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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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Yeah, I'm really sure the FTC will take up the plight of people who didn't get to play a video game 7 days early. And EA has an A+ rating from the BBB. I'm really sure your complaint will shake that. :jawa_biggrin:




This is just more entitlement, the BBB or the FTC would get involved if a promised service was not delivered, this is not the case. The issue here is the consumers did not keep up with their end of the rules which in the eyes of the BBB and the FTC doesn't leave the vendor responsible. That would be like reporting GMC for not giving you a free stereo in your new car because you bought the car the day after the promotion ended.

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You know what **** it.

EA is single handly killing this game off, and not one person has the balls to admit it.


I'm making ONE SIMPLE POINT - that ALL SUBS should get early access - it's retarded to do it different.

I've been a sub way before July. If you are a moderator you clearly don't do your job right, and your customer

service skills are clearly lacking since you seem to have no public relation skills whatsoever.


Either your a rude ****, or EA are. But I hope its the earlier rather than the later.

Cause I'd hate to think you were tarnashing the EA name.


Looking at the tone of your posts and the language you are using, you have little room to complain about rude people.

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Is this still going 38 pages damn




And it's not even a week anymore. It was. Now it's half a week.


This expansion is buggy as hell. Even those not playing it yet have been struck by the bugs its patch has introduced to their game. I cherish the opportunity for those with access now to continue to submit bug reports which will result in a less buggy experience when I play it in three and a half days.


I was amused by someone in this thread or some other trying to plead impossibility as the reason for their inability to be subscribed at all required dates, on account of some internet outage locally or some such thing. So much thought aimed at such a wrong target.

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Yeah, I'm really sure the FTC will take up the plight of people who didn't get to play a video game 7 days early. And EA has an A+ rating from the BBB. I'm really sure your complaint will shake that. :jawa_biggrin:




there is a youtube video of al-qaeda having an A+ rating from BBB and showing how you canjust buy it. Im 100% sure thats what all large companies would do.


No fight is to small for justice.



there it is im sorry it was Hamas

Edited by X_Vindictuz_X
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But people can't really do the expansion together, can they? As I understand it, it's pretty much designed to be solo only. So I'm honestly confused at what he's not able to do.


Yes they can after Chapter 3. A friend of mine is grouping up with his girlfriend after Chapter 3. They just have to do it twice.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I don't really care if people think its fair or not.


I'm making the point that "ALL SUBS" should get early access it just makes more sense.

It's easy for someone who already has access to sit and say "Ohhh but it's only another week."


F*** off with that sh**


What's the point of having early access in the first place then if F2P arn't even getting KOTFE or better yet,

why arn't all subs getting early access if F2P arn't getting the new expansion anyway?


My point is, I've been a sub since august, but because I paid month-by-month I don't get the same benefits?

It's horse sh**

Stop nerdraging. You sound ridiculous. It's a video game. They put qualifications up for early access, you didn't get it, and now you're crying and throwing a fit. It's only a week.
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If I didn't get in, sure, I'd get pissed. But I'd be pissed at myself for not working with the instructions required to get into EA.


Making some excuse like "Oh its the way they wrote it and I didn't understand it, I need to have it spelt out to me like because long sentences hurt my head" is just flat out no. Why stress about it so much? There were SO many threads back then when it began with peeps asking how does it work and all that... I found out through the email they sent me.


Whats wrost now is then saying " AHHH just Trolling, suckers everyone" because you know, thats the all time universal get out of the crosshair line. Its a sorry excuse and its just stupid. Like what the hell is wrong with most people today? Afraid to own up that you made a mistake about the whole prerequisite to get into EA?


The society we live in...

Edited by Tilvius
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And it's not even a week anymore. It was. Now it's half a week.


This expansion is buggy as hell. Even those not playing it yet have been struck by the bugs its patch has introduced to their game. I cherish the opportunity for those with access now to continue to submit bug reports which will result in a less buggy experience when I play it in three and a half days.


I was amused by someone in this thread or some other trying to plead impossibility as the reason for their inability to be subscribed at all required dates, on account of some internet outage locally or some such thing. So much thought aimed at such a wrong target.


You mean bugs in the new story or in the overall gameplay? I really didn`t encounter anything noteworthy.

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You proved my point before I even hit submit. You have absolutely no way to support your contention or refute what I have said so you ignore it and opt to personally attack me instead.
Stop. Just stop. You're not a lawyer. Stop pretending. Seriously. It's insane. You lost. You imagining scenarios in your mind like "you have to have the word "to" in there cuz range" because you think it's supports your argument is childish. They actually have lawyers that look over these things. You're not a lawyer. You're just talking out your b-hole.
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Stop. Just stop. You're not a lawyer. Stop pretending. Seriously. It's insane. You lost. You imagining scenarios in your mind like "you have to have the word "to" in there cuz range" because you think it's supports your argument is childish. They actually have lawyers that look over these things. You're not a lawyer. You're just talking out your b-hole.


