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Just finished the Sith Warrior story in the new world of level sync


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There was nothing bugged. He was just level 12, I was level 12. One hit took nearly half of his HP. And yeah I did move on, but was rather disappointing.


No, if you are telling the truth that means it is bugged. Since baras was level 50 for him. Hmmm HMMMMMMMMMM

Edited by Teladis
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And it sucked. Returning to Korriban for the final confrontation with Darth Baras. I was level synced to level 12. Darth Baras was level synced to level 12. I took my time. I stood there for a while letting him attack me. Without a companion. Then I killed him in 3 global cooldowns. In level 36 gear. Ignoring all mechanics. Well that sure was anticlimactic.


This would be the same system which was supposedly hailed as the thing that would prevent content being trivialised. Yet the last boss fight was totally trivialised, even while woefully undergeared. The is no need or point in getting together your best gear, some level 15 greens will the trick. There is no need to make sure you've trained all your abilities, assigned your utility points, make sure your on the ball, avoid abilities or interrupt. I did it without a companion for 'fun' but I could have just set my companion to attack and then gone and got a drink. That can't be the design intent, or I hope it isn't the intent. . Urggh, how disappointing. A sad end.


To be fair, this isn't a problem with level sync in general but whatever algorithm they used to scale down enemies that were above the initial planet's level. I mean, last week you could have gone in as lvl 60 (if you skipped story and leveled elsewhere), been immune to damage, and one-shot him so really not much as changed. It may never happen, but it would be nice for BW to go back and manually retune Baras as a lvl 12, and other similar enemies.

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or maybe the devs can grow a brain and give us an on/off switch for this. I mean I get were they are going and I would whole heartily support this IF it was optional, but it was forced on all of us which seems like a slap in the face to those who liked the game before and stayed subed.

They have given us an on-off switch. What you do is right click on your companion's portrait and choose "Dismiss Companion." If you still feel you're somehow overpowered, you can then open your character panel, hover over one or more pieces of your equipment, and right click that to remove it. Keep going til you feel the game is as difficult as it needs to be.

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I've done 3 class stories so far, and exactly 1 fight was at all difficult (Knight's Belsavis climax). In the end, they all end up being "kill a big bag of hit points." At the end, once you can choose a companion to complement your own role, and can get at least blue gear. The planetary climax missions are often harder.
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I can't possibly believe they intended this, is has be a side effect. If the class story didn't end on a low level planet this wouldn't have happened.

Pretty much this, however the TE is totally right. At the moment the actual fit to planetary level is a big pile of ****. On the paper the idea is good, but in live enviroment is bad as hell.

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I would have thought that instanced content would not get synced unless your level was higher than the mission level. Since it's instanced, it serves no purpose to scale it to the planet. It must have been a lot cheaper to sync a whole planet and everything in it to a set level than to meticulously examine each zone and instance. The cheaper route isn't always the best route. Unfortunately corporations don't always see that. And maybe in this case they had no choice.
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I would have thought that instanced content would not get synced unless your level was higher than the mission level. Since it's instanced, it serves no purpose to scale it to the planet. It must have been a lot cheaper to sync a whole planet and everything in it to a set level than to meticulously examine each zone and instance. The cheaper route isn't always the best route. Unfortunately corporations don't always see that. And maybe in this case they had no choice.


The devs don't have unlimited resources, particularly time. BW has committed to a fairly aggressive schedule for releasing new content; the work for which has to have already started.


That having been said, I would have expected storyline content like this to have been tested specifically, rather than depending on the general test case.

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I would have thought that instanced content would not get synced unless your level was higher than the mission level. Since it's instanced, it serves no purpose to scale it to the planet. It must have been a lot cheaper to sync a whole planet and everything in it to a set level than to meticulously examine each zone and instance. The cheaper route isn't always the best route. Unfortunately corporations don't always see that. And maybe in this case they had no choice.


This is how it works. So this thread is a lie, or it bugged out.

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I am sure they will do some fine tweaking in time.


That's what beta tests are for. So that things like that don't make it to the release. But of course, if you only invite a handful of players to a pseudo-beta so that they can pre-write their guides so that they can later make lots of moolah with online ads, then you will not find such flaws.


But we have told them plenty of times on this board that they have to watch out for such things. It got deleted or ignored or both.


Oh no, the solo leveling experience isn't a horrendous chore anymore, and is something fast and relatively simple you can do in order to get to endgame content. The horror! The agony!


Good riddance to pointless solo fights that took 5+ minutes to finish, testing my ability to stay awake for the entire conflict. Ditto for taking 30 minutes just to get past the trash. Oh, what fun that was.


Come back when you say you're a one-shotting everyone in PVP and soloing all the coming ops and other (actual) group content that will be coming. When that happens, you'll have a point. Until then, thank GOD they finally got rid of a large chunk of the tedium. Good riddance.


While I understand you and partially agree, this is more or less the exact opposite of what they said about level sync, why they put it in and so on. Level sync was supposed to add more challenge.


That reminds me, where are all the white knights who defended level sync? Hello? Anyone of you still out there who want to defend it?

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They screwed up 1 fight and it's the doom of level sync?


Some things need tuning; and, no, I'm not surprised that a specific battle in a specific instance (that may not even be a universal problem; according to other reports) in a paradigm-changing update needs to be adjusted. I'm mildly surprised there aren't more issues than there are; and I hope they are prioritizing actual broken stuff (like getting people back the items that they had deployed on comps that STILL haven't been returned) than retuning "too easy" fights. I hope they're working on a general fine-tuning of level-sync mechanisms.


