on keeping 2 probes rolling in Ranked. To be sure, the benefits of Crit are nice, but you have to remember if affects every class, and we get the short end of the stick in that regard. We do very little that Sorcs cannot do, and our "AOE-healing advantage" is a shadow of its former self.


I still love the class and intend on playing it in PvP, but let's be honest: Sorcs are better in every regard.

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Unfortunately, Sorcs may just be stronger at this point in the xpac. We can't take advantage of the change to Crit as much as Sorcs can, and similar to 3.0, we are still way too dependent on keeping 2 probes rolling in Ranked. To be sure, the benefits of Crit are nice, but you have to remember if affects every class, and we get the short end of the stick in that regard. We do very little that Sorcs cannot do, and our "AOE-healing advantage" is a shadow of its former self.


I still love the class and intend on playing it in PvP, but let's be honest: Sorcs are better in every regard.


It's just the insane amount of effective healing. That's the issue.

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Well, actually our crits got weaker. Considering the constant 20k grits people receive from pt's and snipers (some mercs as well)


Back in Sor we critted for let's say ten k. Now we do for 15k. This is an increase of 50%.

Heath was increased to 70k that is more.

They stated burst damage was too strong bit they left it as it was, they rather nerfed our.bursthealing, lol.


Do the maths, the damage kind of stayed the same. My UM now heals for 7k, that's far too weak.

Even a thundering blast does more which is the most laughed at burstdamage skill...


What I have experienced so far is that (without tank) I am almost unable to save my sentinel (he at that moment had no defensive left) from a sin burster...


Kolto waves seems really strong, I now use it a lot more than before even though I hate it.

It just heals for so much.


Coming back to our st healing, I think Em should be stronger. Every other healer has at least a part of his strong St heals on the move (or just everything if you go sorc,lol) so why shouldn't we?


Chain casting Um and KP without seeing healthbars going any higher is not fun.



Trick move is a fun ability I agree, but it fails 40% of the time which is bad.

Rubberbanding is still an issue and we still are the healer that can be stunlock killed without people even trying.

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Teams, Yes.


Scoundrel healing still sucks in team ranked unless you play against mediocre teams. 4.0 changed almost nothing. All that other team needs to do is just split dmg between one of dpsers and scoundrel healer, interrupt his underworld medicines and kolto waves and keep him white-barred all the time. Easy to do that since we are much less mobile than sorcs and dont have any immunity against interrupts. Our instant heals are way too weak to heal through burst dmg coming from pts or snipers.

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Scoundrel healing still sucks in team ranked unless you play against mediocre teams. 4.0 changed almost nothing. All that other team needs to do is just split dmg between one of dpsers and scoundrel healer, interrupt his underworld medicines and kolto waves and keep him white-barred all the time. Easy to do that since we are much less mobile than sorcs and dont have any immunity against interrupts. Our instant heals are way too weak to heal through burst dmg coming from pts or snipers.


I strongly disagree with you. Operative/Scoundrels run into problems when we don't have a tank and even now it's a lot harder to kill us since we have a teleport. Last weekend I Operative healed vs Sorc healers and won 7 or 8 games to 1. I am also far from best as team ranked healers go. These games players trying different strategies such as healer tunnel, 1 DPS on me and split dps while being interrupted heavily. I was pulling around 5-6.2k~ HPS with being shut down as much as possible.


If you want to see the games I have recorded them: http://www.twitch.tv/kissingaiur


Go to past broadcasts and look at "4.0 Teams 1-3". With the new changes I am having a little less trouble healing in teams. Before in my opinion it was harder because tank tunnel and how hard it was to heal it with 3 players interupting/ccing on CD. It's a little bit less stressful with instant heal on stimboost and teleport/tank switch.


Solow one of the most skilled players in this game maintained to pull 7.1k HPS as an operative in an arena match (you have to consider he wasn't getting that much interrupts but still). The HPS potential there. Operatives aren't as bad as you think. Don't give up on them!

Edited by kissingaiur
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Edited Guide:


"Things to consider before gearing:


Think of Alacrity as a gain in HPS. 6% Alacrity = 6% gained HPS. I heard that alacrity soft cap is around 10%. If you are testing any builds make sure to not go over it's DR.