Don't say that!


I'm taking notes in case I decide to do IP law or advanced contracts (shudder!) next semester.

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You're still here yet you didn't have any response to my post that made the wording of the promotion more clear?


Here's you: "I'd welcome any suggestions on how it could've been worded differently to make it more clear."


Here's me: "Start by putting the early access perk in chronological order on the far left of the timeline. Then after Aug 10th change the present tense verb choose to the past tense verb chose to denote it is no longer a possible choice. Then change the wording of the early access perk to read, "Those that chose to become a subscriber on or before Aug 10 and maintain that subscription through Oct 19 will be granted early access to the game on Oct 20.""


Here's someone else: "^ this is much more clear."


Here's you: :::crickets:::

It doesn't need to be more clear. There are a lot of people who understood perfectly fine. Should they have personally called you up to remind you? That would have been "much more clear" Edited by Arsonn
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It doesn't need to be more clear. There are a lot of people who understood perfectly fine. Should they have personally called you up to remind you? That would have been "much more clear"


That's what I find to be the sad part. Arguing how the wording was somehow culpably vague ... when there are obviously a far larger number of people who had zero problems understanding it ... is pretty much self-identifying a fairly serious comprehension failure but refusing to own it.

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Or just plain wrong.


The only defense you've mounted is, people are stupid, learn to read, buyer beware, you got what you paid for.


The thing is there is a very real problem here with the way Bioware promoted early access to this expansion:


  1. Early Access should never have even been mentioned after Aug 10th as it was no longer possible to obtain.
  2. The placement of Early Access on the far right of the timeline was out of chronological order.
  3. The present tense verb "choose" clearly implies a choice is still possible.
  4. The phrase "choose to subscribe" is a single action event, therefore when presented with a time frame it is quite logical to conclude one must merely complete this single action event in said time frame.


So for you to continually state that people had no reason to believe subscribing would allow them early access is merely your own foolishness.

Wait...what?? "Early access should have never been mentioned after aug 10th as it was no longer possible to obtain.".


Yeah, but it was still possible to lose. You know that you still had more dates that you needed to be subscribed after Aug 10th right? So taking it down after august 10th would make what? Zero sense?


"Choose to subscribe" is not a single action event. Not unless there is an option to pay a one time fee and be subscribed for life. You still need to continue to choose to subscribe. I play plenty of games that I cancel my sub, and reactivate at a later time. I choose to subscribe each of those times.


And the verb "choose" is absolutely a choice. Or are you forced to subscribe?


A lot of straws were grasped this day. You're trying way too hard to sound like a lawyer. I think you've seen too many movies.

Edited by Arsonn
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For the record, I didn't register some of the requirements for early access. Not because they're unclear though, but because I didn't bother to read any of it properly. Once I got the dates for stuff like the swoop and Nico etc, I stopped reading. I was lucky that I sub anyway, so didn't miss early access.


But if by chance I had missed out, it would be my fault for skimming the rewards page and not paying enough attention. I would not expect to be rewarded the same as the people that do.

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I am glad I am a learned person that can read, comprehend and also manage finances. Including making payments on time. Sucks to be some of the people in the thread.




If something is important to you, it behooves you to double check that you are going to get that something, instead of missing it and blaming someone else for your mistake. It stinks, but everyone makes mistakes. Move on.

Edited by Beltane
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I am glad I am a learned person that can read, comprehend and also manage finances. Including making payments on time. Sucks to be some of the people in the thread.


Ya it takes a genius to hit recurring sub . Damn you so smart.


facts are facts the wording isn't clear some got it others didn't. Its sad cause i have looked at some of these folks posting here a lot defending bioware. They only seem to care when its about them gear vendors missing and things like that. but you know what i won't bash your threads because with this new 20 PVP mission for a companion things y our tears will quench my thirst when you get globaled

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Anyone who got early access is already done with the content for crying out loud.


This is false. Just because some people have finished does not mean that all have finished.


Hi, I have early access and I have not finished the story on even one character. I am close, but it still may not happen by the time early access closes. The price I pay for doing things other than playing games.


I will state this, though... the update has gotten me to play more than I would otherwise. And it obviously has more people wanting to play more. Hence the whining about early access.


So... job done BW!

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Wait...what?? "Early access should have never been mentioned after aug 10th as it was no longer possible to obtain.".


Yeah, but it was still possible to lose. You know that you still had more dates that you needed to be subscribed after Aug 10th right? So taking it down after august 10th would make what? Zero sense?


"Choose to subscribe" is not a single action event. Not unless there is an option to pay a one time fee and be subscribed for life. You still need to continue to choose to subscribe. I play plenty of games that I cancel my sub, and reactivate at a later time. I choose to subscribe each of those times.


And the verb "choose" is absolutely a choice. Or are you forced to subscribe?


A lot of straws were grasped this day. You're trying way too hard to sound like a lawyer. I think you've seen too many movies.


You are correct. And it is so sad that some people just can't comprehend this.

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