It's an x.0 release, there will be bugs, issues, and problems. They had a hotfix come down the day after, and a quick patch coming Tuesday. Software development is not an easy gig.

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That reminds me, where are all the white knights who defended level sync? Hello? Anyone of you still out there who want to defend it?

I will.


It's *********** fantastic. Sure, a handful of missions could use some tuning to the new mechanic, but by and large it has been a wonderful thing compared to what we had. Especially for people leveling who want the choice between powerleveling as fast as they can and exploring every mission each planet has. Both still level at a notable pace, and the latter continues to gain full rewards for 90% of everything they do (rather than only about 10% as it was previously).


Not having to spend an hour mowing through some trash just to get to a boss in which you had to fight five minutes, in which all you did was press the same 4-5 buttons over and over and over until you wanted to blow your brains out), all multiple times per planet? Yeah, glad that's gone. That was just pure, unmitigated tedium and was never fun. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise has mental damage and needs to get that checked out.

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I will.


It's *********** fantastic. Sure, a handful of missions could use some tuning to the new mechanic, but by and large it has been a wonderful thing compared to what we had. Especially for people leveling who want the choice between powerleveling as fast as they can and exploring every mission each planet has. Both still level at a notable pace, and the latter continues to gain full rewards for 90% of everything they do (rather than only about 10% as it was previously).


Not having to spend an hour mowing through some trash just to get to a boss in which you had to fight five minutes, in which all you did was press the same 4-5 buttons over and over and over until you wanted to blow your brains out), all multiple times per planet? Yeah, glad that's gone. That was just pure, unmitigated tedium and was never fun. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise has mental damage and needs to get that checked out.


so now you just go afk for 5 min s is better lol... this made tedium even worse... But hey your the kind of person thaty watches reality shows and think that stuff happens for real..

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What you are seeing is more a result of their new emphasis on story. That is, they couldn't do a proper beta test for this expansion b/c the more people who play it the more likely they get a story leak and the entire point is the story. So they had a very private little testing group that obviously played through the new content and gave a cursory glance at the old content.


Sorry, but that's just bollocks.


They could have opened PTS with the new content locked and let players test the level sync / crafting / etc. without spoiling the story.


All PTS was good for this time round was data mining. Such a waste of time. :mad:

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well at least now those of us who leveled all these classes back at launch (or even pre-4.0) can say "back in my day, we had to walk uphill both ways, and leveling was actually a moderate challenge! You young whippersnappers have it too easy!"



NICE ONE!!!! Hahahahaha.... I remember when???

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so now you just go afk for 5 min s is better lol... this made tedium even worse... But hey your the kind of person thaty watches reality shows and think that stuff happens for real..

Neither of the above.


You're just an elitist scumbag who thinks that an artificially difficult encounter -- again, in purely solo situations -- somehow makes you better than everyone else.


As long as the endgame, group, and PVP content is still difficult, that's all that actually matters. You know, to anyone with a brain.

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No, if you are telling the truth that means it is bugged. Since baras was level 50 for him. Hmmm HMMMMMMMMMM


No i think you misunderstand. Korriban is now level synced to level 12, so your level 12 when on Korriban, so obviously the have made Baras level 12 as well.

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To be fair, this isn't a problem with level sync in general but whatever algorithm they used to scale down enemies that were above the initial planet's level. I mean, last week you could have gone in as lvl 60 (if you skipped story and leveled elsewhere), been immune to damage, and one-shot him so really not much as changed. It may never happen, but it would be nice for BW to go back and manually retune Baras as a lvl 12, and other similar enemies.


Of course I understand, except in this case I was going in at level for the mission (I was 49, mission is level 50), rather than going back when over-levelled, so it shouldn't have felt like I was 30 levels above him.

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They have given us an on-off switch. What you do is right click on your companion's portrait and choose "Dismiss Companion." If you still feel you're somehow overpowered, you can then open your character panel, hover over one or more pieces of your equipment, and right click that to remove it. Keep going til you feel the game is as difficult as it needs to be.


I not sure having to dismiss companions and remove multiple pieces of gear while doing at level content is the way it should be. Especially when we are talking about the story end boss. Having to fight the boss naked doesn't really fit the theme of taking down a powerful Darth.

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I would have thought that instanced content would not get synced unless your level was higher than the mission level. Since it's instanced, it serves no purpose to scale it to the planet. It must have been a lot cheaper to sync a whole planet and everything in it to a set level than to meticulously examine each zone and instance. The cheaper route isn't always the best route. Unfortunately corporations don't always see that. And maybe in this case they had no choice.


Exactly that. There was no need to level sync to even come into play here.

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This is how it works. So this thread is a lie, or it bugged out.


Woah less of calling me a liar please, I would invite you to go and see for yourself, but obviously you'd have to roll a character through the class story to see which is a bit onerous. Your completely misunderstanding the situation here. I am neither lying, nor did it bug out. The final story mission takes place on Korriban which is level synced to level 12. The way they seem to have implemented it is for level sync to apply across the entire planet, including story instances, so both I and Baras were level 12. I wish there was an easy built in way to record game footage because I would have done, but I wasn't about to set something up to prove what happened, because I never expected somebody to call me a liar! Feel free to roll your own character and go see for yourself before calling me a liar.

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I really hope this is a bug they intend to fix...because I had no problem at all with level sync till seeing this thread.


Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be a bug, not in the traditional sense of the word. The only potential way for it to be a bug is if they didn't intend the level sync to apply to story instances in this way. But obviously only Bioware can answer that.

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