The best range for Crit DR is 34-35% tested by Lukewarm. 38% is where DR drops off heavily. I wouldn't recommend going above 38% when gearing. In my opinion since we are healing and crit is super important going around 36-37% crit wouldn't be that big of an issue but take it as you will. "


Also added Diminishing Returns to terminology list.


If you feel like I missed something important in my guide please feel free to ask. I love questions and also challenges to anything I stated in my guide.



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"It’s a great ability for kiting but I find I don’t use it as often in warzones because I don’t want to waste a GCD on just slowing a player. This is my personal preference. In my opinion, normally as a healer you will get peels or the melee won’t stay on you for a long period of time. Unless a melee is truly harassing a healer I would suggest to slow him on CD to discourage him till he switches targets. "


I can assure you playing solo queue Rep side on Harbinger against what is frequently organised premades (3 dps in Comms hard switching between targets etc in Regs) that getting peels from the pugs is really not part of the equation. I've watched your stream a couple of times and you don't take anywhere near the kind of harass the average Pug Healer does and therefore, IMO, I think that although you state it's a great kiting ability, your are underselling it's importance in this guide. Just my 2 cents.:rak_03:


EDIT: I might sound a bit harsh there, the guide is excellent I just felt this was a bit overlooked due to your experiences being quite a bit different from others.

Edited by Ekoado
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Ok boys and girls I did new gear testing. I am getting my information from: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=844210


Basically stating that is DPS/HPS loss to go Master or Power augments. You can see the calculations yourself.


I am currently gearing half crit augs and half alacrity augs. I am running 10% alacrity/38% crit. It works wonders and able to pull 7k+ HPS.


I am updating my guide with the new information.



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I strongly disagree with you. Operative/Scoundrels run into problems when we don't have a tank and even now it's a lot harder to kill us since we have a teleport. Last weekend I Operative healed vs Sorc healers and won 7 or 8 games to 1. I am also far from best as team ranked healers go. These games players trying different strategies such as healer tunnel, 1 DPS on me and split dps while being interrupted heavily. I was pulling around 5-6.2k~ HPS with being shut down as much as possible.


If you want to see the games I have recorded them: http://www.twitch.tv/kissingaiur


Go to past broadcasts and look at "4.0 Teams 1-3". With the new changes I am having a little less trouble healing in teams. Before in my opinion it was harder because tank tunnel and how hard it was to heal it with 3 players interupting/ccing on CD. It's a little bit less stressful with instant heal on stimboost and teleport/tank switch.


Solow one of the most skilled players in this game maintained to pull 7.1k HPS as an operative in an arena match (you have to consider he wasn't getting that much interrupts but still). The HPS potential there. Operatives aren't as bad as you think. Don't give up on them!


Well, if you were doing 6k hps, it means that teams u're facing were just bad at shutting down healers. You got stunned a couple of times, some interrupts were used on you occasionally, nothing more than that. Good team can shut down any operative to around 4k hps. It's just easy and 4.0 didnt change that fact.


Personally i prefer to heal against tank tunneling than split dmg. If I can get some dots, I cant be cced, it's also easier for me to keep distance and avoid interrupts, since enemy dpsers are not focusing me. Our (weak) burst healing combined with hots is more than enough to keep a well kiting tank alive.


About hps potential, I'm sure that merc healer can do 7k hps as well, if not interrupted ofc, but it doesnt mean it's a good choice for team ranked. ;)


I'm afraid operative healers are as bad as I think. But I didnt give up on them, I'm playing this spec for more than 2 years now, I just enjoy it no matter how much it can suck. :p


Ps. I'm watching your stream from time to time - fan of your raging in solo ranked :p

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Well, if you were doing 6k hps, it means that teams u're facing were just bad at shutting down healers. You got stunned a couple of times, some interrupts were used on you occasionally, nothing more than that. Good team can shut down any operative to around 4k hps. It's just easy and 4.0 didnt change that fact.


Personally i prefer to heal against tank tunneling than split dmg. If I can get some dots, I cant be cced, it's also easier for me to keep distance and avoid interrupts, since enemy dpsers are not focusing me. Our (weak) burst healing combined with hots is more than enough to keep a well kiting tank alive.


About hps potential, I'm sure that merc healer can do 7k hps as well, if not interrupted ofc, but it doesnt mean it's a good choice for team ranked. ;)


I'm afraid operative healers are as bad as I think. But I didnt give up on them, I'm playing this spec for more than 2 years now, I just enjoy it no matter how much it can suck. :p


Ps. I'm watching your stream from time to time - fan of your raging in solo ranked :p


The teams I am facing are not bad at all.... Majority of the times we are facing Lukewarm and Clickers which are one of the most talents players I know. Today I was able to pull over 5-7k+ HPS in teams and operative healing performed amazingly. You are again welcome to watch the VODs.

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The teams I am facing are not bad at all.... Majority of the times we are facing Lukewarm and Clickers which are one of the most talents players I know. Today I was able to pull over 5-7k+ HPS in teams and operative healing performed amazingly. You are again welcome to watch the VODs.


Okey, I wachted a couple of those arenas.


You were healing really well. But it doesnt change the fact those teams (at least the ones I saw) were not good at shutting heals down. A lot of times u were casting big heals like 3 times one after another and nobody was doing anything about it. Or you were running around and healing with empty resolve bar for like 15-30 secs before someone stunned u again. People in those matches were doing a lot dmg, but it was mostly uncoordinated derp.

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Ok boys and girls I did new gear testing. I am getting my information from: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=844210


Basically stating that is DPS/HPS loss to go Master or Power augments. You can see the calculations yourself.


I am currently gearing half crit augs and half alacrity augs. I am running 10% alacrity/38% crit. It works wonders and able to pull 7k+ HPS.


I am updating my guide with the new information.




Thank you for the update! MOAR slicing! FASTER!


You were healing really well. But it doesnt change the fact those teams (at least the ones I saw) were not good at shutting heals down. A lot of times u were casting big heals like 3 times one after another and nobody was doing anything about it. Or you were running around and healing with empty resolve bar for like 15-30 secs before someone stunned u again. People in those matches were doing a lot dmg, but it was mostly uncoordinated derp.


I agree with the points you are making. And, yes, some utilities will be a bit different for a pug player or to address your own playstyle quirks. Basically, my feeling is that the recommendations made by the advanced players that are, like Hottie, both talented and are a part of a stable team for over a year still help an average pug player. I normally simply cut the numbers posted in the 'PvP records' threads in half, and aim for that. The records are achieved under exceptional circumstances by exceptional players with a support of a group, and if I can put out half of that, I am laughing.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Okey, I wachted a couple of those arenas.


You were healing really well. But it doesnt change the fact those teams (at least the ones I saw) were not good at shutting heals down. A lot of times u were casting big heals like 3 times one after another and nobody was doing anything about it. Or you were running around and healing with empty resolve bar for like 15-30 secs before someone stunned u again. People in those matches were doing a lot dmg, but it was mostly uncoordinated derp.


Lets break down what really happened in the matches because in my opinion unless you were in the match you really can't see what is going on.


Their comp: Sorc healer, Sorc DPS (madness), Sniper (Marksmen/Leth), Sin or PT tank.

Our comp: Op healer, PT tank, double AP PT DPS


Our strategy: Triple carbonize and burst a unguarded target till they healer cannot catch up on heals. This forces their group to play super defensively.


Their problems:

1) PTs are incredibility strong against Sorc comps because if a Sorc is unguarded they rip through their HP like they are paper.


2) They were trying to get me in mezes but I was standing sometimes close to their group so dots/PT carb would break me out.


3) Triple carbonize is a super offensive strategy and it's super hard to have full control on a healer when your team is under heavy CC and PT burst pressure. They were forced to peel and help their team survive.


I was also focusing on cast healing/AoE healing when my team carbonized so they couldn't all interrupt me consistently. With the new changes to Stim boost/HoTs increase duration even if im stunned and interrupted I can catch up on heals if needed through out the match. HoT increase duration lets me get get 1-2 extra attempts to cast before I have to re-HoT. Also if I am stunned with the increased duration, my HoTs aren't all dropping from my group. This on top of PT tank new ability which lets me get a free cast off without it being interrupted also is extremely helpful (but i have to time it perfectly).


You tell me if you were on the other team how would you stop an Operative healer for healing in this situation? The answer is you can't, Operative healers are strong and less unforgiving then before.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Lets break down what really happened in the matches because in my opinion unless you were in the match you really can't see what is going on.


Their comp: Sorc healer, Sorc DPS (madness), Sniper (Marksmen/Leth), Sin or PT tank.

Our comp: Op healer, PT tank, double AP PT DPS


Our strategy: Triple carbonize and burst a unguarded target till they healer cannot catch up on heals. This forces their group to play super defensively.


Their problems:

1) PTs are incredibility strong against Sorc comps because if a Sorc is unguarded they rip through their HP like they are paper.


2) They were trying to get me in mezes but I was standing sometimes close to their group so dots/PT carb would break me out.


3) Triple carbonize is a super offensive strategy and it's super hard to have full control on a healer when your team is under heavy CC and PT burst pressure. They were forced to peel and help their team survive.


I was also focusing on cast healing/AoE healing when my team carbonized so they couldn't all interrupt me consistently. With the new changes to Stim boost/HoTs increase duration even if im stunned and interrupted I can catch up on heals if needed through out the match. HoT increase duration lets me get get 1-2 extra attempts to cast before I have to re-HoT. Also if I am stunned with the increased duration, my HoTs aren't all dropping from my group. This on top of PT tank new ability which lets me get a free cast off without it being interrupted also is extremely helpful (but i have to time it perfectly).


You tell me if you were on the other team how would you stop an Operative healer for healing in this situation? The answer is you can't, Operative healers are strong and less unforgiving then before.


Exactly. Their comp was worse than yours, so they had to play defensively, they failed their mezzes, didnt stun u on cd and didnt take advantage of having three 30m interrupts. Effect: they did bad at shutting you down and reason for this really doesnt matter: bad skill, bad comp - whatever. You could prolly heal match like that on a merc with same result.


When I'm talking about good teams, I also mean they are playing comps that can actually work. Which atm will be ap pt, pt tank, sorc healer. 2nd dps can be whatever.

So, ap pt on you, 2nd dps on one of ur dpsers. You are either stunned or whitebarred, - dpsers and tank are using their stuns and carbos on u ON CD. When u are whitebarred, pt dps and pt tank are interrupting u 2 times, sorc healer tries to do that too (30 m interrupt easy). They coordinating their carbos and doing switches as well, so ur team is taking tons of high burst dmg.

Sorc heal will still do around 5-5.5k hps against such mess. Oper will just get rekt. And one instant big heal from stim boost every 2 minutes really wont help much.

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Exactly. Their comp was worse than yours, so they had to play defensively, they failed their mezzes, didnt stun u on cd and didnt take advantage of having three 30m interrupts. Effect: they did bad at shutting you down and reason for this really doesnt matter: bad skill, bad comp - whatever. You could prolly heal match like that on a merc with same result.


When I'm talking about good teams, I also mean they are playing comps that can actually work. Which atm will be ap pt, pt tank, sorc healer. 2nd dps can be whatever.

So, ap pt on you, 2nd dps on one of ur dpsers. You are either stunned or whitebarred, - dpsers and tank are using their stuns and carbos on u ON CD. When u are whitebarred, pt dps and pt tank are interrupting u 2 times, sorc healer tries to do that too (30 m interrupt easy). They coordinating their carbos and doing switches as well, so ur team is taking tons of high burst dmg.

Sorc heal will still do around 5-5.5k hps against such mess. Oper will just get rekt. And one instant big heal from stim boost every 2 minutes really wont help much.


Come to harbinger and we will test this out.


I will add their comp is super strong. It was one of the strongest or the strongest pre4.0. Also if everyone runs a Sorc comp all you do is run with 1-2 PTs and they are shut down.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Come to harbinger and we will test this out.


Would love to, but sadly my ms is too high to play there. Besides my team is not that good anyway. I meant teams like Foxhound and Q-Dodge, since they are doing stuff I described above really well. So feel free to come to ToFN and queue against them if u want to test it :p

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Exactly. Their comp was worse than yours, so they had to play defensively, they failed their mezzes, didnt stun u on cd and didnt take advantage of having three 30m interrupts. Effect: they did bad at shutting you down and reason for this really doesnt matter: bad skill, bad comp - whatever. You could prolly heal match like that on a merc with same result.


When I'm talking about good teams, I also mean they are playing comps that can actually work. Which atm will be ap pt, pt tank, sorc healer. 2nd dps can be whatever.

So, ap pt on you, 2nd dps on one of ur dpsers. You are either stunned or whitebarred, - dpsers and tank are using their stuns and carbos on u ON CD. When u are whitebarred, pt dps and pt tank are interrupting u 2 times, sorc healer tries to do that too (30 m interrupt easy). They coordinating their carbos and doing switches as well, so ur team is taking tons of high burst dmg.

Sorc heal will still do around 5-5.5k hps against such mess. Oper will just get rekt. And one instant big heal from stim boost every 2 minutes really wont help much.


Yeah, playing on tofn as well, I know that scoundrels are too easy to shut down via interrupts.

But it is not like you stood no chance, it is just a lot harder to do. This is where the good players are separated from the really good ones.


As I said, scrap stim boost insta cast (even tho it's quite nice) and give us a 45second cooldown which makes our next two cast heals consume 50% less energy and be non interruptable.


Reduce cost of kolto probe by one cuz it is annoying to slowly lose your energy when hotting and make kolto probe, static barrier debuff and kolto shell a separate category of buffs so we can have them shown at any time.


That would be all the scoundrel needs

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I have a question.


Think of Alacrity as a gain in HPS. 6% Alacrity = 6% gained HPS. I heard that alacrity soft cap is around 10%. If you are testing any builds make sure to not go over it's DR.


What is this relative to? 6% increase in HPS compared to what? Power? Critical Rating? I ask this because Te'fia and I were doing some math on Alacrity in the enhancement slot where it only competes with Critical rating and I'm not sure that the results coincide with this statement.


Also, in the augmentation slot where Power has a chance to compete with Alacrity, the results are equally different.


So what is the 1% Alacrity = 1% increase in DPS/HPS in correlation to?

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I have a question.




What is this relative to? 6% increase in HPS compared to what? Power? Critical Rating? I ask this because Te'fia and I were doing some math on Alacrity in the enhancement slot where it only competes with Critical rating and I'm not sure that the results coincide with this statement.


Also, in the augmentation slot where Power has a chance to compete with Alacrity, the results are equally different.


So what is the 1% Alacrity = 1% increase in DPS/HPS in correlation to?


Ah it's what Solow told me. I assumed it is just a rough way of thinking about HPS in general. Since HPS is effected by GCD + faster ticks etc. I have no math to back this up.


How is power working over alacrity? I saw Te'fia running full power augs the other day and I am curious.

I read a thread recently testing out augs and it concluded that running anything other then Alacrity/Crit is a DPS/HPS loss when compared to Master/Power.


I'm sure you already seen it but source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=844210

Edited by kissingaiur
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Could anyone give me his/her tooltip values for their healing skills? I feel like something is wrong when I heal on operative. Heals are incredibly low. Granted, I'm lvl 58, but still. I took the lvl 56 mods that were added in 4.0, and I'm wrecking people with that on Jugg. Edited by Giliodor
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Could anyone give me his/her tooltip values for their healing skills? I feel like something is wrong when I heal on operative. Heals are incredibly low. Granted, I'm lvl 58, but still. I took the lvl 56 mods that were added in 4.0, and I'm wrecking people with that on Jugg.


Sure just let me know what abilities and ill post some screenshots. Remember that at level 65 there is a HUGE stat increase.

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Sure just let me know what abilities and ill post some screenshots. Remember that at level 65 there is a HUGE stat increase.


Yes, I know there is a big stat increase, but my heals are really meh. My health pool is close to my fully augmented 208 marauder's health pool, so I wouldn't think there's that much of an increase in healing when going from scaled gear to actual pvp gear. Let me play a WZ and tell you the numbers, then I'll get back to you.

Edit: believe it or not... I swear my heals are now doing significantly more healing than when I last played on operative (which was during early access). Maybe it was a bug with bolstering, but I'm good now. Thanks for your willingness to help, though.

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